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A rapid reversed phase HPLC method for the analysis for α- and β-acids in hops and hop products is described and has been evaluated. The method uses citric acid in the eluent as a complexing agent to overcome the irreversible adsorption effects shown by some columns, thus allowing optimum eluent pH to be selected. The precision of the method for analysis of hop extract has been determined giving relative standard deviations of 1·0% and 2·1% for α- and β-acids respectively. General agreement with results obtained using a polarimetric α-acids analysis method for hop extracts and hops has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of hop resins on a commercially available microparticulate silica has been developed. The chromatography involves a new mechanism in hop resin separation. A solvent containing di-n-butylammonium acetate is used. The method gives good separation of α-acid, iso-α-acid, β-acid and humulinic acid, and has been used for the quantitative analysis of α-acid and iso-α-acid in hop extracts and isomerised hop extracts.  相似文献   

Microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography has been applied to the analysis of hop acids in extracts of different hop cultivars. With this new analytical method, the 6 main hop bitter acids are completely separated within 10 minutes. Quantitative analyses of extracts from Saaz, Nugget and Wye Target cultivars have been compared to those obtained with reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The cohumulone and colupulone ratios are in good agreement. Microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography however is much faster and provides, in addition, data for the adhumulone and adlupulone ratios.  相似文献   

Hop bitter acids act as mobile-carrier ionophores. They inhibit the growth of beer-spoilage bacteria by dissipating the transmembrane pH gradient. Their activity is pH dependent. Low pH favours antibacterial activity but high pH reduces it. Resistance to hop bitter acids is a stable character, associated only with beer-spoilage lactic acid bacteria. Hop-resistant organisms can maintain a larger transmembrane pH gradient and ATP pool than can hop-sensitive organisms. Prior exposure of bacteria to trans-isohumulone does not influence the degree of resistance to hop bitter acids. However, in some strains, exposure to trans-isohumulone does induce the ability to spoil beer. The chemistry of these compounds is more complex than previously thought. In aqueous solutions, such as beer, hop acids bind to metal ions and may be covalently hydrated.  相似文献   

A method is described which allows the rapid determination of the bittering value of isomerized hop extracts. The method is also applicable in the case of isomerized hop extracts containing impurities such as α-acids and β-acids.  相似文献   

The quality of a hop variety or a hop product can readily be assessed by a fully automated sequence of selective extraction, fractionation and quantitative analysis. To illustrate the elegance of the method, nine hop varieties and three hop extracts were compared with respect to the content of important marker compounds in the hop oils and of the hop acids. Supercritical fluid extraction at different densities of carbon dioxide was applied to extract selectively, the hop oils and the hop acids, respectively. The hop oils were further fractionated into an apolar and a polar fraction by solid phase extraction and consecutive elution with n-hexane and ethyl acetate. Separation and identification were achieved by capillary gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Myrcene, β;-caryophyllene, α;-humulene and β;-farnesene in the apolar fraction, linalool, undecan-2-one, tridecan-2-one and humuladienone in the polar fraction were selected for quantitative evaluation of the respective hop oils. Sulphur-containing compounds were revealed by capillary gas chromatography using sulphur-selective atomic emission detection. Complete separation and quantification of all hop α;-acids and β;-acids was effected by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography coupled to diode array detection .  相似文献   

A new analysis for hop acids in hops and hop extracts is described. It is based on recent developments in high pressure liquid chromatography using pellicular anion exchange column filling material. Quantitative evaluation of α-acids, β-acids and oxidation products in hops and hop extracts is carried out by standard addition of pure humulone. The α-acids are completely separated from other hop substances before quantitation. The results of α-acids determinations must therefore be more accurate than was formerly possible and they are compared with conductometric titration results which are systematically higher. This is to be expected as it becomes more and more obvious that paper strip and conductometric analysis are not selective enough and determine fractions as “α-acids” which are in fact oxidation products of the hop acids.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the changes in hop production over the past 25 years. The fluctuating pattern of acreage and yield in the principal producing countries is recorded and related to political and marketing changes. Changing brewery requirements, partly related to the development of processed hops, have increased the demand for high α-acid cultivars, but hop aroma continues to be an important criterion. New cultivars are not only meeting brewers' needs but also those of growers to whom disease resistance is particularly important. Changes in production methods have included increased mechanisation particularly related to harvesting, improved drying equipment, non-cultivation techniques, mist propagation and, on an experimental basis, growing hops on low wirework.  相似文献   

This report describes a further International Hop Variety Trial and outlines the object, history and organization of the trials. Four varieties (Hallertau, Saaz, Fuggle and Northern Brewer) were tested in seven countries (Czechoslovakia, Germany (West), Denmark, Spain, France, England and Yugoslavia). The trial provided further evidence of the influence on α-acid content of mean air temperature during the development and ripening of the hop cone, and of the existence of a critical optimum temperature during this period. Over-riding any effect of season, however, was the influence of variety on α-acid production, and Northern Brewer again proved outstanding in this respect in all countries.  相似文献   

When a column containing powdered hops is extracted with liquid carbon dioxide, chromatographic separation of hop components occurs. They are extracted in the order essential oils, β-acids, α-acids; and the separation is enhanced when finely milled hops are extracted. Early fractions (~0·5 hour) contain a high proportion of the available essential oils when hops are extracted at ?20°C and such extracts are suitable as a replacement for dry hops. Fractions can be obtained from extractions at ~7°C which are rich in α-acids and contain low levels of β-acids. Small amounts of fats and waxes are normally present in fractions collected towards the end of a run when seeded hops are extracted.  相似文献   

The world production of hops currently exceeds the demand by brewers. Factors contributing to this situation are reviewed together with the effect that this has produced on price levels.  相似文献   

A method is described which allows the separation of hop bitter components and derivatives present in hops by thin-layer chromatography on a mixture of silica gel and cellulose. This method can be used to evaluate ageing and the quality of the hop.  相似文献   

In natural product chemistry the satisfactory isolation of chemical compounds of scientific and/or commercial significance normally follows a pattern of fractionation which involves the utilization of a range of physical and chemical properties of the compounds present in the mixture. Vapour pressure and solubility are the physical properties traditionally made use of in the initial stages of fractionation. Chemical properties normally enable somewhat more specific fractionation to be achieved. One chemical property that is widely used is the ability of a large number of compounds to form salts. In the case of the hop resins it is this specific chemical property which has played the most significant role in their isolation, characterization and commercial utilization. The historical development of this aspect of hop chemistry has been reviewed.  相似文献   

Two methods based on the resolution of mixtures of hop compounds by chromatography on Sephadex columns have been adopted by E.B.C. and A.S.B.C. as ‘International Methods’.  相似文献   

Whereas hop oil terpenoids can give rise to organoleptically undesirable sulphur compounds in beer brewed using hops dressed on the bine with sulphur, the hop resin α- and β-acids and their transformation products appear incapable of reactions with sulphur under analogous conditions. The evidence indicates that the hop resins are not potential sources of sulphur compounds in beer  相似文献   

The ionization behaviour of colupulone, (?)-humulone, trans-isohumulone and trans-humulinic acid was investigated using a number of techniques. When a potentiometric technique was employed, precise estimates of pKa could not be obtained for any of the compounds, since a drift in the observed pKa values occurred during the titrations. Approximate, or equilibrium pKa values for the most acidic function of each of the compounds were: colupulone, 6.1; (?)-humulone, 5.0; trans-isohumulone, 3.1; trans-humulinic acid, 2.7. Evidence from spectroscopic measurements (UV, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR), conductiometric experiments and measurements of the pH dependency of solvent partition behaviour and aqueous solubility of the compounds is consistent with the possibility that, in aqueous solution, compounds such as trans-isohumulone are present as covalent hydrates. It is likely that reversible hydration occurs at one or more carbonyl groups. As a consequence of this behaviour, no single pKa value is sufficient to describe the behaviour of any one hop compound or hop-derived compound. The potential significance of this phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

A procedure relying on high performance liquid chromatography for the estimation of α-acids and β-acids in hop extracts has been collaboratively tested by members of a Sub-Committee of the Institute of Brewing Analysis Committee and is recommended for use. No significant differences were found between precision values obtained using peak height and peak area measurements. For α-acids, the mean repeatability (r95) and reproducibility (R95) values were 1-3 and 2-4% m/m respectively over the range 41–62% m/m. For β-acids they were 0-9 and 2-0% m/m respectively over the range 11 to 35% m/m. The precision values were judged to be independent of concentration.  相似文献   

It is recommended that hop extracts should be examined qualitatively before the method of analysis is decided. Extracts would normally be analysed by the E.B.C. conductance method (and the results called “lead conductance values”) with a chromatostrip method as the alternative. Isomerized hop extracts should also be examined qualitatively, quantitative analysis being by the method of Wood, Lloyd & Whitear with countercurrent distribution as the recommended reference method.  相似文献   

Three new cultivars (Aurora, Hüller Bitterer and Wye Northdown) when compared in an international trial with Brewer's Gold generally performed best at the localities where they had been selected.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for determining the solubility of hop α- and β-acids in liquid carbon dioxide. Results have shown that the optimum temperature range for the extraction of hops with liquid carbon dioxide is +5 to +10°C. A number of pesticides used by hop growers are appreciably soluble in liquid carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

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