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At fast chemical synapses the rapid release of neurotransmitter that occurs within a few milliseconds of an action potential is followed by a more sustained elevation of release probability, known as delayed release. Here we characterize the role of calcium in delayed release and test the hypothesis that facilitation and delayed release share a common mechanism. Synapses between cerebellar granule cells and their postsynaptic targets, stellate cells and Purkinje cells, were studied in rat brain slices. Presynaptic calcium transients were measured with calcium-sensitive fluorophores, and delayed release was detected with whole-cell recordings. Calcium influx, presynaptic calcium dynamics, and the number of stimulus pulses were altered to assess their effect on delayed release and facilitation. Following single stimuli, delayed release can be separated into two components: one lasting for tens of milliseconds that is steeply calcium-dependent, the other lasting for hundreds of milliseconds that is driven by low levels of calcium with a nearly linear calcium dependence. The amplitude, calcium dependence, and magnitude of delayed release do not correspond to those of facilitation, indicating that these processes are not simple reflections of a shared mechanism. The steep calcium dependence of delayed release, combined with the large calcium transients observed in these presynaptic terminals, suggests that for physiological conditions delayed release provides a way for cells to influence their postsynaptic targets long after their own action potential activity has subsided.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granule cells (CGC) undergo massive DNA fragmentation, an apoptotic marker, in 8-day-old rat cerebellum. In vitro, they survive in the presence of depolarizing concentrations of KCl. Bisindolylmaleimide, a specific PKC inhibitor, blocks CGC apoptosis in vitro. Here I show that PKC delta, which has been involved in apoptosis in different cell lines, is constitutively cleaved in CGC, suggesting that its catalytic subunit is active per se. Moreover, KCl deprivation induces cyclin D1 expression and accumulation in nuclei. This process is blocked by bisindolylmaleimide. A model is proposed where, in the absence of survival signals, activated PKC delta induces cyclin D1 expression and accumulation in the nucleus, which subsequently, would lead to an aborted cell cycle and apoptosis.  相似文献   

When cerebellar granule cells that had been cultured in vitro for 8 days were subjected to a cytotoxic glutamate pulse (100 microM, 30 min incubation), the response varied according to cell density and the volume of medium in which cells were grown. Thus, lowering the cell density by a factor of 4 compared with usual conditions (2.6 x 10(5) cells/cm2) or increasing the volume by an identical 4-fold factor reduced cell death from 90-95% to 20-30%. Addition of a conditioned medium derived from high-density to low-density cultures or to high-volume cultures markedly increased the sensitivity of the cells to glutamate. This glutamate-sensitizing activity, which accelerated by several days the onset of the response of cerebellar cultures to glutamate, was inhibited by actinomycin D and was not detectable in conditioned medium derived from confluent cultures of cerebellar astroglia, or from cell lines such as PC12, GT1-7, 3T3 and CHP 100. Glutamate-sensitizing activity was not mimicked by trilodo-L-thyronine, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), truncated IGF-I, GPE [a tripeptide (gly-pro-glu) derived from IGF-I], brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), basic fibroblast growth factor or tumour necrosis factor-alpha. However, IGF-I added to cultures of granule cells plated at high density and grown in basal medium Eagle's without serum or any other constituent of chemically defined media was capable of supporting production of glutamate-sensitizing activity to an extent similar to that shown by whole fetal calf serum. Under the same conditions triiodo-L-thyronine and BDNF did not support the production of glutamate-sensitizing activity. Glutamate-sensitizing activity was not mimicked by glutamate, NMDA, glycine or lactate, and was not inhibited by glucose, haemoglobin or N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. At variance with the response of granule cells, the response to glutamate of GABAergic cells present in the same culture was not affected by cell density or by glutamate-sensitizing activity.  相似文献   

Some clues suggest that neuronal damage induces a secondary change of amyloid beta protein (Abeta) metabolism. We investigated this possibility by analyzing the secretion of Abeta and processing of its precursor protein (amyloid precursor protein, APP) in an in vitro model of neuronal apoptosis. Primary cultures of rat cerebellar granule neurons were metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine. Apoptosis was induced by shifting extracellular KCl concentration from 25 mM to 5 mM for 6 h. Control and apoptotic neurons were then subjected to depolarization-stimulated secretion. Constitutive and stimulated secretion media and cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with antibodies recognizing regions of Abeta, full-length APP, alpha- and beta-APP secreted forms. Immunoprecipitated proteins were separated by SDS/PAGE and quantitated with a PhosphorImager densitometer. Although intracellular full-length APP was not significantly changed after apoptosis, the monomeric and oligomeric forms of 4-kDa Abeta were 3-fold higher in depolarization-stimulated secretion compared with control neurons. Such increments were paralleled by a corresponding increase of the beta-APPs/alpha-APPs ratio in apoptotic secretion. Immunofluorescence studies performed with an antibody recognizing an epitope located in the Abeta sequence showed that the Abeta signal observed in the cytoplasm and in the Golgi apparatus of control neurons is uniformly redistributed in the condensed cytoplasm of apoptotic cells. These studies indicate that neuronal apoptosis is associated with a significant increase of metabolic products derived from beta-secretase cleavage and suggest that an overproduction of Abeta may be the consequence of neuronal damage from various causes.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that cytosine arabinoside (AraC)-induced apoptosis of cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) results in an increase of a 38-kDa band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, identified as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH; EC Antisense oligonucleotides to GAPDH mRNA afford acutely plated CGCs significant protection against AraC-induced apoptosis. We used differential centrifugation to examine which subcellular components are affected. Treated and untreated cells were sonicated in 0.32 M sucrose and sequentially centrifuged at 1,000, 20,000, and 200,000 g, to obtain crude nuclear, mitochondrial, microsomal, and cytosolic fractions. Western blotting showed that the levels of GAPDH protein were markedly increased in the 1,000- and 20,000-g pellets. The levels in the cytosolic supernatant were decreased dramatically by AraC in acutely plated CGCs but not in cells 24 h after plating. It is noteworthy that although GAPDH protein in the pellet fractions increased, the dehydrogenase activity of GAPDH decreased. Two other dehydrogenases, lactate dehydrogenase (EC and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, were not similarly affected, suggesting that the effect was GAPDH specific. These observations suggest that GAPDH levels change in specific organelles during apoptosis for reasons that are separate from its function as a glycolytic enzyme. The accumulation of GAPDH protein in specific subcellular loci may play a role in neuronal apoptosis.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) induced a time- and dose-dependent increase in the levels of mRNA of m2- and m3-muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) in cultured cerebellar granule cells. The levels of immunoprecipitable m3-mAChR protein and total mAChR binding sites were also increased by ET-1 treatment. The up-regulation of m2- and m3-mAChR was blocked by phorbol ester pretreatment to inhibit ET-1-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis and was preceded by an increase in c-fos mRNA levels. Treatments that prevented ET-1-induced c-fos mRNA increase also abolished the subsequent m2- and m3-mAChR mRNA up-regulation, suggesting that c-Fos protein is involved in the ET-1-induced mAChR expression.  相似文献   

Adenosine A1 receptors as well as other components of the adenylate cyclase system have been studied in cultured cerebellar granule cells. No significant changes in adenosine A1 receptor number, assayed by radioligand binding in intact cells, were detected from 2 days in vitro (DIV) until 7 DIV. Nevertheless, a decline in this parameter was detected at 9 DIV. The steady-state levels of alpha-Gg and alpha-Gi, detected by immunoblotting, showed similar profiles, increasing from 2 to 5 DIV and decreasing afterward. Forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase levels also showed an increase until 5 DIV, decreasing at 7 and 9 DIV. The adenosine A1 receptor analogue cyclopentyladenosine (CPA) was able to inhibit cyclic AMP accumulation at 2, 5, and 7 DIV but failed to do so at 9 DIV. This inhibition was prevented by the specific adenosine A1 receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine. The presence of adenosine deaminase in the culture increased adenosine A1 receptor number during the period studied and induced recovery of the inhibitory effect of CPA, lost after 7 DIV. These data suggest that functional expression of adenosine A1 receptors and the other components of the adenylate cyclase system is subjected to regulation during the maturation of cultured cerebellar granule cells and demonstrates a key role for endogenous adenosine in the process.  相似文献   

In addition to an antigen-specific signal, T cell activation requires an antigen-independent costimulatory signal provided by interaction of CD28 with B7 (CD80 and CD86) on the APC. By blocking B7 interactions, previous studies demonstrated the requirement for costimulation in the induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). Recent studies suggest that unlike CD28, CTLA-4 (a second B7 ligand) delivers an inhibitory signal. To address the regulatory role of CTLA-4 in EAE, we used an antibody directed against CTLA-4 administered at the time of disease induction. This resulted in a significantly more severe clinical course and more inflammatory and demyelinating lesions in the CNS of anti-CTLA-4-treated mice. These data suggest that CTLA-4-mediated inhibitory signals can regulate the clinical severity and histologic parameters of neuroautoimmune disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to develop new in vitro methodology for measuring release from petrolatum-based semisolids and to determine whether two ointments, both of which contained betamethasone dipropionate, 0.05%, but with different formulations, could be distinguished by release measurements. Several receptor media were explored to optimize the procedure utilizing Franz-type cells. Analysis was by HPLC. The release slope was 1.5 to 6 times greater from the ointment than the "augmented" ointment (which had greater clinical potency). Release was highest with a receptor consisting of a 5% solution of hexane in acetonitrile. Even so, it was necessary to subject samples of receptor from the augmented ointment to evaporation followed by reconstitution with a smaller volume of mobile phase to bring corticosteroid concentrations up to quantifiable levels. In another series of experiments, the HPLC mobile phase was used as the receptor and a relatively large volume (100 microliters) was injected onto the column. With the second approach, measured concentrations were lower but more reproducible. Quantifiable levels of betamethasone dipropionate were obtained for both formulations beginning from the first data point (at 1 hr), with satisfactory linearity of plots of amount released per unit area of membrane versus the square root of time. Using this methodology, it was possible to distinguish the effect of formulation differences in two ointments containing the same drug in the same concentration.  相似文献   

Rab3A is a small GTPase implicated in the docking of secretory vesicles in neuroendocrine cells. A putative downstream target for Rab3A, rabphilin-3A, is located exclusively on secretory vesicle membranes. It contains near its C terminus two C2 domains that bind Ca2+ in a phospholipid-dependent manner and an N-terminal, Rab3A-binding domain that includes a Cys-rich region. We have determined that the Cys-rich domain binds two Zn2+ ions and is necessary but not sufficient for efficient binding of rabphilin to Rab3A. A minimal Rab3A-binding domain consists of residues 45 to 170 of rabphilin. HA1-tagged Rab3A and a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-rabphilin fusion were used to examine the roles of Rab3A and of rabphilin domains in the subcellular localization of these proteins. A Rab3A mutant (T54A) that does not bind rabphifin in vitro colocalized with the GFP-rabphilin fusion, indicating that Rab3A targeting is independent of its interaction with rabphilin. Deletion of the C2 domains of rabphilin reduced membrane association of GFP-rabphilin but did not cause mistargeting of the membrane-associated fraction. However, disruption of the zinc fingers, which drastically reduced Rab3A binding, did not reduce membrane association. These results suggest that the C2 domains are required for efficient membrane attachment of rabphilin in PC12 cells and that Rab3A binding may act to target the protein to the correct membrane.  相似文献   

Excessive activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor channels (NRs) is a major cause of neuronal death associated with stroke and ischemia. Cerebellar granule neurons in vivo, but not in culture, are relatively resistant to toxicity, possibly owing to protective effects of glia. To evaluate whether NR-mediated signaling is modulated when developing neurons are cocultured with glia, the neurotoxic responses of rat cerebellar granule cells to applied NMDA or glutamate were compared in astrocyte-rich and astrocyte-poor cultures. In astrocyte-poor cultures, significant neurotoxicity was observed in response to NMDA or glutamate and was inhibited by an NR antagonist. Astrocyte-rich neuronal cultures demonstrated three significant differences, compared with astrocyte-poor cultures: (a) Neuronal viability was increased; (b) glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity was decreased, consistent with the presence of a sodium-coupled glutamate transport system in astrocytes; and (c) NMDA- but not kainate-mediated neurotoxicity was decreased, in a manner that depended on the relative abundance of glia in the culture. Because glia do not express NRs or an NMDA transport system, the mechanism of protection is distinct from that observed in response to glutamate. No differences in NR subunit composition (evaluated using RT-PCR assays for NR1 and NR2 subunit mRNAs), NR sensitivity (evaluated by measuring NR-mediated changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels), or glycine availability as a coagonist (evaluated in the presence and absence of exogenous glycine) were observed between astrocyte-rich and astrocyte-poor cultures, suggesting that glia do not directly modulate NR composition or function. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a lipoxygenase inhibitor, blocked NMDA-mediated toxicity in astrocyte-poor cultures, raising the possibility that glia effectively reduce the accumulation of highly diffusible and toxic arachidonic acid metabolites in neurons. Alternatively, glia may alter neuronal development/phenotype in a manner that selectively reduces susceptibility to NR-mediated toxicity.  相似文献   

We monitored simultaneously the changes in the intracellular sodium concentration ([Na+]i) and intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in individual neurons from primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells loaded with sodium-binding benzofuran isophthalate and fluo-3. An application of glutamate (50 microM) in Mg(2+)-free medium containing 10 microM glycine evoked [Na+]i and [Ca2+]i increases that exceeded 60 mM and 1 microM, respectively. The kinetics of [Na+]i and [Ca2+]i decreases after the termination of the glutamate pulse were different. [Na+]i failed to decrease immediately after glutamate withdrawal and the delay in the onset of [Na+]i decrease after the glutamate pulse termination was proportional to the glutamate dose, the glutamate pulse duration, and the extent of [Ca2+]i elevation elicited by glutamate. The kinetics of [Ca2+]i decrease were biphasic, with the first phase occurring immediately after glutamate withdrawal and the second phase being correlated in time with a [Na+]i value lower than 15-20 mM. These results were interpreted to indicate that the glutamate-evoked calcium influx may lead to sodium homeostasis destabilization. The delay in the restoration of the sodium gradient may in turn prolong the neuronal exposure to toxic [Ca2+]i values, due to the decrease in the efficiency of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger to extrude calcium. The glutamate effects on [Na+]i and [Ca2+]i were potentiated by glycine. Glycine (10 microM) added alone also evoked [Na+]i and [Ca2+]i increases; this effect was inhibited by a competitive inhibitor of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, 3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonic acid, indicating an involvement of endogenous glutamate.  相似文献   

F3 and TAG-1 are two closely related adhesion glycoproteins of the Ig superfamily that are both expressed by the axons of cerebellar granule cells. In an in vitro system in which cerebellar granule cells were cultured on monolayers of transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, we show that F3 and TAG-1 interact functionally. F3 transfectants have been shown to inhibit outgrowth and induce fasciculation of granule cell neurites. By contrast TAG-1 transfectants have no effect on these events. However, when TAG-1 is coexpressed with F3, the inhibitory effect of F3 is blocked. Two possible mechanisms may account for this functional interaction: (1) either TAG-1 and F3 compete for the same neuronal receptor, and in favor of this we observed that binding sites for microspheres conjugated with F3 and TAG-1 are colocalized on the granule cell growth cones, (2) or alternatively, F3 and TAG-1 associate in a multimolecular complex after their binding to independent receptors. Extensive co-clustering of F3 with TAG-1 can in fact be achieved by anti-TAG-1 antibody-mediated cross-linking in double-transfected CHO cells. Moreover, F3 coimmunoprecipitates with TAG-1 in Triton X-100-insoluble microdomains purified from newborn brain. These data strongly suggest that F3 and TAG-1 may associate under physiological conditions to modulate neurite outgrowth and fasciculation of the cerebellar granule cells.  相似文献   

Differentiation commitment events are essential for the initiation of hemopoiesis and, in one form or another, occur continuously during adult hemopoiesis. The most studied type of differentiation commitment decision a hemopoietic cell can make involves the alternative choice of self-renewal versus the formation of progeny destined for maturation. Aberration in this commitment choice is a key abnormality necessary for the formation of a leukemic population.  相似文献   

Mild depolarisation (20 mM KCl) synergistically enhances the ability of a muscarinic agonist to activate phosphoinositide turnover and to elevate inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] in cerebellar granule cells in primary culture. The effects of lithium on this intense stimulation of phosphoinositide turnover was studied. Lithium causes depletion of cytoplasmic inositol and phosphoinositides, which results in the inhibition of phosphoinositide turnover within 15 min and the return of Ins(1,4,5)P3 to basal levels at this time. This inhibition could not be reversed by culturing and preincubating cerebellar granule cells in concentrations of inositol similar to those detected in the CSF. Inositol concentrations substantially in excess of those in the CSF not only reversed the effects of lithium on stimulated Ins(1,4,5)P3 levels, but significantly enhanced this level in comparison with stimulation in the absence of lithium. sn-1,2-Diacylglycerol elevation during stimulated phosphoinositide turnover was also disrupted by lithium, but in contrast to Ins(1,4,5)3, the presence of lithium resulted in a transient enhancement of the elevation evoked by carbachol plus mild KCl depolarisation, which was reversed by 500 microM inositol, but not by 200 microM inositol. The implications of these phenomena in relation to the mechanism of action of lithium in the treatment of manic depression are discussed.  相似文献   

Expression of the glycine receptor was investigated in membranes prepared from primary cultures of mouse cerebellar granule cells and postnatal mouse cerebellum using the antagonist [3H]strychnine for ligand binding. Scatchard analysis of the binding data obtained from P17 cerebellum showed a single population of binding sites (K(D) approximately 6 nM) and [3H]strychnine binding to membranes prepared from cultured neurons and P17 cerebellum was found to have the same sensitivity to the glycinergic agonists glycine, beta-alanine and taurine. The development of [3H]strychnine binding sites in cultured cerebellar granule cells and cerebellum showed opposing profiles. [3H]strychnine binding to primary cultures increased significantly during the culture period whereas during development in vivo the number of binding sites decreased over time and was hardly detectable in the adult cerebellum. Release of preloaded D-[3H]aspartate evoked by 40 mM K+ from granule cells cultured for seven days was inhibited by glycine by about 50%. Beginning after seven days in culture the ability of glycine to inhibit transmitter release declined to no inhibition after 17 days in culture. Experiments with the non-competitive antagonist, picrotoxinin, showed no blocking effect of 150 microM picrotoxinin on the glycine-induced inhibition of transmitter release. This contrasted with the inhibitory effect of 100 microM picrotoxinin in whole-cell patch-clamp recordings on responses to 500 microM glycine (56% block). Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the amplitude of the glycine activated peak current had the same size after six to seven days and after 16-17 days in culture. Northern blot analysis, and co-injection of messenger RNA plus antisense oligonucleotides into Xenopus oocytes revealed glycine receptor alpha2 and beta messenger RNAs in the cultured granule cells. These findings suggest that granule cells in culture express glycine receptor isoforms containing alpha2 picrotoxinin-sensitive and alpha2/beta picrotoxinin-insensitive receptors.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granule cells maintained in medium containing serum and 25 mM potassium undergo an apoptotic death within 96 hr when switched to serum-free medium with 5 mM potassium. Because large numbers of apparently homogeneous neurons can be obtained, this represents a potentially useful model of neuronal programmed cell death (PCD). Analysis of the time course and extent of death after removal of either serum or K+ alone demonstrated that a fast-dying (T(1/2) = 4 hr) population (20%) responded to serum deprivation, whereas a slow-dying (T(1/2) = 25 hr) population (80%) died in response to K+ deprivation. Taking advantage of the complete death after removing both K+ and serum, changes in metabolic events and mRNA levels were analyzed in this model. Glucose uptake, protein synthesis, and RNA synthesis fell to <35% of control by 9 hr after potassium/serum deprivation, a time when 85% of the cells were still viable. The pattern of the fall in these metabolic parameters was similar to that reported for trophic factor-deprived sympathetic neurons. Most mRNAs decreased markedly after K+/serum deprivation. Levels of c-jun mRNA increased fivefold in potassium/serum-deprived granule cells; c-jun is required for cell death of sympathetic neurons. mRNA levels of cyclin D1, c-myb, collagenase, and transin remained relatively constant in potassium/serum-deprived granule cells. These data demonstrate the existence of two populations of granule cells with respect to cell death and define common metabolic and genetic events involved in neuronal PCD.  相似文献   

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