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The WAIS protocols of 50 male and 50 female college students were analyzed for differential subtest performance. Although no significant differences were found for education, age, or Verbal, Performance, or Full Scale IQ, males were found to be highly superior on the Information, Arithmetic, Block Design, and Picture Arrangement subtests. Females were markedly superior on the Digit Symbol subtest. Wechsler's M-F score was calculated for each group and was found to differentiate the sexes better than any single subtest. The results suggest the presence of sexual bias in the WAIS even when age, education, IQ, and experience are held fairly constant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the role of reporting bias in hypnotic negative hallucinations by using a paradigm in which reporting bias was assessed independently of perceptual change. In Exp 1, highly hypnotizable Ss reported significant loudness reductions when tested for hypnotic deafness. Later, however, these Ss biased their reported loudness reductions in the absence of perceptual change, and their reporting bias scores were almost as large as their hypnotic deafness reports. Ss also biased their ratings of strategy use. In Exp 2, ratings of blindness given in response to a hypnotic negative visual hallucination suggestion were significantly correlated with reporting bias scores obtained in this paradigm. Although hypnotic blindness and hypnotic deafness correlated significantly, the partial correlation between these variables was nonsignificant when reporting bias scores were statistically controlled. Theoretical implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The first three autochthonous cases of alveolar echinococcosis were diagnosed in the Ardennes area (France). This is the most occidental localization of this disease in Northern Europe. The authors discuss these cases with an epidemiological regard. They are looking for relationships with natural parasitic cycle in the neighbouring country Belgium and their consequences on local public health in the future.  相似文献   

Presents evidence from researchers (M. Straus et al [1980] and M. Schulman [1979]) that refutes L. E. Walker's (see record 1989-26311-001) claim that most violence by women is a reaction to men's violence against them. Straus et al found that among couples reporting violence, in 24% of the cases the violence was unilateral by the woman, and in 27% of the cases the violence was unilateral by the man. In a study with all female Ss, Schulman found that among those reporting violence, in 30% of the cases the violence was unilateral by the woman, and in 23% of the cases women reported unilateral violence by the male. Incidence by type of violence reported varied little as to male-to-female or female-to-male. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Checklists and other tools help doctors to use published evidence in clinical practice. Two other important sources of evidence, however, are the patient and his or her medical record. This series aims to advance the practice of evidence-based medicine by helping in redesign of medical records, drawing on insights from psychology, information design, and medical informatics; and by promoting changes analogous to those occurring in the medical literature. The four papers look at: the uses of medical records and importance of organising them so doctors can use the data they contain; different methods doctors use to search for data and how design of records can help or hinder these approaches; how we interpret data once found, and how record formatting assists this process; and the issues raised by computerisation of records.  相似文献   

The present work explored the influence of emergency severity on racial bias in helping behavior. Three studies placed participants in staged emergencies and measured differences in the speed and quantity of help offered to Black and White victims. Consistent with predictions, as the level of emergency increased, the speed and quality of help White participants offered to Black victims relative to White victims decreased. In line with the authors' predictions based on an integration of aversive racism theory and the arousal: cost-reward perspective on prosocial behavior, severe emergencies with Black victims elicited high levels of aversion from White helpers, and these high levels of aversion were directly related to the slower help offered to Black victims but not to White victims (Study 1). In addition, the bias was related to White individuals' interpretation of the emergency as less severe and themselves as less responsible to help Black victims rather than White victims (Studies 2 and 3). Study 3 also illustrated that emergency racial bias is unique to White individuals' responses to Black victims and not evinced by Black helpers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined whether the performance-cue bias can be reduced by relying on groups as raters. Study participants (N = 333) were provided with feedback regarding the performance of a workgroup and, after observing the group, assigned to an individual or group rater condition to complete a behavioral rating instrument. Results revealed that when provided with positive (vs. negative) feedback, individuals attributed more effective and fewer ineffective behaviors to the workgroup; however, group ratings were unaffected by the feedback. In addition, feedback biased the decision criteria and false alarm rates of individuals but not of groups. Discussion of when groups may attenuate versus amplify bias in performance appraisal judgments emphasizes 2 key elements--bias magnitude and task perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

ErbB3 is a transmembrane signaling molecule that shares close structural homology with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), erbB2, and erbB4. They have all been implicated in cell transformation and tumor pathogenesis, but very little is known about the role of erbB3 in normal colon and colorectal cancer. Therefore, in the current study, we determined whether erbB3 is found in normal human colon and whether its expression is altered in colorectal cancer. Because of some evidence that erbB3 might interact with erbB2 and EGFR, respectively, by heterodimerization, we also included erbB2 and EGFR analysis with special regard to coexpression. The study was performed on 35 patients operated on for colorectal carcinoma. The normal human colon showed weak erbB3 and erbB2 immunostaining, predominantly in surface epithelial cells. EGFR immunoreactivity in normal colon varied from weak to strong. In contrast, in 31 of 35 (89%) and in 29 of 35 (83%) colonic cancers, moderate to strong immunoreactivity for erbB3 and erbB2, respectively, was present in most epithelial cancer cells. A concomitant erbB3 and erbB2 immunostaining advantage could be found in 77% of cancerous tissues in comparison with the normal colon. No difference in EGFR immunostaining was evident between normal colon and cancer. Northern blot analysis showed an increase in erbB3 and erbB2 mRNA levels in 64% of cancers in comparison with normal colon samples. By densitometry, 2.3-fold and a 1.5-fold significant increases in erbB3 and erbB2 mRNA levels, respectively, were calculated in the cancerous tissues. Eighty-five percent of cancers with erbB3 mRNA overexpression showed an increase in erbB2 mRNA. Southern blot analysis did not indicate any gene amplification or rearrangement responsible for erbB2 or erbB3 overexpression. EGFR, however, was decreased in cancer on mRNA level. These findings indicate that erbB2 and erbB3, but not EGFR, may contribute to tumor growth and disease progression in colon cancer. The correlation between increased erbB2 and erbB3 expression in both Northern blots and immunohistochemical analysis suggests a co-overexpression of erbB2 and erbB3 and might support the hypothesis that these two growth factor receptors act together by heterodimer formation.  相似文献   

Increased use of rifampicin for in-patients was noted after the laboratory began reporting rifampicin susceptibilities routinely for all Gram-positive bacterial isolates. The appropriateness of rifampicin use was evaluated by chart review for in-patients administered rifampicin during two time periods, before and during routine rifampicin susceptibility reporting, respectively. While rifampicin susceptibility was reported routinely, four patients were subjected to potentially harmful misuse of rifampicin. These findings reconfirm the necessity of interdepartmental consultation and extensive staff education whenever a modification of antimicrobial susceptibility profile reporting is contemplated. Furthermore, they underscore the role of the clinical microbiology laboratory in guiding antimicrobial therapy through limited reporting of susceptibility data.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess socio-economic differences in nutrient intake, giving particular consideration to the influence of reporting bias. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. Three methods of data analysis (inclusion of all subjects, exclusion of low energy reporters, and regression-based energy adjustment) were evaluated against biomarkers of fatty acid and antioxidant intakes. SETTING: London-based Civil Servants. SUBJECTS: Age and employment grade stratified random sub-sample of 459 men and 406 women aged 39-61 y who completed 7 d diet diaries at Phase 3 follow-up (1991-93) of the Whitehall II Study. DIETARY MEASURES: Mean daily intakes by employment grade (6 levels) of dietary energy, total fat, saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), linoleic acid, carbohydrate excluding fibre, dietary fibre, protein, alcohol, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenes, potassium and calcium. Biomarkers: serum cholesterol ester fatty acids (CEFA), total cholesterol, plasma alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene. RESULTS: Low energy reporting (LER), defined as a reported energy intake below 1.2 times calculated basal metabolic rate, was strongly associated with employment grade (top grade: men 17.3%, women 19.3%, bottom grade: men 45.7%, women 49.2% trend P < 0.0001 both sexes). This association is only to a small extent accounted for by the relative weight distribution across grades. The direct associations with grade--high status, high intakes--of total fat, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids seen in the results overall were greatly reduced or abolished when LER were excluded or when energy adjustment was used. Direct associations between grade and intakes of vitamin C and potassium in both sexes were evident regardless of data presentation method. Spearman correlations between biomarkers and reported intakes, for example CEFA and dietary linoleate (men 0.46, women 0.61), plasma beta-carotene/cholesterol ratio and dietary carotenes (men 0.16, women 0.21) together with theoretical considerations indicate that energy adjustment may be the preferred method for reducing the influence of reporting bias. CONCLUSIONS: Low energy reporting is a major source of bias in dietary surveys and its prevalence shows a marked inverse association with socio-economic status. The energy adjustment method provides an approach which reduces this bias without exclusion of low energy reporters. Intakes of micronutrients including vitamin C, rather than fatty acids, showed associations with socio-economic status consistent with a dietary explanation for social inequalities in cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Effects of a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and oral amino acid supplementations on physical and mental performance as well as neuroendocrine variables were investigated. 10 male subjects cycled in four trials until exhaustion. Participants ingested a placebo in trial (T) I, 20 mg paroxetine in T II, 21 g branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) in T III and 20g tyrosine (TYR) in T IV. Heart rate, capillary lactate, plasma insulin, free fatty acids, glucose, serotonin and beta-endorphin did not differ in trials. Plasma ammonia increments during exercise were higher in T III. Plasma BCAA in T III and plasma TYR in T IV were increased after 30 min of exercise according to the supplemented substances. In contrast to all other trials, the ratio of plasma free TRP/BCAA did not increase in T III. Plasma TYR/BCAA was augmented in T IV and decreased in T III after 30 min of exercise, whereas it did not change in T I and II. Plasma prolactin (PRL), growth hormone, cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone, norepinephrine and epinephrine increased during all trials. Plasma PRL increments were higher in T IV. Exhaustion was reached earlier in T II. No significant differences were found between other trials. Drive during psychometric testing subsequent to exercise was improved in T III and IV. The results indicate that fatigue during endurance exercise was increased by pharmacological augmentation of the brain serotonergic activity. However, a reduction of 5-HT synthesis via BCAA supplementation did not affect physical fatigue. TYR administration did not alter physical performance either although plasma PRL increments suggest that changes in the monoaminergic system were induced. Precaution is necessary before assuming an ergogenic value of amino acids.  相似文献   

Bone densitometry has well-established usefulness in assessing fracture risk. Anyone with a condition that might reduce bone mass or accelerate bone loss should undergo testing, as should postmenopausal women and perimenopausal women who are undecided about starting estrogen replacement therapy. When stratifying a patient's risk of fracture, clinicians should consider not only BMD but also age, lifestyle, concurrent illness, and family history. Almost all patients with BMD in the osteoporotic range on densitometry should be considered for pharmacologic therapy, and so should many of those with values in the osteopenic range. Periodic retesting with bone densitometry is appropriate to monitor the progress of age-related bone loss and response to therapy. There are differences among skeletal sites used in BMD measurement, particularly regarding response to therapy. In addition, there are differences in calibration among densitometry machines, so whenever possible, serial studies should be done on the same machine and by the same technologist.  相似文献   

We set up a mutual help network among the elderly residents of a government-subsidized apartment building and evaluated its impact on their social ties, social support satisfaction, and depression. A quasi-experimental design was used, with the residents of a similar building located in the same neighborhood serving as the control group. A total of 230 individual services were exchanged, and 28 group activities were organized during the study period. There was almost no difference between experimental and control groups with respect to the change over the study period in the number of social ties with other residents of the building. Support satisfaction decreased in both groups, but the decrease was larger in the experimental group. The control group had a slight decrease in the frequency of their depressive symptoms, whereas the experimental group had a moderate increase. More research is needed on the ability of social support interventions to produce beneficial effects on mental health among individuals who are not experiencing a particular life stress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Demographic and health surveys are a useful source of information on the levels and trends of neonatal mortality in developing countries. Such surveys provide data on mortality occurring at 4-14 days of life, which is a sensitive indicator of neonatal tetanus mortality. We analyze birth history data from 37 national surveys in developing countries to assess the quality of neonatal mortality data and to estimate levels and trends in mortality occurring at 4-14 days. It is shown that mortality at 4-14 days has declined considerably during the last decade in most developing countries, concomitant with development and expansion of programs to reduce neonatal tetanus. These declines show that reductions in neonatal tetanus mortality probably have been an important contributor to the decline of neonatal and infant mortality during the 1980s.  相似文献   

Compared the criterion-related validity of 4 procedures for reporting the results of interest inventories measuring basic types of interests. For each of the reporting procedures (raw scores, combined-sex, same-sex, and opposite-sex norms), the correspondence between the high-point interest codes and actual criterion group membership was determined. Two samples were involved. One consisted of 2,594 community college students who took the Vocational Interest Profile in 1970 and were surveyed in 1975. The other consisted of 1,825 college-bound high school students who took the American College Testing Interest Inventory in 1972 and were surveyed 3 yrs later. The criterion-related validity of scores based on same-sex norms is as high as or higher than that of the other procedures for both males and females. A significant characteristic of reports based on same-sex norms is that they suggest similar vocational options to males and females, whereas the other reporting procedures typically suggest options traditional for a person's sex. Implications for counselors are noted. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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