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Wisam K. Hussam Md. Nurun Nabi Md. Wahid Chowdhury Md. Emdadul Hoque Adib Bin Rashid Mohammad Towhidul Islam 《Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining》2021,15(6):1650-1674
This work reports on an extensive investigation of the physicochemical properties, engine performance, exhaust emissions, and fundamental energy and exergy parameters of waste-plastic oils blended with an additive, diethyl ether and diesel. A four-stroke single-cylinder diesel engine was used for the engine experiments. The seven fuels in this study include a neat diesel, a neat waste plastic oil, two binary blends of diesel-waste plastic oil, and three ternary blends of diesel with waste plastic oil and diethyl ether. The justification for selecting diethyl ether was to augment fuel properties in the blend and to further reduce emissions. The reasons for choosing waste plastic are not only to harness energy from waste plastic but also to offer an effective solution to the plastic waste management issue. The choice of diesel was to use it as a reference fuel for comparison with other fuels. Fuel properties were observed to be similar, and in some cases better, with the blends. Notable reductions in emissions with identical engine performance and energy and exergy parameters were observed with the five oxygenated blends (plastic oil blends) than with a reference diesel fuel. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 相似文献
Hüseyin Serdar Yücesu Cumali İlkiliç 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2013,35(4):389-398
Numerous studies indicated that oil sources in the world will come to an end. As a result, new alternative energy sources will be required to substitute for oil. Some of the experimental studies showed that vegetable oil can be used as alternative fuel in diesel engines. The viscosity of vegetable oil is much higher than that of standard diesel fuel; therefore, the high viscosity of the vegetable oil can cause problems for injection systems and engine components. To decrease viscosity, cottonseed methyl ester was obtained from raw cottonseed oil by transesterification method. In this study, cottonseed methyl ester was used in a four-stroke, single cylinder, and air-cooled diesel engine as alternative fuel. Engine tests carried out at full load-different speed range, the engine torque and power of cottonseed oil methyl ester was found to be lower than that of diesel fuel in the range of 3–9% and specific fuel consumption was higher than that of diesel fuel by approximately 8–10%. CO 2 , CO, and NO x emissions of cottonseed methyl ester were lower than that of diesel fuel. 相似文献
The present study tries to explore the potential of three different types of biodiesel viz. Rice bran oil methyl ester (RBME), Pongamia oil methyl ester (PME) and Palm oil methyl ester (POME) as pilot fuels for a biogas run dual fuel diesel engine designed for power generation. The results indicated that under dual fuel mode, RBME-biogas produced a maximum brake thermal efficiency of 19.97% in comparison to 18.4% and 17.4% respectively for PME-biogas and POME-biogas at 100% load. The emission study divulged that under dual fuel mode, on an average, there was an increase of CO emission by 25.74% and 32.58% for PME-biogas and POME-biogas, respectively in comparison to RBME-biogas. Furthermore, on an average, the HC emissions for PME-biogas and POME-biogas increased by 11.73% and 16.27%, respectively in comparison to RBME-biogas. On the other hand, on an average, there was a decrease in NOX emission by 5.8% and 14%, respectively for PME-biogas and POME-biogas respectively in comparison to RBME-biogas. 相似文献
Z. Utlu 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2013,35(14):1295-1304
Abstract In this study, usage of methyl ester obtained from waste cooking oil (WCO) is evaluated as an alternative energy source. Potential of obtained biodiesel from WCO in the World and Turkey was determined. Physical and chemical properties of methyl ester were determined in the laboratory. The methyl ester was tested in a diesel engine with turbocharged, four cylinders and direct injection. Obtained results were compared with No. 2 diesel fuel. In addition, if WCO is evaluated as biodiesel, environmental pollution caused by waste cooking oil diminished. 相似文献
以正庚烷-癸酸甲酯(MD)-癸烯酸甲酯(MD9D)简化机理为基础,构建了生物柴油(大豆生物柴油SME)-柴油混合燃料燃烧化学反应动力学机理。在单次喷射和主-后喷射两种喷油方式下,将大豆生物柴油、纯柴油以30∶70和70∶30体积比掺混,将该化学反应机理与CFD计算软件耦合,研究后喷策略下生物柴油-柴油混合燃料的低温燃烧特性和排放特性。数值计算结果表明:随着SME掺混比例增加,缸内燃烧温度峰值逐渐降低,缸内燃烧放热主要受OH自由基与燃料的脱氢反应速率影响,反应速率随温度升高而增大;NO_x排放随掺混比例增加而逐渐降低,NO_x排放主要受温度影响;单次喷射下,掺混比例越高,碳烟排放量越低;后喷射下,碳烟生成量受C_2H_2影响,随掺混比例增加而逐渐降低,OH在碳烟氧化过程中起主要作用,碳烟最终排放量受掺混比例影响不大。 相似文献
One of the most fuel‐efficient engines available is the diesel engine. It is the engine of choice for the commercial and heavy‐duty transportation industry. Increasingly stringent legislated exhaust emission levels are driving improvements in both engine technology and fuel quality around the world. This paper presents the results of a survey in automotive diesel samples obtained from service stations in the Athens area. For this purpose 112 fuel samples were randomly collected from several service stations during the period from April 1998 until June 1999. These samples are representative of the automotive diesel distributed in the Athens area from all the oil companies operating in Greece. The laboratory examination involved the analysis both for any adulteration with the cheaper domestic heating diesel or marine diesel, and for some key properties of the automotive diesel. The ASTM standard methods were applied for the determination of the sulphur and nitrogen content, the density at 15°C, the Cetane index, the kinematic viscosity at 40°C and the distillation properties of initial boiling point of the fuel (IBP), 10 per cent volume of the fuel (D10), 50 per cent volume of the fuel (D50), 90 per cent volume of the fuel (D90) and the final boiling point (FBP). The results indicate that there is a large fluctuation in the fuel properties among the oil marketers. Forty‐six samples were found to be adultered with the cheaper diesel (domestic heating or marine diesel fuel) during the sampling period. This means that more than 40 per cent of the automotive diesel distributed in Athens, suffers from some degree of adulteration. One sample was found to be outside the current specifications of density maybe due to contamination with white spirit. The fuel adulteration problem is associated with environmental pollution, problems in engine performance and tax losses. It is a common problem not only to the European countries but practically for every nation in the world. The European Union expressed recently its concern on this issue, mandating that by the year 2002 all the member states will promote the development of a uniform system for fuel quality monitoring. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Krishnamani Selvaraj Mohanraj Thangavel 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2021,43(2):145-159
ABSTRACT In the present research work, the experimental analysis has been executed to investigate the influence of diethyl ether as an oxygenated additive to the diesel-biodiesel blend on the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine. The biodiesel (Frying oil methyl ester) was prepared by the transesterification process, and the biodiesel was added (40% by volume) to the diesel fuel to prepare the diesel-biodiesel blend (D60FME40). The diethyl ether was added to the diesel-biodiesel blends D60FM35 (diesel 60% + biodiesel 35% by volume) and D60FM30 (diesel 60% + biodiesel 30% by volume) with suitable volume proportions of 5% and 10% respectively to form diesel-biodiesel-diethyl ether blends ((D60FM35DEE5) & (D60FM30DEE10)). Initially, the test was conducted with diesel fuel to obtain the baseline reference reading. Then, the reading was compared with results taken from the engine using a diesel-biodiesel blend (D60FME40) and diethyl ether blends (D60FM35DEE5) & (D60FM30DEE10). The results reveal that the maximum brake thermal efficiency was obtained with diesel fuel and it was higher than the diesel-biodiesel blend and diethyl ether blends. The peak in-cylinder gas pressure and heat release rate in the premixed stage was less for the diesel-biodiesel blend, but it was increased with the addition of diethyl ether to the blend. The diesel-biodiesel-diethyl ether blends show less carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions except for NOX emission as compared to the diesel and diesel-biodiesel blend, especially at the engine rated power. 相似文献
The present work aimed at the standardization of transesterification process parameters for the production of methyl ester of filtered neem oil and fuel characterization for engine performance. The effect of process parameters such as molar ratio, preheating temperature, catalyst concentration and reaction time was studied to standardize the transesterification process for estimating the highest recovery of ester with lowest possible viscosity. Based on the observations of the ester recovery and kinematic viscosity, it was found that filtered neem oil at 6:1 M ratio (methanol to oil) preheated at 55 °C temperature and maintaining 60 °C reaction temperature for 60 min in the presence of 2 percent KOH and then allowed to settle for 24 h in order to get lowest kinematic viscosity (2.7 cSt) with ester recovery (83.36%). Different fuel properties of the neem methyl ester and neem oil were also measured. Results show that the methyl ester of neem obtained under the optimum condition is an excellent substitute for fossil fuels. 相似文献
Sunil Kumar Sachin Kumar Abhishek Kumar Sachin Maurya Vikas Deswal 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2018,40(8):994-998
The present article elaborates on the various emission characteristics of mahua oil with diesel fuel in a diesel engine at various blending conditions. Experimental investigation results are studied for various parameters such as exhaust emission of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), and oxides of nitrogen (NO) gases and exhaust gas temperature. Results show that residual oxygen, CO, HC, and NO emission were the lowest for mahua biodiesel compared with diesel. The experimental results proved that the use of mahua oil biodiesel as fuel in the diesel engine is a viable alternative to diesel fuel. Mahua biodiesel oil may be beneficial in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions without any engine modification. Mahua oil has the possibility of becoming a sustainable fuel source as biodiesel. 相似文献
近年来,生物柴油作为一种无毒的、可生物降解的、可再生的柴油机代用燃料倍受关注.但在选用其作为汽车代用燃料时,必须对其做出科学、客观的评估.为了能够正确评价生物柴油的能耗与排放,利用GREET1.7软件对柴油、大豆油甲酯和大豆油甲酯-柴油混合液的能耗和排放进行生命周期评价.研究结果表明,与柴油相比,随着掺混比的增大,能耗总量增大,化石燃料消耗减小,C02和GHGs排放降低,VOC、CO、NOxC02颗粒(PM 10和PM2.5)和SOx排放均升高. 相似文献
首次提出用乙酸-2-丁氧基乙酯作为柴油机清洁含氧燃料.完成了其合成工作,并采用FT-IR、1H NMR和GC-MS进行了结构表征.采用单缸、水冷、直喷式柴油机研究了该含氧燃料添加剂对发动机废气排放、动力性燃油经济性的影响.试验结果表明,当柴油中添加体积分数为25%乙酸-2-丁氧基乙酯时,在发动机负荷特性上,烟度降低一般可达50%以上,最大可达75.0%;在较低的负荷下,CO排放减少16.7%~76.2%;未燃HC减少12.5%~67.7%;Nox排放没有显著增加.掺烧该含氧燃料添加剂的发动机动力下降,燃油消耗率有所提高,而能量消耗率明显降低. 相似文献
The effect of biodiesel fuel obtained from waste frying oil on direct injection diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this study, usage of methyl ester obtained from waste frying oil (WFO) is examined as an experimental material. A reactor was designed and installed for production of methyl ester from this kind of oil. Physical and chemical properties of methyl ester were determined in the laboratory. The methyl ester was tested in a diesel engine with turbocharged, four cylinders and direct injection. Gathered results were compared with No. 2 diesel fuel. Engine tests results obtained with the aim of comparison from the measures of torque, power; specific fuel consumptions are nearly the same. In addition, amount of emission such as CO, CO2, NOx, and smoke darkness of waste frying oils are less than No. 2 diesel fuel. 相似文献
Ameer Suhel Norwazan Abdul Rahim Mohd Rosdzimin Abdul Rahman Khairol Amali Bin Ahmad 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(27):14824-14843
The present work evaluated the influence of magnetite nanoparticles in chicken fat methyl-ester blend (CFME20) and hydrogen induction in CFME20 nano-fuels combustion performance and exhaust emissions using a 1-cylinder dual DICI engine. Results revealed that CFME20 blend exhibits a significant reduction in smoke, hydrocarbon, and carbon-monoxide emissions; however, increment in oxides of nitrogen and insignificant reduction in BTE also noted. Magnetite nanoparticles mixed with CFME20 through ultrasonication to make nano-additive fuel which noticeably decreased the exhaust emissions including oxides of nitrogen and slightly enhanced the BTE as well. Performance parameters gradually enhanced with escalating nanoparticles dosage up to 100 ppm. Hydrogen induction during nano-additive pilot fuel combustion further decreased the smoke, carbon-monoxide, and hydrocarbon emissions and enhanced the BTE to an appreciable level. However, oxides of nitrogen also enhanced with increasing hydrogen flow rate, but for 10 lpm trivial increased. Hence, the results confirmed that nano-fuel (100 ppm) with hydrogen (10 lpm) addition provides optimum outcomes. 相似文献
M. G. Bannikov J. A. Chattha S. E. Gillani 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2016,38(22):3360-3366
A single-cylinder, direct-injection diesel engine was tested with regular diesel oil, neat Jatropha biodiesel, and biodiesel with butanol injection into the inlet manifold. An engine fueled with neat biodiesel showed 5% reduction of the fuel conversion efficiency and 17% increase in specific fuel consumption relative to diesel oil. With butanol injection at a rate of 25% of the total fuel consumption, the efficiency was equivalent to that of diesel oil and specific fuel consumption was less than that of neat biodiesel. Engine emissions with biofuel were improved except for carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. It was concluded that the diesel engine can operate on the neat biofuel (biodiesel plus alcohol) with the fuel conversion efficiency equivalent to that of the diesel oil. 相似文献
生物柴油及其生产技术的进展 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
介绍了由可再生油脂原料衍生的环保燃料生物柴油在国内外应用现状,重点介绍了酯交换法制备生物柴油技术研究进展情况,展望了生物柴油产业在我国的发展前景。 相似文献
在D6114ZLQB车用增压柴油机上比较研究了不同比例的菜籽油甲酯和0号柴油的混合燃料对发动机燃烧过程、燃油经济性和排放特性的影响。试验结果表明:燃用体积比低于15%的菜籽油甲酯,发动机的缸内燃烧过程和纯柴油基本一致;增压柴油机燃用菜籽油甲酯和柴油的混合燃料可以有效降低碳烟、HC和CO的排放;NOx排放略有上升;15%以内的菜籽油甲酯对柴油机燃料经济性影响很小。研究认为:增压柴油机相对自然吸气式柴油机具有更好的生物柴油燃料适应性;在不改变发动机参数的条件下,低比例的菜籽油甲酯具有良好的推广应用前景。 相似文献