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动物福利对大多数中国人来说是闻所未闻。所谓动物福利,就是让动物在康乐的状态下生存,其标准包括动物无任何疾病、无行为异常、无心理紧张压抑和痛苦等。基本原则包括:让动物享有不受饥渴的自由、生活舒适的自由、不受痛苦伤害的自由、生活无恐惧感和悲伤感的自由以及表达天性的自由。截止到目前,包括一些非洲国家在内的世界上100多个国家都出台了反虐待动物法案。  相似文献   

赵占强 《北京皮革》2006,(12):21-21
据奥地利电视台(ORF)的报道,欧盟委员会将全面禁止在欧盟境内的国家和地区进口、出口、生产和销售猫皮和狗皮以及相关的制成品。上述相关产品包括毛皮动物、服装以及服装的配饰等主要产自中国。  相似文献   

李美荣 《中国皮革》2023,(3):136-139+143
作为世界毛皮出口大国,我国的毛皮产业在整个国际市场中拥有着不可小觑的竞争力。但是随着活剥皮等各种虐待动物事件的逐渐曝光,各国集体抵制我国毛皮制品,不仅给我国带来了不可估量的经济与名誉损失,而且直接引发了毛皮制品出口贸易新壁垒。为切实应对这一现象,我国在毛皮动物取皮时应高度重视并保护动物福利,建设健全可行的动物福利标准机制,以实现真正意义上的人与自然和谐共处,进而改善我国毛皮产业在国际市场上的形象。据此,本文分析了动物福利保护必要性与我国毛皮动物福利现状,综述了我国现行法律对于毛皮动物保护的不足,以及违反动物福利所面临的法律责任,并基于此提出了一些切实可行的毛皮动物福利法律规制建议。  相似文献   

我国是世界畜禽产品生产大国,在国际贸易市场具有一定优势,但是出口量所占比例不大。究其原因,除了国际贸易壁垒之外,与我国在畜禽产品加工中一系列配套措施不得力有关。要想扩大出口量就必须严格执行国家标准,按国际惯例实行配套控制措施,使其产品达到进口国的要求,冲破“绿色贸易壁垒”,扩大畜禽产品出口量。  相似文献   

针对目前少数生猪屠宰厂中出现的问题,如生猪不经过致昏而刺杀,极大地增加了生猪的痛苦,其拼命挣扎并发出的惨叫声,增大了环境噪声,不符合环保要求;使用老化的设备和工艺,宰后有些片猪肉(尤其是杂交瘦肉型生猪)的肩胛骨、脊椎骨和尾椎骨断裂及肌肉淤血,影响其胴体外观和质量;提出了生猪屠宰的福利要求,如在待宰间让生猪安静休息、洗澡、饮水,听轻音乐;经过致昏,减少其被刺杀的痛苦,实现生猪无悲伤、无恐惧和无痛苦的死去,既充分体现人道屠宰;同时又保证胴体的肉质达到良好。  相似文献   

近年来,党和国家对畜牧业的发展及动物饲养安全日趋重视,在许多方面做了不少工作并取得了成绩。但由于我国幅员辽阔,各地区发展还不平衡,从全国一盘棋来看,畜禽动物养殖安全现状不容乐观,尤其是畜禽动物的疫病对养殖业的危害最严重。如去年12月至今年2月份在东南亚、北美、日本及我国部分省市地区暴发高致病性禽流感疫  相似文献   

中国毛皮业的飞速发展是有目共睹的,尤其作为毛皮动物养殖、交易、加工大省的河北省被人们关注自在情理之中。瑞士等国国际动物保护组织发表了一篇题为《有趣的裘皮》的文章,对中华人民共和国特别是河北省的毛皮动物养殖业和毛皮加工业进行了大量失实报道,并在多个国家电视台播放与此相关的电视节目。姑且不论瑞士等国际动物保护组织对中国及河北省毛皮动物养殖、  相似文献   

随着公众对动物福利的关注度不断上升,近年来欧洲各国出台了一系列改善动物福利的政策。本文介绍了欧盟动物福利政策的发展历程,讨论了动物福利对市场、政策制定与全球国际贸易的影响,阐述与评价了可供选择的动物福利政策,并以欧盟为鉴,对我国动物福利政策的发展提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

2005年12月29日,十届全国人大常委会举行第十九次会议,表决通过了修改后的畜牧法,有关“动物福利”的条款被删除。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以后,动物福利问题渐渐浮出水面。但是,发达国家却根据国家间的差异性,充分利用动物福利问题,构筑了新的贸易壁垒——动物福利壁垒。动物福利潜在的贸易壁垒作用不可忽视,如果不给予足够重视,中国动物产品、中药等相关商品在进入国际市场时将会遭遇巨大障碍。  相似文献   

我国果汁出口近年来快速增长,世界浓缩苹果汁生产中心已向中国转移。但当前新型国际贸易壁垒对我国果汁对外贸易的影响越来越严重,因此我们需要采取新的对策应对新型国际贸易壁垒的挑战。  相似文献   

Due to increased awareness of animal welfare issues by consumers, 3 voluntary programs were developed to assess animal welfare on commercial dairies in the United States. These programs include: 1) Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC), with minimum standards and a third-party audit system; 2) Dairy Quality Assurance Center (DQAC); and 3) University of California-Davis (UCD) program with self-assessments. The objective of this article was to provide an overview of the similarities and differences in content and scope of these programs. Furthermore, to ascertain the practical application of these programs on commercial dairies, a study was designed to compare the rank order of compliance scores of each program on 10 commercial California dairies using a survey and personal interviews with dairy owners or managers. The survey combined 316 statements from the DQAC checklist, the UCD assessment, and the HFAC standards. The mean (+/-SD) percentage compliance for the DQAC, HFAC, and UCD programs was 83 +/- 8, 94 +/- 3, and 85 +/- 6%, respectively. A ranking order from 1 to 10 was assigned to each dairy using the compliance score for each assessment program. Comparisons of ranking order between programs were not significant, indicating that different indices were being measured by each program. All programs, however, identified the same 2 lowest-ranking dairies, which indicated that the programs were able to identify facilities with the weakest welfare practices. The survey results show that selection of the available assessment programs for animal welfare on the dairy is important in determining the outcomes.  相似文献   

徐晨露 《国际纺织导报》2013,(10):4-4,6-8,10,30
主要分析了近几年中国纺织业对外出口的状况,纺织业在对外出口贸易中遇到的问题及相应的对策。  相似文献   

对狐、貉、貂、狸、麝鼠5种毛皮动物的毛绒进行了研究,利用扫描电镜法比较其鳞片层及其横截面超微结构特征,以达到5种毛皮动物种类鉴别的目的.并测定了5种毛皮动物针毛及绒毛的鳞片翘角、鳞片高度、鳞片厚度等指标.结果显示:5种毛皮动物的毛纤维超微结构形态特征各异,其鳞片翘角、鳞片高度、鳞片厚度等指标的数据各不相同,同种动物针毛与绒毛之间的鳞片翘角、鳞片高度、鳞片厚度等指标也有差异.  相似文献   

保鲜湿面是以小麦粉、淀粉等为主要原料,经和面、碾压、切分、蒸煮、包装、密封和巴氏杀菌等主要工艺加工而成的新一代方便食品。基于欧美、日韩等国家对面类及相关产品的预警信息和出口安全检测数据开展风险分析。输出保鲜湿面存在技术性壁垒和高风险,原料中的农药残留和毒素残留,成品中的铝残留、色素非法添加、微生物污染等为高风险,不同国家具不同的风险。根据产品安全检测结果,提出风险管理措施,包括主要原料和辅料、食品包装,生产设施设备保障,生产过程控制,加工人员素质,检测质量等为风险管理要素。  相似文献   

This study aimed to verify whether consumers confirm their willingness to pay extra costs for higher animal welfare standards in a situation where a potential purchase performed by consumers, such as the Vickrey auction, is used. A 104-member consumer panel was asked to rate its willingness to pay (WTP) for plain and low-fat yogurts in 3 information conditions: tasting without information (blind WTP), information about animal welfare without tasting (expected WTP), tasting with information about animal welfare (actual WTP). Information was provided to the consumers under the form of labels indicating the level of animal cleanliness and freedom of movement (5-point scale, from poor to very good). Consumers were influenced by information about low standards of animal welfare (low cleanliness and low freedom of movement) and moved their willingness to pay in the direction of their expectations. However, the discrepancy between expectancy and actual WTP was not totally assimilated, indicating that WTP was also expressed in relation to other aspects (e.g., the sensory properties of the products). Conversely, the information concerning high standards of animal welfare (high cleanliness and high freedom of movement) was able to affect expectancy but had an effect on actual WTP only when the most acceptable yogurt was offered to the consumers. In the case of discordant information on animal welfare, partly indicating high levels of welfare (freedom of movements) and low levels of welfare (cleanliness), expected WTP was always lower than blind WTP. However, when the least acceptable product was presented, they completely assimilated their actual WTP to the expectations. Conversely, with the most acceptable yogurt, no assimilation occurred and sensory properties prevailed in orienting consumer WTP. Within each product, consumers expressed a higher WTP for products with labels indicating high welfare standards as compared with yogurts with labels reporting intermediate and low welfare standard. These results show that information about animal welfare, if given to the consumers, can be a major determinant of consumer WTP for animal-based food products. However, information about high standards of animal welfare should be paired with products presenting a good eating quality.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the association of herd size with animal welfare in dairy cattle herds. Therefore, 80 conventional dairy cattle farms were classified by the number of cows into 4 herd size classes, C1 (<100 cows), C2 (100–299 cows), C3 (300–499 cows), and C4 (≥500 cows), and assessed using multiple animal-based measures of the Welfare Quality Assessment protocol for dairy cattle. Data were recorded from April 2014 to September 2016 by an experienced single assessor in northern Germany. Each farm was visited 2 times at an interval of 6 mo (summer period and winter period) to avoid seasonal effects on the outcome. The average herd size was 383 ± 356 Holstein-Friesian cows (range 45 to 1,629). Only farms with freestall (cubicle) housing and a maximum of 6 h access to pasture per day were included in the study. Data were statistically analyzed using a generalized linear mixed model. None of the farms reached the highest overall rating of “excellent.” The majority of the farms were classified as “enhanced” (30%) or “acceptable” (66%), and at 6 assessments the farms were rated as “not classified” (4%). Regarding single indicators, mean trough length per cow, percentage of cows with nasal discharge, and vulvar discharge increased with increasing herd size, whereas it was vice versa for displacements of cows. Percentage of lean cows, percentage of dirty lower legs, and duration of the process of lying down showed a curvilinear relationship with the number of cows per farm. Herd size was not associated with any other measures of the Welfare Quality protocol. In conclusion, herd size effects were small, and consequently herd size cannot be considered as a feasible indicator of the on-farm animal welfare level. Housing conditions and management practices seem to have a greater effect on animal welfare than the number of dairy cows per farm.  相似文献   

动物性食品中的胆固醇氧化产物(Cholesterol Oxidation Products,COPs)的健康效应受到广泛关注。其水平在新鲜动物性食材中均很低,但在储藏加工和家庭烹调中可能有显著增加。文章介绍了水产品、畜产品、蛋制品及乳制品4类食品中影响胆固醇氧化产物形成的因素。研究表明长时间储藏、高温、非适宜的水分活度、与光线和氧气接触等因素均会促进胆固醇氧化产物的形成。烹调中加入油脂的饱和程度和所含抗氧化物质也影响动物性食物烹调后COPs的形成。加入适量的天然抗氧化物质可能有利于减少COPs的生成。  相似文献   

This study analyzes retailer attitude towards animal welfare in Spain, and how this attitude has changed over recent years (2006–2011). Retailers were concerned about animal welfare issues but a declining trend is observed recently, probably due to the financial crisis. The concern about animal welfare was affected by sex, with women retailers expressing a more positive attitude towards animal welfare issues than men. Retailers, based on their experience, perceive a low level of willingness to pay more for welfare friendly products (WFP) on behalf of their customers. This fact is reflected in the sales of the WFP, which declined from 2006 to 2011. The main reason for consumers to buy WFP, according to retailer perception, is organoleptic quality, with improved welfare being second. The results obtained provide a pessimistic picture in relation to the current market positioning of WFP, which is probably a consequence of market contraction.  相似文献   

本文对我国2011~2013年水产品出口质量情况进行了分析,近3年我国水产品出口量基本保持稳定,出口金额稳中有升。目前我国出口水产品的质量安全已经达到可控状态,品质不合格、微生物污染、药残超标、含非食用添加物成为近3年来出口水产品4大主要不合格原因。通过对美国、欧盟和日本3个中国水产品主要出口国对我国水产品通报原因进行分析,提出加快海洋食品安全检测技术研究,加强监管力度,实现全过程安全监控;提高出口企业自主意识,强化企业主体责任落实;重视基础理论研究,提高海洋技术创新几点对策,为提高我国水产品质量安全水平,扩大水产品贸易提供参考。  相似文献   

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