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你如果有作品希望得到专家的点评,请直接发邮件至chen_dandan@chip.cn。生命在于运动。上世纪90年代初,一幅以此口号为标题的摄影作品在社会上引起很大反响。作品表现的是普通老百姓晨练的情景,画面中一老一少正在跑步,较慢  相似文献   

星空、旅程、微距、人像……本期我们带来涵盖11个摄影层面、共计111个知识点的摄影技巧。在拍摄创作时,佐以这些技巧,将有助于作品的完美呈现。动感3、2、1,over!如果被摄体很难保持静止状态,那就需要提前摆好动作,拍摄时速战速决。  相似文献   

生命之美有很多层次与领域,凯迪拉克新CTS的出现,似乎也预示着生命之体在不断进化。这一次,它与艺术家田晓磊的影像作品不期而遇,狭路相逢美者胜,不管是动感的“欢乐颂”,还是黑白深沉的“关系”,投射到凯迪拉克新CTS流线形车身上,都将其生命感表现得淋漓尽致:安静或狂野、严肃或松弛、棱角分明或流线顺畅。  相似文献   

王守民 《数码摄影》2011,(7):102-107
夕阳高速快门的拍摄是凝固瞬间最常见的表现方法,而慢门的拍摄更能渲染气氛营造动感。在拍摄以海岸线为题材的作品中经常使用慢门的技巧来表达海浪的动感。星空海岸慢门速度控制也不是一概而论的,不同海浪速度就要用相应的拍摄速度控制,这样才会产生理想的效果。在拍摄中常用慢门是速度0.4-1.6秒,表现海浪动感十  相似文献   

梁达明 《数码摄影》2009,(11):142-147
光是摄影的生命,没有光就没有影,作为人像摄影师一定要学会观察光的能力,掌握会看光、会用光的本领,这样才会拍摄出独具魅力的人像摄影作品,才能体现出运用摄影语言的能力。  相似文献   

你如果有作品希望得到专家的点评,请直接发邮件至chen_dandan@chip.cn。影友们投来许多创意摄影作品,阅后十分感动。一是因为大家对摄影的热爱,生活在物质生活中,却追求着用光影表现真善美的精神。二是因为大家探索摄影的执着精神,不满足于传统模式的再现,追求创意的表现。  相似文献   

《DSLR数码单反摄影完全自学宝典》附2张DVD视频光盘+2本摄影手册 随着摄影的普及,人们对于摄影作品的美学要求也越来越高,但如何运用繁杂的摄影技法表现拍摄题材,塑造个性化的风格、获得高水平的摄影作品,却不是每个拍摄者都真正掌握了的。一本好书如良师益友,学习起来也会事半功倍,现在市面上不乏数码单反摄影技巧的图书,但很多都流于表面,讲解不够深入。  相似文献   

摄影是思维艺术和情感艺术的结合体,摄影艺术是存在于人脑中的抽象思维,源于生活又高于生活,摄影不论在思想上还是情感上对生活、对生命进行记录与表达。数码摄影的出现并没有局限摄影本身的发展,她扩大了摄影的领域,丰富了摄影的手段,无论手段如何变化,摄影并没有因为技术的变化而改变了它的本质。在艺术创作的表现手法上,数字环境下的摄影不仅要在形式与技巧上创新,更重要的是在作品的思想内容上大胆创新,创作出内容丰富、思想性强、赋予时代精神具有较强艺术感染力的摄影作品。  相似文献   

冰与雪,永远都是寒冬腊月经久不变的主题。本期《数码摄影》邀请到著名风光摄影家于云天,华人摄影大师李元,冰雪摄影师邹毅,高级摄影发烧友立亚和美女摄影高手容晶,为大家献上一幅幅精彩的冰雪摄影作品。大家在欣赏冰雪佳作之余,可曾想到照片背后拍摄者所付出的艰辛,甚至是生命的代价!  相似文献   

数码摄影作品的表现技巧,已经突破了在一个固定的画幅之内完成画面造型任务的局限,观众对画面的审美思维从封闭式的思维向开放式思维转变。封闭式构图的摄影作品要有完整性,均衡性,而且所表现的内容只限于画面之内。  相似文献   

本文介绍了几种在软件测试中常用的基于控制流的测试充分性评价准则。这些测试充分性准则适用于用过程式语言、面向对象语言编写的程序。测试人员可用这些准则判断究竟测试了多少代码,还有多少代码未测试到。  相似文献   

该篇文章根据伦贝尔学院计算机专业学生的实际情况,针对计算机专业英语这门课程如何开课,如何授课,如何与专业结合,如何更好的达到教学效果这些问题提出了进行改革的必要性,改革的方法,改革的预期结果,改革的展望等问题。  相似文献   

Learning to Be Thoughtless: Social Norms and Individual Computation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper extends the literature on the evolution of norms with anagent-based modelcapturing a phenomenon that has been essentially ignored, namely thatindividual thought – orcomputing – is often inversely related to the strength of a social norm.Once a norm isentrenched, we conform thoughtlessly. In this model, agents learn how tobehave (what normto adopt), but – under a strategy I term Best Reply to Adaptive SampleEvidence – they also learnhow much to think about how to behave. How much they are thinking affects howthey behave,which – given how others behave – affects how much they think. Inshort, there is feedbackbetween the social (inter-agent) and internal (intra-agent) dynamics. Inaddition, we generate thestylized facts regarding the spatio-temporal evolution of norms: localconformity, global diversity,and punctuated equilibria.  相似文献   

Distributed database is an exciting concept since it combines the functional advantages of an integrated database with the economic advantages of a distributed implementation. However, a potential implementor may well ask how much expensive special purpose software must be produced locally or otherwise added to realise a distributed database or, in other words, how much support for the distributed database concept is currently available from manufacturers or software vendors. This paper outlines the requirements of distributed database systems and attempts to survey the present level of support.  相似文献   

Graham  I. 《Software, IEEE》2003,20(6):99-101
Recently a requirements analyst told me that be was far too busy to read anything except technical books and articles; after all, isn't that how we improve our skill? But requirements are concerned with much more than technical solutions, and building successful products depends on being able to broadly view the world and the people in it. You can improve your ability to communicate by reading as much as you can about diverse subjects. The author explains how this exogenous attitude enhances our systems requirements skills.  相似文献   

Perceptually optimized 3D graphics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author uses models of visual perception to remove nonperceptible components of a 3D computer graphics scene and optimize the system's performance. He considers how much detail can be removed from the scene without the user noticing, and how much added benefit these optimizations actually bring  相似文献   

Providing advance sales discount program to attract consumers or eliminate demand uncertainty is commonly in today’s business, such as music disk, apparel, books, etc. Also, trade credit is a popular payment behavior in B2B and B2C transactions. In this research, we use EOQ to model the decisions under advance sales discount and two-echelon trade credits, which involve how much to order and how much to discount to minimize the total related cost. Several examples are given to illustrate the solution procedures and discuss the impact of various system parameters. We conclude with a computational analysis that leads to variety of managerial insights.  相似文献   

Interactive art has become much more common as a result of the many ways in which the computer and the Internet have facilitated it. Issues relating to human–computer interaction (HCI) are as important to interactive art making as issues relating to the colours of paint are to painting. It is not that HCI and art necessarily share goals. It is just that much of the knowledge of HCI and its methods can contribute to interactive art making. This paper reviews recent work that looks at these issues in the art context. In interactive digital art, the artist is concerned with how the artwork behaves, how the audience interacts with it and, ultimately, in participant experience and their degree of engagement. The paper looks at these issues and brings together a collection of research results and art practice experiences that together help to illuminate this significant new and expanding area. In particular, it is suggested that this work points towards a much needed critical language that can be used to describe, compare and discuss interactive digital art.  相似文献   

介绍了一种结合决策树和极大似然法的多光谱骨髓细胞图像自动分类的方法,详细讨论了怎样确定决策树的结构,应用散点图挑选节点特征以及构造节点分类器。给出了分类结果。实验结果表明,文章提出的基于决策树的细胞分类方法对于多类的骨髓细胞分类识别极为有效,分类准确率远远高于单纯的极大似然法分类器,且分类的速度也令人满意。  相似文献   

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