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量子可逆逻辑电路综合的快速算法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
可逆逻辑有许多应用,尤其在量子计算领域,量子可逆逻辑电路是构建量子计算机的基本单元,量子可逆逻辑电路综合就是根据电路功能,以较小的量子代价自动构造量子可逆逻辑电路.文中结合可逆逻辑电路综合的多种算法,提出了一种新颖高效的算法,自动构造正极性Reed-Muller展开式(RM),在生成量子可逆逻辑电路的解空间树上,采用总体层次遍历,局部深度搜索,借鉴模板优化技术,构造限界函数快速剪去无解或非最优解的分枝,优先探测RM中的因子,以极高的效率生成最优电路.以国际公认的3变量可逆函数测试标准,该算法不仅能够生成全部最优电路,而且运行速度远远超过同类算法.  相似文献   

基于位运算的量子可逆逻辑电路快速综合算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
量子可逆逻辑电路是构建量子计算机的基本单元.本文结合可逆逻辑电路综合的多种算法,根据可逆逻辑电路综合的本质是置换问题,巧妙应用位运算构造高效完备的Hash函数,提出了基于Hash表的新颖高效的量子可逆逻辑电路综合算法,可使用多种量子门,以极高的效率生成最优的量子可逆逻辑电路,从理论上实现制造量子电路的成本最低.按照国际同行认可的3变量可逆函数测试标准,该算法不仅能够生成全部最优电路,而且运行速度远远超过其它算法.实验结果表明,该算法按最小长度标准综合电路的平均速度是目前最好结果的69.8倍.  相似文献   

基于矩阵初等变换,提出了量子可逆逻辑电路双向综合算法。该算法依据两数字间的汉明距离,通过交换矩阵行号或矩阵元素对量子可逆逻辑电路的矩阵进行初等行变换。在变换的过程中,利用邻接矩阵的电路转化规则,生成任意给定置换的量子可逆逻辑电路。与其它同类算法相比,由于不需要穷尽搜索,该算法的时空复杂度有大幅降低;又由于采用任意n量子扩展通用Toffoli门,该算法可综合任一置换(奇或偶置换)的量子可逆逻辑电路,并且电路中门的数量有所减少。  相似文献   

在量子电路综合算法中,由于非置换量子门比置换量子门具有更复杂的规则,直接使用非置换量子门会大幅度提高综合算法的复杂性,因此可先使用非置换量子门生成相应的置换量子门,然后再用这些置换量子门综合所求量子可逆逻辑电路,从而提高算法性能。本文重点研究如何用非置换量子门构造新的置换量子门,为此吸收了格雷码的思想,提出了一种高效的递归构造方法,实现使用控制非门和控制K次平方根非门(非置换量子门),快速生成最优的类Toffoli门(置换量子门)。  相似文献   

类选择排序的可逆逻辑综合算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可逆逻辑综合是指对给定的可逆函数自动构造对应的可逆逻辑电路.由于搜索空间随电路规模增长成指数增长,现有的可逆逻辑综合算法虽然能够得到近似最优的解,但是都存在计算时间过长的问题.文中提出了一种类似选择排序的可逆逻辑综合算法,其实质为基于变换规则的合成法.它采用一个无向无权图表示所有可以进行变换的路径,在综合的过程中,采用选择排序思想每次从小到大的选择需要交换的输出项,然后从路径选择图中找到最优的路径进行变换,最终使得函数的输出序列有序即完成综合.此外,文中还对得到的量子电路进行了优化.实验表明,相比其它综合算法,该算法不仅总能获得最优解或近似最优解,而且效率高、易于实现.  相似文献   

混合多值量子可逆逻辑电路综合问题中,Toffoli门的合成是整个合成过程中最为关键的一步。针对混合多值5-qubits量子可逆逻辑电路综合问题,构造了PMX量子门,验证了CNOT门的合成能力,实现了对Toffoli门的合成,并设计了双向的BDS搜索算法,高效实现了量子电路的最优或者较优综合。  相似文献   

可逆逻辑综合是指对给定的可逆函数自动构造对应的可逆逻辑电路.现有的可逆逻辑综合算法虽然通过后期优化能够得到近似最优解,但是都存在生成的原始电路门数较多的问题,增加了后期优化工作的难度.文中提出一种基于真值表异位数计算的综合方法,根据异位数判定是否需增加逻辑非门达到减少输入和输出向量的汉明距离,从而实现边计算边简化函数,最后采用汉明距离递减变换的方法生成最终的电路.通过实验表明,相比于其他的综合算法,该算法得到的原始电路更接近于最优解或近似最优解,很大程度上减少了算法后续的优化工作量.  相似文献   

量子可逆逻辑综合的关键技术及其算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志强  李文骞  陈汉武 《软件学报》2009,20(9):2332-2343
最优化量子可逆逻辑的关键在于用最小的量子代价自动构造量子可逆逻辑.为了提高可逆逻辑自动生成与优化的效率,提出了类模板技术和一种快速算法.模板技术是一个有效的优化工具,类模板技术可以显著提高模板技术的匹配效率;R-M算法是可逆逻辑综合的一种较好的迭代方法,基于R-M算法的原始思想,构造了一个Hash函数,并在此基础上提出了一种可逆逻辑综合的快速算法.实验结果表明,在同等实验环境下使用类模板技术与快速算法,其优化的效果与效率远远优于已知的其他算法.  相似文献   

研究量子可逆逻辑电路优化设计问题,提出一种量子可逆逻辑电路自动合成的方法.可使用“图”的结构来对量子可逆逻辑电路进行编码,并且专门设计了几种变异操作算子来直接修改“图”的结构,并实现了利用“图”编码的克隆选择,最终完成了量子可逆逻辑电路的自动合成.实验结果表明所提出的量子可逆逻辑电路自动合成的方法是可行的,具有较高的合成效率,能够以较快的收敛速度获取所需合成的量子可逆逻辑电路的的最优解.  相似文献   

多值逻辑量子置换门的酉矩阵表示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理论上量子可逆电路不存在能量耗散问题,因此量子计算系统对环境产生的负面影响可以达到最低.多值逻辑量子置换门是构建多值逻辑量子电路的基本单元.该文从数学的角度研究多值逻辑量子置换门的酉矩阵,提出了一种构造多值逻辑量子置换门酉矩阵的方法,并对其正确性进行了讨论.在此基础之上,又给出了构造混合多值逻辑量子置换门酉矩阵的框架,利用此框架可以方便地构造任何混合逻辑量子置换门的酉矩阵.酉矩阵是量子门的数学模型,可以清晰地反映出量子门的数学性质.研究量子门的酉矩阵对验证量子门的正确性和可靠性,分析量子状态在电路中的演化过程及发展趋势具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

理论上可以把量子基本门组合在一起来实现任何量子电路和构建可伸缩的量子计算机。但由于构建量子线路的量子基本门数量庞大,要正确控制这些量子门十分困难。因此,如何减少构建量子线路的基本门数量是一个非常重要和非常有意义的课题。提出采用三值量子态系统构建量子计算机,并给出了一组三值量子基本门的功能定义、算子矩阵和量子线路图。定义的基本门主要包括三值量子非门、三值控制非门、三值Hadamard门、三值量子交换门和三值控制CRk门等。通过把量子Fourier变换推广到三值量子态,成功运用部分三值量子基本门构建出能实现量子Fourier变换的量子线路。通过定量分析发现,三值量子Fourier变换的线路复杂度比二值情况降低了至少50%,表明三值量子基本门在降低量子计算线路复杂度方面具有巨大优势。  相似文献   

Multiple-valued quantum logic circuits are a promising choice for future quantum computing technology since they have several advantages over binary quantum logic circuits. Adder/subtractor is the major component of the ALU of a computer and is also used in quantum oracles. In this paper, we propose a recursive method of hand synthesis of reversible quaternary full-adder circuit using macro-level quaternary controlled gates built on the top of ion-trap realizable 1-qudit quantum gates and 2-qudit Muthukrishnan–Stroud quantum gates. Based on this quaternary full-adder circuit we propose a reversible circuit realizing quaternary parallel adder/subtractor with look-ahead carry. We also show the way of adapting the quaternary parallel adder/subtractor circuit to an encoded binary parallel adder/subtractor circuit by grouping two qubits together into quaternary qudit values.  相似文献   

The reducing of the width of quantum reversible circuits makes multiple-valued reversible logic a very promising research area. Ternary logic is one of the most popular types of multiple-valued reversible logic, along with the Subtractor, which is among the major components of the ALU of a classical computer and complex hardware. In this paper the authors will be presenting an improved design of a ternary reversible half subtractor circuit. The authors shall compare the improved design with the existing designs and shall highlight the improvements made after which the authors will propose a new ternary reversible full subtractor circuit. Ternary Shift gates and ternary Muthukrishnan–Stroud gates were used to build such newly designed complex circuits and it is believed that the proposed designs can be used in ternary quantum computers. The minimization of the number of constant inputs and garbage outputs, hardware complexity, quantum cost and delay time is an important issue in reversible logic design. In this study a significant improvement as compared to the existing designs has been achieved in as such that with the reduction in the number of ternary shift and Muthukrishnan-Stroud gates used the authors have produced ternary subtractor circuits.  相似文献   

On figures of merit in reversible and quantum logic designs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five figures of merit including number of gates, quantum cost, number of constant inputs, number of garbage outputs, and delay are used casually in the literature to compare the performance of different reversible or quantum logic circuits. In this paper we propose new definitions and enhancements, and identify similarities between these figures of merit. We evaluate these measures to show their strength and weakness. Instead of the number of gates, we introduce the weighted number of gates, where a weighting factor is assigned to each quantum or reversible gate, based on its type, size and technology. We compare the quantum cost with weighted number of gates of a circuit and show three major differences between these measures. It is proved that it is not possible to define a universal reversible logic gate without adding constant inputs. We prove that there is an optimum value for number of constant inputs to obtain a circuit with minimum quantum cost. Some reversible logic benchmarks have been synthesized using Toffoli and Fredkin gates to obtain their optimum values of number of constant inputs. We show that the garbage outputs can also be used to decrease the quantum cost of the circuit. A new definition of delay in quantum and reversible logic circuits is proposed for music line style representation. We also propose a procedure to calculate the delay of a circuit, based on the quantum cost and the depth of the circuit. The results of this research show that to achieve a fair comparison among designs, figures of merit should be considered more thoroughly.   相似文献   

确保可逆电路的正确性与可靠性,错误检测必不可少,错误定位难度更高.通过分析发现当可逆电路中规模为k的可逆门发生控制点失效时仅对2<'n-k>个输入向量的输出产生影响,据此给出了一种把当前错误集分成若干个子集的方法生成控制点失效错误定位树.传统的错误定位方法都是通过生成真值表和错误表来产生错误定位树;该方法不需要生成和存储真值表以及错误表就能够有效定位电路中控制点失效错误.与Rfault算法相比,空间复杂度和时间复杂度更小,算法效率更高,能应用于更大规模的电路.  相似文献   

Manin, Feynman, and Deutsch have viewed quantum computing as a kind of universal physical simulation procedure. Much of the writing about quantum logic circuits and quantum Turing machines has shown how these machines can simulate an arbitrary unitary transformation on a finite number of qubits. The problem of universality has been addressed most famously in a paper by Deutsch, and later by Bernstein and Vazirani as well as Kitaev and Solovay. The quantum logic circuit model, developed by Feynman and Deutsch, has been more prominent in the research literature than Deutsch’s quantum Turing machines. Quantum Turing machines form a class closely related to deterministic and probabilistic Turing machines and one might hope to find a universal machine in this class. A universal machine is the basis of a notion of programmability. The extent to which universality has in fact been established by the pioneers in the field is examined and this key notion in theoretical computer science is scrutinised in quantum computing by distinguishing various connotations and concomitant results and problems.  相似文献   

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