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Most of the observed variation between n.i.r. spectra in any sample collection is due to particle size variation; in addition, absorbance readings are highly inter-correlated. Application of multiple linear regression techniques to such spectral data produces a multiplicity of solutions which vary in the wavelengths selected and in predictive accuracy. Evaluation of all or most of these calibrations requires a significant amount of time. In the present study, alternative data treatment methods are described which reduce the effect of particle size variations, select only those wavelengths which contain significant information, and overcome the problem of inter-correlation by means of principal component analysis. These methods were applied to the analysis of dried silage for crude protein (CP) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD); accuracy of the novel data treatments (best standard error of prediction of CP and IVDMD equal to 0.63 and 2.7, respectively) was better than that generally achieved by more conventional statistical techniques.  相似文献   

为初步了解中国鱼类产品中香港海鸥菌(Laribacter hongkongensisgen.nov.,sp.nov.)的污染情况,2005年8~10月对广西、广东、福建、浙江和河北5个沿海省份的水产品批发市场、零售市场和饭店采集的鱼类产品进行了香港海鸥菌的监测。在5省1097份鱼类样本中,草鱼247份、鲤鱼248份、其他淡水鱼431份和海水鱼171份。草鱼的检出率为7.69%(19/247),鲤鱼为0.81%(2/248),其他淡水鱼为0.23%(1/431),海水鱼中未检出(0/171)。我国沿海省份淡水鱼类产品中存在香港海鸥菌的污染,应加强对香港海鸥菌的监测。  相似文献   

Two predominant perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), in surface water (SW, 0-20 cm), subsurface water (SSW, > 30 cm depth), and sea surface microlayer (SML, 50 microm thickness) were measured from Dalian Coastal waters in China. The SML samples were collected using glass-plate dipping method. Analysis of the PFCs was conducted through solid-phase extraction, followed by LC/MS-SIM. The PFC's concentrations in SW samples were consistent with previously reported data in this region. Significantly higher concentrations of PFCs were found in SML samples than corresponding SSW samples. The enrichment factors (EF = C(SML)/C(SSW)) for PFOS were as high as 24-109 atthree near-shore sites. The concentration in SW was also generally higher than corresponding SSW samples, giving C(SW)/C(SSW) mean ratios of 1.5 and 1.4 for PFOS and PFOA, respectively. This apparent enrichment of PFCs in surface water, especially in the microlayer, has implications for designing measurement techniques, understanding their distributions, and sea spray-mediated transport in the environment.  相似文献   

东南沿海地区零售海产品中创伤弧菌的监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解我国东南沿海地区零售海产品中创伤弧菌的污染状况。方法采用3%氯化钠碱性蛋白胨水增菌,改良纤维二糖-多粘菌素B-多粘菌素E(mCPC)琼脂和纤维二糖-多粘菌素E(CC)琼脂分离海产品试样中的创伤弧菌,可疑菌落的鉴定采用生化试验或PCR法。采用最可能数(MPN)法和PCR法检测牡蛎试样的创伤弧菌污染水平。结果天然污染海产品试样创伤弧菌的检出率为19.8%(20/101)。牡蛎试样中45%(55/122)创伤弧菌密度低于3MPN/g的最低检出限。牡蛎中创伤弧菌的污染水平存在季节性差异。结论未来应加强对我国海产品中创伤弧菌污染状况的监测,尤其是在温暖的季节。  相似文献   

中国沿海地区鸡蛋中全氟化合物污染水平及分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究我国沿海地区鸡蛋中全氟化合物(perfluorinated compounds,PFCs)的污染水平及分布规律,采用分散固相萃取结合高效液相色谱-串联质谱的方法分析了我国沿海9个省/直辖市1 060份鸡蛋样品中17种PFCs的残留水平。结果表明,鸡蛋中PFCs检出率较低,均低于50%;检出的PFCs以中短链为主,占∑PFCs的82%。各省市鸡蛋样品中PFCs的残留受环境中PFCs影响较大,江苏鸡蛋样品中∑PFCs残留最高(1.24μg/kg),浙江最低(0.124μg/kg)。江苏主要全氟化合物残留为全氟辛烷磺酸(perfluorooctane sulfonate,PFOS),其他各省市为全氟戊酸。对鸡蛋中PFOS、全氟辛酸以及除此之外的短、中、长链PFCs进行风险评价,其危害指数均低于1,不具即时危害。  相似文献   

我国沿海主要海域雌性三疣梭子蟹呈味成分含量的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国渤海、黄海、东海和南海4个海域中雌性三疣梭子蟹的肝胰腺、性腺和体肉为研究对象,采用电子舌、氨基酸自动分析法以及高效液相色谱法研究不同海域的生长环境对雌性三疣梭子蟹3个可食部位游离氨基酸含量和呈味核苷酸化合物的变化,并采用滋味强度值和味精当量对呈味成分的强度进行评价。结果表明:电子舌可对4个海域中雌性三疣梭子蟹的肝胰腺、性腺和体肉进行有效区分;在肝胰腺部分,游离氨基酸总量是3个可食部位最高的,3种呈味核苷酸中肌苷酸和腺苷酸的含量较高;在不同海域中,渤海肝胰腺组游离氨基酸总量最高,为3 315.05 mg/100 g,且其味精当量值最高,为15.87 g MSG/100 g;南海肝胰腺组游离氨基酸总量最低,但甜味氨基酸含量所占比例最高,为63.10%,并且呈味核苷酸含量最高,肌苷酸和腺苷酸的滋味强度值大于1。蟹的性腺部分,呈味核苷酸含量与味精当量值是3个可食部位中最高的,其中南海性腺的味精当量值为36.46 g MSG/100 g,是4个海域中最高。蟹的体肉部分中肌苷酸含量较高,黄海体肉肌苷酸组中含量较低,其滋味强度值小于1,对体肉的滋味无直接贡献,但黄海体肉组游离氨基酸总量最高,为2 564.44 mg/100 g;东海体肉组的味精当量值最高,为7.19 g MSG/100 g。  相似文献   

对中国部分沿海海域牡蛎体内16种多环芳烃(PAHs)和16种和多氯联苯(PCBs)空间分布和组分特征进行分析,于2010年夏、秋季在辽宁、山东、浙江、福建及广东共设置175个采样点,分布采用气相色谱-质谱联和气相色谱方法进行检测分析。结果显示:所取175个采样点牡蛎体内16种PAHs总含量的平均值为3.79μg/kg,其中浙江省被测样品的PAHs总含量最低,辽宁相对略高;检测样品16种PCBs总含量在1.41~13.95μg/kg之间;PCBs含量总的空间变化趋势是由北向南先增加后减少;样品的PAHs优势组分为三环结构,五环和六环PAHs含量很低;PCBs被检出的仅有三氯代和五氯代两种。被测牡蛎样品总体PAHs和PCBs残留量符合中国和一些发达国家贝类卫生标准,不影响消费者食用安全。  相似文献   

Chinese stakeholders (131) from 68 key institutions in 27 provinces were consulted in spring 2009 in an online survey of their perceptions of the barriers and opportunities in financing large-scale carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) demonstration projects in China. The online survey was supplemented by 31 follow-up face-to-face interviews. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) was widely perceived as the most important institution in authorizing the first commercial-scale CCS demonstration project and authorization was viewed as more similar to that for a power project than a chemicals project. There were disagreements, however, on the appropriate size for a demonstration plant, the type of capture, and the type of storage. Most stakeholders believed that the international image of the Chinese Government could benefit from demonstrating commercial CCS and that such a project could also create advantages for Chinese companies investing in CCS technologies. In more detailed interviews with 16 financial officials, we found striking disagreements over the perceived risks of demonstrating CCS. The rate of return seen as appropriate for financing demonstration projects was split between stakeholders from development banks (who supported a rate of 5-8%) and those from commercial banks (12-20%). The divergence on rate alone could result in as much as a 40% difference in the cost of CO(2) abatement and 56% higher levelized cost of electricity based on a hypothetical case study of a typical 600-MW new build ultrasupercritical pulverized coal-fired (USCPC) power plant. To finance the extra operational costs, there were sharp divisions over which institutions should bear the brunt of financing although, overall, more than half of the support was expected to come from foreign and Chinese governments.  相似文献   

Nitrification of ammonium sulphate (100 ppm nitrogen) applied to alkali, saline-alkali, highly saline and moderately saline soils was studied during 12 weeks of incubation before and after simulated reclamation treatments, in which water plus calcium sulphate was used for the two alkali soils and water alone for the two saline soils. Before reclamation there were considerable differences in the pattern of nitrification due to soil type; this was accounted for mainly by the high loss of ammonia by volatilisation (61-96% of the ammonium-nitrogen applied) from the two alkali soils; from 0 to 80% of the nitrogen applied was recovered as nitrate after 12 weeks of incubation. After reclamation the pattern of nitrification was similar for all soils; 58-68% of the applied nitrogen was recovered as nitrate after 12 weeks. The moderately saline soil was the only one to show a lower recovery of applied nitrogen as nitrate after than before reclamation. There was some nitrite accumulation early in incubation in all the original soils, but after reclamation only in the two alkali soils.  相似文献   

本文阐述综合开发海滩稳定发展沿海省(区)蔗糖业的重要性,详细指出全国蔗糖沿海省(区)的海滩土地潜力情况及分别从引淡水洗咸及缺淡水洗咸两个方面来介绍海滩开发的不同途径和做法。本文也有介绍一些省的海滩开发实际经验和问题进行提供给中央和地方政府参考,本文还指出我国(特别是广东珠江三角洲)开发海滩的前景。  相似文献   



Philip Morris (PM) launched the Philip Morris External Research Program (PMERP) in 2000, two years after the company agreed to the dissolution of two industry‐wide, external research programmes: the Council for Tobacco Research (CTR) and the Center for Indoor Air Research (CIAR). Our previous analysis of PMERP''s Request for Applications noted that PMERP''s structure, while ostensibly concerned with new product development, was remarkably similar to that of CIAR. We also found the majority of designated peer‐reviewers had previous ties to the tobacco industry and the research solicitation seemed to invite mitigating evidence concerning cigarettes and constituent risks. We concluded that a prime reason for PMERP''s existence was to garner scientific credibility for PM.


To examine the grants awarded in the first round of PMERP and subsequent peer‐reviewed publications.


Searches of industry documents available on the internet using PMERP and its variations as initial keywords; searches on Medline for publications from PMERP grantees.


Of 153 applications, 61 proposals were funded, 36 of which generated 78 scientific publications. Of these, 65% deal specifically with the tobacco plant or constituents. Over half the researchers listed as PMERP participants had previously received or applied for tobacco funding. One internal document indicated PMERP''s objectives included gaining “credibility” and “goodwill”, and finding “young scientists”. In addition, PM has launched its own and more extensive internal product design research programme.


PMERP appears to exist less as a conduit for critical scientific inquiry than to fit into a corporate strategy intended to burnish PM''s public image.  相似文献   

Black carbon emissions in China from 1949 to 2050   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang R  Tao S  Wang W  Liu J  Shen H  Shen G  Wang B  Liu X  Li W  Huang Y  Zhang Y  Lu Y  Chen H  Chen Y  Wang C  Zhu D  Wang X  Li B  Liu W  Ma J 《Environmental science & technology》2012,46(14):7595-7603
Black carbon (BC) emissions from China are of global concern. A new BC emission inventory (PKU-BC(China)) has been developed with the following improvements: (1) The emission factor database was updated; (2) a 0.1° × 0.1° gridded map was produced for 2007 based on county-level proxies; (3) time trends were derived for 1949-2007 and predicted for 2008-2050; and (4) the uncertainties associated with the inventory were quantified. It was estimated that 1957 Gg of BC were emitted in China in 2007, which is greater than previously reported. Residential coal combustion was the largest source, followed by residential biofuel burning, coke production, diesel vehicles, and brick kilns. By using a county-level disaggregation method, spatial bias in province-level disaggregation, mainly due to uneven per capita emissions within provinces, was reduced by 42.5%. Emissions increased steadily since 1949 until leveling off in the mid-1990s, due to a series of technological advances and to socioeconomic progress. BC emissions in China in 2050 are predicted to be 920-2183 Gg/yr under various scenarios; and the industrial and transportation sectors stand to benefit the most from technological improvements.  相似文献   

Trends in anthropogenic mercury emissions in China from 1995 to 2003   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have developed multiple-year inventories of anthropogenic mercury emissions in China for 1995 through 2003. We estimate that total Hg emissions from all anthropogenic sources increased at an average annual rate of 2.9% during the period 1995-2003, reaching 696 (+/- 307) t in 2003, with a speciation split of 395 t of Hg0, 230 t of Hg2+, and 70 t of Hg(p). Nonferrous metals smelting and coal combustion continue to be the two leading mercury sources in China, as nonferrous metals production and coal consumption keep increasing. Nonferrous metals smelting and coal combustion together contributed approximately 80% of total Hg emissions during the past decade. Hg emissions from coal combustion increased from 202 t in 1995 to 257 t in 2003 at an average annual rate of 3.0%. Among all of the coal consumption sectors, the power sector is the leading one in Hg emissions growth, up by 5.9% annually. Hg emissions from nonferrous metals smelting increased from 230 t in 1995 to 321 t in 2003 at an average annual rate of 4.2%. Although Hg emissions related to gold smelting decreased since 1996, other nonferrous metals such as zinc, lead, and copper contributed significant Hg growth at annual rates of 8.5%, 13.0%, and 6.9%, respectively. At provincial level, the trends of Hg emissions show significant variation. The uncertainty level decreased from +/- 78% (95% confidence interval) in the estimate of total emissions in 1995, to +/- 44% in 2003. This is primarily attributed to the decreased emissions from those Hg sources with the largest uncertainty in both activity levels and emission factors, such as artisanal gold smelting, mercury mining, and battery/fluorescent lamp production.  相似文献   

据《中国酒业协会官网》报道,2019年1—11月中国酒类产品生产统计数据如下:规模以上白酒企业产量698万千升(折65度,商品量),同比增长0.5%;啤酒产量3524.7万千升,同比增长1%;葡萄酒产量37.2万千升,同比增长-12.1%。值得关注的是,这已是国产葡萄酒产量今年以来连续第9个月出现负增长。  相似文献   

焉耆垦区属于中温带大陆干旱性气候,年平均气温7.9℃,无霜期175d。该区昼夜温差大,日照时间长,光能资源丰富,太阳辐射强,年日照时数达3128.9h,降水量偏少,蒸发量大,为自然河水灌溉农区。焉耆垦区土地资源丰富、光照充足、气候温凉、昼夜温差大,其独特的气候条件适宜种植甜菜,是新疆的甜菜生产基地之一。  相似文献   

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