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对于低频噪声,信号中心频率附近声压级较高的有调音部分发生变化时,包括谱峰的声压级增高和谱峰的形状变尖,会使主观有调感明显提高。因此在考虑有调度计算模型时,一定要充分考虑峰值信号部分产生的影响。现有的有调度计算模型虽然在此部分有所考虑,但是由于模型中的带宽计权因子不能恰当描述这一特征,因而不能准确描述相应的主观感觉,并且计算模型不稳定。通过实验研究与分析得到影响主观有调感最大的因素是有调音部分的声压级大小和谱峰形状,据此进一步从纯音的窄带频率调制信号的主观评价实验出发,通过实验所得的有调度评分值反演出有调度的带宽计权因子,从而对现有模型中的带宽计权因子进行了修正,增加了峰值尖锐程度对有调度的影响,提高了有调度模型的准确性,而且增强了计算的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

We introduce a new compact noise equivalent circuit model of semiconductor lasers (SLs) from the rate equation including Langevin noise sources. The noise sources are described in terms of the spectral properties of the relative intensity noise (RIN) and frequency/phase noise (FN). Unlike the previous noise equivalent circuit models, which are based on two different DC and small-signal circuit models, using only a single circuit model, the static and dynamic responses and also the noise characteristics of SLs, can be investigated. We examine the validity of the presented noise circuit model by comparing the simulated results with the analytical and numerical results available in the literatures.  相似文献   

The choice of the optimum weighting function of the window for the mathematical processing of low-frequency noise experimental research data is discussed. Experimental low-frequency noise spectra are obtained using automated equipment. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 12, pp. 47–50, December 2005.  相似文献   

卞之  王红晨 《低温工程》2012,1(1):65-68
建立了以水为热交换媒介的太阳能光伏半导体制冷模块实验系统.制冷装置模块化,用以适应制冷功率变化较大的不同空间布局,通过太阳能光电半导体制冷实验获得了不同工作状态下电流、制冷量、制冷系数等重要参数,该参数可为确定系统最佳工作区域提供可靠依据.给出了太阳能热电制冷系统组合方案,介绍了一种新型组合式半导体制冷器和半导体热电发电装置,其数值计算的结构参数、最大制冷系数和制冷率等重要参数以及热电器件最佳工作区域和结构参数的最优范围,可为系统优化设计的配置提供理论上的指导.  相似文献   

朱锡清  李亚  孙红星 《声学技术》2006,25(4):361-364
低噪声特性是螺旋桨设计者所追求的目标之一。当船尾的螺旋桨周期性旋转在空间和瞬时随机的非均匀流场中时,在螺旋桨叶片上就会产生升力脉动,从而辐射出离散谱噪声和低频宽带噪声。利用湍流谱和FfowcsWilliams-Hawkings方程可以获得低频宽带噪声级。这种方法可用于实船螺旋桨噪声预报和低噪声设计,这对提高舰船安静化程度有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

红外探测技术对多目标弹道参数的测量   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
高昕  许峰 《光电工程》2004,31(10):5-8
在对多目标探测所用传感器的选择、目标提取和数据处理等三方面技术问题进行分析论证的基础上,提出了一种新的多、弱、小、暗目标近地弹道参数测量方法。采用红外热像仪合理布站,对运动的多个目标进行空间定位;采集多目标近地区域的下落图像,拟合出相应的轨迹,然后根据多条轨迹得到诸如目标空间坐标、轨迹、速度等弹道参数。这种方法可用于测量靶场落点和近地轨迹等;尤其是在对子母弹子弹群的近地弹道参数及落点的测量中,通过后期处理,可快速精确地报出各子弹的落点坐标。  相似文献   

Design and production of semiconductor devices for the automotive industry are characterized by high reliability requirements, such that the proper functioning of these devices is ensured over the whole specified lifetime. Therefore, manufacturers let their products undergo extensive testing procedures that simulate the tough requirements their products have to withstand. Such tests typically are highly accelerated, to test the behavior of the products over the whole lifetime. In case of drift of electrical parameters, manufacturers then need to find appropriate tolerance limits for their final electrical product tests, such that the proper functioning of their devices over the whole specified lifetime is ensured. In this study, we present a statistical model for the determination of tolerance limits that minimize yield loss. The model considers longitudinal measurements of continuous features, based on censored data from stress tests. The tolerance limits are derived from multivariate distributions where the dependence structure is described by different copulas. Based on extensive numerical testing, we are able to provide insights into the properties of our model for different drift behaviors of the devices.  相似文献   

为了降低风机盘管机组的低频噪声水平,采用鱼骨刺图、专家判断、Scatter plots,Two-Sample TTest,One-way ANOVA和仿真分析等方法对FCU03机组的低频噪声进行分析。结果表明,低频噪声不会随机外静压的变化而变化;机组的低频噪声与风速相关,低速档工作时,低频噪声问题更明显;提高风机座板的刚度,能够有效地降低风机盘管机组的低频噪声水平,提高产品质量。  相似文献   

GB22337-2008《社会生活环境噪声排放标准》的实施,标志着我国将社会生活环境噪声排放纳入到国家法律的范围。本文指出制冷空调设备生产企业所面临的挑战,企业应积极对产品进行技术创新改进,以达到国家标准的要求。  相似文献   

声强测量法在汽车空调噪声测量中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析声强测量法的原理与优点,介绍声强测量法在汽车空调噪声声功率级测试中的应用。通过比较声强法与普通方法的测量结果,证明声强测量法在空调噪声测试中具有足够高的精度,有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   

A computer-aided system for measuring the static parameters of semiconductor devices is described. The system is controlled by a personal computer. A hierarchy of models is formed from the results of the measurements from the simplest behavioral models to the accurate physical models used in computer-aided design systems. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 12, pp. 49–52, December, 1996.  相似文献   

本文评述了半导体器件引线框架材料国内外研究开发的现状 ,对引线框架材料性能和材料设计进行了分析 ,并讨论了随着计算机和信息工业的迅猛发展 ,引线框架材料今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 8, pp. 42–43, August, 1991.  相似文献   

孙艳  焦风雷  周国柱  刘克  康健 《声学技术》2009,28(4):512-517
低频噪声对人的主观影响越来越引起人们的重视,本文采用正交分析方法,研究了低频噪声频谱中不同频率下降点,不同下降斜率,不同频率调制因子和用于调制信号的窄带噪声不同截止频率四个因素对主观低沉度、有调感、粗糙感和烦恼度的影响.主观评价采用了分组成对比较法和参考语义细分法.研究结果表明,不同频率调制因子对粗糙感的影响较大.不同截止频率对有调感和低沉度的影响比较明显.在进行主观烦恼度的统计分析时,需要考虑人群分类的影响,对于不同的人群烦恼度的影响因素会有所不同.  相似文献   

The origin of the increase in residual spectral linewidth during device degradation is experimentally and theoretically clarified in a multiple quantum well (MQW) distributed feedback (DFB) laser. Non-radiative recombination current increases during device degradation and causes 1/f noise to increase. This current 1/f noise is the origin of the increase in the residual spectral linewidth. Through these degradation behaviours, a model showing a correlation between 1/f noise and the semiconductor laser degradation is proposed.  相似文献   

A setup is described for measuring the noise power density spectra of optical radiation detectors at frequencies from 1 to 105 GHz in the detector and background temperature range from 80 to 500 K. Results obtained with lead sulfide photoresistors and silicon and indium antimonide photodiodes are presented. Translated from Izmertel'naya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 57–61, January, 1997.  相似文献   

燃料电池汽车是采用燃料电池动力系统的新型零排放环保汽车,其噪声源是分布式的,车内噪声组成比较复杂,噪声的线性度没有传统汽车好,因此亟需改善其车内声音品质,使人们在享受能源环保的同时也能有舒适的乘坐环境。论文测试某型燃料电池轿车怠速工况车内噪声,进行车内噪声的频谱分析。以响度作为声品质评价指标,提出了改善车内声品质应着重考虑的频率范围,同时结合噪声频谱分析,采用参数化滤波方法对主要峰值频率进行处理,找出对人耳主观感觉影响较大的频率或频段。为了降噪和改善车内声品质,采取分别运行法进行物理问题识别,找出对乘员主观感觉影响较大的频率和频段产生的声振部件,实现从声品质问题到物理问题的转换,研究发现车内噪声上述频率和频段主要是由燃料电池辅助系统(氢泵和风机)产生的。  相似文献   

为了评估高速列车运行时对轨道周围环境的噪声污染程度,对高速列车以不同速度工况通过时的车外辐射噪声(称为"通过噪声")进行了测试,得到了以最大A声级和1/3倍频程A声级标志的列车通过噪声的测量数据。分析了通过噪声的频谱特性、及其与列车速度的关系。测试数据表明高速列车通过噪声是宽频噪声,最大A声级在标准规定测试点上的值达到约90 dB,对铁路附近的噪声污染比较大;通过噪声随着列车速度增大而增大,在时速370 km以上增幅变大。  相似文献   

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