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The characteristics of Ni/Si(1 0 0) solid-state reaction with yttrium (Y) addition are studied in this paper. Film stacks of Ti(20 nm)/TiN(40 nm)/Ni(8 nm)/Y(4 nm)/Ni(8 nm)/Si(1 0 0) and Ti(20 nm)/TiN(40 nm)/Ni(7 nm)/Y(6 nm)/Ni(7 nm)/Si(1 0 0) were prepared by physical vapor deposition. After solid-state reaction between metal films and Si was performed by rapid thermal annealing, various material analyses show that NiSi forms even with the addition of Y, and Ni silicidation is accompanied with Y diffusion in Ni film toward its top surface. The electrical characteristic measurements reveal that no significant Schottky barrier height modulation with the addition of Y occurs.  相似文献   

We have investigated the crystalline orientation dependence of the electrical properties of Mn germanide/Ge(1 1 1) and (0 0 1) Schottky contacts. We prepared epitaxial and polycrystalline Mn5Ge3 layers on Ge(1 1 1) and (0 0 1) substrates, respectively. The Schottky barrier height (SBH) estimated from the current density-voltage characteristics for epitaxial Mn5Ge3/Ge(1 1 1) is as low as 0.30 eV, while the SBH of polycrystalline Mn5Ge3/Ge(0 0 1) is higher than 0.56 eV. On the other hand, the SBH estimated from capacitance-voltage characteristics are higher than 0.6 eV for both samples. The difference of these SBHs can be explained by the local carrier conduction through the small area with the low SBH regions in the epitaxial Mn5Ge3/Ge(1 1 1) contact. This result suggests the possibility that the lowering SBH takes place due to Fermi level depinning in epitaxial germanide/Ge(1 1 1) contacts.  相似文献   

The pulsed laser annealing (PLA) is used to assist nickel silicide transformation for Schottky barrier height reduction and tensile strain enhancement and the effect of different laser power are investigated. In this report, a two-step annealing process which combine the conventional rapid thermal annealing with pulsed laser annealing is proposed to achieve a smooth silicon-rich NiSix interfacial layer on (1 0 0) silicon. With optimized laser energy, a 0.2 eV Schottky barrier height (SBH) modulation is observed from Schottky diode electrical characterization. Furthermore, PLA provides sufficient effective temperature during silicidation which also lead to increased tensile stress of silicide film than the two-step RTA silicide is also investigated. The SBH modulation and tensile stress enhancement benefits of PLA silicidation are considered as an alternative to the conventional rapid thermal annealing for ultra-scaled devices performance enhancement.  相似文献   

Yttrium was deposited on the chemical oxide of Si and annealed under vacuum to control the interface for the formation of Y2O3 as an insulating barrier to construct a metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor structure. Two different pre-annealing temperatures of 600 and 700 °C were chosen to investigate the effect of the interface state formed after the pre-annealing step on the successive formation of Y2O3 insulator and Nd2Ti2O7 (NTO) ferroelectric layer through annealing under an oxygen atmosphere at 800 °C. Pre-anneal treatments of Y-metal/chemical-SiO2/Si at 600 and 700 °C induced a formation of Y2O3 and Y-silicate, respectively. The difference in the pre-anneal temperature induced almost no change in the electrical properties of the Y2O3/interface/Si system, but degraded properties were observed in the NTO/Y2O3/interface/Si system pre-annealed at 600 °C when compared with the sample pre-annealed at 700 °C. C-V characteristics of the NTO/Y2O3/Si structured system showed a clockwise direction of hysteresis, and this gap could be used as a memory window for a ferroelectric-gate. A smaller hysteric gap and electrical breakdown values were observed in the NTO/Y2O3/Si system pre-annealed at 600 °C, and this was due to an unintentional distribution of the applied field from the presence of an interfacial layer containing Y-silicate and SiO2 phases.  相似文献   

Er-doped HfO2 thin films with Er content ranging from 0% to 15% are deposited by atomic layer deposition on native oxide free Ge(001). The crystallographic phase is investigated by X-ray diffraction and is found to depend on the Er%. The cubic fluorite structure develops on Ge for Er% as low as 4% and is stable after annealing at 400 °C in N2. Microstrain increases with increasing the Er content within the fluorite structure. Time of flight secondary ion mass and electron energy loss spectroscopy evidence a Ge diffusion from the substrate that results in the formation of a Ge-rich interfacial region which does not present a structural discontinuity with the oxide. The diffusion of Ge is enhanced by the annealing and causes a reordering of the crystal lattice. In annealed films the interface defect density measured by low temperature conductance measurements is found to decrease with decreasing the Er content.  相似文献   

J. Osvald   《Solid-state electronics》2004,48(12):2347-2349
It is shown in this letter that recently published statements [Solid-State Electron 2004;48(2):335] on negative Schottky barrier height between titanium and n-type Si(0 0 1) are not satisfactorily experimentally approved and may not be true. The rectification effect of the Schottky barrier is overshadowed by high series resistance which influences IV characteristic already in reverse bias and disables to extract true Schottky barrier height from the characteristics in the bias range studied. On the basis of published data it is probably not possible to speak about negative Schottky barrier height.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated fabrication and characteristics of germanides Schottky contacts on germanium. Ti- and Ni-germanides were fabricated on n-Ge(1 0 0) substrates by sputtering metal Ti or Ni on Ge followed by a furnace annealing. The influence of annealing temperature on the electrical properties of Ti- and Ni-germanide on n-Ge(1 0 0) substrates was investigated. The low temperature ∼300 °C annealing helped to obtain the optimized Schottky contact characteristics in both Ti-germanide/Ge and Ni-germanide/Ge substrates contacts. The well-behaved Ti-germanides/n-Ge Schottky contact with 0.34 eV barrier height was obtained by using a 300 °C annealing process.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a method to form NiSi contacts using electroless plating of Nickel or Ni alloy on Pd activated self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on p-type Si(1 0 0). Such method allows uniform deposition of very thin, <30 nm, Ni or Ni alloy films. Clean, oxide free, Si substrate was covered with aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) self-assembled monolayer. The surface was activated with Pd-citrate solution followed by electroless plating. The samples were annealed for 1 h in vacuum (∼10−6 Torr) forming the silicide layer. The annealing temperatures were 400 °C for NiP alloy and 500 °C for NiPW alloy. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement confirmed the presence of NiSi phase after annealing. The silicides material properties were characterized using secondary electron microscopy (SEM) analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS) profiling. The results are reported and summarized.  相似文献   

Crystalline LaAlO3 was grown by oxide molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on Si (0 0 1) surfaces utilizing a 2 ML SrTiO3 buffer layer. This SrTiO3 buffer layer, also grown by oxide MBE, formed an abrupt interface with the silicon. No SiO2 layer was detectable at the oxide-silicon interface when studied by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. The crystalline quality of the LaAlO3 was assessed during and after growth by reflection high energy electron diffraction, indicating epitaxial growth with the LaAlO3 unit cell rotated 45° relative to the silicon unit cell. X-ray diffraction indicates a (0 0 1) oriented single-crystalline LaAlO3 film with a rocking curve of 0.15° and no secondary phases. The use of SrTiO3 buffer layers on silicon allows perovskite oxides which otherwise would be incompatible with silicon to be integrated onto a silicon platform.  相似文献   

In this study we report the epitaxial growth of BaTiO3 films on Si(0 0 1) substrate buffered by 5 nm-thick SrTiO3 layer using both MBE and PLD techniques. The BaTiO3 films demonstrate single crystalline, (0 0 1)-oriented texture and atomically flat surface on SrTiO3/Si template. The electrical characterizations of the BaTiO3 films using MFIS structures show that samples grown by MBE with limited oxygen pressure during the growth exhibit typical dielectric behavior despite post deposition annealing process employed. A ferroelectric BaTiO3 layer is obtained using PLD method, which permits much higher oxygen pressure. The C-V curve shows a memory window of 0.75 V which thus enable BaTiO3 possibly being applied to the non-volatile memory application.  相似文献   

The effects of rapid thermal annealing on deep level defects in the undoped n-type InP with Ru as Schottky contact metal have been characterized using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). It is observed that the as-deposited sample exhibit two deep levels with activation energies of 0.66 and 0.89 eV. For the samples annealed at 300 °C and 400 °C, a deep level is identified with activation energies 0.89 and 0.70 eV, respectively below the conduction band. When the sample is annealed at 500 °C, three deep levels are observed with activation energies 0.25, 0.32 and 0.66 eV. Annealing of the sample at 300 °C, orders the lattice of as-grown material by suppressing the defect 0.66 eV (A1) which is found in the as-deposited sample. The trap concentration of the 0.89 eV deep levels is found to be increased with annealing temperature. The deep level 0.32 eV may be due to the lattice defect by thermal damage during rapid thermal annealing process such as vacancies, interstitials and its complexes, indicating the damage of the sample after annealing at 500 °C. The defects observed in all the samples are possibly due to the creation of phosphorous vacancy or phosphorous antisite.  相似文献   

The key feature of this study is to incorporate N2 + implant prior to Ni sputtering on the poly-Si gate and source/drain regions. The results show that the incorporation of the presilicide N2 + implant is able to suppress agglomeration in the Ni silicide films up to 900°C and enhance the phase stability of NiSi on Si(100) up to 750°C. Stable and low sheet resistance was achieved on the silicided undoped poly-Si up to 700°C due to reduced layer inversion, which is driven by grain boundary energy and the surface energy of the poly-Si.  相似文献   

Aurora®ELK films were fabricated by PE-CVD of a SiCOH matrix precursor and an organic porogen material. The porogen material is removed during a subsequent thermally assisted UV-cure step with a short wavelength UV-lamp (λ < 200 nm). This results in film thickness shrinkage of 13.2% and a robust low-k film with k-value ∼ 2.3, elastic modulus ∼5.0 GPa and intrinsic film stress ∼59 MPa. The microscopic film properties during UV-cure were evaluated by FT-IR. A decrease in the CHx peak area is related to the porogen removal from the film resulting in a reduced dielectric constant. The decrease of the Si-CH3 peak and increase in the SiO network area are associated to the network restructuring and increase in elastic modulus. The nature of the Si-H peaks which appear during UV-cure has to be investigated carefully to determine their impact on film reliability. The dielectric diffusion barrier can work as an UV absorption layer which reduces UV-curing of underlying layers and possible UV reflections on interfaces. The SiCN/A-SiCO diffusion barrier film properties during UV-cure show a decrease in k-value, increase in intrinsic film stress and a slight increase in leakage. More research is needed to evaluate the impact of porogen removal by UV-cure on BEOL integration.  相似文献   

Surface hydrophilisation and effective k-value degradation have been reported in literature after direct-CMP of high porosity SiOC films (without a protective capping layer). In the sequel, attempts to restore ultra low-k (ULK) material initial properties after a standard CMP and post-CMP cleaning process are reported. Annealing treatment has shown to be valuable to remove residual organics and water absorbed at the ultra low-k material surface after direct-CMP. However, as the hydrophilicity of the polished surface remains unchanged, it does not prevent moisture uptake, leading to an increase in k-value with time. Therefore, in order to restore hydrophobic properties and to stabilize the surface in time, three silylating agents - containing chlorosilane reactive groups (-SiMenCl3−n) as well as hydrophobic methyl functions (-CH3) in their structure - have been employed in liquid, gas or dense CO2 phases on the CMP-induced damaged ULK layers. While each of these organic treatments is efficient to restore hydrophobicity on post-CMP ULK surfaces, only one of them proved to be able to keep the k-value low (comparable to the ULK pristine k-value) and stable in time, without inducing significant change in porosity of the ULK material.  相似文献   

Ultra-thin films of Dy are grown on Ge(0 0 1) substrates by molecular beam deposition near room temperature and immediately annealed for solid phase epitaxy at higher temperatures, leading to the formation of DyGex films. Thin films of Dy2O3 are grown on the DyGex film on Ge(0 0 1) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Streaky reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) patterns reveal that epitaxial DyGex films grow on Ge(0 0 1) substrates with flat surfaces. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum suggests the growth of an orthorhombic phase of DyGex films with (0 0 1) orientations. After the growth of Dy2O3 films, there is a change in RHEED patterns to spotty features, revealing the growth of 3D crystalline islands. XRD spectrum shows the presence of a cubic phase with (1 0 0) and (1 1 1) orientations. Atomic force microscopy image shows that the surface morphology of Dy2O3 films is smooth with a root mean square roughness of 10 Å.  相似文献   

In this paper, solid state reactions of titanium with boron and phosphorus doped Si0.7Ge0.3 alloys have been investigated for application in a self-aligned germanosilicide process. Wet chemical etching of the germanosilicide with respect to unreacted Ti in a solution of 1:1:5 NH4OH:H2O2:H2O has been investigated. Characterization was performed using four-point probe sheet resistance measurements, x-ray diffraction, cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, Nomarski optical imaging, and scanning electron microscopy. The C54 Ti(Si1−yGey)2 phase was observed to form for reactions on both boron and phosphorus doped Si0.7Ge0.3 alloys. Grain structures of the C54 phases were found to be similar to grain structures of intrinsic alloy reactions with lateral grain dimensions on the order of 0.3 Μm. Resistivities of 22 ΜΩ-cm have been determined for the boron and phosphorus reactions. Although the germanosilicide phases were observed to etch slowly in 1:1:5 NH4OH:H2O2:H2O, which is conventionally used in the self-aligned titanium silicide process, the much higher etch rate of titanium nitride compounds and unreacted Ti provided for a self-aligned germanosilicide process. A first anneal in a nitrogen ambient was found to be necessary to eliminate lateral silicidation over surrounding oxide during self-aligned germanosilicide formation.  相似文献   

The effect of thickness of the high-temperature (HT) AlN buffer layer on the properties of GaN grown on Si(1 1 1) has been investigated. Optical microscopy (OM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are employed to characterize these samples grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The results demonstrate that the morphology and crystalline properties of the GaN epilayer strongly depend on the thickness of HT AlN buffer layer, and the optimized thickness of the HT AlN buffer layer is about 110 nm. Together with the low-temperature (LT) AlN interlayer, high-quality GaN epilayer with low crack density can be obtained.  相似文献   

The epitaxial growth of Gd2O3 on GaAs (0 0 1) has given a low interfacial density of states, resulting in the demonstration of the first inversion-channel GaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. Motivated by the significance of this discovery, in this work, cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy is employed herein to obtain precise structural and electronic information on these epitaxial films and interfaces. At the interface, the interfacial stacking of Gd2O3 films is directly correlated with the stacking sequence of the substrate GaAs. Additionally, from the local electronic states across the gate oxides, the spatial extent of the GaAs wavefunctions into the oxide dielectric may suggest a minimum Gd2O3 thickness to be of bulk properties.  相似文献   

在两步快速热退火硅化之前,对硅衬底进行不同剂量的碳注入,以此探究碳对Ni0.95(Pt0.05)Si薄膜热稳定性的影响。与没有碳注入的比起来,1e15 cm-2和3e15 cm-2碳剂量注入得到的Ni0.95(Pt0.05)Si薄膜热稳定性分别被改善了100 oC和150 oC。通过方块电阻测量,XRD物相分析和SEM图像对比发现,沉淀在Ni0.95(Pt0.05)Si晶界处和Ni0.95(Pt0.05)Si/Si的界面处的碳原子是Ni0.95(Pt0.05)Si薄膜热稳定性提高的原因,而且碳的注入还在一定程度上改变了硅化反应中NiSi晶粒生长的择优取向。这些发现对Ni0.95(Pt0.05)Si:C材料的应用都将很有意义。  相似文献   

The flattening speed of the low temperature atomically flattening technology is evaluated in order to apply atomically flat surface of (1 0 0) orientation on large-diameter silicon wafers to the LSI manufacturing. The atomically flatness of the whole surface of wafers with the diameter of 200 mm can be obtained after annealing at 800 °C or above. The process time required to obtain the atomically flatness for the whole wafer surface can be shortened by increasing the annealing temperature as well as by increasing the gas flow rate. With the off angle of 0.50° or below, it was found that only mono-atomic steps appear on the surfaces and the flattening speed is independent of the off angle. These indicate that the process speed is independent of the migration speed of Si atoms on the surface, but depends on the gas replacement efficiency near the Si surface in this technique.  相似文献   

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