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The DNA replication checkpoint inhibits mitosis in cells that are unable to replicate their DNA, as when nucleotide biosynthesis is inhibited by hydroxyurea. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, genetic evidence suggests that this checkpoint involves the inhibition of Cdc2 activity through the phosphorylation of tyrosine-15. On the contrary, a recent biochemical study indicated that Cdc2 is in an activated state during a replication checkpoint, suggesting that phosphorylation of Cdc2 on tyrosine-15 is not part of the replication checkpoint mechanism. We have undertaken biochemical and genetic studies to resolve this controversy. We report that the DNA replication checkpoint in S. pombe is abrogated in cells that carry the allele cdc2-Y15F, expressing an unphosphorylatable form of Cdc2. Furthermore, Cdc2 isolated from replication checkpoint-arrested cells can be activated in vitro by Cdc25, the tyrosine phosphatase responsible for dephosphorylating Cdc2 in vivo, to the same extent as Cdc2 isolated from cdc25ts-blocked cells, indicating that hydroxyurea treatment causes Cdc2 activity to be maintained at a low level that is insufficient to induce mitosis. These studies show that inhibitory tyrosine-15 phosphorylation of Cdc2 is essential for the DNA replication checkpoint and suggests that Cdc25, and/or one or both of Wee1 and Mik1, the tyrosine kinases that phosphorylate Cdc2, are regulated by the replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

The effects of polyamines and related compounds on the development of drug/antibiotic resistance in a variety of bacterial strains were studied. Methods employed included standard toxicity assays, modified Ames tests for mutation frequencies and antimutagenic effects, prophage induction assays, and recA-lacZ and ada-lacZ induction assays. Using these methods, we have shown that the polyamines produce strong antimutagenic effects against EMS and MMS-induced antibiotic resistance. Spermidine also seems to have antimutagenic potential against 4NQO-induced mutations. DNA fidelity assays suggest that polyamines play a vital role in DNA synthesis, and several polyamines prevent the development of resistance to dihydrostreptomycin. The polyamine putrescine appears to be required for streptomycin action and also enhances the activity of some antibiotics (e.g., neomycin, kanamycin) but shows no enhancing effect on tetracycline or erythromycin. The potential significance of these studies for infectious diseases and tumor therapy is discussed.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the cdc11 gene is required for the initiation of septum formation at the end of mitosis. The sce3 gene was cloned as a multi-copy suppressor of the heat-sensitive mutant cdc11-136. When over-expressed, it rescues all mutants of cdc11 and also a heat-sensitive allele of cdc14, but not the cdc14 null mutant. Deletion shows that sce3 is not essential for cell proliferation. It encodes a putative RNA-binding protein which shows homology to human eIF4B. Immunolocalisation indicates that Sce3p is located predominantly in the cytoplasm. Elevated expression of sce3 increases the steady-state level of cdc14 mRNA. Possible mechanisms of its action are discussed.  相似文献   

The G2-M transition of the cell cycle is triggered by the p34(cdc2)/cyclin B kinase. During the prophase/metaphase transition, the inactive, Thr-14/Tyr-15 phosphorylated form of p34(cdc2) (TP-YP) is modified to an active, Thr-14/Tyr-15 dephosphorylated form (T-Y) by the cdc25 dual-specificity phosphatase. Using highly synchronized starfish oocytes as a cellular model, we show that dephosphorylation in vivo and in vitro occurs in two steps: Thr-14 dephosphorylation precedes Tyr-15 dephosphorylation. The transient intermediate form (T-YP), which can be obtained in vitro by treatment of TP-YP by protein phosphatase 2A, displays low but significant kinase activity. These results raise the possibility that the intermediate form T-YP may be involved in the autocatalytic amplification of the p34(cdc2)/cyclin B complex through phosphorylation/activation of the cdc25 phosphatase and phosphorylation/inactivation of the wee1 kinase.  相似文献   

Previously, it has been shown that Aspergillus cells lacking the function of nimQ and the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) component bimEAPC1 enter mitosis without replicating DNA. Here nimQ is shown to encode an MCM2 homologue. Although mutation of nimQMCM2 inhibits initiation of DNA replication, a few cells do enter mitosis. Cells arrested at G1/S by lack of nimQMCM2 contain p34(cdc2)/cyclin B, but p34(cdc2) remains tyrosine dephosphorylated, even after DNA damage. However, arrest of DNA replication using hydroxyurea followed by inactivation of nimQMCM2 and bimEAPC1 does not abrogate the S phase arrest checkpoint over mitosis. nimQMCM2, likely via initiation of DNA replication, is therefore required to trigger tyrosine phosphorylation of p34(cdc2) during the G1 to S transition, which may occur by inactivation of nimTcdc25. Cells lacking both nimQMCM2 and bimEAPC1 are deficient in the S phase arrest checkpoint over mitosis because they lack both tyrosine phosphorylation of p34(cdc2) and the function of bimEAPC1. Initiation of DNA replication, which requires nimQMCM2, is apparently critical to switch mitotic regulation from the APC to include tyrosine phosphorylation of p34(cdc2) at G1/S. We also show that cells arrested at G1/S due to lack of nimQMCM2 continue to replicate spindle pole bodies in the absence of DNA replication and can undergo anaphase in the absence of APC function.  相似文献   

A semipermissive growth condition was defined for a Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain carrying a thermosensitive allele of DNA polymerase delta (pol delta ts03). Under this condition, DNA polymerase delta is semidisabled and causes a delay in S-phase progression. Using a genetic strategy, we have isolated a panel of mutants that enter premature mitosis when DNA replication is incomplete but which are not defective for arrest in G2/M following DNA damage. We characterized the aya14 mutant, which enters premature mitosis when S phase is arrested by genetic or chemical means. However, this mutant is sensitive to neither UV nor gamma irradiation. Two genomic clones, rad26+ and cds1+, were found to suppress the hydroxyurea sensitivity of the aya14 mutant. Genetic analysis indicates that aya14 is a novel allele of the cell cycle checkpoint gene rad26+, which we have named rad26.a14. cds1+ is a suppressor which suppresses the S-phase feedback control defect of rad26.a14 when S phase is inhibited by either hydroxyurea or cdc22, but it does not suppress the defect when S phase is arrested by a mutant DNA polymerase. Analyses of rad26.a14 in a variety of cdc mutant backgrounds indicate that strains containing rad26.a14 bypass S-phase arrest but not G1 or late S/G2 arrest. A model of how Rad26 monitors S-phase progression to maintain the dependency of cell cycle events and coordinates with other rad/hus checkpoint gene products in responding to radiation damage is proposed.  相似文献   

We present here the nucleotide sequence for a cDNA clone encoding p34cdc2 from sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. The obtained cDNA comprised 301 amino acid residues that contained the PSTAIRE domain to be important for binding to cyclins. Amino acid sequence similarity between this clone and other eukaryotic cdc2 sequences averaged approximately 72%. Using p13suc1-conjugated Sepharose 4B and a selective inhibitor of p34cdc2 kinase, butyrolactone I, it was first suggested that p34cdc2 kinase is involved in the phosphorylation of MRLC at both MLCK site and two PKC sites.  相似文献   

Cohesion between sister chromatids during G2 and M phases depends on the "cohesin" protein Scc1p (Mcd1p). Loss of cohesion at the metaphase to anaphase transition is accompanied by Scc1p's dissociation from chromatids, which depends on proteolysis of Pds1p mediated by a ubiquitin protein ligase called the anaphase promoting complex (APC). We show that destruction of Pds1p is the APC's sole role in triggering Scc1p's dissociation from chromatids and that Pds1p forms a stable complex with a 180 kDa protein called Esp1p, which is essential for the dissociation of Scc1p from sister chromatids and for their separation. We propose that the APC promotes sister separation not by destroying cohesins but instead by liberating the "sister-separating" Esp1 protein from its inhibitor Pds1p.  相似文献   

The author summarises the current knowledge of the major immune cytokines, their receptors and functions, and illustrates the pivotal role of cytokines in regulating immune responses. As researchers explore the factors which influence the genetics of disease resistance in livestock and poultry, alleles associated with differences in the expression of, and responsiveness to, cytokines will inevitably be defined. Variations in cytokine receptors, as well as in sensitivity to the rapidly expanding array of cytokine agonists and antagonists, will also be identified. These differences influence not only disease resistance but also potential disease pathology and speed of recovery from infection. The author concludes with a discussion of some uses of cytokines in clinical practice. This area is the subject of active exploration with clinical trials in many species, addressing issues such as immune system stimulation and disease treatment with cytokine proteins. As veterinarians use such new biotherapeutics, the issue of genetic control of responses to deliberate cytokine stimulation will become important to producers.  相似文献   

A checkpoint mechanism operates at the metaphase/anaphase transition to ensure that a bipolar spindle is formed and that all the chromosomes are aligned at the spindle equator before anaphase is initiated. Since mistakes in the segregation of chromosomes during meiosis have particularly disastrous consequences, it seems likely that the meiotic cell division would be characterized by a stringent metaphase/ anaphase checkpoint. To determine if the presence of an unaligned chromosome activates the checkpoint and delays anaphase onset during mammalian female meiosis, we investigated meiotic cell cycle progression in murine oocytes from XO females and control siblings. Despite the fact that the X chromosome failed to align at metaphase in a significant proportion of cells, we were unable to detect a delay in anaphase onset. Based on studies of cell cycle kinetics, the behavior and segregation of the X chromosome, and the aberrant behavior and segregation of autosomal chromosomes in oocytes from XO females, we conclude that mammalian female meiosis lacks chromosome-mediated checkpoint control. The lack of this control mechanism provides a biological explanation for the high incidence of meiotic nondisjunction in the human female. Furthermore, since available evidence suggests that a stringent checkpoint mechanism operates during male meiosis, the lack of a comparable checkpoint in females provides a reason for the difference in the error rate between oogenesis and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the comparative impact of current and preventive treatments on incidence of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and severe vision loss in patients with bilateral soft drusen (BSD). DESIGN: Stochastic model. SETTING: US population. PATIENTS: Prevalence cohort of white patients 43 years or older with BSD. INTERVENTIONS: Application of prophylaxis of 10% to 50% efficacy to 1 or both eyes of patients with BSD, application of laser photocoagulation to eligible CNV lesions, or both. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of patients with BSD after 10 years with unilateral and bilateral CNV and resultant unilateral and bilateral vision loss to visual acuity of 20/200 or worse. RESULTS: The natural history of patients with BSD generated by the model shows that 12.40% of these patients develop either unilateral or bilateral CNV within 10 years of their entry into the BSD prevalence cohort. Bilateral disease occurs in 3.86% of patients with BSD within 10 years. The proportion of patients with BSD becoming legally blind from CNV within 10 years is 2.54% if no treatment is performed. Current laser treatment for CNV decreases the proportion with legal blindness within 10 years to 2.24%. The addition of a preventive treatment of 10% efficacy applied bilaterally to the current laser treatment regimen decreases the proportion with legal blindness to 1.86%; a 25% effective preventive treatment decreases it to 1.34%. Comparatively, preventive treatment of 10% and 25% efficacy given to the fellow eye only after the first eye has developed CNV decreases the proportion of legally blind patients at 10 years only to 2.06% and 1.77%, respectively. All outcomes vary with sex and age at entry into the BSD cohort. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with BSD face a 12.40% risk of developing CNV within 10 years. The addition of even a modest (10% effective) bilateral preventive treatment to the current regimen for CNV would more than double the prevention of legal blindness in the BSD population relative to current laser treatment; a preventive treatment of 33% efficacy more than halves the rate of legal blindness caused by CNV. Preventive treatment given to the fellow eye only after the first develops CNV has substantially less impact.  相似文献   

The Ras target AF-6 has been shown to serve as one of the peripheral components of cell-cell adhesions, and is thought to participate in cell-cell adhesion regulation downstream of Ras. We here purified an AF-6-interacting protein with a molecular mass of approximately 220 kD (p220) to investigate the function of AF-6 at cell-cell adhesions. The peptide sequences of p220 were identical to the amino acid sequences of mouse Fam. Fam is homologous to a deubiquitinating enzyme in Drosophila, the product of the fat facets gene. Recent genetic analyses indicate that the deubiquitinating activity of the fat facets product plays a critical role in controlling the cell fate. We found that Fam accumulated at the cell-cell contact sites of MDCKII cells, but not at free ends of plasma membranes. Fam was partially colocalized with AF-6 and interacted with AF-6 in vivo and in vitro. We also showed that AF-6 was ubiquitinated in intact cells, and that Fam prevented the ubiquitination of AF-6.  相似文献   

Activation of the cyclin-dependent protein kinases p34cdc2 and p33cdk2 requires binding with a cyclin partner and phosphorylation on the first threonine residue in the sequence THEVVTLWYRAPE. We present evidence that this threonine residue, number 160 in p33cdk2, can be specifically phosphorylated by a cdc2-related protein kinase from Xenopus oocytes called p40MO15. Binding to cyclin A and phosphorylation of this threonine are both required to activate fully the histone H1 kinase activity of p33cdk2. In cell extracts, a portion of p40MO15 is found in a high molecular weight complex that is considerably more active than a lower molecular weight form. Wild-type MO15 protein expressed in bacteria does not possess kinase activity, but acquires p33cdk2-T160 kinase activity after incubation with cell extract and ATP. We conclude that p40MO15 corresponds to CAK (cdc2/cdk2 activating kinase) and speculate that, like p33cdk2 and p34cdc2, p40MO15 requires activation by phosphorylation and association with a companion subunit.  相似文献   

Transhydrogenase is a proton pump. It has separate binding sites for NAD+/NADH (on domain I of the protein) and for NADP+/NADPH (on domain III). Purified, detergent-dispersed transhydrogenase from Escherichia coli catalyses the reduction of the NAD+ analogue, acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide (AcPdAD+), by NADH at a slow rate in the absence of added NADP+ or NADPH. Although it is slow, this reaction is surprising, since transhydrogenase is generally thought to catalyse hydride transfer between NAD(H)--or its analogues and NADP(H)--or its analogues, by a ternary complex mechanism. It is shown that hydride transfer occurs between the 4A position on the nicotinamide ring of NADH and the 4A position of AcPdAD+. On the basis of the known stereospecificity of the enzyme, this eliminates the possibilities of transhydrogenation(a) from NADH in domain I to AcPdAD+ wrongly located in domain III; and (b) from NADH wrongly located in domain III to AcPdAD+ in domain I. In the presence of low concentrations of added NADP+ or NADPH, detergent-dispersed E. coli transhydrogenase catalyses the very rapid reduction of AcPdAD+ by NADH. This reaction is cyclic; it takes place via the alternate oxidation of NADPH by AcPdAD+ and the reduction of NADP+ by NADH, while the NADPH and NADP+ remain tightly bound to the enzyme. In the present work, it is shown that the rate of the cyclic reaction and the rate of reduction of AcPdAD+ by NADH in the absence of added NADP+/NADPH, have similar dependences on pH and on MgSO4 concentration and that they have a similar kinetic character. It is therefore suggested that the reduction of AcPdAD+ by NADH is actually a cyclic reaction operating, either with tightly bound NADP+/NADPH on a small fraction (< 5%) of the enzyme, or with NAD+/NADH (or AcPdAD+/AcPdADH) unnaturally occluded within the domain III site. Transhydrogenase associated with membrane vesicles (chromatophores) of Rhodospirillum rubrum also catalyses the reduction of AcPdAD+ by NADH in the absence of added NADP+/NADPH. When the chromatophores were stripped of transhydrogenase domain I, that reaction was lost in parallel with 'normal reverse' transhydrogenation (e.g., the reduction of AcPdAD+ by NADPH). The two reactions were fully recovered upon reconstitution with recombinant domain I protein. However, after repeated washing of the domain I-depleted chromatophores, reverse transhydrogenation activity (when assayed in the presence of domain I) was retained, whereas the reduction of AcPdAD+ by NADH declined in activity. Addition of low concentrations of NADP+ or NADPH always supported the same high rate of the NADH-->AcPdAD+ reaction independently of how often the membranes were washed. It is concluded that, as with the purified E. coli enzyme, the reduction of AcPdAD+ by NADH in chromatophores is a cyclic reaction involving nucleotides that are tightly bound in the domain III site of transhydrogenase. However, in the case of R. rubrum membranes it can be shown with some certainty that the bound nucleotides are NADP+ or NADPH. The data are thus adequately explained without recourse to suggestions of multiple nucleotide-binding sites on transhydrogenase.  相似文献   

It is possible to cause G2 arrest in Aspergillus nidulans by inactivating either p34cdc2 or NIMA. We therefore investigated the negative control of these two mitosis-promoting kinases after DNA damage. DNA damage caused rapid Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 and transient cell cycle arrest but had little effect on the activity of NIMA. Dividing cells deficient in Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 were sensitive to both MMS and UV irradiation and entered lethal premature mitosis with damaged DNA. However, non-dividing quiescent conidiospores of the Tyr15 mutant strain were not sensitive to DNA damage. The UV and MMS sensitivity of cells unable to tyrosine phosphorylate p34cdc2 is therefore caused by defects in DNA damage checkpoint regulation over mitosis. Both the nimA5 and nimT23 temperature-sensitive mutations cause an arrest in G2 at 42 degrees C. Addition of MMS to nimT23 G2-arrested cells caused a marked delay in their entry into mitosis upon downshift to 32 degrees C and this delay was correlated with a long delay in the dephosphorylation and activation of p34cdc2. Addition of MMS to nimA5 G2-arrested cells caused inactivation of the H1 kinase activity of p34cdc2 due to an increase in its Tyr15 phosphorylation level and delayed entry into mitosis upon return to 32 degrees C. However, if Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 was prevented then its H1 kinase activity was not inactivated upon MMS addition to nimA5 G2-arrested cells and they rapidly progressed into a lethal mitosis upon release to 32 degrees C. Thus, Tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 in G2 arrests initiation of mitosis after DNA damage in A. nidulans.  相似文献   

We describe the presence of a minisatellite sequence that displays length polymorphisms in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The minisatellite sequence was found to reside within the propeptide region of the vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y gene. The minisatellite sequence, which was found only at a single locus, was mitotically stable and displayed length polymorphisms between the two varieties of S. pombe (S. pombe var. pombe and S. pombe var. malidevorans). The minisatellite sequence, however, appeared to be species specific and was absent in other members of the Schizosaccharomyces genus. This report constitutes the first experimental demonstration of the presence of such sequences in yeasts.  相似文献   

Replication protein A (RPA) is a heterotrimeric single-stranded DNA-binding protein present in all eukaryotes. In vitro studies have implicated RPA in simian virus 40 DNA synthesis and nucleotide excision repair, but little direct information is available about the in vivo roles of the protein. We report here the cloning of the largest subunit of RPA (rpa1+) from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The rpa1+ gene is essential for viability and is expressed specifically at S phase of the cell cycle. Genetic analysis revealed that rpa1+ is the locus of the S. pombe radiation-sensitive mutation rad11. The rad11 allele exhibits pleiotropic effects consistent with an in vivo role for RPA in both DNA repair and DNA synthesis. The mutant is sensitive to both UV and ionizing radiation but is not defective in the DNA damage-dependent checkpoint, consistent with the hypothesis that RPA is part of the enzymatic machinery of DNA repair. When incubated in hydroxyurea, rad11 cells initially arrest with a 1C DNA content but then lose viability coincident with reentry into S phase, suggesting that DNA synthesis is aberrant under these conditions. A significant fraction of the mutant cells subsequently undergo inappropriate mitosis in the presence of hydroxyurea, indicating that RPA also plays a role in the checkpoint mechanism that monitors the completion of S phase. We propose that RPA is required to maintain the integrity of replication complexes when DNA replication is blocked. We further suggest that the rad11 mutation leads to the premature breakdown of such complexes, thereby preventing recovery from the hydroxyurea arrest and eliminating a signal recognized by the S-phase checkpoint mechanism.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe the rad1(+) gene is required for both the DNA damage-dependent and the DNA replication-dependent cell cycle checkpoints. We have identified a human homologue of the S. pombe rad1(+) gene, designated Hrad1, as well as a mouse homologue: Mrad1. Two Hrad1 alternative splice variants with different open reading frames have been identified; one codes for a long form, Hrad1A, and the other encodes a short form because of N-terminal truncation, Hrad1B. Hrad1A has 60% identity to the S. pombe rad1+ sequence at the DNA level and 49% identity and 72% similarity at the amino acid level. Northern blot analysis indicates elevated levels of expression in testis and cancer cell lines. Chromosomal localization by fluorescence in situ hybridization indicates that Hrad1 is located on chromosome 5p13. 2-13.3. This region is subject to loss of heterozygosity in several human cancers. Hrad1 also shares homology with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD17 and Ustilago maydis REC1 proteins. REC1 has previously been characterized as a 3' --> 5' exonuclease with a C-terminal domain essential for cell cycle checkpoint function. We have expressed and purified polyhistidine-tagged fusions of Hrad1A and Hrad1B and show that HisHrad1A has 3' --> 5' exonuclease activity, whereas HisHrad1B lacks such activity. The biological functions of the two proteins remain to be determined.  相似文献   

The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene is X-linked. There are numerous mutations that cause a deficiency of this enzyme in erythrocytes. G6PD deficiency can produce anemia, both when drugs are administered and under the stress induced by infection. Functionally severe variants cause hereditary non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia, i.e. anemia even in the absence of stress. Neonatal jaundice occurs in G6PD deficiency, but it is likely that it is largely due to impairment of liver function, rather than to hemolysis. It has been suggested that there are clinical manifestations of G6PD deficiency that are related to other tissues, but the existence of these is not well documented. Some mutations that produce G6PD deficiency in red cells exist at polymorphic frequencies. Individuals with such mutations seem to have enjoyed a selective advantage because of resistance to falciparum malaria. Different mutations, each characteristic of certain populations, are found, and have been characterized at the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) level. G6PD A-(202A376G) is the most common African mutation. G6PD Mediterranean(563T) is found in Southern Europe, the Middle East and in the Indian subcontinent. Several other mutations are common in Asia. Genetic variability of G6PD has played an important role in the understanding of a variety of developmental processes.  相似文献   

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