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A three-dimensional numerical study is presented for the calculation of turbulent flow in compound channels. The flow simulations are performed by solving the three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged continuity and Navier–Stokes equations with the k?ε turbulence model for steady-state flow. The flow equations are solved numerically with a general-purpose finite-volume code. The results are compared with the experimental data obtained from the UK Flood Channel Facility. The simulated distributions of primary velocity, bed shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds stresses are used to investigate the accuracy of the model prediction. The results show that, using an estimated roughness height, the primary velocity distributions and the bed shear stress are predicted reasonably well for inbank flows in channels of high aspect ratio (width/depth ≥ 10) and for high overbank flows with values of the relative flow depth greater than 0.25.  相似文献   

To improve navigation conditions for barges passing through river channels, many submerged weirs (SWs) have been installed along the bendways of many waterways by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This paper presents results from three-dimensional numerical simulations that were conducted to study the helical secondary current (HSC) and the near-field flow distribution around one SW. The simulated flow fields around a SW in a scale physical model were validated using experimental data. The three-dimensional flow fields around a SW, the influence of the SW on general HSC, and the implication of effectiveness of submerged weirs to realign the flow field and improve navigability in bendways were analyzed. The numerical simulations indicated that the SW significantly altered the general HSC. Its presence induced a skewed pressure difference cross its top and a triangular-shaped recirculation to the downstream side. The over-top flow tends to realign toward the inner bank and therefore improves conditions for navigation.  相似文献   

A direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a square duct was performed for a Reynolds number based on bulk streamwise velocity and duct height equal to 4,440. The mechanism by which secondary flows are generated in a square duct was investigated. Two counterrotating secondary flows occur around the duct corner. These secondary flows were found to play a key role in momentum transfer between the corner and center of the duct. A conditional quadrant analysis was performed in the local maximum and minimum regions of the wall shear stress in order to characterize the pattern of the mean secondary flows.  相似文献   

For the silo flow of two materials with contrasting strengths, an automatic separation without mixing of the materials is observed during drawing. In the present paper, the writers observe that a columniform funnel flow will appear in a silo with a single opening while a uniform flow will occur for a silo with a double opening. The classical and popular Janssen equation is hence less suitable for a silo with a single opening than for a silo with a double opening. The development of the arch action arising from the contact force is investigated through the distinct element analysis for the two different types of silo. It is also found that there are significant differences in the velocity and stress fields between the two different types of silo, which are worth consideration in the design of the silo and the recovery of the mineral ore.  相似文献   

Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Flows in Open-Channel Junctions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An open-channel junction flow is encountered in many hydraulic structures ranging from wastewater treatment facilities to fish passage conveyance structures. An extensive number of experimental studies have been conducted but a comprehensive three-dimensional numerical study of junction flow characteristics has not been performed and reported. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model is developed to investigate the open-channel junction flow. The main objective is to present the validation of a three-dimensional numerical model with high-quality experimental data and compare additional simulations with classical one-dimensional water surface calculations. The three-dimensional model is first validated using the experimental data of a 90° junction flow under two flow conditions. Good agreement is obtained between the model simulation and the experimental measurements. The model is then applied to investigate the effect of the junction angle on the flow characteristics and a discussion of the results is presented.  相似文献   

Validation of a three-dimensional finite volume code solving the Navier–Stokes equations with the standard k-ε turbulence model is conducted using a high quality and high spatial resolution data set. The data set was collected from a large-scale meandering channel with a self-formed fixed bed, and comprises detailed bed profiling and laser Doppler anemometer velocity measurements. Comparisons of the computed primary and secondary velocities are made with those observed and it is found that the lateral momentum transfer is generally under predicted. At the apices this results in the predicted position of the primary velocity maximum having a bias towards the channel center, compared to the position where it has been measured. Using a simplified two zone roughness distribution whereby a separate roughness height was prescribed for the channel center and channel sides relative to a single distributed roughness height, generally led to a slightly improved longitudinal velocity distribution; the higher velocities were located nearer to the outside of the bend. Improving both the free surface calculation and scheme for discretization of the convection terms led to no appreciable difference in the computed velocity distributions. A more detailed study involving turbulence measurements and bed form height distribution should discriminate whether using distributed roughness height is a precursor to using an anisotropic turbulence representation for the accurate prediction of three-dimensional river flows.  相似文献   

Numerical Simulation of Flows in Cut-Throat Flumes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical simulation is presented to obtain the flow characteristics of cut-throat flumes in rectangular open channels. Cut-throat flumes with a horizontal floor are used as simple devices for flow measurement in open channels. Since the flow in the throat section is highly three dimensional and curvilinear, the three-dimensional turbulence Reynolds stress model was applied in the present study to obtain the flow parameters such as the water surface profiles, the pressure distributions, and the mean velocity distributions. The volume of fluid scheme was used to determine the shape of the free surface by computing the fraction of each near-interface cell of a fixed grid that is partially filled with water. The previously published experimental data as well as data based on a new test related to cut-throat flumes were used to validate the simulation results.  相似文献   

Dividing flows in open channels are commonly encountered in hydraulic engineering systems. They are inherently three-dimensional (3D) in character. Past experimental studies were mostly limited to the collection of test data on the assumption that the flow was 1D or 2D. In the present experimental study, the flow is treated as 3D and test results are obtained for the flow characteristics of dividing flows in a 90°, sharp-edged, rectangular open-channel junction formed by channels of equal width. Depth measurements are made using point gauges, while velocity measurements are obtained using a Dantec laser Doppler anemometer over grids defined throughout the junction region. A 3D turbulence model is also developed to investigate the dividing open-channel flow characteristics. The predicted flow characteristics are validated using experimental data. Following proper model validation, the numerical model developed can yield design data pertaining to flow characteristics for different discharge and area ratios for other dividing flow configurations encountered in engineering practice. Energy and momentum coefficients based on the present 3D model yield more realistic energy losses and momentum transfers for dividing flow configurations. Data related to secondary flows provide information vital to bank stability, if the branch channel sides are erodible.  相似文献   

The k-ε turbulence closure model is used to simulate obstructed round buoyant jets in a static uniform ambient, and the results compare well with available experimental data. On the basis of the axial line velocity distribution, three regions in the flow behind the disk are identified: the wake region, the transitional region, and the self-similarity region. The length of the wake region, which varies with flow and geometrical parameters, and the existence of self-similarity are also addressed.  相似文献   

Information regarding the spatial and temporal organization of river flow is required for many applications in river management, and is a fundamental requirement in ecohydraulics. As an alternative to detailed field surveys and to mesohabitat reconnaissance schemes, potential exists to deploy numerical flow simulation as an assessment and design tool. A key question is the extent to which complex hydrodynamic models are really practical in river management applications. This paper presents experiences using sediment simulation in intakes with multiblock, a three-dimensional modeling code, in conjunction with a statistical approach for classifying the spatiotemporal dynamics of flow behavior. Even in a simple configuration, the model is able to replicate well flow structures which associate with the mesohabitat concepts used in field reconnaissance techniques. The model also captures spatiotemporal dynamics in flow and depth behavior at these scales. However, because the model shows differential performance between flow stages and between differing channel (bed form) units, the smaller-scale and discharge-dependent dynamics of some zones within the channel may be less-well represented, and the implications of this for future research are noted.  相似文献   

Various numerical modeling approaches, all based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solutions for the flow field, are studied for an ultraviolet disinfection system in which the lamps are oriented perpendicular to the flow direction. A two-dimensional model assumption is made in all simulations, for which turbulent flow solutions were obtained with commercial CFD software (FIDAP). Two modeling approaches were studied. A continuum Eulerian approach was taken in formulating an appropriate advection–diffusion equation which is solved for the viable micro-organism concentration. Alternatively, a Lagrangian approach, in which particles are numerically introduced into the flow and their trajectories through a spatially varying field of ultraviolet intensities were computed, was also investigated. The effect of modeling unsteady-flow features associated with vortex shedding and motion on the extent of disinfection was examined by comparing time-averaged results based on an unsteady-flow continuum model with the results from an analogous simulation assuming a steady flow. Under the steady-flow assumption, differences between predictions of the Eulerian continuum approach and the Lagrangian particle-trajectory approach were also considered. Both modeling approaches yielded similar predictions over a range of loadings, and tended to underestimate the extent of disinfection when compared to measurements at the pilot scale.  相似文献   

A numerical study to describe the transition regime between the skimming and wake interference flows due to the influence of an idealized bed roughness in a water flume was carried out here using the lattice model approach. The model reproduced the skimming, transition, and wake interference regimes for different aspect ratios that determine the bed roughness geometry. The simulated turbulent structures were visualized by drawing the trajectories of a large number of passive tracer particles released in the computational domain, and the results agreed with those reported by the research works. The dimensionless streamwise and vertical turbulent intensities were calculated at five test sections. The results obtained supported the visualized flow patterns permitting us to detect the presence of a shear layer developed at the top of the roughness element, whose strength varied according to the flow regime simulated.  相似文献   

A general-purpose numerical method is developed for solving the full three-dimensional (3D), incompressible, unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations in natural river reaches containing complex hydraulic structures at full-scale Reynolds numbers. The method adopts body-fitted, chimera overset grids in conjunction with a grid-embedding strategy to accurately and efficiently discretize arbitrarily complex, multiconnected flow domains. The URANS and turbulence closure equations are discretized using a second-order accurate finite-volume approach. The discrete equations are integrated in time via a dual-time-stepping, artificial compressibility method in conjunction with an efficient coupled, block-implicit, approximate factorization iterative solver. The computer code is parallelized to take full advantage of multiprocessor computer systems so that unsteady solutions on grids with 106 nodes can be obtained within reasonable computational time. The power of the method is demonstrated by applying it to simulate turbulent flow at R ? 107 in a stretch of the Chattahoochee River containing a portion of the actual bridge foundation located near Cornelia, Georgia. It is shown that the method can capture the onset of coherent vortex shedding in the vicinity of the foundation while accounting for the large-scale topographical features of the surrounding river reach.  相似文献   

Experimental investigation is essential to improve the understanding of aerospace flows. During the last years, effort has been put on the development of optical diagnostics capable of imaging or yielding data from the flow in a nonintrusive way. The application of some of these techniques to supersonic and hypersonic flows can be highly challenging due to the high velocity, strong gradients, and restricted optical access generally encountered. Widely used qualitative and semiquantitative optical flow diagnostics are shadowgraph, schlieren, and interferometry. Laser-based techniques such as laser Doppler anemometry and particle image velocimetry are well established for investigation of supersonic flows, but as yet their use in hypersonic flows has been limited. Other relevant measurement techniques include particle tracking velocimetry, Doppler global velocimetry, laser-two-focus anemometry, background oriented schlieren and laser induced fluorescence methods. This paper reviews the development of these and further optical measurement techniques and their application to supersonic and hypersonic aerospace flows in recent years.  相似文献   

Simulation of Flow and Mass Dispersion in Meandering Channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the development of an enhanced two-dimensional (2D) numerical model for the simulation of flow hydrodynamics and mass transport in meandering channels. The hydrodynamic model is based on the solution of the depth-averaged flow continuity and momentum equations where the density of flow varies with the concentration of transported mass. The governing equation for mass transport model is the depth-averaged convection and diffusion equation. The dispersion terms arisen from the integration of the product of the discrepancy between the mean and the actual vertical velocity distribution were included in the momentum equations to take into account the effect of secondary current. Two laboratory experimental cases, flow in mildly and sharply curved channels, were selected to test the hydrodynamic model. The comparison of the simulated velocity and water surface elevation with the measurements indicated that the inclusion of the dispersion terms has improved the simulation results. A laboratory experiment study of dye spreading in a sine-generated channel, in which dye was released at the inner bank, centerline, and outer bank, respectively, was chosen to verify the mass transport model. The simulated concentration field indicated that the Schmidt number can be used as a calibration parameter when dispersion is computed using a 2D approach with a simplified turbulence model.  相似文献   

Numerical Modeling of Three-Dimensional Flow Field Around Circular Piers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-dimensional numerical model FLUENT is used to simulate the separated turbulent flow around vertical circular piers in clear water. Computations are performed using different turbulence models and results are compared with several sets of experimental data available in the literature. Despite commonly perceived weakness of the k-ε model in resolving three-dimensional (3D) open channel and geophysical flows, several variants of this turbulence model are found to have performed satisfactorily in reproducing the measured velocity profiles. However, model results obtained using the k-ε models show some discrepancy with the measured bed shear stress. The Reynolds stress model performed quite well in simulating velocity distribution on flat bed and scour hole as well as shear stress distribution on flat bed around circular piers. The study demonstrates that a robust 3D hydrodynamic model can effectively supplement experimental studies in understanding the complex flow field and the scour initiation process around piers of various size, shape, and dimension.  相似文献   

Existing numerical river models are mostly built upon asynchronous solution of simplified governing equations. The strong coupling between water flow, sediment transport, and morphological evolution is thus ignored to a certain extent. An earlier study led to the development of a fully coupled model and identified the impacts of simplifications in the water-sediment mixture and global bed material continuity equations as well as of the asynchronous solution procedure for aggradation processes. This paper presents the results of an extended study along this line, highlighting the impacts on both aggradation and degradation processes. Simplifications in the continuity equations for the water-sediment mixture and bed material are found to have negligible effects on degradation. This is, however, in contrast to aggradation processes, in which the errors purely due to simplified continuity equations can be significant transiently. The asynchronous solution procedure is found to entail appreciable inaccuracy for both aggradation and degradation processes. Further, the asynchronous solution procedure can render the physical problem mathematically ill posed by invoking an extra upstream boundary condition in the supercritical flow regime. Finally, the impacts of simplified continuity equations and an asynchronous solution procedure are shown to be comparable with those of largely tuned friction factors, indicating their significance in calibrating numerical river models. It is concluded that the coupled system of complete governing equations needs to be synchronously solved for refined modeling of alluvial rivers.  相似文献   

Large-scale coherent vortical structures in natural streams and rivers dominate flow and transport processes and impact the stability of stream banks, the diversity and abundance of organisms, and the quality of running waters in aquatic ecosystems. Thus, understanding and being able to model the dynamics of energetic coherent structures in such flows at ecologically relevant scales are crucial prerequisites for developing a science-based ecosystem restoration framework. We review recent progress toward the development of coherent-structure-resolving (CSR) computational fluid dynamics techniques, based on hybrid URANS/LES modeling strategies, for simulating turbulent flows in open-channels with hydraulic structures. CSR simulations of the turbulent horseshoe vortex (THSV) past bed-mounted piers explained the physical mechanism leading to the experimentally documented bimodal velocity fluctuations of the vortex and underscored the importance of the Reynolds number as a key parameter governing the THSV dynamics. Simulations of high Reynolds number flows past surface-piercing, groynelike structures in open channels revealed the complexity of the recirculating region at the upstream face of the groyne, underscored the interaction of the flow in this region with the energetic shear layer shed from the point of separation at the upstream side wall, and demonstrated the importance of flow depth in the vorticity dynamics of such flows. The paper also identifies areas for future work and modeling challenges that need to be addressed for the computational tools to be able to accurately predict flow and transport processes in real-life aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Combining flows are encountered often in environmental engineering and hydraulic engineering. Experimental data are available to assist the engineers who need the various loss coefficients associated with combining flows in closed conduits. For the combining flows in 90° rectangular conduit junctions, the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equations are applied, while using the three-dimensional k-ω model. The energy loss coefficients and the mean flow pattern are obtained and validated by experimental data. The numerical modeling is less time-consuming and less expensive to obtain the various flow parameters needed for engineering design.  相似文献   

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