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Azadirachtin-containing neem seed extract is a powerful insect growth regulator, a feeding deterrent and repellent with low toxicity. Unfortunately, azadirachtin degrades rapidly in light, excessive heat or alkalinity. Evaluations of azadirachtin on ectoparasites on animals have been scarce. The purpose of this work was to describe the effects of normal and potentiated azadirachtin on Ctenocephalides felis in the dog or cat. Groups of kennelled greyhounds and domestic cats infested with C. felis were sprayed once with azadirachtin containing neem seed extract with or without diethyltoluamide (Deet) and/or citronella. Methanolic extracts with 200, 1000 or 2400 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas in a dose-dependent manner. Compared with fleas counted on treated dogs just before treatment and untreated infested dogs, 1000-2400 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas 93-53% for 19 days. However, combined with 500 ppm Deet and 33% w/v citronella, only 500 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas 95-62% for 20 days. On cats inoculated with 50 fleas 2 days before treatment, the combination reduced fleas and eggs 100% to day 6 and 83-51% from day 7 to 9. On petri dishes, the combination achieved 100% egg mortality up to day 7 and 80% to day 14 and 48-52% to days 21-28. Deet, with or without neem seed extract or citronella, and citronella, with or without neem, did not reduce fleas significantly. The results show that azadirachtin reduced fleas in a dose-dependent manner in flea-contaminated environments. In cats, the combination killed most fleas within 24 h, providing effective flea control for 7 days. The results suggest that Deet with citronella potentiated the effect of azadirachtin on C. felis.  相似文献   

Broth culture supernatants from 14 (34%) out of the 41 H. pylori strains tested, induced vacuolization in Intestine 407 cells in titers ranging from 1:2 to 1:64. 20% of H. pylori strains isolated from children and 42% of strains isolated from adults expressed vacuolating activity. Serum antibody to cytotoxin produced by H. pylori was detected with a neutralization assay. Anticytotoxic antibodies were present in all sera from patients infected with cytotoxic H. pylori strains. The toxin-neutralizing activity of sera from individuals infected with H. pylori suggests that the cytotoxin is produced in vivo.  相似文献   

The tailor-rolling blanks based on Al–Si-coated press-hardened steel (PHS) have attracted much attention along with the development of lightweight vehicles. The properties of Al–Si-coated PHS with single surface weight of 20 g m−2 change after cold-rolling and then austenitization, which are little studied. Herein, the effects of cold-rolling reduction ratio on the microstructure, thickness, and roughness of AS20/20 coatings, and on the bending toughness of AS20/20-coated PHS, are explored. The overall continuity of the coatings is unchanged as the reduction ratio increases. When the reduction ratio is 30% or above, rapid diffusion channels are formed at the cracks of Al-filled intermetallic compound layer. Meanwhile, the thickness and surface roughness of the coatings are stable and do not decrease. After austenitization, the coatings are structurally consistent with the increase of the reduction ratio. When the reduction ratio is 30% and above, the thickness and surface roughness of the coatings are stable and do not decrease. The rapid diffusion channels lead to an increment in the proportion of FeAl phase to above 96% after austenitization, which makes the bending angle further increase. The bending angle is enlarged by 44% when the reduction ratio is 50%.  相似文献   

In Exp I with 24 male albino Wistar rats, bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the nucleus accumbens septi (NAS) and olfactory tubercle (OT) caused enhanced intake of wet mash in 23-hr-food-deprived Ss tested in photocell activity cages during restricted 30-min sessions. This mild hyperphagia was accompanied by a significant hypoactivity in the group with NAS/OT lesions. No hyperphagia was observed during a prolonged 120-min test session or in free-feeding tests conducted in the home cage. Anorexia induced by dextroamphetamine (.5 and 1.5 mg/kg) was unaltered by the lesion, although the locomotor stimulant action of the drug was attenuated. Results of Exp II, with 36 Ss, show that the NAS/OT lesion also enhanced food intake in the photocell cages during 30-min sessions with dry food pellets but that food-associated drinking was concomitantly reduced. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that the behavioral changes caused by mesolimbic neuron destruction result in part from an inability to switch from one behavioral activity to another. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Alcohol intake has been shown to worsen obstructive sleep apnea and increase nocturnal hypoxemia. The mechanisms of this action are unclear. Animal studies suggest that a reduction in chemoreflex sensitivity may be implicated. Using a double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled design, we tested the hypothesis that oral alcohol intake depresses chemoreflex sensitivity in humans. We examined the effects of oral alcohol intake (1.0 g/kg body wt) on blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate variability, muscle sympathetic nerve activity, forearm vascular resistance, and minute ventilation in 16 normal male subjects. Peripheral and central chemoreflex sensitivity were measured in response to hypoxia (n = 10) and hypercapnia (n = 6), respectively. Plasma alcohol increased from 0 to 23.2 +/- 1.5 mmol/L (107 +/- 7 mg/dL) at 60 minutes and 20.2 +/- 1 mmol/L (93 +/- 4 mg/dL) at 85 minutes after alcohol intake (P < .0001). Alcohol induced an increase in heart rate from 59 +/- 2 to 66 +/- 2 beats per minute (P < .01) and increased the ratio of low- to high-frequency variability of heart rate (P < .05). Although alcohol increased sympathetic nerve activity by up to 239 +/- 22% of baseline values (P < .01), forearm vascular resistance after alcohol was lower than that after vehicle (P < .05). Blood pressure did not increase compared with the vehicle session. Oxygen saturation during hypoxia after alcohol was 4 +/- 1% lower than it was during hypoxia after vehicle (P < .05) although arterial blood PO2 was unchanged. Alcohol did not affect the cardiovascular, sympathetic, or ventilatory responses to either hypoxia or hypercapnia. Acute increases in plasma alcohol increase heart rate and sympathetic nerve activity; blood pressure is not increased, probably because of vasodilator effects of alcohol. Alcohol does not alter chemoreflex responses to hypoxia or hypercapnia; thus, alterations in chemoreflex sensitivity are unlikely to explain the effects of alcohol on sleep apnea. Alcohol may reduce the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.  相似文献   

160 college students were asked to read a prose passage and to take an exam on the contents of the passage. Ss received an easy or hard version of the passage, were either allowed or not allowed to underline key phrases, and were either motivated or not motivated by payment of money. Results show that (a) nonmotivated Ss performed better on the easy version than on the hard version of the text; (b) underlining aided only highly motivated Ss; and (c) underlining aided Ss who worked on the hard version of the text. Results are interpreted from motivational and activity viewpoints. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The enantiomers of the potent nonsteroidal inhibitor of aromatase fadrozole hydrochloride 3 have been separated and their absolute configuration determined by X-ray crystallography. On the basis of a molecular modeling comparison of the active enantiomer 4 and one of the most potent steroidal inhibitors reported to date, (19R)-10-thiiranylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione, 7, a model describing the relative binding modes of the azole-type and steroidal inhibitors of aromatase at the active site of the enzyme is proposed. It is suggested that the cyanophenyl moiety present in the most active azole inhibitors partially mimics the steroid backbone of the natural substrate for aromatase, androst-4-ene-3,17-dione, 1. The synthesis and biological testing of novel analogues of 3 used to define the accessible and nonaccessible volumes to ligands in the model of the active site of aromatase are reported.  相似文献   

In a total of 36 male rats, lesions of the cerebellar fastigial nucleus, but not lateral nuclear lesions or cerebellar cortical lesions, resulted in significant reductions in activity, open-field exploratory behavior, and social interactions. These deficits showed no recovery over a 4-wk testing period and were not related to the motor effects of the lesions. Other motivated behaviors (e.g., eating, grooming, gnawing, and pain responsiveness) were minimally affected. Results suggest the existence of 2 separate fastigial output pathways to neurobehavioral substrates: (a) the direct fastigio-bulbar pathway, which mediates the eating, grooming, and gnawing behaviors elicited by fastigial stimulation, and (b) the ascending fastigial projection to limbic structures, which may mediate fastigial influences on activity and social interaction. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the 1st of 2 experiments, lesions of the anterior hypothalamic nucleus and the medial preoptic area sharply attenuated enhancement of wheel running by estradiol benzoate (EB) in ovariectomized albino Holtzman rats. 71 Ss received either 3.0 μg EB or oil in daily sc injections. Lesions of the corticomedial amygdala had no effect on wheel running. The hormonal effects on activity were largely independent of any changes in body weight. Exp I indicated that the anterior hypothalamic and medial preoptic areas are critically involved in the induction of activity by estradiol. However, this experiment provided no support for suggestions that the corticomedial amygdala inhibits those structures that mediate the estrogenic induction of activity. In Exp II, food deprivation was used to stimulate activity. Results suggest that the reduction in the ability of estradiol to induce activity following anterior hypothalamic and medial preoptic lesions does not reflect a general inability to become more active. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

T4MOC is a 12.3 kDa soluble Rieske ferredoxin that is obligately required for electron transfer between the oxidoreductase and diiron hydroxylase components of toluene 4-monooxygenase from Pseudomonas mendocina KR1. Our preliminary 1H NMR studies of oxidized and reduced T4MOC [Markley, J. L., Xia, B., Chae, Y. K., Cheng, H., Westler, W. M., Pikus, J. D., and Fox, B. G. (1996) in Protein Structure Function Relationships (Zaidi, Z., and Smith, D., Eds.) pp 135-146, Plenum Press, London] revealed the presence of hyperfine-shifted 1H resonances whose short relaxation times made it impractical to use nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) measurements for assignment purposes. We report here the use of selective isotopic labeling to analyze the hyperfine-shifted 1H, 2H, and 15N signals from T4MOC. Selective deuteration led to identification of signals from the four Hbeta atoms of cluster ligands C45 and C64 in the oxidized and reduced forms of T4MOC. In the reduced state, the Curie temperature dependence of the Hbeta protons corresponded to that predicted from the simple vector spin-coupling model for nuclei associated with the localized ferric site. The signal at 25.5 ppm in the 1H spectrum of reduced T4MOC was assigned on the basis of selective 2H labeling to the His Hepsilon1 atom of one of the cluster ligands (H47 or H67). This assignment was corroborated by a one bond 1H-13C correlation (at 25.39 ppm 1H and 136.11 ppm 13C) observed in spectra of [U-13C]T4MOC with a 1H-13C coupling constant of approximately 192 Hz. The carbon chemical shift and one bond coupling constant are those expected for 1Hepsilon1-13Cepsilon1 in the imidazolium ring of histidine and are inconsistent with values expected for cysteine 1Halpha-13Calpha. The His Hepsilon1 proton exhibited weak Curie temperature dependence from 283 to 303 K, contrary to the anti-Curie temperature dependence predicted from the spin coupling model for nuclei associated with the localized ferrous site. A 1H peak at -12.3 ppm was observed in spectra of reduced T4MOC; this signal was found to correspond to a hydrogen (probably in an H-bond to the cluster) that exchanged with solvent with a half-time of about 2 days in the oxidized state but with a much longer (undetectable) half-time in the reduced state. These results with T4MOC call into question certain 1H assignments recently reported on the basis of NOE measurements for the comparable Rieske ferredoxin component of an evolutionarily related alkene monooxygenase from Xanthobacter sp. Py2 [Holz, R. C., Small, F. J., and Ensign, S. A, (1997) Biochemistry 36, 14690-14696]. Selective 15N labeling was used to identify hyperfine-shifted 15N NMR signals from the backbone nitrogens of all four cluster ligands (C45, H47, C64, and H67), from the Nepsilon2 atoms of the two histidine ligands (H47 and H67), and from nonligand Gln and Ala residues (Q48 and A66) present in the cluster-binding motif of T4MOC in the oxidized and reduced states. The results indicate that the Ndelta1 of each of the two ligand histidines of T4MOC are ligated to an iron atom and reveal a pattern of H-bonding to the Rieske [2Fe-2S] center involving four (H47, Q48, A66, and H67 of T4MOC) of the five backbone amide H-bonds expected on the basis of comparison with the crystal structures of other related Rieske proteins; the fifth backbone amide (I50 of T4MOC) failed to exhibit a hyperfine shift. This anomaly may arise from the lack of an associated disulfide in T4MOC, a fundamental structural difference between the three types of Rieske proteins that may be related to functional diversity in this protein family.  相似文献   

Conducted 2 studies with a total of 346 college students to clarify the previously reported relationship between skill vs. chance activity preferences and Rotter's Internal-External Control Scale. In the 1st study, the magnitude of the correlations of the skill-chance preferences with locus of control varied as a function of sex of S and masculinity or femininity of the skill items. Activity level of the skill and chance activities also confounded the relationship. The 2nd study separated the 3 dimensions of skill-chance, active-passive, and masculine-feminine activities within the same activity-preference form. Only the correlations with skill-chance reached overall statistical significance but the significance was smaller than in previous studies. The possible additivity of the 3 dimensions in the relationship with locus of control is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

L-Leucyl-L-leucine methyl ester (Leu-Leu-OMe), an apoptosis inducer in natural killer cells and macrophages, was caged with trans-o-hydroxycinnamoyl (3a-d), trans-o-mercaptocinnamoyl (4) and o-nitrobenzyl derivatives (5a, b), and the photochemical reactivity of these derivatives in phosphate-buffered saline containing 1% dimethyl sulfoxide and their immunological properties were studied. All of the derivatives exhibited absorption at wavelengths longer than the UVB region. Although 3a-d and 4 were expected to isomerize to a cis isomer, which then cyclizes intramolecularly to give Leu-Leu-OMe and a coumarin derivative, cyclization efficiency was not satisfactory except for 3a. However, 3a itself caused necrosis (cell swelling) of U937 cells (a myeloid cell line). In contrast, 5a and b released Leu-Le-OMe quickly and efficiently and did not affect U937 cells. Although irradiated 5b induced necrosis, irradiated 3a and 5a induced apoptosis in these cells, as evidenced by a decrease in cell size.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effects of physical activity on seric lipoproteins and coagulation parameters, an 8-week clinical trial was performed. Fifteen healthy young subjects (average age 23 years) with no history of previous agonistic physical activity, entered the study. Each subject underwent a physical programme consisting of three times a week bicycle ergometer exercise with progressive increases in work rate by using stages of 3 min duration until the 85% of the predictive heart rate was reached. Each individual was subjected to four blood drawings according to the following schedule: at the beginning of the study, after 4 weeks, after 8 weeks (at the end of the programme) and 4 weeks after the interruption of training. As far as the seric lipoproteins are concerned, the following parameters were monitored: total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C, triglycerides, Apo-A1, Apo-B100, NEFA and phospholipids. On the other hand the following coagulation parameters were monitored: fibrinogen PT, aPtt, coagulation factors (II-XII), red cells, leucocytes, platelets, hemoglobin and hematocrit. From the analysis of the data, the following statistically significant results were observed: HDL-C increased by 14%, LDL-C decreased by 13%, Apo-A1 increased by 6%, fibrinogen increased by 31.7%, Ptt decreased by 3.7% and leucocytes increased by 15%. Four weeks after exercise was terminated, all monitored parameters turned into the basal range. Our data seem to demonstrate a positive effect of physical exercise on seric lipoproteins in the short period. Nevertheless they provide evidence of an hypercoagulability condition demonstrated by the important fibrinogen increase and the Ptt decrease.  相似文献   

In repeated injections of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) covalently bound with protein (6-MP-P) antibodies binding 6-MP appeared in rabbits. In such animals free 6-MP produced a lesser immunodepressive and toxic action. Injection to mice immunized with sheep erythrocytes (SE) of rabbit serum containing antibodies against 6-MP not only failed to lead to reduction of the immunodepressive action of this cytostatic, but, on the contrary, intensified the inhibition of antibody formation to the SE. Injection to mice of 6-MP bound with rabbit antiserum in vitro also enhanced its immunodepressive activity. Evidently own antibodies neutralized 6-MP, whereas foreign ones, serving as an antigen, apparently caused its accumulation in the macrophagal lymphocytic complex.  相似文献   

Arylamine N-acctyltransferase (NAT) activities with p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and 2-aminofluorene (2-AF) were determined in the bacterium Helicobacter pylori collected from peptic ulcer patients. Two assay systems were performed, one with cellular cytosols, the other with intact cell suspensions. Cytosols or suspensions of H. pylori with or without specific concentrations of diallyl sulfide (DAS) or diallyl disulfide (DADS) co-treatment showed different percentages of 2-AF and PABA acetylation. The data indicated that there was decreased NAT activity associated with increased levels of DAS or DADS in H. pylori cytosols and suspensions. Viability studies on H. pylori demonstrated that DAS or DADS elicited dose-dependent bactericide affects on H. pylori cultures. The data also indicated that DAS and DADS decreased the apparent values of K(m) and Vmax of NAT enzyme from H. pylori in both systems examined. This report is the first demonstration that garlic components can affect H. pylori growth and NAT activity.  相似文献   

Examined demographic, environmental, and parent–child interactional correlates of physical activity in 222 preschoolers (aged 3–6 yrs). Results indicate a significant relationship between (1) children's relative weight, parental weight status, and percentage of time spent outdoors, and (2) children's activity levels. Parental obesity was associated with lower levels of physical activity in children. Childhood relative weight was associated with slightly higher levels of physical activity, and more outdoor activity was associated with higher activity levels. Parental participation in children's activities significantly interacted with levels of parental obesity in predicting children's activity levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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