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针对单值中智集利用单值中智关系处理信息融合问题、决策问题时过于严格。文中结合单值中智集和集合包含度关系,提出了单值中智集的包含度,并建立了单值中智决策信息系统的属性约简模型。定义了单值中智决策信息系统,给出了单值中智集的包含度定义和两种计算公式。提出了单值中智粗糙集模型,并讨论了其相关性质。给出求解单值中智决策信息系统属性约简的算法,并以例子说明算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Q 怎样在Java中把txt中数据读入数据库 A 通过把Java对文件的操纵技术和Java中JDBC技术相结合,实现了Java中把txt中数据读入数据库的功能。首先是txt文件中数据存储的格式以及这种数据格式在数据传递、交换等过程中应用的普及。  相似文献   

姚秀杰 《网友世界》2014,(17):368-368
如果兴趣成为中学生学习英语的心理需要,就可以使学生逐渐养成自觉主动学习英语的习惯,英语学习难度就会降低。在轻松愉快的环境中积极地学习,极大地激发了学生的学习兴趣。玩中学、在学中玩。在在教学中要保持和增强学生学习的积极性,每节课中有意识地设置几个兴奋点,让学生们在一节课中始终处在新的兴奋点的刺激中。愉快欢乐的气氛中,巩固了学到的语言知识,锻炼了运用语言的能力。  相似文献   

Q怎样在Java中把.txt中数据读入数据库A通过把Java对文件的操纵技术和Java中JDBC技术相结合,实现了Java中把.txt中数据读入数据库的功能。首先是.txt文件中数据存储的格式以及这种数据格式在数据传递、交换等过程中应用的普及。其次介绍怎样把.txt文件中的数据读入,并把其读入的数据根据数据库中表的字段结构形成相对应  相似文献   

服务器高速电路中几乎离不开过孔,过孔性能在液冷环境中与风冷环境中存在差异。在HFSS中建立差分过孔三维模型,仿真了风冷环境中过孔的阻抗和串扰情况,在液冷环境中过孔的阻抗和串扰情况。仿真结果表明:微带线在液体中阻抗比在空气中阻抗低5 ohm左右;过孔表层焊盘处在液体中阻抗比在空气中阻抗低4.5 ohm左右;过孔孔径处在液体中阻抗比在空气中阻抗低0.5 ohm左右;在液体中的过孔间串扰与在空气中的过孔间串扰相差不足1 dB。针对液冷服务器中过孔性能,从阻抗和串扰两个角度进行了仿真分析,同一过孔需分别应用在空气和液体环境中,可通过优化反焊盘,适当降低过孔孔径处的阻抗,以缓解因阻抗不连续引起的反射问题。在液体中过孔间的串扰与在空气中过孔间的串扰基本一致,在过孔间距无法改变的情况下,可以通过增加液冷服务器过孔间回流地孔的个数,降低过孔间串扰。  相似文献   

水溶液中,铜—草酸配合物稳定常数的测定文献中已有很多的报导。但是,不同方法测定的结果相差较大。而关于非水介质中铜—草酸配合平衡的研究,文献中尚无报导。七十年代以后,国外文献中关于非水介质已中配合稳定常数的测定报道愈来愈多。其中用离子选择电极进行测定的,例如,用硫化亚铜膜电极测定乙腈中铜(Ⅰ)与卤素配合物的稳定常数,用阳离子玻璃电极对乙腈中钠、锂、铊等的配合物以及用氟电  相似文献   

刘素珍 《电脑》1994,(3):28-29
人民银行在汇总全辖各专业银行报表的软件设计中最常遇到的一个难题是:有些专业银行的报表程序是用COBOL。语言编写的,产生的数据存于COBOL数据库中,而有些专业银行的报表程序是用FOXBASE语言编写的,产生的数据存于FOXBASE数据中。笔者在实际设计汇总软件时,找到了一种在FOXBASE中读取COBOL数据文件中数据及在COBOL中读取FOXBASE数据库中数据的一种方法,请广大读者指正。  相似文献   

在现在职业教育体系的建设过程中,中高职一体化是解决中高职课程衔接问题的重要途径。在查阅相关文献和对部分中高职计算机专业教师访谈的基础上,对中高职一体化视角下,中高职课程衔接的必要性和原则进行阐述,并对中高职一体化视角下,对中职计算机平面设计专业课程设置进行探讨和有益的尝试,为计算机平面设计专业人才的培养提供指导。  相似文献   

根据2013年汇丰PMI指数显示,我国的民营中小微企业的运行状况连续多月处于荣枯线之下,这表明我国的中小微企业确实存在着生存的困难。帮助中小微企业渡过难关并健康发展的最好方法就是降低中小微企业的经营成本,为中小微企业提供更加透明的市场信息和更多的参与市场竞争的机会。本研究所指的"网"是指互联网、物联网、智能网和手机网络等。通过最小二乘法对"网络环境"等信息化技术方面与中小微企业间的相关性进行分析。在劳动力、原材料成本必然上涨的情况下,针对中小微企业与现存的网络环境间的问题所在,帮助中小微企业降低在网络环境中所耗费的经营成本,提升中小微企业的经营能力并为中小微企业做大做强提供建议。  相似文献   

以业务流程执行语言(BPEL)为物理模型,通过ArtiFlow中库与BPEL中服务间的映射和ArtiFlow中服务与BPEL中服务间的映射选取物理模型中所用的服务,利用ArtiFlow中元素的关联信息建立物理模型中服务间的调用关系,由此实现ArtiFlow向BPEL的自动转换。实验结果证明了该转换方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This article describes the rationale for the multiphase creative problem solving process, and reports the findings from an empirical investigation conducted to facilitate the problem solving of managers. The ideational skills of the managers were assessed before and after training in a complete process of creative problem solving, along with their ideational attitudes, creative problem solving style (i.e., generator, conceptualizer, optimizer, or implementor), and evaluative skill (i.e., ability to recognize original ideas). The most important findings indicated that the training had a significant impact on the evaluative accuracy of the managers. They were significantly more accurate in their judgments about original ideas after training, both in their identification of original ideas and their recognition of unoriginal ideas. After training, the managers also gave more solutions and more original solutions to problems. Finally, several variables (e.g., the “preference for active divergence” attitude, and the conceptualizer process style) seemed to moderate the impact of training. Training was therefore effective, with specific effects that can be predicted from pre-training individual differences in attitudes and process style.  相似文献   

为提高高等院校的管理水平和决策水平,充分利用校园网资 源,开发了高等院校行政财政分析与决策系统。解决了诸如数据的动态查询、自动生成报表 、网络环境下数据共享等技术问题,具有网上数据共享、图形界面友好和安全的保密措施等 特点。  相似文献   

为发现我国国家标准与国外发达国家标准法规的差距,从根本上提高我国国家标准的总体质量,提升我国产品的质量安全水平,以关键指标(因子)为核心,研究国内外标准法规比对的工作流程,利用面向对象的方法设计,实现了国内外标准法规比对分析系统。该系统适用于所有产品国内外标准法规的比对工作。  相似文献   

We discuss calibration and removal of "vignetting" (radial falloff) and exposure (gain) variations from sequences of images. Even when the response curve is known, spatially varying ambiguities prevent us from recovering the vignetting, exposure, and scene radiances uniquely. However, the vignetting and exposure variations can nonetheless be removed from the images without resolving these ambiguities or the previously known scale and gamma ambiguities. Applications include panoramic image mosaics, photometry for material reconstruction, image-based rendering, and preprocessing for correlation-based vision algorithms.  相似文献   

企业应用集成(EAI)不可避免的要整合各种异构的数据资源,同时还需要集成业务过程,而JCA则是一种较好的基于J2EE的解决方案。针对现有JCA规范还不成熟、难于使用的问题,主要从企业应用集成的角度对该架构作了一定的扩展,以满足EAI过程中的高可用性和松耦合要求。  相似文献   

Geometer Marcus the Marinite explores how the geometric and harmonic means can be employed compositionally within a frame; how means function in the development of organizational field grids; how means work to develop linear perspective and proportional grids.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a sound and complete semantics for the monitor concept of C.A.R. Hoare. First a method for specification of monitors, introduced by O.-J. Dahl, is reviewed. This method is based on the relation between the historic sequence of monitor procedure calls and the historic sequence of monitor procedure exits. Based on such specifications and our new monitor semantics we present a method by which it is possible to prove that a concrete monitor is an implementation of an abstract one. In the last part of the paper an axiomatic semantics for systems of concurrent processes and monitors is introduced. The method supports verification by separation of concerns: Properties of the communication to and from each process are proven in isolation by a usual Hoare style axiomatic semantics, while abstract monitors are also specified in isolation by the method reviewed in the first part of the paper. These properties of the components of the system are then used in a new proof rule to conclude properties of the complete system. Stein Gjessing received a Ph.D. (actually a Dr. philos.) from the University of Oslo (Norway) in 1985. Presently he is an Associate Professor at the Institute of informatics, University of Oslo, Norway. Dr. Gjessings research interests are in the area of concurrent and distributed programming, operating systems, formal specification and verification and programming languages.  相似文献   

PDM产品实施过程中一项重要工作是系统集成与客户化定制。对Teamcenter Engineering(简称Teamcenter)与NX系统集成客户化定制中业务建模、属性映射等相关技术进行了研究,提出了Teamcenter与NX集成客户化定制的技术思路,并以客户化定制NX工程图纸标题栏为例,介绍了Teamcenter与NX集成定制实现的关键步骤及方法。  相似文献   

冰雪运动生物力学及其机器人研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国冰雪运动的蓬勃发展和2022年北京冬季奥运会的成功申办,冰雪运动生物力学和冰雪机器人的研究越来越受关注.首先,介绍冰雪环境下摩擦力学的基本理论,进一步,对比不同变量对摩擦系数的影响;其次,讨论冰雪运动中空气阻力的成因,并分析潜在的减阻机制;再次,介绍研究中常用的测量手段和不同维度的建模方法,阐明各类手段和方法的优缺点;最后,回顾冰雪机器人的研究进展,分析冰雪机器人研究领域的技术挑战,展望冰雪机器人未来的研究思路.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of a geometric dimension and tolerance (GD&T) model for use in both design and process planning. The model meets criteria for computability and compatibility with the Y14.5M standard. The model is first used to capture the designers GD&T scheme on a feature based design model, validate its completeness, and then transfer the GD&T to machining features extracted automatically by feature recognition. The model is based on relative degrees of freedom of geometric entities: feature axes, edges, faces and features-of-size. Dimension graphs are created based on the degrees of freedom for each control direction. Datum reference frames and standard tolerance classes are incorporated into the graph. The model allows dimension specification, dimension scheme modification, and dimension scheme validation. A methodology to automatically determine the GD&T of machining volumes obtained by feature recognition is also described.  相似文献   

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