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本文主要探讨了5株不同嗜热链球菌菌株(ST、ST1、ST5、ST7、ST9)在脱脂乳中发酵8 h和24 h的产酸和产粘情况的对比,并从中选出两株相差较大的菌株ST5和ST9,研究其在发酵过程中的p H、滴定酸度、氨基酸态氮和粘度的变化规律。5株嗜热链球菌中,产酸能力大小顺序为:ST5>ST,ST7>ST1>ST9,产粘能力大小顺序为:ST5>ST7>ST>ST1>ST9。其中,ST5发酵乳的酸度和粘度最大,ST9则相反。对两种菌株进一步研究中发现,在不同的发酵时间,ST5的产酸能力和产粘能力均较强,其对应的发酵乳还原糖和总糖含量较低,且二者发酵乳的粘度变化均呈抛物线型,但是ST9菌株对蛋白质的降解能力大于ST5。研究发现,不同嗜热链球菌菌株在脱脂乳中的发酵特性具有差异性,且随发酵时间的增加而变化。   相似文献   

保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌与发酵乳   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

该研究以化学限定培养基为基础,通过单因素实验、响应面实验和正交优化实验对嗜热链球菌937的培养基、培养条件进行优化。通过实验确定嗜热链球菌937最适培养基:乳糖20 g/L,酶解脱脂乳16.60%,大豆低聚肽18.88 g/L,乳清蛋白粉1.69%,10 mmol/L组氨酸、10 mmol/L异亮氨酸、5 mmol/L酪氨酸、1 mmol/L半胱氨酸和1 mmol/L谷氨酸、2 mg/L烟酸、0.5 g/L抗坏血酸、40 mg/L氯化镁、2 mg/L泛酸钙、4 mg/L盐酸硫胺素、0.4 g/L氯化钙。初始pH值6.5,接种量2%,39 ℃发酵,嗜热链球菌937活菌数高达1.75×109 CFU/mL。由此可见,该研究实现嗜热链球菌937低成本、高效率的培养技术,为高活菌数的嗜热链球菌商业产品的开发生产奠定基础。  相似文献   

研究不同环丙沙星残留量对S. thermophilus grx02发酵乳的感官性状、酸度、组织状态和挥发性风味物质的影响。结果显示:当环丙沙星的残留量高于0.4μg/mL时,会对发酵乳的感官质量产生显著的不利影响。当发酵乳中环丙沙星残留量高于0.2μg/mL时会显著降低发酵乳的黏度,增大其脱水收缩性;且环丙沙星残留量为0.1μg/mL时就会降低发酵乳挥发性风味物质的总含量。可见,用于发酵乳制品生产的原料乳中环丙沙星的残留限量应该控制在0.1μg/mL以下。  相似文献   

瑞士乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌产酸特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了瑞士乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌单一及混合菌种在发酵过程中产酸特性。结果表明:瑞士乳杆菌产酸能力较嗜热链球菌强;不同比例的混合菌种产酸均比单一嗜热链球菌产酸快;瑞士乳杆菌与嗜热链球菌(1:1)混合培养后酸化弱。  相似文献   

对嗜酸乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌混合培养制作保健型发酵乳进行了研究,通过正交试验优化出了最佳生产工艺:加糖量为8%,嗜热链球菌和嗜酸乳杆菌比例为1∶4,接种量为4%,发酵温度为40℃.该发酵乳在4℃下贮存11天活菌数高于107cfu/ml,仍可具有良好的食疗保健作用。  相似文献   

研究了不同质量浓度的氧氟沙星对嗜热链球菌grx02发酵性能的影响。结果显示,当原料乳中氧氟沙星残留量达到0.2μg/mL时,会延长嗜热链球菌grx02发酵乳的凝乳时间,降低其产酸能力和产黏能力;当氧氟沙星残留量达到0.4μg/mL时,就会降低S.thermophilus grx02的蛋白水解能力,并使其发酵乳在4℃贮藏期间的活菌数降低;因此,用于发酵乳制品生产的原料乳中,氧氟沙星的残留限量应控制在0.2μg/mL以下。  相似文献   

一株嗜热链球菌ST1 的产胞外多糖流变学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以从天然发酵乳制品中筛选的一株嗜热链球菌ST1 产生的胞外多糖为研究对象,对该胞外多糖的流变学特性进行分析。结果表明:ST1 胞外多糖溶液是典型的非牛顿假塑性流体,溶液流动行为受多糖质量浓度、温度、剪切时间及pH 值的影响;多糖溶液黏度随着质量浓度的升高而增加,多糖溶液质量浓度越高剪切稀释现象越严重;在10~80℃范围内多糖溶液黏度变化很小,有很好的耐温性;在0~900s 剪切时间作用下,溶液黏度一直处于下降趋势;多糖在pH 4 的溶液中黏度相对较稳定,在pH 7 和pH 10 的溶液中随剪切速率的升高黏度下降幅度较大;加入1g/100mL 的多糖能够明显增加脱脂乳的黏度,但随着剪切速率的增高,多糖对脱脂乳黏度的影响变小。  相似文献   

使用3株嗜热链球菌分别与保加利亚乳杆菌ND02复合发酵牛乳,评价在37℃发酵过程中及4℃贮藏期间黏度、酸度及活菌数等变化.利用微流变技术研究不同嗜热链球菌对发酵乳凝胶化过程的影响,筛选出1株具有优良发酵特性的嗜热链球菌.结果表明:3组发酵乳样品在发酵过程及贮藏期间黏度、酸度有显著差异(P<0.05),活菌数高于1×10...  相似文献   

嗜热链球菌S10分离自青海地区自然发酵酸牛乳,具有良好的弱后酸化能力和发酵特性。本研究将分离自不同国家传统发酵乳及酸马奶的4株保加利亚乳杆菌IMAU20450、IMAU95110、IMAU62091和IMAU62161,分别与嗜热链球菌S10进行复配组成发酵剂(A、B、C和D),以商业发酵剂(E)为对照,采用多频扩散波谱法研究发酵过程中的微流变学特性,并对贮藏稳定性和后酸化进行综合评价。结果表明:发酵过程中A组发酵乳的固液平衡值最低,而黏性因子、弹性因子高于B、C、D组发酵乳,表明A组发酵乳形成具有较高强度的乳凝胶结构。在4 ℃贮藏21 d期间,A组和C组硬度与对照组无差异,均显著大于其它试验组(P<0.05),各试验组发酵乳的黏度、持水与对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。25 ℃贮藏14 d后酸化评价表明,B组和D组发酵乳pH值和滴定酸度均分别小于和大于其它各组(P<0.05),而A组和C组的发酵乳与对照组无显著性差异,说明A组和C组发酵剂具有弱后酸特性。同时A、C组感官评价得分最高,发酵乳酸甜比恰当,组织均匀,质地细腻丝滑。综上,保加利亚乳杆菌IMAU20450、IMAU62091分别与嗜热链球菌S10复配时酸乳发酵和贮藏特性较好,具有进一步研究价值和较好应用前景,为乳酸菌发酵剂开发提供物质基础和数据参考。  相似文献   

主要研究嗜热链球菌发酵乳对全蛋液起泡性的影响。随着发酵乳含量的增加(0%~50%w/w),ST5-24 h发酵乳与全蛋液混合物的黏度逐渐增加(17.9~197.3 m Pa·s),pH值逐渐降低(7.75~4.95);Zeta电位先降低再增加,且在25%左右达到最小值;表面张力整体呈下降趋势。全蛋液与发酵乳混合物的起泡能力在发酵乳含量小于30%时有降低的趋势但变化较小;混合物的泡性稳定性整体呈先上升(38~71 min)后下降(71~30 min)趋势,且在25%时达到最大值71 min(全蛋液的1.9倍)。此外,由泡沫微观结构的变化也可以看出,添加一定量的发酵乳可以增加液膜的弹性,从而显著提高全蛋液的泡沫稳定性。研究发现,在无蔗糖等稳泡剂添加的情况下,发酵乳的添加可以显著增加全蛋液泡沫的稳定性,且在一定量的添加范围内对起泡能力影响不大。  相似文献   

该研究通过系统发育树分析确定目标基因,根据目的基因设计特异性引物和探针,建立一种能够快速准确鉴定发酵乳中嗜热链球菌的实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(RT-fqPCR)法,通过特异性、灵敏性和抗干扰实验对所建立方法进行验证,并使用该方法对市售的60份标识含有嗜热链球菌的发酵乳样品进行检测。结果表明,rec A基因具有种间特异性,种间差异率>10%,以其为目的基因建立的RT-fqPCR方法能够特异性的检测嗜热链球菌;绝对灵敏度达1 pg/μL,相对灵敏度达103CFU/m L;在培养物水平和基因组水平抗干扰能力良好。采用该方法从60份标识含有嗜热链球菌的发酵乳样品中均能检测出嗜热链球菌,说明实时荧光定量PCR方法能够快速、准确的对发酵乳中嗜热链球菌进行检测。  相似文献   

将益生菌Lactobacillus plantarum P8以不同接种比例分别与Streptococcus thermophilus ND03、ND05和ND07复配发酵牛乳,并以S.thermophilus单菌发酵为对照.于0h、发酵结束(pH=4.5)及4℃冷藏24 h,分别测定发酵乳样品的发酵时间,及pH值、黏度、脱水收缩率和活菌数并进行感官鉴评.结果表明,L.plantarum P8与S.thermophilus ND03复配,发酵时间显著高于其他组,各组样品黏度和脱水收缩率差异不显著;L.plantarum P8与S.thermophilus ND05分别以5×106 mL-1接种1∶1复配时,样品中L.plantarum P8的活菌数为5.26×107mL-1,酸度适宜,无乳清析出,有良好的黏度,产品风味较好,将该组合应用于发酵乳生产,较可行.  相似文献   

藏灵菇中嗜热链球菌高产胞外多糖发酵条件的优化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用从藏灵菇中筛选的产胞外多糖(EPS)的嗜热链球菌(Streptococcus thermophilus)研究提高多糖产量的环境因素。针对影响胞外多糖合成的4个因素,采用4因素3水平L9(34)正交试验,确定了高产胞外多糖优化发酵条件,即发酵温度为32℃,发酵时间为16h,培养基起始pH值为6.5,接种量为3%。在此优化条件下,胞外多糖的产量是优化前的2.6倍。  相似文献   

The growth of Streptococcus thermophilus ST12 (ST12) in milk reconstituted from non-irradiated and irradiated at 10 kGy low-heat skim milk powders (RSM and irrRSM, respectively) at 40 °C was monitored by microcalorimetry. Statistically significant differences of the growth patterns of ST12 in RSM and irrRSM were found. Distinctively diauxic growth curves in RSM were replaced by one-stage growth curves in irrRSM. The final pH in RSM was 5.56 while in irrRSM samples it was 4.41. The time of initiation of gel formation was about 36 min shorter; however, the gels were considerably weaker in irrRSM than in RSM. The front-face fluorescence spectra were also used to characterise the differences in acidification processes. The microcalorimetric data together with the concentrations of metabolites determined during fermentation, rheological and fluorescence measurements indicated the substantial changes in the growth of ST12 in irrRSM in comparison with RSM.  相似文献   

Production of exopolysaccharides (EPS) by a commercial Streptococcus thermophilus strain was evaluated at different growth conditions [temperature (32-45 degrees C), carbon source and initial nitrogen (N) content]. Lactose from deproteinized whey and sucrose allowed to obtain EPS yields higher than 1200 mg/mM of the consumed carbon source. Intrinsic viscosity of the EPS was significantly reduced by ionic strength indicating a polyelectrolyte behavior. Growth conditions used for the production of the EPS had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the intrinsic viscosity. This was attributed to the effect of growth conditions on the molecular properties of the EPS [stiffness and molecular weight (MW)]. High MW EPS were produced when the bacteria grew at a high specific growth rate; however MW of the EPS and specific growth rate were not linearly associated. In the lactose fermentations carried out at different temperatures specific EPS synthesis rate was positive and linearly associated with the specific lactose consumption rate (R2=0.967) and specific galactose production rate (R2=0.967). Critical coil overlap parameter, [eta]C*, for the EPS produced in the lactose fermentations carried out at 43 and 45 degrees C was determined to be approximately 7.6, and their critical overlap concentrations (C*) were 0.45 and 0.87 g/dL, respectively.  相似文献   

Han X  Zhang L  Du M  Yi H  Li J  Zhang L 《Journal of food science》2012,77(1):M25-M28
Abstract: As an initial investigation of using Cu2+ to control post acidification, the fermentation time, pH and the viable counts of bacteria of fermented milk during fermentation and storage were studied. Streptococcus thermophilus was used as the starter culture to ferment the whole milk. Cu2+ was added to whole milk at a concentration ranging from 1.25 to 20 mg/kg before fermentation. It was observed that increasing the concentration of Cu2+, the fermentation time of yoghurt was prolonged, while the post acidification of fermented milk was decreased during storage. The results showed that Cu2+ at the concentration of 1.25 mg/kg could reduce the post acidification of fermented milk effectively and showed no significant effect on neither the fermentation time nor the viable counts of S. thermophilus (P > 0.05) compared with the control sample. These findings indicated that Cu2+ could be used as a potential additive to inhibit the post acidification of yoghurt. Practical Application: Adding copper to milk has an effect on fermented milk products such as yoghurt. Increasing the concentration of Cu2+ decreased the post acidification of fermented milk. The fermentation time is prolonged with the increase of Cu2+ concentration. Cu2+ at 1.25 mg/kg exhibited inhibition on post acidification and had no significant effect on fermentation time and the viable counts of fermented milk.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of fermenting milk with 2 strains (DGCC7785 and St-143) of Streptococcus thermophilus, which are known to produce different types of exopolysaccharide (EPS) structures. The yields and physical properties of these ropy EPS were monitored during the fermentation of milk at different temperatures. We wanted to understand how these types of EPS properties affected yogurt gelation. Reconstituted skim milk was fermented at 33, 39, or 45°C until pH values reached 5.2, 4.9, 4.7, and 4.5. Molar mass of ropy EPS samples was determined using size exclusion chromatography coupled with multiangle laser light scattering. Rheological properties of fermented milk gels were analyzed using small-strain dynamic oscillatory measurements. In both strains, concentrations of ropy EPS increased during fermentation and at all temperatures. Fermentation times, by both strains, were shortest at 45°C and longest at 33°C. For both strains, molar mass of ropy EPS ranged from 2 to 4 × 106 g/mol during fermentation. A major proteinaceous contaminant that was co-isolated with the ropy EPS fraction by our isolation method was identified as a milk-derived phosphoglycoprotein PP3. Increase in fermentation temperature from 33 to 45°C significantly decreased the storage modulus values (from 170 to 41 Pa) for milk gelled by strain DGCC7785, whereas the gels made with St-143 had very low storage modulus values (11–17 Pa) regardless of fermentation temperatures. For both strains, the values of maximum loss tangent in the milk gels increased with fermentation temperature; the maximum loss tangent occurred at higher pH values when milk was fermented by strain DGCC7785. The specific type of EPS produced appeared to be responsible for the differences in yogurt texture rather than the concentration or molar mass of the EPS.  相似文献   

研究以鲜牛奶和紫红薯为主要原料,保加利亚乳杆菌(Lactobacillus bulgaricus)与嗜热链球菌(Streptococcus thermophilus)为发酵剂,木糖醇为甜味剂,进行了发酵条件的平行和L9(34)正交试验.结果表明,保加利亚乳杆菌与嗜热链球菌混合量比1∶1(数量比),接种量5%,紫红薯添加量15%,木糖醇10%,果胶0.1%,明胶0.1%,CMC 0.1%,变性淀粉0.5%,45℃,发酵4h,制得的紫红薯酸牛奶不仅保留纯酸牛奶的芳香和口感,又具备紫红薯的营养和色泽,是新型紫红薯营养酸奶发酵的优化工艺.  相似文献   

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