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This investigation examined the feasibility of applying the conductance catheter technique for measurement of absolute aortic segmental volume. Aortic segment volume was estimated simultaneously in vitro by using the conductance catheter technique and sonomicrometer crystals. Experiments were performed in five isolated canine aortas. Vessel diameter and pressure were altered, as were the conductive properties of the surrounding medium. In addition, a three-dimensional finite-element model of the vessel and apparatus was developed to examine the electric field and parallel conductance volume under different experimental conditions. The results indicated that in the absence of parallel conductance volume, the conductance catheter technique predicted absolute changes in segmental volumes and segmental pressure-volume relationships that agreed closely with those determined by sonomicrometry. The introduction of parallel conductance volume added a significant offset error to measurements of volume made with the conductance catheter that were nonlinearly related to the conductive properties of the surrounding medium. The finite-element model was able to predict measured resistance and parallel conductance volume, which correlated strongly with those measured in vitro. The results imply that absolute segmental volume and distensibility may be determined only if the parallel conductance volume is known. If the offset volume is not known precisely, the conductance catheter technique may still be applied to measure absolute changes in aortic segmental volume and compliance.  相似文献   

The extent to which data-driven and conceptually driven processing determines amnesic patients' differential performance on implicit and explicit tasks was investigated. In 2 data-driven tasks, words that looked visually similar to target words were used as cues for a graphemic production task (implicit) and a graphemic cued-recall task (explicit). In 2 conceptually driven tasks, words semantically related to the target words were used as cues for both a production task and a cued-recall task. The nature of the task instructions consistently determined amnesic patient performance, regardless of the nature of the processing required. Thus, the distinction between implicit and explicit tasks captured the performance of amnesic patients better than did the distinction between data-driven and conceptually driven processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous investigations of recall and recognition for threatening information in clinically anxious subjects have yielded equivocal results. The present study contrasts implicit (word completion) with explicit (cued recall) memory and shows that indices of bias for emotional material derived from the two types of memory are independent of one another. The explicit measure was correlated with trait anxiety scores, but did not clearly distinguish between subjects with clinical anxiety states and normal control subjects. On the implicit memory measure, clinically anxious subjects produced more threat word completions, but only from a set to which they had recently been exposed. These results are taken as evidence that internal representations of threat words are more readily or more persistently activated in anxiety states, although they are not necessarily better elaborated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Students with and without mental retardation from three age groups were compared on implicit and explicit memory tasks. Consistent with previous research on intelligence-related differences in controlled and automatic processes, students without mental retardation performed better than those with mental retardation on the explicit memory task, but there was no difference between groups on the implicit memory task. For both groups implicit and explicit memory increased from age 6 to 8 to age 10 to 12, but did not significantly increase to age 15 to 17. Because implicit memory appears to be a relative strength for students with mental retardation, we suggest further exploration into broader types of implicit processes that may be useful in training situations.  相似文献   

The article reports an investigation of implicit and explicit memory for novel, visual patterns. Implicit memory was assessed by a speeded perception task, and explicit memory by a four-alternative, forced-choice recognition task. Tests were given either immediately after testing or 7 days later. The results suggest that a single exposure of a novel, nonverbal stimulus is sufficient to establish a representation in memory that is capable of supporting long-lived perceptual priming. In contrast, recognition memory showed significant loss over the same delay. Performance measures in the two tasks showed stochastic independence on the first trial after a single exposure to each pattern. Finally, a specific occurrence of a previously studied item could be retrieved from explicit memory but did not affect the accuracy of perception in the implicit memory test. The results extend the domain of experimental dissociations between explicit and implicit memory to include novel, nonverbal stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In three experiments, young and older adults were compared on both implicit and explicit memory tasks. The size of repetition priming effects in word completion and in perceptual identification tasks did not differ reliably across ages. However, age-related decrements in performance were obtained in free recall, cued recall, and recognition. These results, similar to those observed in amnesics, suggest that older adults are impaired on tasks which require conscious recollection but that memory which depends on automatic activation processes is relatively unaffected by age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five experiments explore priming effects on auditory identification and completion tasks as a function of semantic and nonsemantic encoding tasks and whether speaker's voice is same or different at study and test. Auditory priming was either unaffected by the study task manipulation (Exps 2, 4, and 5) or was less affected than was explicit memory (Exps 1 and 3). Study-to-test changes of speaker's voice had significant effects on priming when white noise masked target items on the identification test (Exps 1 and 2) or the stem-completion test (Exp 5). However, significant voice change effects were observed on priming of completion performance when stems were spoken clearly (Exps 3 and 4). Results are consistent with the idea that a presemantic auditory perceptual representation system plays an important role in the observed priming. Alternative explanations of the presence or absence of voice change effects under different task conditions are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) family members contain a conserved region, the RGS domain, and are GTPase-activating proteins for many members of G-protein alpha-subunits. We report here that the core domain of RGS16 is sufficient for in vitro biochemical functions as assayed by its G-protein binding affinity and its ability to stimulate GTP hydrolysis by G alpha(o) protein. RGS16 also requires, in addition to the RGS domain, the divergent N-terminus for its biological function in the attenuation of pheromone signaling in yeast, whereas its C-terminus region is dispensable. Together with other evidence, these data support the notion that RGS proteins interact with other cellular factors and may serve to link specific G-proteins to different downstream effectors in G-protein-mediated signaling pathways.  相似文献   

This study examined the performance of patients with Korsakoff and non-Korsakoff amnesia on tests of picture priming. Both groups showed intact priming on a picture-naming task but impaired priming on a fragment-completion task when fragmented pictures were presented at study. When whole pictures were presented at study, patients with non-Korsakoff amnesia showed intact priming, but Korsakoff patients' priming remained impaired. Both groups performed equally poorly on a picture-recognition task. It is concluded that non-Korsakoff patients show intact picture priming when explicit memory does not contaminate fragment-completion performance. Korsakoff patients, in contrast, show a selective impairment in the perceptual processes that mediate picture-fragment completion priming. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors report that the divided right and left cerebral hemispheres are both adept at priming, a type of implicit memory, and that subcortical routes can mediate implicit memory retrieval across the hemispheres. Two individuals with complete section of all forebrain commissures, L.B. and N.G., were given tests of recall and recognition (explicit memory) and stem-completion priming (implicit memory). The right and left hemispheres of N.G. and the left hemisphere of L.B. exhibited significant intrahemispheric priming. Interhemispheric priming was similar in extent to intrahemispheric priming. Under several intra- and interhemispheric conditions, significant implicit retrieval occurred in the face of abnormal explicit retrieval. Because all forebrain commissures had been severed in L.B. and N.G., interhemispheric priming was necessarily supported by subcortical structures. The observed dissociation between explicit and implicit memory performance indicates that the routes of interhemispheric transfer vary with type of memory retrieval. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent studies with the Deese/Roediger–McDermott (Deese 1959; Roediger & McDermott, 1995) paradigm have revealed that amnesic patients do not only show impaired veridical memory, but also diminished false memory for semantically related lure words. Due to the typically used explicit retrieval instructions, however, this finding may reflect problems at encoding, at recollection, or both. Therefore, the present experiments examined implicit as well as explicit false memory in patients suffering from Korsakoff’s syndrome and controls. In Experiment 1, encoding instructions either focused on remembering individual list words, or on discovering semantic relationships among the words. In Experiment 2, different presentation durations were used. Results emphasize the distinction between automatic and intentional retrieval: Korsakoff patients’ veridical and false memory scores were diminished when explicit recollection was required, but not when memory was tested implicitly. Encoding manipulations only significantly affected veridical memory: Priming was reduced with thematic encoding, and explicit retrieval was facilitated when given more study time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess explicit memory and two components of implicit memory--that is, perceptual-verbal skill learning and lexical-semantic priming effects--as well as resting cerebral blood flow (CBF) and oxygen metabolism (CMRO2) during the acute phase of transient global amnesia. METHODS: In a 59 year old woman, whose amnestic episode fulfilled all current criteria for transient global amnesia, a neuropsychological protocol was administered, including word learning, story recall, categorical fluency, mirror reading, and word stem completion tasks. PET was performed using the (15)O steady state inhalation method, while the patient still exhibited severe anterograde amnesia and was interleaved with the cognitive tests. RESULTS: There was a clear cut dissociation between impaired long term episodic memory and preserved implicit memory for its two components. Categorical fluency was significantly altered, suggesting word retrieval strategy--rather than semantic memory--impairment. The PET study disclosed a reduced CMRO2 with relatively or fully preserved CBF in the left prefrontotemporal cortex and lentiform nucleus, and the reverse pattern over the left occipital cortex. CONCLUSIONS: The PET alterations with patchy CBF-CMRO2 uncoupling would be compatible with a migraine-like phenomenon and indicate that the isolated assessment of perfusion in transient global amnesia may be misleading. The pattern of metabolic depression, with sparing of the hippocampal area, is one among the distinct patterns of brain dysfunction that underlie the (apparently) uniform clinical presentation of transient global amnesia. The finding of a left prefrontal hypometabolism in the face of impaired episodic memory and altered verbal fluency would fit present day concepts from PET activation studies about the role of this area in episodic and semantic memory encoding/retrieval. Likewise, the changes affecting the lenticular nucleus but sparing the caudate would be consistent with the normal performance in perceptual-verbal skill learning. Finally, unaltered lexical-semantic priming effects, despite left temporal cortex hypometabolism, suggest that these processes are subserved by a more distributed neocortical network.  相似文献   

Twenty patients (mean age 64 years) with a previous episode of transient global amnesia (TGA) were examined to assess the functioning of objective memory (by using the Randt Memory Test), the metamemory capacities (Sehulster Memory Scale), the residual level of retrograde amnesia (Questionnaire of Remote Events), and the level of depression (Geriatric Depression Scale). Patients with residual retrograde amnesia scored significantly lower than non-amnesic ones on indices of both short-term and long-term memory, and for one of three main metamemory components, namely self-rating of memory functioning through comparison with memory functioning of peers (Set3). Age, time interval from TGA attack and TGA duration did not prove to influence memory and metamemory scores. Retrograde amnesia and depression were rather substantially associated (1/5), and this association was found to negatively influence nearly all memory and metamemory scores. Depression level showed a positive correlation with short-term memory functioning in non-amnesics. The different pattern and strength of the relationships between metamemory components and objective memory dimensions observed in amnesics and non-amnesics indicate that metamemory evaluations are more closely related to memory functioning in amnesics than in non-amnesics.  相似文献   

Previous assessments of verbal cross-modal priming have typically been conducted with the visual and auditory modalities. Within-modal priming is always found to be substantially larger than cross-modal priming, a finding that could reflect modality modularity, or alternatively, differences between the coding of visual and auditory verbal information (i.e., geometric vs phonological). The present experiments assessed implicit and explicit memory within and between vision and haptics, where verbal information could be coded in geometric terms. Because haptic perception of words is sequential or letter-by-letter, experiments were also conducted to isolate the effects of simultaneous versus sequential processing from the manipulation of modality. Together, the results reveal no effects of modality change on implicit or explicit tests. The authors discuss representational similarities between vision and haptics as well as image mediation as possible explanations for the results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For nearly 60 years, researchers and practitioners have struggled toward agreement on the definition and measurement of self-esteem. Both consensus and precision have proven elusive, and debate about what we are or should be measuring with our instruments continues today. In this article, we offer a clarifying account of the nature of self-esteem as a key aspect of personal identity and examine its legitimacy as a hypothetical construct. The distinction between implicit and explicit self-esteem is discussed in this context, raising critical questions about the theoretical status of the former. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Extending the Jacksonian principle of the hierarchical development and dissolution of function to the development and dissolution of memory, researchers have concluded that implicit (procedural) memory is a primitive system, functional shortly after birth, that processes information automatically, whereas explicit (declarative) memory matures late in the 1st year and mediates the conscious recollection of a prior event. Support for a developmental hierarchy has only been inferred from the memory performance of adults with amnesia on priming and recognition-recall tests in response to manipulations of different independent variables. This article reviews evidence that very young infants exhibit memory dissociations like those exhibited by adults with normal memory on analogous memory tests in response to manipulations of the same independent variables. These data demonstrate that implicit and explicit memory follow the same developmental timetable and challenge the utility of conscious recollection as the defining characteristic of explicit memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined whether perception of emotional stimuli is normal in amnesia and whether emotional arousal has the same enhancing effect on memory in amnesic patients as it has in healthy controls. Forty standardized color pictures were presented while participants rated each picture according to emotional intensity (arousal) and pleasantness (valence). An immediate free-recall test was given for the pictures, followed by a yes-no recognition test. Arousal and valence ratings were highly similar among the amnesic patients and controls. Emotional arousal (regardless of valence) enhanced both recall and recognition of the pictures, and this enhancement was proportional for amnesic patients and controls. Results suggest that emotional perception and the enhancing effect of emotional arousal on memory are intact in amnesia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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