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An Ultrafine Water-based Condensation Particle Counter (UWCPC), a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) incorporating an UWCPC, and a Fast Mobility Particle Sizer (FMPS) were deployed to determine the number and size distribution of ultrafine particles. Comparisons of particle number concentrations measured by the UWCPC, SMPS, and FMPS were conducted to evaluate the performance of the two particle sizers using ambient particles as well as lab generated artificial particles. The SMPS number concentration was substantially lower than the FMPS (FMPS/SMPS = 1.56) measurements mainly due to the diffusion losses of particles in the SMPS. The diffusion loss corrected SMPS (C-SMPS) number concentration was on average ~ 15% higher than the FMPS data (FMPS/C-SMPS = 0.87). Good correlation between the C-SMPS and FMPS was also observed for the total particle number concentrations in the size range 6 nm to 100 nm measured at a road-side urban site (r2 = 0.91). However, the particle size distribution measured by the C-SMPS was quite different from the size distribution measured by the FMPS. An empirical correction factor for each size bin was obtained by comparing the FMPS data to size-segregated UWCPC number concentrations for atmospheric particles. The application of the correction factor to the FMPS data (C-FMPS) greatly improved the agreement of the C-SMPS and C-FMPS size distributions. The agreement of the total particle concentrations also improved to well within 10% (C-FMPS/C-SMPS = 0.95).  相似文献   

A prototype variable supersaturation condensation particle sizer (VSCoPS) capable of measuring particle size distributions from 5 to 30 nm has been developed. This system design is adapted from existing condensation particle counter (CPC) technology with three significant differences: (1) the working fluid is a perfluorinated organic compound that is nonreactive toward, and not an effective solvent for, most laboratory or ambient particle compositions; (2) the vapor pressure of the working fluid is controlled by dilution of saturated air with vapor-free air at the same temperature; and (3) the optical block and condenser are located below the saturator, so that fluid condensed on the condenser walls does not flow back toward the saturator. By using fast-response flow controllers to vary the ratio of saturator and dilution air while keeping total flows and temperatures constant, the vapor saturation ratio in the condenser can be controlled with time constants of ~ 1 s. The nucleation threshold diameter is changed by stepping through small increments in saturation ratio. The particle size distribution can be recovered by inverting the measured concentration using the known instrument response for each saturation ratio. Further development of the system may allow size distribution measurements to smaller particle diameters and scan times of < 30 s at total particle concentrations as low as ~ 100 cm? 3 .  相似文献   

Electrospray of liquid precursor coupled to flame spray pyrolysis allows for the synthesis of many different metal oxide nanoparticles. A setup consisting of a moveable burner and a static sampling system gives the possibility of characterizing particle size distributions across and along the flame. The particle formation of iron oxide and silica particles in a flame spray was investigated even for early stages using a 1nm scanning mobility particle sizer. Thereby it was found that even for simple precursor solutions high quality nanopowders could be produced as long as the droplet size is sufficiently small.  相似文献   


The scan time effect in the scanning mobility particle sizer was confirmed. The magnitude of this effect was shown in a typical situation. The cause of this scan time effect is the mixing process described by Russell et al. (1995). In that case, the result obtained at the longer scan time is the more accurate one.  相似文献   


Condensation nucleus counters (CNCs) exhibit slower time response than expected due to mixing effects within the detector.This mixing produces an exponential distribution of delay times with a characteristic mixing time m that ranges from 0.1 s to 0.9 s for commonly used instruments and limits their usefulness for measuring rapidly changing aerosols. Moreover, when used as detectors in the scanning electrical mobility spectrometer (SEMS; also known as scanning mobility particle sizer, SMPS), CNCs limit the speed with which size distribution measurements can be made. In order to overcome this limitation, a new, fast-response mixing CNC (MCNC) has been developed and characterized. The time response of this new detector and TSI Models 3025 and 3010 CNCs has been measured using a spark source to generate an aerosol pulse. The mixing induced response smearing of this new detector, m , of this instrument is 0.058 s, which is significantly shorter than either of the other instruments tested. Its lower detection limit is about 5 nm diameter. The high aerosol flow rate of the MCNC (0.65 l min -1 ), fast time response, and low detection limit make it an ideal detector for SEMS/SMPS measurements. Using this MCNC as a detector for the SEMS, size distribution measurements over the 5 nm to 140 nm range have been made in 3 s with minimal distortion. The size distribution of a coagulation aerosol was effectively recovered by deconvolution with scans as short as 1 s. Uncertainties in the 1 s scans result, in part, from electronics problems in the scanning DMA.  相似文献   

In this article we present observations on the detection efficiency of a recently developed TSI 3785 Water Condensation Particle Counter (WCPC). The instrument relies on activation of sampled particles by water condensation. The supersaturation is generated by directing a saturated airflow into a “growth tube,” in which the mass transfer of water vapor is faster than heat transfer. This results in supersaturated conditions with respect to water vapor in the centerline of a “growth tube.” In this study, the cut-off diameter, that is, the size, where 50% of the sampled particles are successfully activated, varied from 4 to 14 nm for silver particles as a function of temperature difference between the saturator and the growth tube. The solubility of the sampled particles to water played an important role in the detection efficiency. Cut-off diameters for ammonium sulphate and sodium chloride particles were 5.1 and 3.6–3.8 nm, respectively at nominal operation conditions. Corresponding cut-off diameter for hydrophobic silver particles was 5.8 nm.  相似文献   

Data from a different mobility particle sizer (DMPS) or an electrical aerosol analyzer (EAA) has been combined with data from an aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) and converted to obtain aerosol mass distribution parameters on a near real-time basis. A low pressure impactor (LPI), a direct and independent measure of this mass distribution, provided information for comparison.

The number distribution of particles within the electrical measurement range was obtained with the DMPS and EAA. Data from the APS for particles greater than that size were used to complete the number distribution. Two methods of obtaining mass distribution parameters from this number data were attempted. The first was to convert the number data, channel by channel, to mass data and then fit a log-normal function to this new mass distribution. The second method was to fit a log-normal function to the combined number distribution and then use the Hatch-Choate equations to obtain mass parameters.

Both the DMPS / APS and the EAA / APS systems were shown to successfully measure aerosol mass distribution as a function of aerodynamic diameter. Careful operation of the measurement equipment and proper data manipulation are necessary to achieve reliable results. A channel-by-channel conversion from number to mass distribution provided the best comparison to the LPI measurement. The DMPS / APS combination furnishes higher-size resolution and accuracy than the EAA / APS system. A small gap was observed in the EAA / APS combined data; however, this did not seem to adversely affect the determination of mass distribution parameters.  相似文献   

A newly developed condensation particle counter provides measurements of aerosol particle number densities for size diameters as low as 3 nm. This Expansion Condensation Particle Counter (ECPC) operates based on fast adiabatic expansion with specialized detection and evaluation of the temporal development of light scattered by the ensemble of growing droplets. In its new configuration the ECPC has been modified such that a previously needed calibration factor became obsolete. In this article the new design is described which now includes a fast pressure sensor for monitoring the pressure drop inside the measurement chamber. Extensive laboratory experiments for characterizing the ECPC are described where sulfuric acid droplets with diameters between ~2.5 nm and 23 nm have been utilized. Water as well as butanol are demonstrated to be suitable working fluids. One experiment using tungsten oxide (WOx) particles shows that a 50% cut-off size diameter as low as 2.5 nm can be reached for this ECPC with a detection efficiency of several percent for particles as small as 1.4 nm. High and low supersaturations are experimentally examined and the corresponding different cut-off sizes are obtained. Measurements of ambient urban air in Mainz (Germany) obtained by this ECPC are juxtaposed to those from a TSI UCPC 3025A with satisfactory agreement. Similarly, in-situ data recorded with two ECPC units in the city of Isfahan (Iran) are shown to demonstrate the suitability of the technique for traffic related pollution measurements. Also, in future applications coarse information on the chemical nature of nucleated particles can be obtained by simultaneously using various condensing liquids in different channels of the ECPC setup.  相似文献   

Calibration curves of the aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) under different sets of operating conditions (i.e., pressure drop across the nozzle, flow rate, and ambient pressure) were obtained. Materials used included oleic acid (OA), dioctyl phthalate (DOP), polystyrene latex (PSL), and fused aluminosilicate particles (FAP). The effect of particle density on the calibration was not found to be significant among test aerosols (in the density range from 0.89 to 2.3 g/cm3). Calibration curves obtained at reduced ambient pressure were different from the manufacturer's curve, indicating that recalibration of the APS is required if other than standard operating conditions are used. However, all the curves can be consolidated into a unique curve that relates the Stokes number at the nozzle exit to the normalized particle velocity (particle velocity divided by gas velocity). Methods for calculating gas velocity, particle velocity, and other pertinent parameters for the APS were developed and the results are presented. Consequently, these parameters together with the unique curve can be used to generate calibration curves for any set of operating conditions without performing the experimental calibration in the laboratory. The geometric standard deviations of monodisperse aerosols measured by the APS are generally in good agreement (< 2%) with those determined by other methods, thus demonstrating the good resolution of the instrument.  相似文献   


A new water-based condensation particle counter (WCPC) is presented. The WCPC is a thermally diffusive, laminar flow instrument. Condensational enlargement is achieved through the introduction of a saturated airflow into a “growth tube” with wetted walls held at a temperature higher than that of the entering flow. An unsheathed, 1 L/min instrument utilizing this principle has been evaluated with various aerosols. The particle size detected with an efficiency of 50% is at or below 4.8 nm for particles sampled from vehicular emissions or ambient air, and for various laboratory-generated inorganic salts. The cut point is higher for the organic materials tested, ranging from 8 nm to 30 nm depending on the compound and purity level. An empirically determined dead-time correction factor is applied to the coincidence correction, which allows extension of the single-count mode to higher concentrations. The counting efficiencies for 80 nm oil and salt aerosols are equal, and above 97% for concentrations approaching 10 5 cm ?3 . When subject to a step-fucntion change in input concentration the time required to attain 90% of the final value, including a 0.5 s lag, is 1.3 s. The corresponding exponential time constant is 0.35 s. The WCPC evaluated here is marketed as the TSI Model 3785.  相似文献   

The Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer (SMPS) is a key tool for measuring particle size distribution. The application of the instrument to obtain size distributions throughout a wide range of particle sizes for transient systems, such as motor vehicle emissions, has been limited by the time resolution of the SMPS. In this paper, we present a fast-SMPS (f-SMPS) that utilizes a Radial Differential Mobility Analyzer (rDMA) and a Wixing Condensation Particle Counter (mCPC). The combination of these two components allows for the acquisition of particle size distributions on the time scale of several seconds. The Instrument has an operating range of 5–98 nm and can obtain particle size distributions at rates of up to 0.4 Hz. This paper presents the initial construction and calibration of the instrument followed by its application to several sampling scenarios. Samples from the on-road testing of a heavy-duty diesel (HDD) vehicle demonstrate the utility of this instrument for momtor vehicle emissions measurements as size distributions can now be associated with discrete events taking piace during vehicle onroad operation. For instance, these data indicate the presence of a number peak at 15 nm during transient vehicle operation. Previous work indicates that these particles are associated with the loss of engine lubricating oil.  相似文献   


Naturally-contained fluorescing chemicals (such as riboflavin or NADPH) can be used to detect the presence of biological organisms. A new instrument from TSI Incorporated measures fluorescence of particles using an ultraviolet laser operating at an excitation wavelength of 355 nm. We have employed this instrument (Model 3312 Ultraviolet Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (tm) Spectrometer) to assess the degree of fluoresence associated with a variety of biological aerosols. Nonfluorescent and fluorescent latex sphere and sodium chloride aerosols were first used to assure proper operation of the instrument and to obtain correct instrument settings. Biological aerosols were then generated by combining organisms with double distilled and filtered water in a Collison nebulizer operated at low pressure. After passage through a charge neutralizer and dilution with humidified air (45%RH), the aerosol was measured downstream for both particle size and fluorescence distributions. Bacterial aerosols generated include Bacillus subtilis subsp. niger (spores and vegetative cells), Staphylococcus epidermidis, Eschericia coli, and Mycobacterium abscessus (a surrogate for M. tuberculosis). Cladosporium spp. fungal spores were also evaluated, and the effect of heat treatment on fluorescence was tested using B. subtilis spores. For each test the percentage of organisms that produced a fluorescence signal above a threshold was recorded. The organisms demonstrated considerable differences in percent fluorescence, ranging from means of 11% for S. epidermidis to 44% for B. subtilis spores. Vegetative cells of B. subtilis were generally less fluorescent (mean of 33%) than the spores, while the highest level of fluorescence was associated with heat-treated spores (averaging about 75%). This instrument has some potential for use in settings where immediate detection of biological organisms is important. Work remains to be done on understanding the effect on fluorescence of organism viability, presence of nonbiological particles, and interferences from mixtures.  相似文献   

An ultrafine, water-based condensation particle counter (U-WCPC, TSI Model 3786) has been compared to a butanol-based ultrafine counter (U-BCPC, TSI Model 3025) for measurement of atmospheric and freeway-tunnel aerosols. The U-WCPC utilizes a warm, wet-walled growth tube to activate and grow particles through water condensation in a laminar-flow. It has an aerosol sampling rate of 0.3 L/min, and a nominal detection limit near 3 nm. Several field comparisons were made to the butanol-based instrument with the same nominal detection limit. For measurements of size-selected aerosols with diameters of 5 nm and larger the two instruments generally agreed, with a mean response within 5%. At 3 nm particle size differences were observed, and these differences varied with the data set. Measurements of ambient aerosol in Boulder, Colorado showed higher counting efficiency at 3 nm with the U-BCPC, while in a California freeway tunnel the opposite trend was observed, with higher counting efficiencies at 3 nm observed by the U-WCPC. For direct measurement of atmospheric aerosols, the two types of instruments yielded equivalent concentrations, independent of particle number concentration.  相似文献   


The sizing capability of an ultrafine particle condensation nucleus counter (which uses butanol as the condensing fluid) equipped with pulse height analysis was evaluated in terms of particle composition for sulfuric acid aerosol and sulfuric acid aerosol to which gas-phase ammonia had been added. The response of the counter depended on composition for a range of particle sizes when the water partial pressure was low. For water partial pressures < 5 Torr and for particles > 4 nm in diameter, the response (pulse heights) of the instrument to particles of a given size was substantially different for sulfuric acid particles and those that were neutralized with ammonia. For water partial pressures > 5 Torr, however, neutralizing the particles with ammonia had little effect on pulse height distributions. For particles smaller than 4 nm diameter the pulse heights were insensitive to exposure to ammonia.  相似文献   

Concentration effects in water condensation systems, such as used in the water-based condensation particle counter, are explored through numeric modeling and direct measurements. Modeling shows that the condensation heat release and vapor depletion associated with particle activation and growth lowers the peak supersaturation. At higher number concentrations, the diameter of the droplets formed is smaller, and the threshold particle size for activation is higher. This occurs in both cylindrical and parallel plate geometries. For water-based systems, we find that condensational heat release is more important than vapor depletion. We also find that concentration effects can be minimized through use of smaller tube diameters, or more closely spaced parallel plates. Experimental measurements of droplet diameter confirm modeling results.

© 2013 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

The performance of a condensation particle counter (CPC, Model 3771, TSI Inc.), which has a nominal minimum detectable particle size (d 50) of 10 nm, has been tested in the laboratory for the purpose of airborne measurements. First, the effects of particle coincidence at concentrations above the upper limit specified by the manufacturer (>104 cm-3 were evaluated. By applying a correction factor derived from experimental results, the CPC can quantify particle concentrations of as high as 5 × 104 cm– 3. Second, the effects of inlet pressure (p) on the size dependence of the detection efficiency were investigated (particle diameter (d)= 8–100 nm, p= 1010–300 hPa). The asymptotic detection efficiency and d 50 showed decreasing and increasing trends with decreasing pressure, respectively, especially at p < 600 hPa. It is likely reduction of the 1-butanol saturation ratio in the condenser at decreased pressures can explain the observed pressure dependence. Finally, the temporal variation of the detection efficiency during continuous operation of the CPC without the supply of 1-butanol was investigated (d= 10 and 100 nm, p = 1010, and 600 hPa). The detection efficiencies did not show significant change, at least over 6 h, without the supply of 1-butanol, which ensures stable performance of the CPC for flight durations of 4–5 h. Based on our laboratory evaluations, possible errors in airborne measurements were estimated assuming typical particle number size distributions of ambient aerosols.  相似文献   

An integrated airborne system comprising two condensation particle counters (CPCs, models 3771 and 3772, TSI Inc.) and a low-pressure impactor (LPI) has been developed (LPI-CPCs) for fast measurement of mode-segregated aerosol number concentration. The CPC 3771 is connected to the LPI to measure aerosol number concentrations below 0.17 μm in aerodynamic diameter, while the CPC 3772 directly measures the total aerosol number concentration. The former approximately corresponds to the Aitken mode fraction of the aerosol number concentration. The key concept is that the cutoff diameter of the LPI (aerodynamic diameter at which the transmission efficiency is 50%) is controlled by simultaneously modifying the pressure and flow rate through the LPI. The instrument was deployed onboard the King Air B200T aircraft during the Aerosol Radiative Forcing in East Asia (A-FORCE) conducted over the western Pacific in the spring of 2009. The results from the aircraft measurements, together with those from laboratory experiments, are used to demonstrate the in-flight performance of the instrument. We propose that fast airborne measurement of mode-segregated aerosols by LPI-CPCs is useful for a better understanding of the variability of aerosol number concentration in the troposphere.

Copyright 2013 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

本文在简要介绍基于USB接口激光粒度仪的工作原理的基础上着重讲述线程方法在此系统中的应用.  相似文献   

A new technique for determining the contact radius between a micrometer size particle and a contacting substrate using scanning electron microscopy has been developed. The Contact Area Measurement (CAM) technique, which is especially suited for small surface-force-induced contact radii, involves evaporating a thin, uniform coating of a conductive material, such as aluminum, over a sample comprised of particles on a substrate while the sample is rotated slowly. The sample is examined before and after particle removal to determine both the radii of the particle and its respective contact. Where the particle contacted the substrate, no metal deposition occurred. The resulting differences in the secondary electron emissions provide a contrast mechanism that the SEM can image. The CAM technique is shown to be useful in examining rigid particles on rigid substrates, where the inherent contacts are small, making measurements difficult, and for examining irregularly-shaped particles and contact areas.  相似文献   

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