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A strongly focusing He(+) ion beam source equipped with concave multi-aperture electrodes was developed for production of He(-) through a charge exchange cell. The beam was extracted at a voltage less than 20 kV from 301 apertures distributed in an area of 100 mm φ, and focused at 750 mm distance. The beam current and the beam size of 2 A and 20 mm in diameter, respectively, were achieved with an arc power less than 10 kW. The optimum perveance was obtained at 0.02 A∕kV(1.5) at the beam energy less than 20 keV which is suitable for the conversion to He(-) in an alkali vapor cell.  相似文献   

Large and powerful negative hydrogen ion sources are required for the neutral beam injection (NBI) systems of future fusion devices. Simplicity and maintenance-free operation favors RF sources, which are developed intensively at the Max-Planck-Institut fu?r Plasmaphysik (IPP) since many years. The negative hydrogen ions are generated by caesium-enhanced surface conversion of atoms and positive ions on the plasma grid surface. With a small scale prototype the required high ion current density and the low fraction of co-extracted electrons at low pressure as well as stable pulses up to 1 h could be demonstrated. The modular design allows extension to large source dimensions. This has led to the decision to choose RF sources for the NBI of the international fusion reactor, ITER. As an intermediate step towards the full size ITER source at IPP, the development will be continued with a half-size source on the new ELISE testbed. This will enable to gain experience for the first time with negative hydrogen ion beams from RF sources of these dimensions.  相似文献   

In a multi-aperture multi-grid accelerator of the ITER neutral beam injector, the beamlets are deflected due to space charge repulsion between beamlets and beam groups, and also due to magnetic field. Moreover, the beamlet deflection is influenced by electric field distortion generated by grid support structure. Such complicated beamlet deflections and the compensations have been examined utilizing a three-dimensional beam analysis. The space charge repulsion and the influence by the grid support structure were studied in a 1∕4 model of the accelerator including 320 beamlets. Beamlet deflection due to the magnetic field was studied by a single beamlet model. As the results, compensation methods of the beamlet deflection were designed, so as to utilize a metal bar (so-called field shaping plate) of 1 mm thick beneath the electron suppression grid (ESG), and an aperture offset of 1 mm in the ESG.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the advances of the past decades, significant developments are still needed to satisfactorily diagnose “burning plasmas.” D–T plasmas indeed require a series of additional measurements for the optimization and control of the configuration: the 14 MeV neutrons, the isotopic composition of the main plasma, the helium ash, and the redistribution and losses of the alpha particles. Moreover a burning plasma environment is in general much more hostile for diagnostics than purely deuterium plasmas. Therefore, in addition to the development and refinement of new measuring techniques, technological advances are also indispensable for the proper characterization of the next generation of devices. On JET an integrated program of diagnostic developments, for JET future and in preparation for ITER, has been pursued and many new results are now available. In the field of neutron detection, the neutron spectra are now routinely measured in the energy range of 1–18 MeV by a time of flight spectrometer and they have allowed studying the effects of rf heating on the fast ions. A new analysis method for the interpretation of the neutron cameras measurements has been refined and applied to the data of the last trace tritium campaign (TTE). With regard to technological upgrades, chemical vapor deposition diamond detectors have been qualified both as neutron counters and as neutron spectrometers, with a potential energy resolution of about one percent. The in situ calibration of the neutron diagnostics, in preparation for the operation with the ITER-like wall, is also promoting important technological developments. With regard to the fast particles, for the first time the temperature of the fast particle tails has been obtained with a new high purity Germanium detector measuring the gamma emission spectrum from the plasma. The effects of toroidal Alfven eigenmodes modes and various MHD instabilities on the confinement of the fast particles have been determined with a combination of gamma ray cameras, neutral particle analyzers, scintillator probe, and Faraday cups. From a more technological perspective, various neutron filters have been tested to allow measurement of the gamma ray emission also at high level of neutron yield.  相似文献   

Proof of principle experiments of neutral helium beam production for alpha particle diagnostics was carried out on a test stand. Negative helium ions were produced in the Li charge exchange cell, in which stable and long time operation was possible. He(-) beam was accelerated to 157 keV. Finally, He(0) beam was successfully produced after the flight in the drift-tube through the auto-electron-detachment process from He(-) to He(0). A neutral beam detector using a pyroelectric device was also developed to measure He(0) beam intensity. The metastable component in the neutral helium beam was found to be less than 2%.  相似文献   

We present a method to infer the approximate species mixture of neutral beam sources which accelerate positive hydrogen ions. An idealized neutral beam is specified by the accelerating voltage, the neutralizer thickness (molecules of hydrogen per cm2), and the currents of extracted H+, H2+, and H3+. These currents define two independent ratios which lie within a narrow parameter region and which can be determined by two independent measurements downstream from the source. The two suitable parameters are (1) the ratio of neutral beam to total beam power; and (2) the ratio of hydrogen produced by the neutral beam in the target volume to the hydrogen produced by the total beam. We give experimental results from the 10 x 10-cm2 120-KeV test stand at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.  相似文献   

A beam emission spectroscopy (BES) system was developed for density gradient and fluctuation diagnostics in the Large Helical Device (LHD). In order to cover the large Doppler shift of the Hα beam emission because of the high-energy negative-ion-based neutral beam atom (acceleration voltage V(acc)=90-170?kV) and the large motional Stark splitting due to the large v×B field (magnetic field B=3.0?T), a grating spectrometer was used instead of a conventional interference filter system. The reciprocal linear dispersion is about 2 nm/mm, which is sufficient to cover the motional Stark effect spectra using an optical fiber with a diameter of 1 mm.  相似文献   

Differential interferometry employs two parallel laser beams with a small spatial offset (less than beam width) and frequency difference (1-2 MHz) using common optics and a single mixer for a heterodyne detection. The differential approach allows measurement of the electron density gradient, its fluctuations, as well as the equilibrium density distribution. This novel interferometry technique is immune to fringe skip errors and is particularly useful in harsh plasma environments. Accurate calibration of the beam spatial offset, accomplished by use of a rotating dielectric wedge, is required to enable broad application of this approach. Differential interferometry has been successfully used on the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch plasma to directly measure fluctuation-induced transport along with equilibrium density profile evolution during pellet injection. In addition, by combining differential and conventional interferometry, both linear and nonlinear terms of the electron density fluctuation energy equation can be determined, thereby allowing quantitative investigation of the origin of the density fluctuations. The concept, calibration, and application of differential interferometry are presented.  相似文献   

A method is described, which will be used as a basis for designing a system for monitoring the parameters of a stripping target in neutral particle analyzers being developed for neutral particle diagnostics of the ITER plasma. This method is based on examining the target by a beam of alkali ions and measuring the energy spectrum of the beam passed through it. Results of testing of this method at the experimental facility—a model of the monitoring system—are presented. Based on analysis of the experimental data obtained in the study, conclusions are drawn on the applicability of this method to monitoring of the stripping target parameters.  相似文献   

A method for the measurement of electron probe beam diameter by digital image processing has recently been published. The purpose of the present report is to describe the development of an automatic system for beam diameter measurement. To complete this system, a method based on a theory which combines automation and high-resolution conditions is proposed. In practice, the beam diameter is measured from the STEM image of a crystalline hole in a gold thin film, utilizing an on-line computer system equipped with newly developed digital processing programs linked to a SEM in the transmission mode. The functions of the programs include statistical processing, matching, noise removal, interpolation, selection, and rotation. By combining these functions, the scanning beam diameter is accurately measured, in spite of difficulties, under most electron microscope operating conditions. The user simply appoints the edge included in the STEM image.  相似文献   

Collective Thomson scattering (CTS) system has been constructed at LHD making use of the high power electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system in Large Helical Device (LHD). The necessary features for CTS, high power probing beams and receiving beams, both with well defined Gaussian profile and with the fine controllability, are endowed in the ECRH system. The 32 channel radiometer with sharp notch filter at the front end is attached to the ECRH system transmission line as a CTS receiver. The validation of the CTS signal is performed by scanning the scattering volume. A new method to separate the CTS signal from background electron cyclotron emission is developed and applied to derive the bulk and high energy ion components for several combinations of neutral beam heated plasmas.  相似文献   

Cesium seeded sources for surface generated negative hydrogen ions are major components of neutral beam injection systems in future large-scale fusion experiments such as ITER. The stability and delivered current density depend highly on the work function during vacuum and plasma phases of the ion source. One of the most important quantities that affect the source performance is the work function. A modified photocurrent method was developed to measure the temporal behavior of the work function during and after cesium evaporation. The investigation of cesium exposed Mo and MoLa samples under ITER negative hydrogen ion based neutral beam injection relevant surface and plasma conditions showed the influence of impurities which result in a fast degradation when the plasma exposure or the cesium flux onto the sample is stopped. A minimum work function close to that of bulk cesium was obtained under the influence of the plasma exposition, while a significantly higher work function was observed under ITER-like vacuum conditions.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the interest of the international scientific community for high power accelerators in the megawatt range has been increasing. For such machines, the ion source has to deliver a beam intensity that ranges from several tens up to a hundred of mA. One of the major challenges is to extract and transport the beam while minimizing the emittance growth and optimizing its injection into the radio frequency quadrupole. Consequently, it is crucial to perform precise simulations and cautious design of the low energy beam transport (LEBT) line. In particular, the beam dynamics calculations have to take into account not only the space charge effects but also the space charge compensation of the beam induced by ionization of the residual gas. The physical phenomena occurring in a high intensity LEBT and their possible effects on the beam are presented, with a particular emphasis on space charge compensation. Then, beam transport issues in different kind of LEBTs are briefly reviewed. The SOLMAXP particle-in-cell code dedicated to the modeling of the transport of charge particles under a space charge compensation regime is described. Finally, beam dynamics simulations results obtained with SOLMAXP are presented in the case of international fusion materials irradiation facility injector.  相似文献   

The extreme physics of targets shocked by NIF's 192-beam laser is observed by a diverse suite of diagnostics. Many diagnostics are being developed by collaborators at other sites, but ad hoc controls could lead to unreliable and costly operations. A diagnostic control system (DCS) framework for both hardware and software facilitates development and eases integration. Each complex diagnostic typically uses an ensemble of electronic instruments attached to sensors, digitizers, cameras, and other devices. In the DCS architecture each instrument is interfaced to a low-cost WINDOWS XP processor and JAVA application. Each instrument is aggregated with others as needed in the supervisory system to form an integrated diagnostic. The JAVA framework provides data management, control services, and operator graphical user interface generation. DCS instruments are reusable by replication with reconfiguration for specific diagnostics in extensible markup language. Advantages include minimal application code, easy testing, and high reliability. Collaborators save costs by assembling diagnostics with existing DCS instruments. This talk discusses target diagnostic instrumentation used on NIF and presents the DCS architecture and framework.  相似文献   

A technique for monitoring the energy and the spectrum width of an electron beam in industrial and medical accelerators using Cherenkov radiation in the deceleration system is described. A mathematical model is constructed, and the spectra and the structure of the radiation field in the microwave region are calculated. In mathematical simulation, particular emphasis was placed on the physical aspects playing an important role in practical application of the proposed technique. A layout of the experimental setup and a procedure for reconstructing the energy spectrum are proposed.  相似文献   

High field and high frequency have been leading the development of electron cyclotron resonance ion sources (ECRISs) in the past decade as demonstrated by the achieved great performance. The present superconducting magnet structures built with NbTi wires have reached an axial field of 3.5-4.0 T and a radial field of 2.0 T for operating frequency up to 28 GHz. Further increase of the magnetic field strength will require higher current superconductor, i.e., Nb(3)Sn wires. This paper will present the features of a new superconducting magnet structure and review of the existing structures. Using NbTi wires, the new magnet structure could be able to produce maximum fields of 7.0 T on axis and radial field of 3.7 T at a hexagonal plasma chamber wall for ECRIS operations up to 50 GHz. If this new magnet can be built with Nb(3)Sn wires, much higher fields can be expected.  相似文献   

The National Ignition Facility (NIF) successfully completed its first inertial confinement fusion (ICF) campaign in 2009. A neutron time-of-flight (nTOF) system was part of the nuclear diagnostics used in this campaign. The nTOF technique has been used for decades on ICF facilities to infer the ion temperature of hot deuterium (D(2)) and deuterium-tritium (DT) plasmas based on the temporal Doppler broadening of the primary neutron peak. Once calibrated for absolute neutron sensitivity, the nTOF detectors can be used to measure the yield with high accuracy. The NIF nTOF system is designed to measure neutron yield and ion temperature over 11 orders of magnitude (from 10(8) to 10(19)), neutron bang time in DT implosions between 10(12) and 10(16), and to infer areal density for DT yields above 10(12). During the 2009 campaign, the three most sensitive neutron time-of-flight detectors were installed and used to measure the primary neutron yield and ion temperature from 25 high-convergence implosions using D(2) fuel. The OMEGA yield calibration of these detectors was successfully transferred to the NIF.  相似文献   

M Scherge  K PöhlmannA Gervé 《Wear》2003,254(9):801-817
Wear measurement based on the radionuclide-technique (RNT) is a unique way to determine the tribological performance of a system continuously and in real-time. Due to its extremely high resolution and accuracy this method is especially suited to mechanical systems showing low wear rates. When simultaneously to wear, friction is also measured, dynamic processes like running-in can be assessed precisely. This leads to a deeper understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of the wear process. The method, therefore, can be used for applied as well as for detailed basic research. This paper deals with the fundamentals of RNT and its application. Although most of the examples come from combustion engine tribology, the findings can be generalized to other areas of mechanical engineering.  相似文献   

A full fluid ball-in-socket elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) analysis of an artificial hip joint made of a metallic femoral head and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) acetabular cup was considered. Since artificial hips operate in a mixed lubrication mode, wear occurs and wear particles lead to reduced hip lifetimes. This study involves simulating these particles within the lubrication regime. Hip deformation was compared to models employing finite element analysis and the spherical fast-Fourier transform technique. Particle modeling results were compared to suspension modeling experiments by other researchers. Results show a strong influence of lubricant fluid velocity on that of the wear particles.  相似文献   

High detection efficiency combined with spatial resolution on a nm-scale makes the field ionization process a promising candidate for spatially resolved neutral particles detection. The effective cross-sectional area σeff can serve as a measure for the effectiveness of such a field ion detector. In the present contribution, we combine quantum-mechanical calculations of the field-modified electron density distribution near the tungsten tip surface and of the resulting local field distributions, performed using the functional integration method, with a classical treatment of the atom trajectories approaching the tip in order to calculate the σeff values for ionization of free He atoms over an apex of a tungsten field emitter tip. The calculated values are compared with experimental data for supersonic He atomic beams at two different temperatures 95 and 298 K.  相似文献   

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