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Electrophysiological recordings from antennal olfactory receptor cells were obtained fromIps grandicollis. Recordings were made from olfactory receptor cells from nine regions of the antennae in response to stimulation with the semiochemicals-pinene, frontalin,endo-brevicomin, verbenone,trans-verbenol,cis-verbenol, ipsdienol, and ipsenol. In many cases, up to two cells were recorded concurrently from the same location. When compared to males, females had a greater percentage of cells responsive to the primary pheromones ofDendroctonus frontalis, frontalin andtrans-verbenol, and ofIps spp., ipsdienol and ipsenol. Among females, more cells responded totrans-verbenol and theIps-produced volatiles than to host or otherD. frontalis-produced compounds. Olfactory cells of males responded mostly tocis-verbenol, followed by-pinene, verbenone,trans-verbenol, andendo-brevicomin. Of those cells responsive primarily to one compound, the greatest percentage were responsive totrans-verbenol in females and to verbenone in males. The response of the antennal olfactory receptor cells to semiochemicals used by male and femaleI. grandicollis is consistent with the presence of these compounds during the host colonization period for each sex. Our results, which show a lack of specificity in most pheromone and host odor receptor cells, is in contrast with previously published accounts of olfactory receptor cell specificity in otherIps species.  相似文献   

Antennal olfactory (electroantennogram) and laboratory and field behavioral tests were carried out on the response ofDendroctonus frontalis to its aggregation pheromone frontalin and analogs. The analogs were compounds modified by altering the position and methyl groups and/or by their deletion. Any modification to the frontalin structure significantly reduced both the antennal olfactory and behavioral response byD. frontalis. Beetle response, although significantly reduced, was elicited at the receptor level and in a laboratory bioassay by all analogs. However, only one analog (endo-5,7-dimethyl-Frontalin) elicited significant response from field populations of the beetle.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station paper TA-22507. The work was funded in part by McIntire-Stennis project 1525 and by an operating grant from the Alberta Forest Service through the Forest Development Research Trust Fund. The findings, opinions, and recommendations expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. All programs and information of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available without regard to race, ethnic origin, religion, sex, or age.  相似文献   

Detection of weakened hosts from a distance by bark beetles through olfaction was investigated in field experiments. No significant numbers of Scolytidae were attracted to anaerobically treated pine bolts, stem disks, or sugar and ponderosa pine bark including phloem. Treatment of living trees with cacodylic acid induced attacks byDendroctonus brevicomis, D. ponderosae, Ips latidens, Gnathotrichus retusus, andPityophthorus scalptor, beginning two weeks after treatment. There was no significant difference between landing rates ofD. brevicomis andD. ponderosae on screened treated trees and screened controls. There was a significant increase in landing rates ofG. retusus andI. latidens, because both species had penetrated the screen and produced pheromones. Tree frilling alone did not increase the landing rate of bark beetles. Freezing of the lower trunk with dry ice did not increase significantly the landing rate ofD. brevicomis, D. ponderosae, G. retusus, orI. latidens on screened trees, whereas unscreened frozen trees were attacked by all four species. There was no significantly higher landing rate byD. brevicomis, D. ponderosae, I. paraconfusus, I. latidens, G. retusus, orHylurgops subcostulatus on screened trees evidencing symptoms of severe infection by the root pathogenVerticicladiella wagenerii, than on symptornless trees. These experiments show thatD. brevicomis, D. ponderosae, I. paraconfusus, I. latidens, andG. retusus land, apparently indiscriminately, on healthy and stressed hosts. Thus, in these species host discrimination must occur after landing and prior to sustained feeding.These studies were supported in part by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Cooperative State Research Services (2598-RRF.W-1 10) and the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency through a grant (NSF GB-34719/BM575-04223) to the University of California; and by the Canada Department of the Environment. The findings, opinions and recommendations are not necessarily those of the University of California or the funding agencies.From a thesis submitted by H.A. Moeck to the University of California, Berkeley, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology.  相似文献   

Topical application of the juvenile hormone analog, fenoxycarb, in acetone induced newly emerged male California five-spined ips,Ips paraconfusus Lanier, to become attractive to females, as measured by positive responses to male abdominal extracts in a laboratory bioassay. Two pheromones, ipsdienol and ipsenol, were detected by gas chromatography in the abdominal extracts of fenoxycarb-treated males. Pheromone production was minimal at a dose of 0.1 g/insect of fenoxycarb, maximal at 10 g, and was reduced to unmeasurable amounts at a dose of 100 g. In comparison, peak production of pheromones was induced at a dose of 0.1 g/insect of natural juvenile hormone (JH III). Treatment with 10 g of fenoxycarb resulted in the occurrence of pheromones 12 hr after exposure, maximal pheromone content between 16 and 20 hr, and undetectable amounts after 36 hr. The demonstration that fenoxycarb is an active juvenile hormone analog for a bark beetle suggests that it may have practical utility in managing these insects.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that green leaf volatiles act as antiaggregants for the mountain pine beetle (MPB),Dendroctonus ponderosac Hopkins. In coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analysis MPB antennae responded to 30 ng doses of all six-carbon green leaf alcohols tested [1-hexanol, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-2-hexen-1-ol, (E)-3-hexen-1-ol, and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol], but not to the aldehydes, hexanal or (E)-2-hexenal, or to alcohol or aldehyde homologues with more or fewer than six carbon atoms. In field trapping experiments a blend of green leaf alcohols [1-hexanol, (Z)-2-hexen-1-ol, (E)-3-hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol] effectively disrupted the response to attractive semiochemicals; a blend of the aldehydes hexanal and (E)-2-hexenal was inactive. The two best disruptants. (E)-2-hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, reduced catches of both sexes to levels not significantly different from catches in unbaited control traps. They also reduced the attack on trees baited with attractive MBP pheromones to a level not significantly different from that on unbaited control trees. Neither of the clerid predators captured,Enoclerus sphegeus (F.) norThanasimus undatulus (Say), was repelled by green leaf volatiles. Our results suggest that green leaf alcohols are promising disruptants which may be used to supplement the antiaggregation pheromone, verbenone, in protecting single high-value trees as well as carefully selected stands with low-level populations of MPBs.  相似文献   

Olfactory-mediated behavioral interactions were investigated among the five scolytid species comprising the southern pine bark beetle group. Behavioral response, as determined from field trap catch data, showed that each species was attracted in greatest numbers to the pheromonal blend produced by conspecifies. Interspecifically,D. frontalis displayed no cross-attractancy toIps pheromonal blends, but was weakly attracted to the pheromonal blend of femaleD. terebrans. ThreeIps species displayed varying degrees of cross-attraction as well as to theDendroctonus pheromonal blends. More specifically,I. calligraphus was attracted toI. avulsus and, to a very limited extent, also to the maleD. terebrans pheromonal blend.I. avulsus was somewhat more cross-attractive thanI. calligraphus and showed attraction to the pheromonal blends of femaleD. frontalis, male and femaleD. terebrans, maleI. calligraphus, and maleI. grandicollis. I. grandicollis showed the greatest degree of cross-attraction, particularly in response to theDendroctonus pheromonal blends.Research support in part by CSRS grant 86-CRCR-1-2270, NATO grant CRG.0710/86 and Texas Agricultural Experiment Station project MS1525 (while M.T.S. and T.L.P. were with Texas A&M University). The findings, opinions, and recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

A trapping system utilizing attractive pheromones is described for the suppression and survey of western pine beetle,Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), populations over large forested areas and for extended periods of time. Two types of compactable sticky traps are described. A large vane trap was developed for population suppression. It consists of 6 m2 of trapping surface comprised of four sticky coated fabric panels supported with a telescoping mast. A smaller cylindrical shaped trap with 0.19 m2 trapping surface was developed for survey purposes. Perchloroethylene cleaning devices were developed to remove insects from both traps. Methods for sample splitting and sequential counting of the sub-samples were developed to estimate numbers of insects on the suppression traps. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of both the traps and the counting procedures.This work was supported by grants to the University of California (D.L. Wood) from the National Science Foundation/Environmental Protection Agency (NSF-6B-34718/ BMS75-04223), Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Rockefeller Foundation. The findings, opinions, and recommendations are those of the author and not necessarily those of thess institutions.  相似文献   

Olfactory perception of pheromones and host odors byDendroctonus pseudotsugae males and females was investigated through single cell recordings. Responses of 71 cells (35 cells in males; 36 cells in females) were recorded to 1 g of 10 pheromones and three host terpenes. The olfactory cells were classified into four types based on sensitivity and specificity for the various odors: (1) 3,2-MCHone (3-methyl-2-cyclohexenone) cells; (2) 3,2-MCHol (3-methyl-2-cyclohexenol) cells; (3) frontalin cells; and (4) synergist cells. 3,2-MCHone and 3,2-MCHol cells in both males and females were the most sensitive and specific of all cells recorded with a threshold ca. 0.001–0.01 g on filter paper. Frontalin cells were less specialized than the two aforementioned cell types and had a somewhat higher threshold of ca. 0.01 g. A larger percentage of these three cell types were recorded in males than in females. The synergist cells had the highest threshold of all recorded cell types and were the least specific. Each of these cells was most responsive to eithercis-verbenol,trans-verbenol, 1,2-MCHol, verbenone, -pinene, or limonene; however, responses could be elicited by stimulation with other pheromones or host terpenes at higher dosages. Instances of inhibition of nerve impulse activity from spontaneously active cells were observed during 3,2-MCHol and 3,2-MCHone stimulation, thus suggesting multifunctional effects for these compounds. The results help explain the role of chemicals in host selection, aggregation, and colonization behavior of the beetle and further elucidate hypotheses put forth in an earlier electroantennogram study.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Paper NumberTA-18689. This research was supported in part by McIntire-Stennis Project 1525, the U.S. Department of Agriculture-sponsored program entitled The Expanded Southern Pine Beetle Research and Applications Program through TAES-SEA-CR grant 904-15-4, and NSF grant PCN 79-21708 to Oregon State University. The findings, opinions and recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. All programs and information of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available without regard to race, ethnic origin, religion, sex or age.  相似文献   

Females of a pinyon pine bark beetle,Ips hoppingi Lanier, were less attracted by the aggregation pheromone produced by conspecific males than by the pheromone produced by the neighboring sibling species,I. confusus (LeConte). Cross-attraction was elicited by males infesting the regional pinyon pine hosts (P. discolor andP. edulis) of eitherIps species in south-eastern Arizona. Pheromonal specificity has not accompanied speciation in this species pair.  相似文献   

Male mountain pine beetles,Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, produced ipsdienol [97.0% ± 0.3S-(+)] and myrcenol (90.3% ± 4.0E) when exposed to myrcene vapors. Females which were exposed to myrcene vapors did not produce any ipsdienol, but did produce low levels of myrcenol (98.0% ± 0.7E). Neither sex produced detectable levels of ipsdienol or myrcenol when fed for 24 hr on lodgepole pine,Pinus contorta var.latifolia Engelmann. The sex-specific conversion of myrcene to ipsdienol and myrcenol suggests that these compounds may have behavioral significance within the species. In addition, the S-(+)-ipsdienol produced by maleD. ponderosae probably functions as a repellent allomone againstIps pini (Say).Research supported in part by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Operating Grants A3881, A3785 and A0851, Strategic Grant G1039, and a Postgraduate Scholarship to D.W.A. Hunt.  相似文献   

The response ofDendroctonus frontalis to an attractant mixture (frontalin,trans-verbenol, and loblolly pine turpentine) was measured in the laboratory over a four-year period. Beetle response was highest in late winter and early spring, and lowest in midsummer and early fall. Males consistently responded higher than females. Female beetles displayed significantly higher responses in early morning and late afternoon than in the middle of the day. Analysis of beetle pronotal width and fat content revealed a high degree of correlation between these two parameters in female beetles, but there was no correlation of response with either fat content or pronotal width for either sex. There was no evident relationship between mean monthly beetle response and total amounts of frontalin andtrans-veibenol found in hindgut extracts. Daily temperature in months both during which beetles were bioassayed and immediately prior to bioassay was highly correlated to response to the attractant.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Paper Number 16652. This research was supported by McIntire-Stennis Project 1525, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-sponsored program entitled The Expanded Southern Pine Beetle Research and Applications Program through TAES-SEA-CR Grant 904-15-4. The findings, opinions, and recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. All programs and information of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available to everyone without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin.  相似文献   

Release of the antiaggregation pheromone, verbenone, at 3.8 mg/ day from a concentrated source within a multiple-funnel trap completely inhibited response by the mountain pine beetle (MPB),Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, to attractive semiochemical lures. When aerial applications were simulated and verbenone was released at the same rate from beads lying in a 2×2-m area on the forest floor 15–35 cm below a trap, the response of the MPB was inhibited by only 50%. This reduced inhibition may be explained in part by the photoisomerism of verbenone. When exposed to full sunlight on two occasions, the times required for 50% of verbenone vapors to be converted to chrysanthenone were 75 and 100 min, respectively. Trap and tree-baiting experiments indicated no biological activity of chrysanthenone. Rapid photoisomerization could reduce the concentration of verbenone below biologically active levels and would allow the MPB to colonize trees close to already occupied hosts, contributing to the characteristic clumped distribution of MPB attack. The rate of verbenone photoisomerization may vary according to geographic location, stand elevation and density, and should be considered before verbenone is applied to control the MPB and other bark beetles.  相似文献   

The response of the elm bark beetle,Scolytus multistriatus (Marsham), was measured to various doses and mixtures of the three components of its aggregation pheromone. The ratio of the components released, particularly heptanol to multistriatin, strongly influenced the number, but not the sex ratio, of beetles that responded. We concluded that a bait that released about 400 100 800 g/day of heptanol-multistriatin-cubebene would be effective in mass-trapping beetles.The use of a trade, firm, or corporation name in this paper is for the information and convenience of the reader. It does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the Forest Service or the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Loblolly and shortleaf pine growing on a single site in the North Carolina piedmont were examined to determine similarities and differences in their defensive mechanisms against the southern pine beetle,Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann, and its fungal associate,Ceratocystis minor (Hedgecock) Hunt. Both species responded to wounding and fungal inoculation by forming a hypersensitive lesion around the wound site. There were significantly less soluble sugars and more monoterpenes in the lesion tissue than in unwounded inner bark. The two species were similar in resin flow rate and inner bark soluble sugar content, but the loblolly pines had thicker bark, longer hypersensitive lesions, and a higher concentration of inner bark monoterpenes. Inner bark monoterpene composition was also significantly different between the two pine species. It is hypothesized that two different defensive strategies against southern pine beetle attack may be utilized.  相似文献   

Porapak Q-captured volatiles of malePolygraphus rufipennis (Kirby) boring in black spruce and white spruce from Newfoundland and British Columbia, respectively, contained 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol. Volatiles from logs in which the males had been joined by females contained the compound in reduced quantities. Hindgut extracts from male and femaleP. rufipennis disclosed no male-specific volatiles, but 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol was detected in extracts of male-produced frass. The compound was not present in extracts from fresh phloem tissue.P. rufipennis of both sexes responded strongly in the field to traps baited with 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol released at 4390 g/day. There was little response to unbaited traps, fresh uninfested black spruce logs, or to 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol released at lower rates. Combination of 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol with either one of five terpenes prevalent in black spruce did not enhance beetle catch. Approximately half of 20 black spruce trees baited with 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol were attacked, compared to 20.0% of 10 unbaited control trees. This new aggregation pheromone could be used to monitor or manageP. rufipennis populations.  相似文献   

The most prominent beetle-produced volatiles identified in the abdominal extracts of maleDryocoetes confusus Swaine after they had bored for 24 hr in logs of subalpine fir,Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. were:exo andendo-brevicomin,trans-verbenol, verbenone, myrtenol,trans-pinocarveol,cis- andtrans-p-menthen-7-ol, 3-caren-10-ol, and several monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Myrtenol was the only conspicuous compound in extracts from males that had been exposed toA.lasiocarpa resin volatiles for 24 hr. Laboratory bioassays indicated that both (–)- and (+)-exo-brevicomin were attractive to femaleD. confusus, and that the (–) enantiomer did not inhibit response to its antipode. Results from field trapping experiments indicated that bothero-brevicomin and myrtenol are aggregation pheromones forD. confusus.exo-Brevicomin baits were effective in causing attack byD. confusus on baited and surrounding trees, suggesting that this pheromone may have utility in manipulating populations of the beetle.Research supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Operating Grants A3881 and A3706 and Strategic Grant G1039.  相似文献   

In field experiments in Sweden, the constituent 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol of the aggregation pheromone of the spruce bark bettleIps typographus (L.) was effectively replaced by 2-methyl-3-butyn-2-ol.  相似文献   

Female white pine cone beetles,Conophthorus coniperda, attacking second-year cones of eastern white pine,Pinus strobus L., produced a sex-specific pheromone that attracted conspecific males in laboratory bioassays and to field traps. Beetle response was enhanced by host monoterpenes. The female-produced compound was identified in volatiles collected on Porapak Q and in hindgut extracts as (+)-trans-pityol, (2R,5S)-(+)-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-5-methyltetrahydrofuran. Males and females produced and released the (E)-(-)-spiroacetal, (5S,7S)-(-)-7-methyl-1,6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane, which was not an attractant for either sex, but acted as a repellent for males. Porapak Q-trapped volatiles from both sexes contained (+)-trans-pinocarveol and (-)-myrtenol. In addition, hindgut extracts of females containedtrans-verbenol, while males had pinocarvone and verbenone. Work in Georgia and Canada confirmed that the same isomers of pityol and spiroacetal are present in two distinct and widely separated populations ofC. coniperda.  相似文献   

Olfactory perception of pheromonal enantiomers by male and female Douglas-fir beetles,Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopk. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), was investigated by electrophysiological techniques and behavioral bioassays. Electroantennograms (EAGs) and single-cell responses indicated both sexes to be more responsive to racemic frontalin and the (–)-enantiomer at lower dosages. At higher dosages, little difference was noted in responses to either enantiomer. However, response to the racemic mixture at higher dosages was slightly greater than responses to either enantiomer alone. In laboratory behavioral bioassays, responses to low concentrations of (–)-frontalin and the racemic mixture exceeded response to the (+)-enantiomer alone. At a higher concentration, responses to the racemic mixture or either enantiomer alone did not differ. The results indicate that separate enantiomer-specific acceptors may exist on the same pheromone receptor cell.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station paper No. TA-19841. This research was supported in part by Mclntire-Stennis Project 1525, the U.S. Department of Agriculture-sponsored program entitled The Expanded Southern Pine Beetle Research and Applications Program through TAES-SEA-CR grant 904-15-4, and NSF grant PCN 79-21708 to Oregon State University. The findings, opinions and recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. All programs and information of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station are available without regard to race, ethnic origin, religion, sex, or age.Mention of a trademark, proprietary product or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

A mycangial symbiotic fungus ofDendroctonus frontalis is capable of oxidizingtrans-verbenol to verbenone. Both of these compounds are known to be important behavioral chemicals for this species, and it is suggested that development of the fungus in the plant host may play a role in influencing the behavior of the beetle to a successfully colonized tree.Supported in part by a cooperative agreement with the USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Pineville, Louisiana 71360.The use of a trade name in this paper does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the USDA.  相似文献   

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