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The structural basis of ligand specificity in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease has been investigated by determining the crystal structures of three chimeric HIV proteases complexed with SB203386, a tripeptide analogue inhibitor. The chimeras are constructed by substituting amino acid residues in the HIV type 1 (HIV-1) protease sequence with the corresponding residues from HIV type 2 (HIV-2) in the region spanning residues 31-37 and in the active site cavity. SB203386 is a potent inhibitor of HIV-1 protease (Ki = 18 nM) but has a decreased affinity for HIV-2 protease (Ki = 1280 nM). Crystallographic analysis reveals that substitution of residues 31-37 (30's loop) with those of HIV-2 protease renders the chimera similar to HIV-2 protease in both the inhibitor binding affinity and mode of binding (two inhibitor molecules per protease dimer). However, further substitution of active site residues 47 and 82 has a compensatory effect which restores the HIV-1-like inhibitor binding mode (one inhibitor molecule in the center of the protease active site) and partially restores the affinity. Comparison of the three chimeric protease structures with those of HIV-1 and SIV proteases complexed with the same inhibitor reveals structural changes in the flap regions and the 80's loops, as well as changes in the dimensions of the active site cavity. The study provides structural evidence of the role of the 30's loop in conferring inhibitor specificity in HIV proteases.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease is a homodimeric aspartyl endopeptidase that is required for virus replication. A number of specific, active-site inhibitors for this enzyme have been described. Many of the inhibitors exhibit significant differences in activity against the HIV-1 and HIV type 2 (HIV-2) enzymes. An initial study was conducted to ascertain the HIV-1 protease's potential to lose sensitivity to several test inhibitors while retaining full enzymatic activity. The substrate binding sites of the HIV-1 and HIV-2 enzymes are almost fully conserved, except for four amino acid residues at positions 32, 47, 76, and 82. Accordingly, recombinant mutant type 1 proteases were constructed that contained the cognate type 2 residue at each of these four positions. The substitution at position 32 resulted in a significant adverse effect on inhibitor potency. However, this substitution also mediated a noted increase in the Km of the substrate. Individual substitutions at the remaining three positions, as well as a combination of all four substitutions, had very little effect on enzyme activity or inhibitor susceptibility. Hence, the four studied active site residues are insufficient to be responsible for differences in inhibitor sensitivity between the HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases and are unlikely to contribute to the generation of inhibitor-resistant mutant HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

The phylogenetically conserved catalytic core domain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase contains elements necessary for specific recognition of viral and target DNA features. In order to identify specific amino acids that determine substrate specificity, we mutagenized phylogenetically conserved residues that were located in close proximity to the active-site residues in the crystal structure of the isolated catalytic core domain of HIV-1 integrase. Residues composing the phylogenetically conserved DD(35)E active-site motif were also mutagenized. Purified mutant proteins were evaluated for their ability to recognize the phylogenetically conserved CA/TG base pairs near the viral DNA ends and the unpaired dinucleotide at the 5' end of the viral DNA, using disintegration substrates. Our findings suggest that specificity for the conserved A/T base pair depends on the active-site residue E152. The phenotype of IN(Q148L) suggested that Q148 may be involved in interactions with the 5' dinucleotide of the viral DNA end. The activities of some of the proteins with mutations in residues in close proximity to the active-site aspartic and glutamic acids were salt sensitive, suggesting that these mutations disrupted interactions with DNA.  相似文献   

Two anionic residues in the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, Asp-152 in the alpha-subunit and Asp-174 in the gamma-subunit or the corresponding Asp-180 in the delta-subunit, are presumed to reside near the two agonist binding sites at the alphagamma and alphadelta subunit interfaces of the receptor and have been implicated in electrostatic attraction of cationic ligands. Through site-directed mutagenesis and analysis of state changes in the receptor elicited by agonists, we have distinguished the roles of anionic residues in conferring ligand specificity and ligand-induced state changes. alphaAsp-152 affects agonist and antagonist affinity similarly, whereas gammaAsp-174 and deltaAsp-180 primarily affect agonist affinity. Combining charge neutralization on the alpha subunit with that on the gamma and delta subunits shows an additivity in free energy changes for carbamylcholine and d-tubocurarine, suggesting independent contributions of these residues to stabilizing the bound ligands. Since both aromatic and anionic residues stabilize cationic ligands, we substituted tyrosines (Y) for the aspartyl residues. While the substitution, alphaD152Y, reduced the affinities for agonists and antagonists, the gammaD174Y/deltaD180Y mutations reduced the affinity for agonist binding, but surprisingly enhanced the affinity for d-tubocurarine. To ascertain whether selective changes in agonist binding stem from the capacity of agonists to form the desensitized state of the receptor, carbamylcholine binding was measured in the presence of an allosteric inhibitor, proadifen. Mutant nAChRs carrying alphaD152Q or gammaD174N/deltaD180N show similar reductions in dissociation constants for the desensitized compared with activable receptor state and a similar proadifen concentration dependence. Hence, these mutations influence ligand recognition rather than the capacity of the receptor to desensitize. By contrast, the alphaD200Q mutation diminishes the ratio of dissociation constants for two states and requires higher proadifen concentrations to induce desensitization. Thus, the contributions of alphaAsp-152, gamma/deltaAsp-174/180, and alphaAsp-200 in stabilizing ligand binding can be distinguished by the interactions between agonists and allosteric inhibitors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of food insufficiency in the United States and to examine sociodemographic characteristics related to food insufficiency. METHODS: Data were analyzed from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a cross-sectional representative sample of the civilian noninstitutionalized population living in households. Individuals were classified as "food insufficient" if a family respondent reported that the family sometimes or often did not get enough food to eat. RESULTS: From 1988 through 1994, the overall prevalence of food insufficiency was 4.1% and was primarily related to poverty status. In the low-income population, food insufficiency was positively associated with being Mexican American, being under the age of 60, having a family head who had not completed high school, participating in the Food Stamp Program, and not having health insurance. It was not related to family type or employment status of the family head. Over half of food-insufficient individuals lived in employed families. CONCLUSIONS: Food insufficiency is not limited to very low-income persons, specific racial/ethnic groups, family types, or the unemployed. Understanding food insufficiency is critical to formulating nutrition programs and policies.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that B700, an albumin-like murine melanoma antigen, has a human homologue termed H700. Polyclonal antibodies to B700 also bind to all cultured human, swine and hamster melanoma cells, suggesting that B700 is a "pan-melanoma" antigen. The objects of this investigation were: (a) to determine if 2-3-3, a monoclonal antibody to B700, can be used to identify human melanomas in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, and (b) to determine the specificity and potential diagnostic value of 2-3-3. Forty-eight of the 49 human melanomas, including spindle melanoma cells, stained positively, as did five of the eight pigmented naevi including cellular spindle naevi. Twenty-six of the 32 human non-melanomatous lesions were negative for 2-3-3 staining (weakly positive on one breast carcinoma and positive on five neural tumours). These results indicate that 2-3-3, a monoclonal antibody to the mouse melanoma antigen B700, can be used to identify H700 in archival specimens. 2-3-3 may have an advantage over HMB45, which is the most commonly used antibody for melanoma diagnosis, because of its immunoreactivity with spindle melanocytic lesions. Antibodies to B700 may prove to be a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of human melanoma and related lesions.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants resistant to protease inhibitors have been shown to contain a mutation in the p1/p6 Gag precursor cleavage site. At the messenger RNA level, this mutation generates a U UUU UUU sequence that is reminiscent of the U UUU UUA sequence required for ribosomal frameshifting and Gag-Pol synthesis. To test whether the p1/p6 cleavage site mutation was generating a novel frameshift site, HIV sequences were inserted in translation vectors containing a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene requiring -1 frameshifting for expression. All sequences containing the original HIV frameshift site supported the synthesis of CAT but expression was increased 3- to 11-fold in the presence of the mutant p1/p6 sequence. When the original frameshift site was abolished by mutation, expression remained unchanged when using constructs containing the mutant p1/p6 sequence, whereas it was decreased 2- to 4.5-fold when using wild-type p1/p6 constructs. Similarly, when introduced into HIV molecular clones, the p1/p6 mutant sequence supported Gag-Pol synthesis and protease activity in the absence of the original frameshift site, indicating that this sequence could also promote ribosomal frameshifting in virus-expressing cells.  相似文献   

Mapping of the conserved sequence regions in the restriction endonucleases MunI (C/AATTG) and EcoRI (G/AATTC) to the known X-ray structure of EcoRI allowed us to identify the sequence motif 82PDX14EXK as the putative catalytic/Mg2+ ion binding site of MunI [Siksnys, V., Zareckaja, N., Vaisvila, R., Timinskas, A., Stakenas, P., Butkus, V., & Janulaitis, A. Gene (1994) 142, 1-8]. Site-directed mutagenesis was then used to test whether amino acids P82, D83, E98, and K100 were important for the catalytic activity of MunI. Mutation P82A generated only a marginal effect on the cleavage properties of the enzyme. Investigation of the cleavage properties of the D83, E98, and K100 substitution mutants, however, in vivo and in vitro, revealed either an absence of catalytic activity or markedly reduced catalytic activity. Interestingly, the deleterious effect of the E98Q replacement in vitro was partially overcome by replacement of the metal cofactor used. Though the catalytic activity of the E98Q mutant was only 0.4% of WT under standard conditions (in the presence of Mg2+ ions), the mutant exhibited 40% of WT catalytic activity in buffer supplemented with Mn2+ ions. Further, the DNA binding properties of these substitution mutants were analyzed using the gel shift assay technique. In the absence of Mg2+ ions, WT MunI bound both cognate DNA and noncognate sequences with similar low affinities. The D83A and E98A mutants, in contrast, in the absence of Mg2+ ions, exhibited significant specificity of binding to cognate DNA, suggesting that the substitutions made can simulate the effect of the Mg2+ ion in conferring specificity to the MunI restriction enzyme.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Highly active antiretroviral therapy can effectively decrease the levels of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virions in peripheral plasma and seminal fluid of infected men. Whether the genital tract of HIV-1-infected men who are receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy and who have no detectable virus in the peripheral plasma harbors replication-competent virus is not known. METHODS: We collected peripheral-blood and semen samples from seven men with HIV-1 infections who were receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy and who had no detectable viral RNA (fewer than 50 copies per milliliter) in plasma and analyzed the samples for cell-associated proviral DNA using a quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction assay. Replication-competent viruses were evaluated by cell-coculture assays. Proviral DNA and replication-competent virus obtained from peripheral-blood and seminal cells were also analyzed by sequencing relevant viral genes. RESULTS: Despite the long-term suppression of HIV-1 RNA in the plasma of the seven men, proviral DNA was detected in seminal cells in four. Replication-competent viruses were recovered from peripheral-blood cells in three men and from the seminal cells in two of these three men. The viruses recovered from the seminal cells had no genotypic mutations suggestive of resistance to antiretroviral drugs and were macrophage-tropic, a feature that is characteristic of HIV-1 strains that are capable of being sexually transmitted. CONCLUSIONS: In HIV-1-infected men who are receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy and who have no detectable levels of viral RNA in plasma the virus may be present in seminal cells and therefore may be capable of being transmitted sexually.  相似文献   

Cytochromes P450 2B metabolize a variety of compounds and have provided an excellent framework for identifying determinants of substrate specificity. Among the rat 2B enzymes, a puzzling difference has emerged between the reported substrate specificity of purified hepatic 2B2 and that of certain 2B1 mutants containing 2B1 --> 2B2 substitutions. To address these discrepancies, we have characterized two 2B2 variants. A cDNA clone designated 2B2FF was obtained from phenobarbital-induced Lewis rats and, like some previously isolated variants, was found to contain phenylalanine at positions 58 and 114. A second 2B2 clone was generated by restoring Leu and Ile, respectively, at these positions. These enzymes were expressed in Escherichia coli and analyzed with androstenedione, testosterone, progesterone, ethoxycoumarin, benzyloxyresorufin, and pentoxyresorufin. The expressed 2B2 variants metabolized most substrates at rates that were 1-9% of those of 2B1. When steroid regio- and stereospecificity was examined, the metabolite profiles of expressed 2B2 and 2B2FF conflicted with the 16beta- and 16alpha-hydroxylation observed for purified hepatic 2B2 from Sprague-Dawley rats. These and other results suggested that the purified hepatic 2B2 contained a small percent of the 2B1 enzyme. Masses of tryptic peptides were consistent with identity between purified hepatic 2B2 and 2B2FF. On the basis of a three-dimensional homology model and the construction and analysis of 2B2 mutants, residues 114, 363, 367, and 478 were identified as determinants of substrate specificity. In addition, 2B1 and the expressed 2B2 variants showed differential susceptibility to the mechanism-based inactivators chloramphenicol and N-(2-p-nitrophenethyl)chlorofluoroacetamide.  相似文献   

Tyr114 and Tyr197 are highly conserved residues in the active site of human glutathione reductase, Tyr114 in the glutathione disulfide (GSSG) binding site and Tyr197 in the NADPH site. Mutation of either residue has profound effects on catalysis. Y197S and Y114L have 17% and 14% the activity of the wild-type enzyme, respectively. Mutation of Tyr197, in the NADPH site, leads to a decrease in Km for GSSG, and mutation of Tyr114, in the GSSG site, leads to a decrease in Km for NADPH. This behavior is predicted for enzymes operating by a ping-pong mechanism where both half-reactions partially limit turnover. Titration of the wild-type enzyme or Y114L with NADPH proceeds in two phases, Eox to EH2 and EH2 to EH2-NADPH. In contrast, Y197S reacts monophasically, showing that excess NADPH fails to enhance the absorbance of the thiolate-FAD charge-transfer complex, the predominant EH2 form of glutathione reductase. The reductive half-reactions of the wild-type enzyme and of Y114L are similar; FAD reduction is fast (approximately 500 s-1 at 4 degreesC) and thiolate-FAD charge-transfer complex formation has a rate of 100 s-1. In Y197S, these rates are only 78 and 5 s-1, respectively. The oxidative half-reaction, the rate of reoxidation of EH2 by GSSG, of the wild-type enzyme is approximately 4-fold faster than that of Y114L. These results are consistent with Tyr197 serving as a gate in the binding of NADPH, and they indicate that Tyr114 assists the acid catalyst His467'.  相似文献   

Substitution of glycine with glutamic acid at position 48 of the human immunodeficiency virus protease resulted in an enzyme with reduced activity on one of the protease processing sites in the viral Pol polyprotein precursor. Cleavage at this site was restored by a second-site substitution in the substrate replacing an aspartic acid with either glycine or asparagine. These results suggest that the glutamic acid side chain in the mutant protease has an unfavorable charge-charge interaction with this position in the substrate. Cleavage of a processing site in the viral Gag polyprotein precursor with the mutant enzyme was enhanced, and this enhancement was dependent on the presence of an arginine residue in the substrate, again suggesting a charge-charge interaction. The potential for such interactions was confirmed using molecular modeling. The effect of the position 48 substitution was attributed to a 10-fold increase in Km for the processing site in Pol. These results indicate that the addition of a side chain at position 48 can alter the specificity of the HIV-1 protease to substrate in a sequence specific manner and that compensatory changes can be made in the substrate.  相似文献   

Directed evolution was used to change the substrate specificity of aspartate aminotransferase. A mutant enzyme with 17 amino acid substitutions was generated that shows a 2.1 x 10(6)-fold increase in the catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) for a non-native substrate, valine. The absorption spectrum of the bound coenzyme, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, is also changed significantly by the mutations. Interestingly, only one of the 17 residues appears to be able to contact the substrate, and none of them interact with the coenzyme. The three-dimensional structure of the mutant enzyme complexed with a valine analog, isovalerate (determined to 2.4-A resolution by x-ray crystallography), provides insights into how the mutations affect substrate binding. The active site is remodeled; the subunit interface is altered, and the enzyme domain that encloses the substrate is shifted by the mutations. The present results demonstrate clearly the importance of the cumulative effects of residues remote from the active site and represent a new line of approach to the redesign of enzyme activity.  相似文献   

We solved the structure and traced the complete active site of the catalytic domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 integrase (HIV-1 IN) with the F185H mutation. The only previously available crystal structure, the F185K mutant of this domain, lacks one of the catalytically important residues, E152, located in a stretch of 12 disordered residues [Dyda et al. (1994) Science 266, 1981-1986]. It is clear, however, that the active site of HIV-1 IN observed in either structure cannot correspond to that of the functional enzyme, since the cluster of three conserved carboxylic acids does not create a proper metal-binding site. The conformation of the loop was compared with two different conformations found in the catalytic domain of the related avian sarcoma virus integrase [Bujacz et al. (1995) J. Mol. Biol. 253, 333-346]. Flexibility of the active site region of integrases may be required in order for the enzyme to assume a functional conformation in the presence of substrate and/or cofactors.  相似文献   

Brain adenosine deaminase was investigated in order to identify amino acid residues essential for its catalytic activity. The pH dependence of log Vmax shows that the enzyme activity depends on two ionizing groups with pK values of 5.4, that must be unprotonated, and 8.4, that must be protonated, for the catalysis. These same groups are observed in the Vmax/Km profiles. The plausible role of histidine residues at the active site of brain adenosine deaminase was proved by chemical modification with (DEP). The histidine specific reagent inactivated the enzyme following a pseudo first-order kinetics with a second-order rate constant of 8.9 10(-3) (+/- 1.8 10(-3)) M-1 min-1. The inhibition of the enzyme with PCMBS was studied monitoring the enzyme activity after incubation with the inhibitor. Brain adenosine deaminase exhibited a characteristic intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence with an emission peak centered at 335 nm. Stern-Volmer quenching parameters in the presence of acrylamide and iodide indicated that tryptophan residues are buried in the native molecule. Tryptophan residues also showed a high heterogeneity that was increased after binding of ground- and transition-state analogs to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood cells from 29 patients with active Mycobacterium avium (MAC) or Mycobacterium tuberculosis diseases were tested for mycobacterial antigen-induced interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-4 production. Among MAC patients, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection was associated with an 80% decrease in those who produced IFN-gamma, resulting in a predominantly type 2 cytokine profile. HIV infection in patients with tuberculosis correlates with a 37% increase in those producing IL-4 and a type 1 to type 0 profile shift. These qualitative changes were independent of CD4+ or CD8+ cell numbers. The amounts of both IFN-gamma and IL-4 were decreased in the HIV-infected population. Quantitative reduction of IFN-gamma was the result of fewer secreting cells rather than a down-regulation at the single-cell level. Disseminated disease was restricted to 2 of 5 HIV-infected MAC patients with a type 2 cytokine profile and 4 of 5 HIV-infected tuberculosis patients with a type 0 profile. These results demonstrated a shift in mycobacterial antigen-specific cytokine profiles from type 1 to type 0 and to type 2, in parallel with AIDS progression.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase was overexpressed in a baculovirus system. The pure recombinant and native enzymes were identical in size, Zn2+ content, and activity. Five amino acids, in proximity to the active site, were replaced by mutagenesis. The altered enzymes were purified to homogeneity and compared to wild-type adenosine deaminase with respect to zinc content, enzymatic activity, and kinetic parameters. All but one of the alterations produced significant activity perturbations. Replacement of Cys262 produced a protein that retained at least 30-40% of wild-type activity. In contrast, replacements of His17, His214, His238, and Glu217 resulted in dramatic losses of enzyme activity. None of these mutants exhibited large variations in Km. The proteins produced from alterations of amino acids implicated in metal coordination were slightly activated by inclusion of Zn2+ throughout purification. These experiments confirm that in the active enzyme Zn2+ plays a critical role in catalysis, that a histidine or glutamate residue plays a mechanistic role in the hydrolytic deamination step, and that cysteine is not involved in the catalytic mechanism of adenosine deaminase. These data support the roles for these amino acid residues suggested from the x-ray structure of murine adenosine deaminase (Wilson, D. K., Rudolf, F. B., and Quicho, F. A. (1991) Science 252, 1278-1284).  相似文献   

alpha-Lytic protease is encoded with a large (166 amino acid) N-terminal pro region that is required transiently both in vivo and in vitro for the correct folding of the protease domain [Silen, J. L. , and Agard, D. A. (1989) Nature 341, 462-464; Baker, D., et al. (1992) Nature 356, 263-265]. The pro region also acts as a potent inhibitor of the mature enzyme [Baker, D., et al. (1992) Proteins: Struct.,Funct., Genet. 12, 339-344]. This inhibition is mediated through direct steric occlusion of the active site by the C-terminal residues of the pro region [Sohl, J. L., et al. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 3894-3904]. Through mutagenesis and structure-function analyses we have begun to investigate the mechanism by which the pro region acts as a single turnover catalyst to facilitate folding of the mature protease. Of central interest has been mapping the interface between the pro region and the protease and identifying interactions critical for stabilizing the rate-limiting folding transition state. Progressive C-terminal deletions of the pro region were found to have drastic effects on the rate at which the pro region folds the protease but surprisingly little effect on inhibition of protease activity. The observed kinetic data strongly support a model in which the detailed interactions between the pro region C-terminus and the protease are remarkably similar to those of known substrate/inhibitor complexes. Further, mutation of two protease residues near the active site have significant effects on stabilization of the folding transition state (kcat) or in binding to the folding intermediate (KM). Our results suggest a model for the alpha-lytic protease pro region-mediated folding reaction that may be generally applicable to other pro region-dependent folding reactions.  相似文献   

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