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Much progress had been made during the last two decades in acoustic and optical methods for measuring charge distributions in dielectrics. A review on this topic is given, which mainly covers the past research activities associated with that at our laboratory. For acoustic methods, we will discuss and compare the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) and pressure wave propagation (PWP) methods and present some of the results that enabled us to gain physical insights into the charge dynamics within solid plate samples and coaxial cables. For optical methods, we will discuss the Pockels effect technique that is used for the dynamic measurement of surface charge distributions, and the Kerr effect technique that is developed for measuring electric field distributions within liquid dielectrics  相似文献   

A new measurement technique for two-dimensional electric field vectors (electric field intensity and its direction) in liquid dielectrics has been developed in this study. The theoretical equation for measuring the electrical field vector is derived for the optical system which consists of a He-Ne laser, polarizer, quarter-wave plate, test cell with nonuniform electric field, nonpolarizing beam splitter, two analyzers and two photo detectors. The effectiveness of the technique is confirmed by comparing the theoretical values and experimental results. Furthermore, the nonuniform electric field vector distributions of the transformer oil in a compound insulation system of liquids and solids are measured  相似文献   

Our purpose is to present a critical review of the current understanding of streamer propagation in dielectric liquids in order to help define the direction of future research. We show that the molecular structure has a significant effect on streamer propagation. The main parameter affecting propagation is the electronic affinity of the liquid molecules  相似文献   

The construction of an apparatus for the measurement of the electrostatic charging tendency (ECT) of a dielectric liquid is described. A sealed reciprocating piston arrangement permits a liquid to be repetitively passed through a charge separating element. The use of a gold element is shown to minimize the effects of moisture and control temporal effects. The system is evaluated by testing samples of transformer oil drawn from the field. In general, the new system ranks the oils in the same way as a conventional assessment against a paper filter, although anomalies have been found which are an impediment to adoption  相似文献   

The problem of large-scale system model simplification is considered. A linear transformation is introduced which provides block diagonalization of the original system state equations, permitting division into decoupled subsystems. General requirements concerning the retainment of the dominant modes of the original system by one subsystem are proposed. Application to a two-time-scale separation into slow and fast subsystems, suggested by power system analysis, is then presented. An iterative technique leading to block diagonalization without the need to compute all the eigenvectors is described. This technique is tested on an illustrative example. A comparison between the solutions obtained by a reduced-order system, the classical zeroth-order approximation and integration of the original system equations is given. State variable plots are inspected and commented upon.  相似文献   

A completely new concept of dehumidification is presented. The polar nature of the electronic bond structure between oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a water molecule is utilized to attract them using an electric field. It is possible to single out and remove the water molecules from the air inside a room to make the room dehumidified. A theoretical formulation is developed and a simple experiment was performed to validate the theory. Unlike the conventional dehumidification process, this process does not involve any condensation of the moisture and hence requires a very small amount of power. The technique can also be very useful for air-conditioning as well  相似文献   

Recent experiments on mid-gap laser-triggered electrical breakdown in liquid dielectrics have been scrutinised. The sequence of events that leads to the disruptive discharge is described and accompanied by electric field calculations  相似文献   

It is a well known fact that the breakdown voltage of an insulating liquid increases nonlinearly with increasing electrode gap. Under nonuniform field dc conditions two breakdown voltages are determined depending on the electrode polarity. Using point-plane geometries, with gaps of 5 mm or larger, one finds that typical transformer oils have higher breakdown voltages when the point is negative than when it is positive. Recently, perfluorinated polyethers have been found to produce opposite results when using average gap sizes of 5 to 10 mm. To elucidate this situation a study of the effect of gap size on breakdown voltage has been undertaken. The results show that for the polyethers at larger gaps the sequence is reversed. These observations are explained in terms of the respective streamer developments in these liquids and the relative stability of their negative ions. In the case of the conventional hydrocarbon type oils, the positive streamer usually grows slightly faster than the negative one, but the streamer inception voltages of both are rather similar. In the case of perfluorinated polyethers the positive streamers move at least 10× faster than the negative ones, but they require much higher inception voltages than negative ones. At gaps ≳12 mm and the associated higher applied voltages this breakdown at negative polarity occurs at higher voltages than at the positive one. The negative ions of the perfluoro compounds are much more stable than those of conventional hydrocarbons. The discharge of the negatively charged perfluoro ions requires much higher fields than do those of conventional hydrocarbons. The implications of these observations are discussed in some detail  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the electric field distribution near a wedge‐like edge in arrangements consisting of three dielectrics using analytical and numerical methods. The electric potential behaves exponentially as rn (r is the distance from the edge) near the edge, leading to an infinitely high field with decreasing r for all cases. The value of the analytically derived exponent n agreed well with that obtained from the numerical field calculations. It has also been demonstrated that rounded contact of the spacer with a zero contact angle can make the electric field constant without showing an exponential rise near the edge. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 167(1): 1– 8, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20670  相似文献   

电能计量设备防电流法窃电新技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对单相或三相电能计量设备的电流变送器进行改进,每相增加两组高频互感线圈.高频探测信号由计量设备侧向计量电流互感器二次侧注入,用先进的ARM微处理器对耦合回路计量设备侧的高频信号进行采样和实时计算,即能准确识别计量电流互感器二次侧回路正常、开路及短路状态,从而有效防止电流法窃电.  相似文献   

对电流致热型设备红外诊断技术的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红外检测项目是高压电气设备定期检测和巡检的内容。为此,对红外技术和电气设备红外检测的原理作了简介,对电流致热型电气设备缺陷红外诊断的方法作了重点论述,并指出对外部热故障和内部热故障的判断应注意的事项。广州增城供电分公司开展红外检测工作的检测实践证明,红外诊断技术对于及时发现电流致热型电气设备的外部缺陷和部分内部缺陷是非常有效的。  相似文献   


Fluorine-doped silicon oxide (SiOF) as interlayer dielectric (ILD) was deposited over PZT capacitors by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) chemical vapor deposition using SiF4 and N2O gases. In the conventional deposition of SiO2 ILD layer using hydrogen-contained source gases, the properties of ferroelectric capacitors are known to be degraded during the formation of SiO2 layer. In this study, we examined the degradation of electrical properties of SiOF-deposited PZT capacitors. The remnant polarization and leakage currents were not degraded after the deposition of SiOF. We observed that the fluorine atoms were not diffused into the metal electrode in both cases of the SiOF deposited PZT capacitors and post-deposition annealed capacitors. The SiOF films deposited in the high CF4 flow rate exhibited rough columnar structure on the metal electrodes. We can successfully deposit SiOF in a smooth morphology by introducing TiO2buffer layer or using the novel deposition method of changing the SiF4 flow rate, namely two-layer-deposition method.  相似文献   

The deconvolution algorithm for measuring the distribution of space charge under DC by the pressure wave propagation (PWP) method is studied in this paper. A new Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, including a space charge distribution without a partial differential operator is presented. Numerical methods based on Tikhonov regularization for solving this integral equation and the original PWP equation are studied. Numerical simulation is studied for the effect of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and comparison with other algorithms is discussed. The numerical solution of an electric field distribution from measurements of a LDPE specimen is obtained successfully.  相似文献   

离子液体在双电层电容器中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了以一种咪唑类离子液体1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐(EMI.BF4)为支持电解质盐,分别以碳酸丙烯酯(PC)、乙腈(AN)、二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)为溶剂的3种新型电解液的电化学特性;进而使用这3种新型电解液组装了活性碳电极双电层电容器(EDLC),对电容器的性能进行了研究。结果表明:EMI.BF4在PC、AN、DMF中均具有较大的溶解度(>6mol/L);25℃时EMI.BF4/PC、EMI.BF4/AN和EMI.BF4/DMF溶液浓度分别为2.7mol/L、2.4mol/L和2.6mol/L时电导率达最大值(20.3mS/cm、66.3mS/cm和35.3mS/cm),对应的电化学窗口分别为3.7V、4.0V和3.6V。以这3种EMI.BF4/有机溶剂溶液为电解液的双电层电容器,在充电后期均未出现因“离子贫乏效应”所导致的电容器电压急剧升高现象;其中以2.4mol/LEMI.BF4/AN为电解液的电容器具有最为优良的充放电性能和相对较高的工作电压。  相似文献   

Many of the electrical failures of large electric machines have mechanical precursors. This premise has led to the attempts described here to detect mechanical changes, such as groundwall delamination, by acoustic methods as a means of early detection of incipient failure. By optimally launching an ultrasonic wave into a stator bar and using the conductor as a waveguide, it has been shown possible to interrogate the groundwall insulation and the critical interface region adjacent to the conductor. Laboratory studies using an epoxy mica stator bar subjected to thermal cycling have demonstrated that the acoustic signatures obtained with this method are mirrored by conventional corona spectroscopy conducted simultaneously, although earlier damage is clearly discernible. Based on the results of this study, the acoustic technique appears to have substantial promise as an advanced detection tool  相似文献   

It is advisable to use a controlled electric drive in electric drives of electric off-road vehicles due to its significant multiplicity of the supported torque (5: 1 and higher) in a low-power mode. Such overloads can be achieved, for example, in electric drives with a field-regulated reluctance machine, not only because of the capacity of the electric machines, but also due to the choice of the drive control system. Analysis of requirements for the electric drive of an electric vehicle is performed, and the influence of the control method on the specific parameters is considered. Analysis of the number of independent control actions in synchronous reluctance electric drives is provided. The possibility of increasing the overload multiplicity of the torque by abandoning the vector control in favor of structures similar to dc drive systems is shown.  相似文献   

According to the standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and Russian national standards, test loop parameters (time constant or power factor) for testing electrical apparatuses in the three-phase short-circuit (SC) mode are determined by the graphic-analytical technique. This technique is not suitable for automated tests. In addition, the precision of measuring the loop parameters is largely determined by the instant of SC occurrence. The procedures proposed in this article to determine the test loop parameters do not possess the flaws typical of the graphic-analytical technique. These drawbacks restrict one to the algorithm of SC current analysis in the initial period, or the so-called “S function” (the curve of the sum of the squared instant values of three-phase system currents), or the curve of the total instant power in the test circuit. A common feature of the indicated functions is autonomous behavior in the transient mode, as well as the instant of SC occurrence and informativity for determining the loop parameters. The proposed procedures make it possible to find, by mathematical processing of discrete current values, the power factor and the current value of the symmetrical test current component only 16 ms after the beginning of the transient process. The new procedures can be easily used in automated tests and will make possible more precise calculations of the test loop parameters.  相似文献   

A new precise actuator is proposed, which is actuated by the impact force of an end-loaded piezoelectric bimorph cantilever, and bears two degrees of freedom for translation and rotation. The dynamic characteristics of the piezoelectric bimorph were analyzed by FEM, and are further proved by experimental tests. A new control system for the actuator was put forward and tested, which is called the fixed-frequency with adjustable voltage. In addition, the actuator’s performance of translation and rotation were both measured. The results demonstrate that the actuator is characterized by a simple structure, large movement range, strong driving ability and high positioning resolution. Its cost is estimated at only 1% of the traditional impact actuators. __________ Translated from Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2006, 36(1): 67–71 (in Chinese)  相似文献   

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