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即使在暴雨频降、洪涝灾害频发之年,水资源短缺依然是人们关注的焦点. 在8月28日国务院新闻办举行的"介绍中国防汛抗旱有关情况"的新闻发布会上,在水利部部长陈雷答记者问时,人们又听到了这些令人焦灼的数字:我国人均水资源占有量仅相当于世界人均水平的1/4.  相似文献   

Water claims in many of the world??s arid basins exceed reliable supplies. Water demands for irrigation, urban use, the environment, and energy continue to grow, while supplies remain constrained by unsustainable use, drought and impacts of climate change. For example, policymakers in North America??s Upper Rio Grande Basin face the challenge of designing plans for allocating the basin??s water supplies efficiently and fairly to support current uses and current environments. Managers also seek resilient institutions that can ensure adequate supplies for future generations. This paper addresses those challenges by designing and applying an integrated basin-scale framework that accounts for the basin??s most important hydrologic, economic, and institutional constraints. Its unique contribution is a quantitative analysis of three policies for addressing long term goals for the basin??s reservoirs and aquifers: (1) no sustainability for water stocks, (2) sustaining water stocks, and (3) renewing water stocks. It identifies water use and allocation trajectories over time that result from each of these three plans. Findings show that it is hydrologically and institutionally feasible to manage the basin??s water supplies sustainably. The economic cost of protecting the sustainability of the basin??s water stocks can be achieved at 6?C11 percent of the basin??s average annual total economic value of water over a 20?year time horizon.  相似文献   

Urban water demand is rapidly growing in India due to high growth in urban population and rapid industrialization. Meeting this demand is a big challenge for the urban planners in India. Incidentally, the large urban areas are experiencing faster growth in population, and most of them are in arid and semi arid regions, which are naturally water-scarce. As a result, water supplies from local water resources including aquifers are falling far short of the high and concentrated demands in most urban areas. Under such situations, these large cities have to rely on distant large reservoirs. The analysis of 302 urban centers shows that cities with larger population size have much higher level of dependence on surface water sources. Also, greater the share of surface water in the city water supplies, higher was the level of per capita water supply. Multiple regression models are estimated for Class I cities and Class II towns in India. The results show that Population Elasticity of Water Supply (PEWS) change with time and space—for Class I cities it was 1.127 in 1988, whereas that with respect to 1999 population is 1.289. It also shows that Class I cities have better water supply (PEWS is 1.127 in 1988 and 1.289 in 1999) than Class II towns (PEWS is 0.396 in 1988 and 0.675 in 1999). Given the structure and pattern of urban population growth, economic conditions and water demands, large reservoirs will have a much bigger role in meeting urban water supply needs.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - The long-term success of water service reforms depends on sufficient revenues being collected from users to allow access to be extended and quality of service to be...  相似文献   

水利普查是一项重大的国情国力调查。在第一次全国水利普查工作圆满结束之际,对水利普查日常联络工作及其方法进行了分析总结,为今后同类工作提供经验参考。  相似文献   


This paper examines economic aspects of the large-scale irrigation project that is currently under construction in the southern desert of Egypt. Lonergan and Wolf (2001) suggest that success of the Toshka project will be determined largely by the degree to which private firms invest in agricultural enterprises in the region. That perspective does not account for the public costs of attracting private firms or the opportunity costs of capital and other scarce resources invested in the project. This note presents a conceptual framework that addresses those issues and an empirical example that provides a preliminary indication of the potential costs and benefits of the Toshka project. The role of government subsidies in attracting private sector investments also is discussed.  相似文献   

科学调度黄河水量维持黄河健康生命   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2003年上半年,黄河流域遭遇特大干旱,主要来水区来水比多年同期偏少近1/2,供需缺口达42亿m3,黄河水量调度面临前所未有的压力和困难.如何实现"在确保黄河不断流的前提下,尽量缓解全流域用水紧张局面"的目标,成为2003年水利部黄河水利委员会上下关注的首要问题.  相似文献   

Freshwater resources might become the most limited resource in the future due to rising demands, climate change, and the degradation of aquatic ecosystems. While the urgency of this challenge is uncontested, water governance regimes still struggle to employ suitable responses. They lack of: taking a comprehensive perspective on water systems; focusing on social actors, their actions, needs, intentions, and norms as drivers of water systems; engaging in a discourse on tangible goals to provide direction for governance efforts; and promoting a comprehensive perspective on water sustainability that equally recognizes depletion, justice, and livelihood issues in the long-term. We present an approach that intends to overcome these limitations by putting the focus on what people do with water, and why, along with the impacts of these doings. First, we outline an integrated approach to water governance regimes, and then, we present a holistic set of principles by which to evaluate sustainable water governance. Solution-oriented research applying this approach integrates natural sciences and engineering perspectives on water systems with social science studies on water governance, while also specifying and applying normative principles for water sustainability. The approach we develop herein can be used to reform and innovate existing water governance regimes as well as stimulate transformative governance research.  相似文献   

以农业节水支撑新农村建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对近二十几年来山东省农业节水成就的回顾,总结了农业节水发展的成功经验,阐述了发展农业节水对支撑山东省农村经济持续稳定发展、人民生活水平不断提高和生态与环境持续改善的重要作用和发展思路。提出在日益增长的发展经济和改善环境两大任务的双重压力下,山东农业高效用水新的战略目标是,坚持人与自然和谐相处.注重区域水资源的优化配置,保障水资源在整体上发挥最大的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。保障新农村建设,服务全社会用水需求。  相似文献   

本文通过对吉林省西部水资源及其开发利用的初步分析,论述了水利对当地经济和社会发展的保障和促进作用,以及改善西部生态环境的重要意义。笔者还提出了西部地区防洪抗旱新的思路、方法和措施,这对西部地区经济,生态问题的解决以及可持续发展都有积极作用。  相似文献   

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