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1997年我国计算机网络市场调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年是中国网络发展史上极为重要的一年,有关网络市场的情况已引起了各方的关注。为了把握我国网络市场的现状及走势,我们在1996年9月对网络市场进行调查的基础上,于1997年3月再次进行了调查。通过调查,我们对1996年网络市场概况、主要网络产品品牌情况、网络的运行环境、近期需求及预测作出了定量描述。  相似文献   

崔德勋 《微电脑世界》1996,(11):124-127
在全球信息化的推动下,我国网络市场迅速扩大。我们试图及时跟踪它的变化。由于计算机网络涉及计算机和通信等相当广泛的领域,并且发展极快,因此,对我们来说,进行这一市场调查并不轻松。在本报告中,我们试图对我国目前网络的现状、发展趋势和市场给出一个定量描绘。 一、调查方法和样本  相似文献   

亚太地区的交互网络市场几近沸腾了。这个区域以其领先的网络增长率和对网络设备的巨大、持续的消费而闻名全球,其1995年的网络总费用与1994年相比,增长率为42.5%,达到了7.876亿美元。为了掌握亚太地区的发展趋势,东方咨询公司(澳大利亚)调查了这个区域内主要的公共、私人机构的网络经营者,达4000人次以上。今年的调查内容包括网络的4种设备:集线器(hubs)、网桥(bridge)、路由器(router)和LAN网关。下面是今年调查中的一些主要情况。发展中国家的网络消费正在猛涨。中国以年增长率130%领导市场。接着是印度,增长率为11…  相似文献   

张晶 《信息网络》2004,(10):7-9,19
在多运营商激烈竞争的市场环境下,传统运营商因其强大的网络和客户基础依然占据重要的市场地位。面对复杂的市场竞争环境,传统运营商有哪些优劣势。又都出台了哪些应对策略呢?本文将在对传统运营商进行SWOT分析的基础上.解读其常用的十大竞争策略。  相似文献   

丁作民  蔡翔 《信息网络》2005,(11):48-50
在当今激烈的竞争环境中,开展市场调查研究的重要性勿容置疑。但人们通常理解的也即教科书中所述的市场调查、市场细分、目标客户群的选择以及营销策略的制定等诸多方法.往往难以直接切合企业的实际需要,主要原因是理论上的市场研究方法名目繁多。让人应接不暇,不同方法组合后更让人觉得无从下手。  相似文献   

h-Stat调查显示.2005年亚太地区宽带网络服务的利润总额为207亿美元,截止2011年将直线上升到551亿美元。日本和韩国霸占60%以上的市场,香港、台湾、澳大利亚和新加坡以约15%的市场占有率跟随其后。而在发展中国家中,中国和印度的宽带网络市场将无限扩大.  相似文献   

周帅 《A&S》2009,(6):86-92
从1996年第一台网络摄像机面世至今已有13个年头,而网络摄像机在全球市场也逐渐获得了众多用户的青睐。据有关专业调查机构报告称,网络摄像机在欧美摄像机市场占据了25%的份额,在日本摄像机市场也有10%的上佳表现,预计2009年全球网络摄像机市场规模将超过10亿美元。那么,网络摄像机在中国摄像机市场中的表现又是如何呢?为了让您更清晰地了解整个中国网络摄像机市场需求、应用现状,以及其在网络化趋势下的发展走向等,A&S全面展开[2008/2009中国网络摄像机市场大调查],力求以更深入的分柝与探讨,为您呈现更真实的市场以及更值得期待的未来。  相似文献   

根据最新的IDC调查显示.上半年教育商务投影机市场占据了整个投影机市场的大半壁江山(70%以上).其中教育市场占到了整个市场份额的50%。虽然低价入门级投影机得到了消费者的认可.但是由于受到规格、性能以及使用环境的限制,并不能很好地满足企业级和教育系统用户对大多数商务投影环境的需求,绝大部分企业和教育系统用户最终还是趋向于购买价格稍高的主流商务投影机型。  相似文献   

目前,日趋激烈的市场竞争和日益复杂的发展环境对网络运行维护工作提出了更高的要求。在快速发展的网络运行和异常严峻的竞争环境下.网络运营企业必须转变观念,提高水平.以新的理念和新的管理.快速响应市场和前端,高质量、高可靠性、高效率、低成本地开展网络运行管理,  相似文献   

全球市场调查机构In-Stat近期报导,随着日本和韩国的公司涌入.亚太地区将占据城市以太网服务市场(Metro Ethernet Services.简称MES)的主导地位.In-Star还进一步指出.仅在2005年,亚太市场在全球所占的分额就已经达到了63.2万美元.其中主要是日本和韩国的一些中小型企业采用这种经济有效的服务.以获取网络快速链接。该机构大胆预测.截止2010年.亚太企业还将为该市场贡献264.8万美元。  相似文献   

Although the application of segmentation and predictive modeling is an important topic in the database marketing (DBM) literature, no study has yet investigated the extent of adoption of these techniques. We present the results of a Dutch survey involving 228 database marketing companies. We find that managers tend to rely on intuition and on the long-standing methods RFM and cross-tabulation. Our results indicate that the application of segmentation and response modeling is positively related to company and database size, frequency of customer contact, and the use of a direct channel of distribution. The respondents indicate that future research should focus on models applicable for Internet marketing, long-term effects of direct marketing, irritation from direct marketing offers, and segmentation and predictive modeling techniques.  相似文献   

张莉  蒲梦媛  刘奕君  田家豪  岳涛  蒋竞 《软件学报》2018,29(5):1422-1450
为了描述、理解、评估、预测、控制、管理或者改善与软件相关的内容,研究者常常使用经验研究的方法.经验研究在软件工程领域已经得到广泛的应用并备受关注.为了了解近年来软件工程中经验研究的特点,并希望经验研究方法为更多研究者所了解,我们通过系统映射的方法,对软件工程中经验研究的典型期刊ESE(Empirical Software Engineering)近5年的论文做了一个调研,搜集了从2013年1月至2017年6月发表在该期刊的250篇论文.通过定性和定量的分析,给出了软件工程领域采用经验研究的主要目的,常用的经验研究方法、以及这些方法在软件工程各个领域中的使用情况和呈现的一些新特征.之后,分析了经验研究的主要数据来源、采集手段、常用的数理统计方法以及开源项目在经验研究中的使用情况等,给出了研究者对有效性和可重现性问题的关心程度.最后进行了本文的有效性分析,并进一步探讨了经验研究的发展方向和大数据时代下经验研究面临的机遇及一些开放性问题.  相似文献   

文章介绍了产品服务系统与企业品牌营销基本概念,分析了我国目前企业品牌营销过程中所存在的主要问题及其产生问题的原因。针对问题,文章提出在我国有效构建基于产品服务系统的企业品牌营销的一些前瞻性对策。  相似文献   

Viral marketing has attracted considerable concerns in recent years due to its novel idea of leveraging the social network to propagate the awareness of products. Specifically, viral marketing first targets a limited number of users (seeds) in the social network by providing incentives, and these targeted users would then initiate the process of awareness spread by propagating the information to their friends via their social relationships. Extensive studies have been conducted for maximizing the awareness spread given the number of seeds (the Influence Maximization problem). However, all of them fail to consider the common scenario of viral marketing where companies hope to use as few seeds as possible yet influencing at least a certain number of users. In this paper, we propose a new problem, called J-MIN-Seed, whose objective is to minimize the number of seeds while at least J users are influenced. J-MIN-Seed, unfortunately, is NP-hard. Therefore, we develop an approximate algorithm which can provide error guarantees for J-MIN-Seed. We also observe that all existing studies on viral marketing assume that all users in the social network are of interest for the product being promoted (i.e., all users are potential consumers of the product), which, however, is not always true. Motivated by this phenomenon, we propose a new paradigm of viral marketing where the company can specify which types of users in the social network are of interest when promoting a specific product. Under this new paradigm, we re-define our J-MIN-Seed problem as well as the Influence Maximization problem and design some algorithms with provable error guarantees for the new problems. We conducted extensive experiments on real social networks which verified the effectiveness of our algorithms.  相似文献   

Viral marketing can be an effective marketing technique in social networks. Initiating from a set of influential seed users, it can activate a “chain-reaction” driven by word-of-mouth. The effectiveness of viral marketing lies in the fact that it conveys an implied endorsement from social ties. Existing approaches to selecting influential seeds depend on measures of global centrality within the structure of the social network – they select users that are central in the entire network according to some centrality measure (e.g., Eigenvector centrality). In this paper a new targeted approach to viral marketing is proposed that exploits prior knowledge about the potential market and uses local centrality scores to identify seeds that have high chances of reaching and activating many users in the potential market. The performance gained by the proposed approach is investigated with an experimental evaluation that uses data from real social networks. The results show that targeted approach outperforms existing, global centrality based methods. It is also shown that the relative performance of the targeted approach improves in the case where the majority of users are indifferent (or negative) to the viral marketing campaign.  相似文献   

朱桐 《办公自动化》2022,(5):25-27+58
体育营销指的是载体为体育活动并推广品牌与产品的市场营销活动的统称,在营销中能获取体育经济效益及注意力的经济效益,助力体育品牌与产品增值,体育营销有较强的针对性及沟通性,以体育活动为依托将产品(服务)与受众联系起来,为成功完成营销任务提供条件。新媒体为体育营销提供新条件,为营销活动线下、线上一体化搭建平台,同时可突出新媒体营销成本低、受众广、趣味性强等特点,利于提高体育营销成功的概率。本文通过分析互联网新媒体时代体育营销策略,以期为提升体育营销水平提供参考。  相似文献   

国内中小企业的网络营销前景已经毋庸置疑,而互动性亦已成为网络营销活动中的重要组成部分。企业源源不断地发掘出多种多样的互动元素和互动方式,并将其广泛应用于与顾客之间的网上营销活动中。这样一种网络互动营销方式不但冲击并改变着过去被动消极的传统营销模式,而且最终极大地推动并形成了企业与顾客之间的双赢局面。因此,研究分析网络互动营销活动中可能的一些操作方法则具有一定的实际意义与价值。正是基于上述背景,该文尝试探讨并提出了网络营销活动中的一些可行有效且较为实用的具体操作方法。  相似文献   

将贝叶斯方法应用于电力营销决策,能够取得很多其他方法无法比拟的实际效果。介绍了贝叶斯网络与数据挖掘技术的相关概念,阐述了电力营销相关理论和存在的问题,提出了适合电力营销决策的贝叶斯网络,用于客户价值评估、用电异常监测等领域,并且论述了实现的方法和可能性。  相似文献   

The thin film technology liquid‐crystal displays (TFT‐LCD) industry has become one of the main industries in Taiwan. In this research, we take Taiwanese TFT‐LCD industrial companies as the research objects and try to identify the interrelationships among internal marketing, job satisfaction, relationship marketing, customer orientation, and organizational performance. Although these companies are classified as part of the manufacturing industry, it is suggested that their service components could be the focus of greater attention to enhance the success of their business operations. Analytical results indicate that internal marketing, job satisfaction, and customer orientation have significant influences on relationship marketing as well as the organizational performance of TFT‐LCD manufacturing companies. Therefore, Taiwan TFT‐LCD manufacturing companies need to implement relationship marketing continuously, increase employee job satisfaction, and inspire employees to become more customer oriented in order to increase productivity. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The research builds upon the literature in electronic commerce and past research in marketing with the objective of understanding factors that impact a product's adaptability to online marketing. A review of marketing channel choice literature reveals a set of factors and channel choice functions that are considered important in making channel decisions. Using this as a basis, four major channel functions, namely, product customization, availability, logistics, and transaction complexity are considered relevant in understanding the implications for Internet marketing. By building upon previous research in the area of channel selection, we provide a means of classifying Internet marketing initiatives based on product characteristics. The classification scheme based on product characteristics can help analyze the significance of each factor on the success of a firm's online marketing approach. Further, the classification scheme is used to discuss decision support implications.  相似文献   

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