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The axial depth of cut is an important factor in the dynamic cutting force analysis of milling. In multi-path ball end milling, it varies with the cutting edge position angle. General equations are derived from which the instant depth of cut in ball end milling can be calculated. Examples are given for four path increment modes. The cutting condition in each mode is discussed with respect to the depth of cut. The conditions needed to disengage the tip of the ball end mill from the cut are determined. The "step-up" increment mode has the most favorable cutting condition for cutter tip relief and high cutting velocity. In order to obtain an instant evaluation of the cutting stability, the equations of maximum depth of cut in ball end milling are derived. The exact solutions are obtained from the general equations for the instant depth of cut. More conservative estimates are obtained from the simplified solutions. The results in this paper can be used as a guide in NC part programming to select an optimal cutting strategy and to ensure a stable cutting process in ball end milling. 相似文献
In light-cut milling operations, specific correlations have been identified empirically between the maximum cutting force on a cutter and its associated cutting parameters, and a series of ball-end milling tests for P20 tool steel has been conducted to establish the nature of these correlations. The experimental results indicate that the maximum cutting force on a cutter can be expressed as a logarithmic function of the associated cutting parameters. This paper describes the structure and testing of a simplified cutting force model for planar milling based on these results. 相似文献
Tracking the health of cutting tools under typical wear conditions is advantageous to the speed and efficiency of many manufacturing processes. Although techniques exist to monitor tool performance, most are dependent on cutting direction, sensor orientation, cutting procedure, or the use of computationally intensive mathematical models. In this work, several solutions are proposed such that real-time analysis of signal variance and frequency magnitudes is possible through the identification of trends in the transient behavior of tri-axial force dynamometer signals. Moreover, the nature of both the transient variance (the temporal change in signal variance) and the frequency magnitude trends are shown to be independent of direction through the observation of both linear and pocketing mill sequences. Ten autonomous methods for failure prediction are discussed, tested, and presented. Analysis methods are demonstrated through the implementation of procedures derived from autocorrelation, FFT type, and Autoregressive models. Methods demonstrating high levels of success are subsequently contrasted for forecast success and computational requirements. Forecast success is demonstrated by both FFT type and Autoregressive Models. Methods discussed have the potential for on-line implementation using current commercially available computational capacity. 相似文献
行星轮系传动效率与自锁分析的新方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
应用轮系的复铰图画表示法与基本回路方法,以2K-H轮系为例进行系统化的传动比、传动效率与自锁的分析,以作为2K-H轮系分析与设计的依据。首先,导入复铰运动链图画表示法,以有效地表示2K-H轮系;接着,以此图画表示法与基本回路方法推导在各种运动情况下2K-H轮系的传动比与传动效率方程式:最后,讨论了2K-H轮系传动效率与自锁的关系。 相似文献
《Machining Science and Technology》2013,17(2):147-167
ABSTRACT Chatter vibrations in milling, which develop due to dynamic interactions between the cutting tool and the workpiece, result in reduced productivity and part quality. Various numerical and analytical stability models have been considered in the previous publications, where mostly the stability limit of axial depth of cut is emphasized for chatter-free cutting. In this paper an analytical stability model is used, and a simple algorithm to determine the stability limit of radial depth of cut is presented. It is shown that, for the maximization of chatter-free material removal rate, radial depth of cut is of equal importance with the former. A method is proposed to determine the optimal combination of depths of cut, so that chatter-free material removal rate is maximized. The application of the method is demonstrated on a pocketing example where significant reduction in the machining time is obtained using the optimal parameters. The procedure can easily be integrated to a CAD/CAM or virtual machining environment in order to identify the optimal milling conditions automatically. 相似文献
Chatter vibrations in milling, which develop due to dynamic interactions between the cutting tool and the workpiece, result in reduced productivity and part quality. Various numerical and analytical stability models have been considered in the previous publications, where mostly the stability limit of axial depth of cut is emphasized for chatter-free cutting. In this paper an analytical stability model is used, and a simple algorithm to determine the stability limit of radial depth of cut is presented. It is shown that, for the maximization of chatter-free material removal rate, radial depth of cut is of equal importance with the former. A method is proposed to determine the optimal combination of depths of cut, so that chatter-free material removal rate is maximized. The application of the method is demonstrated on a pocketing example where significant reduction in the machining time is obtained using the optimal parameters. The procedure can easily be integrated to a CAD/CAM or virtual machining environment in order to identify the optimal milling conditions automatically. 相似文献
An experimental investigation is presented to increase the depth of cut in abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting of alumina ceramics by introducing a new cutting technique combining multipass operations with controlled nozzle oscillation. Plausible trends of the depth of cut per pass and total depth of cut with respect to the number of passes and the parameters in each pass are discussed. It shows that cutting with nozzle oscillation can significantly increase the depth of cut in the single-pass cutting mode, while further gains in the depth of cut can be made by using multipass cutting with nozzle oscillation. While multipass cutting can be used to increase the total depth of cut for machining thicker materials, it has been found that an average increase of 50.8% in the total depth of cut can be expected by using multipass cutting with nozzle oscillation as compared to single-pass cutting without nozzle oscillation within the same cutting time. Recommendations are finally made as a practical guide for the selection of process parameters in multipass AWJ cutting of alumina ceramics with controlled nozzle oscillation. 相似文献
This study presents the estimation of the optimal effect of the radial rake angle of the tool, combined with cutting speed and feed in influencing the surface roughness result. Studies on optimization of cutting conditions for surface roughness in end milling involving radial rake angle are still lacking. Therefore, considering the radial rake angle, this study applied simulated annealing in determining the solution of the cutting conditions to obtain the minimum surface roughness when end milling Ti-6Al-4V. Considering a set of experimental machining data, the regression model is developed. The best regression model was considered to formulate the fitness function of the simulated annealing. It was recommended that the cutting conditions should be set at highest cutting speed, lowest feed and highest radial rake angle in order to achieve the minimum surface roughness of 0.1385 µm. Subsequently, it was found that by using simulated annealing, the minimum surface roughness was much lower than the experimental sample data, regression modelling and response surface methodology technique by about 27%, 26% and 50%, respectively. 相似文献
针对金属粉末注射成形过程中喷射所引起的气穴、不良流动等缺陷,对高相对密度钨球合金制品进行了注射成形试验,发现钨球注射成形初期存在喷射现象,喂料一进入型腔即发生剧烈扭曲变形。通过多种成形工艺参数的组合,并且根据非牛顿流体的剪切变稀特性,采用高速高压成形工艺使得注射过程在瞬间完成,从而消除喷射对金属粉末制品的影响。同时,采用Moldflow MPI软件对其成形过程进行仿真,结果表明基于欧拉法的传统模流仿真软件无法模拟喷射现象,从而提出采用拉格朗日法对喷射成形过程进行建模和仿真的构想。将上述喷射现象的研究结果与高相对密度钨球的实际生产现状相结合,提出在定模板的模具分形面一侧开排气道增强其排气能力,和采用高速高压注射成形工艺解决喷射所造成的质量问题。 相似文献
J. Sun Y. S. Wong M. Rahman Z. G. Wang K. S. Neo C. H. Tan H. Onozuka 《Machining Science and Technology》2006,10(3):355-370
Titanium machining poses a great challenge to cutting tools due to its severe negative influence on tool life primarily due to high temperature generated and strong adhesion in the cutting area. Thus, various coolant supply methods are widely used to improve the machining process. On account of this, tool life and cutting force are investigated based on dry cutting, flood cooling, and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) techniques. The experimental results show that MQL machining can remarkably and reliably improve tool life, and reduce cutting force due to the better lubrication and cooling effect. 相似文献
Binglin Li Xuelin Wang Chenggang Li Xingxing Li 《Machining Science and Technology》2013,17(4):453-484
A new analytical cutting force model is presented for oblique cutting. Orthogonal cutting theory based on unequal division shear zone is extended to oblique cutting using equivalent plane approach. The equivalent plane angle is defined to determine the orientation of the equivalent plane. The governing equations of chip flow through the primary shear zone are established by introducing a piecewise power law distribution assumption of shear strain rate. The flow stress is calculated from Johnson-cook material constitutive equation. The predictions were compared with test data from the available literature and showed good correlation. The proposed model of oblique cutting was applied to predict the cutting forces in end milling. The helical flutes are decomposed into a set of differential oblique cutting edges. To every engaged tooth element, the differential cutting forces are obtained from oblique cutting process. Experiments on machining AISI 1045 steel under different cutting conditions were conducted to validate the proposed model. It shows that the predicted cutting forces agree with the measurements both in trends and values. 相似文献
0 INTRODUCTIONThe manufacturing process and assembly inworkshop are regarded as discrete events.Thesystem,which involves these process is called discreteevent dynamic system (DEDS). Many modeling toolshave been employed for modeling this kind of system,such as, queuing theory, critical path method, max-min algebra, perturbation analysis and Petrinet.AInong these tools, Petri nets are graphical andmathematical modeling too1 which is applicable tomany systems. They are promising tools fo… 相似文献
J. Sun Y. S. Wong M. Rahman Z. G. Wang K. S. Neo C. H. Tan 《Machining Science and Technology》2013,17(3):355-370
Titanium machining poses a great challenge to cutting tools due to its severe negative influence on tool life primarily due to high temperature generated and strong adhesion in the cutting area. Thus, various coolant supply methods are widely used to improve the machining process. On account of this, tool life and cutting force are investigated based on dry cutting, flood cooling, and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) techniques. The experimental results show that MQL machining can remarkably and reliably improve tool life, and reduce cutting force due to the better lubrication and cooling effect. 相似文献
本文提出了一个热弹性流体动力润滑椭圆接触问题的完全数值解,并且描述了其相应的求解过程。通过联立求解允许润滑油粘度和密度沿油膜厚度方向变化的一般雷诺方程、弹性方程、润滑油膜的能量方程、固体的热传导方程以及润滑油的粘度方程和密度方程,求解出了不同滚动速度和滑滚比下的油膜压力分布、油膜厚度和形状、油膜内和固体内的三维的温度分布以及接触处的滑动摩擦系数和滚动摩擦系数。所得到的数值结果表明:在一般中、低速情况下,热效应对压力分布、油膜厚度以及滚动摩擦系数的影响较小,但对滑动摩擦系数的影响则相当显著;在接触区外,油膜温升相比之下是微小的,而接触区内的温升明显地随滚动速度和滑滚比的增加而增加;在油膜接触区内,存在着一个形状和位置都与压力峰基本一致的温度高峰区;在固体与油膜之间的两个分界面上,温升一般略低于油膜中层温升,而进入固体以后,温升沿垂直于油膜的方向迅速衰减。本文所研究的问题系稳态问题润滑剂仍被假定为牛顿流体。 相似文献