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Nattika Navapan 《Planning Perspectives》2014,29(1):1-24
This paper examines the development of Bangkok's urban spaces in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It aims to understand the ways Western culture influenced the development and use of urban spaces in this non-Western and non-colonized city. Thailand, then known as Siam, is unique as it was the only country in Southeast Asia that was not colonized by Western powers. Accordingly, the domestic political circumstances in Thailand played a critical role in the country's path to modernization. The primary shifts in accordance with the country's modernization were concentrated on the capital city and its society. Amongst the shifts of urban environment, the urban spaces in Bangkok were transformed and developed. The paper argues that the Siamese absolute monarch was a critical agent in the development process and that the modern spaces were developed in Bangkok as part of the king's wider political strategy. 相似文献
Serhat Ünaldi 《The Journal of Architecture》2013,18(3):425-448
This paper takes the example of ‘Siam’, the modern city centre of Bangkok, to analyse how architects cope with traditional power structures, torn as they are between the autonomy ascribed to their profession by architectural discourse and the practical heteronomy of their work. Most of the land around ‘Siam’ is owned by Thailand's Royal Family and the monarchy's investment arm. Hence, local and international architects had to develop the prestigious shopping arcades and hotels that cluster along ‘Siam's’ main road Rama I in the interest of a powerful client: the monarchy and its conservative guardians. Kingship has retained a hegemonic position in Thai politics and society, and is protected against criticism by harsh anti-defamation laws. Architects have to deal with this traditional-authoritarian power apparatus, thereby risking abandoning their creative freedom completely. Based on interviews with professionals from France, Thailand and Singapore the paper analyses how the external forces architects encounter in Bangkok impact on their work. Especially in the context of non-European societies the question arises anew whether the autonomy ascribed to architects is nothing more than a mere chimera. 相似文献
This paper explores the causes of the collapse of the housing sector in Bangkok in 1997 and its impact on the financial sector and the economy of Thailand. With the liberalisation of the Thai economy and its integration into the world economy during the 1980s and the early 1990s, real estate companies gained access to US$-nominated off-shore loans at low interest rates. Because of the availability of cheap loans and the speculative demand for housing, financial institutions and real estate developers did not conduct market research and invested in doubtful projects, resulting in an enormous oversupply of housing. The close relationship between bankers, developers and politicians ensured that the government would bail out insolvent real estate companies and financial institutions. In 1996, exports fell and the economy stopped growing due to increased international competition. Unhedged foreign debts reached dangerous levels and speculative attacks forced the government to devalue the currency. Real estate companies and financial institutions would have collapsed without continued bail-outs by the government. However, the government's non-transparent policies eroded the confidence of the general public and international investors, resulting in capital flight and a serious financial and economic crisis. 相似文献
Ian MacBurnie 《Journal of Architectural Education》2013,67(3):134-143
With the rediscovery of the periphery by architects and urbanists, a once vibrant, but recently dormant debate has been reactivated and (post)modernized. The contemporary polemic considers that the urbanistic paradigm currently operative across the metropolitan region and particularly in suburbia is producing an environment that is less than ideal. This article (re)presents some of the more salient aspects of the debate and considers several prominent alternative strategies in order to derive greater insight into a perplexing cultural dilemma: the prolonged inability of architects and urbanists to effect transformation that is synchronistic with the polemic's predominant socioeconomic and environmental perturbations. In conclusion, it advances a culturally specific strategy that offers a partial resolution. 相似文献
Roy Bahl 《Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association》2013,79(3):310-318
The success of any national industrial policy will depend heavily on the participation of state and local governments. Yet the financial implications for states and localities are almost overlooked in the discussion about national industrial policy. In this article I consider the ways state and local governments might be involved in industrial policy, either as autonomous actors or as partners in a coordinated national policy; and I discuss constraints and competing demands on the resources to which state and local governments would turn to support their participation in such policies. Finally I suggest a general policy framework for state and local participation that fits the objectives of national industrial policy. 相似文献
从使用者的真实感受出发,分析景观细部设计的抽象要素和具体元素的设计方法;并阐述细部同整体的关系,强调细部对于阐述整体空间感受的巨大潜能,从设计灵感来源、使用者的视觉和触觉感受与设计构思过程两方面共同推导解析;希望进一步指导实践,创造可亲、可近、舒适的人性场所,使城市公共景观更好的被人们感知和认可. 相似文献
Steven Tomlinson 《Architectural Design》2012,82(1):102-107
Steven Tomlinson , a senior designer at the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC), describes the challenges that exist post-Games in fully integrating the Olympic Park into the wider city's fabric and linking surrounding neighbourhoods with the site. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This postoccupancy evaluation of participatory architecture undertaken by Belgian architect Lucien Kroll highlights discrepancies between intention and realization. A review of Kroll's published statements as well as interviews with him and with the inhabitants reveals that neither fully obtained their desired results. This article describes the aspirations of both architect and inhabitants for this small housing development in France and their respective disappointments with the fruits of their labors. It then suggests strategies for learning from this experiment to refine participatory practices in the future. 相似文献
乡村振兴背景下,国家对休闲农业发展提出了更高层次的要求。针对休闲农业景区分布零散、景观同质化且缺少呼应、地域性特征弱等现存问题,将旅游学科与风景园林学科的理论与实践相结合,从环城游憩带的视角出发提出环城休闲农业景观(ATL-Re BAM),并构建"三带"景观空间模式。该模式符合城市居民出游规律和市场需求,与城市周边的资源分布规律相吻合,有利于地域风土特征的有效传承。以成都为例,根据其休闲农业景观空间演化特征和已有休闲农业景点分布特征,尝试构建成都环城休闲农业景观的"三带"空间结构,并进一步提出具体的景观营建策略。 相似文献
The number of migrants working on the streets of cities throughout South Africa has increased tremendously over the past few years. This study draws on qualitative data to understand the experiences of migrant street traders in Durban, South Africa. The qualitative data for the study come from in-depth interviews with local and migrant street traders. Migrant street traders are attracted to Durban because of the economic opportunities that the city offers as well as the lower crime rate than other cities. The findings suggest that migrant street traders make an economic contribution towards the development of the city. Migrants create employment by hiring locals to assist them in their businesses. Some tension exists between local and migrant street traders because of fear of competition. Crime is a concern because it impacts negatively on their businesses. Other challenges experienced by the migrant traders include the harsh treatment by the police and lack of support for informal traders by the municipality. More emphasis should be placed on providing a supportive environment for street trading in Durban. 相似文献
走出边缘构建中心:徐州城市发展的战略选择 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
“边缘”是徐州最基本的特征之一,其在地理、文化、经济、政治、乃至制度等方面部有深刻的表现。自觉认识自身的“边缘”性,趋利避害,因势利导,积极发展成为真正的经济区域的中心、经济网络的结点,从边缘走向发展的前沿,这是徐州城市未来发展的战略选择。 相似文献
Brent A. Olson 《Landscape Research》2013,38(3):368-383
This article examines a series of controversies concerning migratory deer ranges in Deschutes County, Oregon, USA, to reveal a set of tensions in the process of governing landscapes on the urban fringe. The complex and contentious processes involved in decisions concerning the zoning of these deer ranges revealed conflicts between deer migration routes, private property rights, the public good and cultural values attached to open space. These issues raised by the movement of deer and the seasonal variability of their habitat provided an opportunity to reshape the process of environmental governance on the urban fringe that was attentive to the cultural value of open space and challenged rigid property boundaries and property rights. This resulted in a fractured governance process that sought to balance private property rights, the public good, and the ecological demands of migratory deer. 相似文献
AbstractThis paper discusses the condition and legibility of prehistoric grave mounds and their landscape context and assesses legibility for experts and lay people by combining archaeological landscape analysis and visual historicity landscape analysis. The paper compares, on the one hand, the heritage object with inherited meanings, and on the other, how it is perceived and understood. The results reveal that legibility in archaeological terms and in visual terms sometimes overlap, but sometimes diverge. Divergences occur when visual legibility of a grave mound is high but where the prehistoric context and legibility are changed. In situations where the context of the mound is preserved and legibility of the mound is high in visual terms, the two overlap. At the fringe, the monuments were mostly both non-visible and had a changed context. Accepting that the prehistoric context has changed, within landscape planning and heritage management, recognising cultural heritage as features in the present-day landscape can be one way forward in urban fringe areas. 相似文献
利用CFD软件对带顶部导流板的扬水曝气器工作时的外围流场进行了数值计算。模拟计算结果表明扬水曝气器运行时会在外围流畅形成顺时针或逆时针旋转的漩涡。导流板与水平面的夹角以及导流板淹没在水面下的长度都可以影响到漩涡的生成情况。当形成逆时针漩涡时更有利于发挥扬水曝气器的除藻功能。 相似文献
The rural-urban fringe is a distinctive feature of the Australian urban system and landscape. A range of interests there are in potential conflict in a manner that is often to the detriment of established rural activities and communities and largely the result of neglect in contemporary planning process and policy. Issues arising from this context are examined by reference to the recently completed Mount Lofty Ranges Management Plan. A number of proposals for improving planning in the fringe are outlined. 相似文献