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以某受污染地表水为研究对象,对比了PPC-BAC工艺与O3-BAC工艺的除污染效能。试验采用均值、去除率和标准偏差3个指标分析了2组联用工艺的除污染效能。结果表明,PPC-BAC工艺出水的有机物与浊度含量平均值低,标准偏差小,出水稳定性高,2组联用工艺对氨氮的去除效果相当。  相似文献   

生物活性炭滤池工艺参数试验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生物活性滤池的工艺参数直接影响其处理效果和成本,本文分析探讨了炭床高度和空床接触时间对生物活性炭滤池净水效果的影响,认为空床接触时间是决定性因素,合理确立了生物活性炭滤池的相关工艺参数。  相似文献   

高锰酸盐复合药剂强化常规水处理工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任芝军  马军 《水处理技术》2005,31(8):74-75,79
采用高锰酸盐复合药刑预氧化技术进行强化常规处理工艺的生产性实验研究,结果表明,投加1.5~2.0mg/L的高锰酸盐复合药剂预氧化,沉后水中藻类平均去除率提高23%,臭味降低1~2个等级,出厂水中有机物浓度和余氯消耗速度明显降低。  相似文献   

针对生物活性炭技术应用过程中所存在的水质安全性问题,提出了臭氧氧化前投加微量高猛酸盐氧化的处理方法,并与臭氧活性炭技术进行了对比研究。研究结果表明,投加高锰酸盐有利于臭氧活性炭技术的运行,提高了对颗粒物的去除;总有机炭的去除率可以提高10%以上,而UV254的去除率可以提高20%以上;可以起到控制细菌和藻类的作用,复合氧化后的活性炭出水细菌数明显减少,藻类的去除率可以提高15%以上;提高了生物活性炭中下层的生物量,拓展了生物活性炭的处理空间,从而提高了生物活性炭对污染物的处理能力。同时,投加高锰酸盐降低了生物活性,但对处理效果没有产生不利影响。  相似文献   

针对苏南河网地区湖泊季节性高藻问题,在某水厂采用高锰酸钾、高锰酸盐复合药剂(PPC)进行联用试验.结果表明,常规混凝沉淀除藻效果有限,增加混凝剂投量效果变化不明显.经药剂联用后,沉后水的藻去除率能达到80%~90%.同等条件下,联用PPC比高锰酸钾的除藻效果要好.藻去除率高5%以上,在机械混合池投加PPC和高锰酸钾比水源厂投加的除藻效果高10%左右.在高藻期,高锰酸盐复合药剂与常规混凝联用能实现有效控藻,卤代有机物(THM)和藻嗅味基本去除.  相似文献   

针对长江上游地区用于水源热泵系统冷热源的湖库水藻含量高和钙镁离子浓度大的特点,开发设计出适合于湖库水源热泵的水处理设备-超声波除藻型过滤器。新型过滤器采用微滤技术和超声波技术协同作用达到除藻阻垢的目的,同时超声波空化作用产生的机械力能够强化过滤器的自动反冲洗效果,延长滤芯使用寿命。经过一年的现场测试,分析了超声波除藻型过滤器的水质处理效果;与"旋流除砂器+综合水处理"这一常用的地表水源热泵水质处理方式进行了比较,结果表明,除藻型过滤器在去浊、除沙、控藻、防垢阻垢方面均有明显的技术优势,将是长江上游地区地表水源热泵适用的水处理技术。  相似文献   

任芝军  马军  曹晓春 《工业水处理》2006,26(7):23-25,29
通过中试试验考察了高锰酸盐复合药剂预氧化与活性炭-砂滤池组合工艺处理富营养化水体的效能.与常规给水处理工艺的对比试验结果表明,投加质量浓度为1.5~2.0 mg/L的高锰酸盐预氧化,并用活性炭-砂滤池代替原有的石英砂滤池,能有效地提高混凝与过滤工艺的综合除污染效能,该组合工艺对有机物、藻类、氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的去除率可分别达到62.4%、99.5%、66.2%和65.9%,出水无明显嗅味.  相似文献   

净水工艺投泥除藻的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对藻类对净水生产带来危害和影响,试验的投泥除藻工艺除藻效率高,生产应用的结果表明,它是一种投资少、易操作、安全可行的方法,适用于中小型水厂。  相似文献   

试验研究了天然有机物(腐植酸、富里酸)对混凝除藻的影响,以及在含有天然有机物水体中混凝除藻的机理.结果表明,天然有机物会与藻细胞争夺絮凝剂,由于天然有机物与PAC亲和力强,PAC优先与天然有机物结合,再与藻细胞结合,当水体中天然有机物含量较多时,混凝除藻效果降低.当腐植酸质量浓度为20.2 mg/L时,藻去除率仅为2....  相似文献   

The effects of potassium permanganate(KMnO_4)dosing position on the natural organic matter(NOM)removal as well as membrane fouling were investigated in the coagulation/ultrafiltration combined process.KMnO_4 oxidation altered the NOM characteristics in terms of hydrophobicity and molecular weight,and destroyed humic substances originated from terraneous organisms in raw water.The optimal KMnO_4 dosage was 0.5 mg·L~(-1) in the peroxidation enhanced coagulation process with respect to the dissolved organic carbon(DOC)removal.When KMnO_4 was dosed into both upstream and downstream of coagulation,namely in the proposed twoposition dosing mode,coagulation and KMnO_4 oxidation worked individually on the apparent DOC removal.However,compared to the KMnO_4 addition prior to or after coagulation,the two-position dosing mode dramatically alleviated membrane fouling and reduced fouling irreversibility.This was attributed to the change of NOM characteristics as a result of KMnO_4 addition prior to coagulation and the presence of MnO_2 on membrane surface as a result of KMnO_4 addition prior to ultrafiltration.This work may provide useful information for the application of KMnO_4 oxidation in the coagulation/ultrafiltration combined system.  相似文献   

通过调整混合液回流比和污泥回流比,考察了生物絮凝-A~2O组合工艺的去除特性。结果显示:组合工艺对COD_(Cr)和NH_3-N的去除率受混合液回流比和污泥回流比的影响较小。TN的去除率随混合液回流比的增加先增加后减少,随污泥回流比的增加而增加。磷酸盐的去除率随混合液回流比的增加而增加,随污泥回流比的增加而减少。综合考虑组合工艺对COD_(Cr)、NH_3-N、TN和磷酸盐的去除率,混合液回流比取300%和污泥回流比取80%较合适。在最佳条件下,组合工艺对COD_(Cr)、NH_3-N、TN和磷酸盐的去除率分别达到88.64%、97.56%、70.25%和84.97%。  相似文献   

赵斌  刘念  王虹利  钱怡冉  张朝晖  王亮 《化工学报》2020,71(11):5303-5308
道南渗析-零价铁耦合工艺通过在解吸液中加入零价铁,利用其腐蚀产生的吸附除砷作用,实现解吸液的同步再生,从而改善道南渗析除砷系统长期运行效果。在考察解吸液NaCl浓度对零价铁除砷性能影响的基础上确定解吸液中NaCl浓度为0.1 mol·L-1。以该工艺对某农村含砷井水的多批次处理结果表明,在6 g·L-1食盐溶液的解吸液中加入5 g·L-1还原铁粉后,系统连续运行20批次,出水中砷浓度始终低于50μg·L-1,运行有效性远高于单一道南渗析对照组。该耦合工艺延长了解吸液使用时间,提升了道南渗析除砷装置的应用性。  相似文献   

The Donnon dialysis-zerovalent iron combined process was developed by adding zerovalent iron into the stripping solution. The arsenic adsorption by the zerovalent iron corrosion products was able to regenerate the stripping solution in situ. Therefore, the long-term arsenic removal by the Donnan dialysis system was markedly improved. In this study, the effect of NaCl concentration in the desorption solution was determined to be 0.1 mol·L-1 based on the investigation of the effect of the NaCl concentration in the desorption solution on the arsenic removal performance of zero-valent iron. Then, the proposed Donnon dialysis-zerovalent iron combined process was used to treat arsenic containing well water for multiple batches, using stripping solution containing 6 g common salt and 5 g zerovalent iron per liter. The arsenic concentrations in the treated water was constantly below 50 μg·L-1 for 20 batches, much lower than the performance of the single Donnan dialysis system. The coupling of Donnan dialysis with zerovalent iron prolonged the interval for the stripping solution replacement; therefore, the practical application of the Donnan dialysis household water purifier was significantly improved.  相似文献   

The formation of the flat membrane from kaolin and potassium phosphate was investigated with a particular focus on the appropriate elaboration parameters and the effect of their separation performance. The first step consisted in the fabrication of flat ceramic membrane supports from mechanochemicaly-treated kaolin (K) and starch (S). The mechanical properties, permeability and porosity of these supports were studied as a function of the milling time of kaolin, the starch content, the sintering temperature and time. The optimization of the elaboration parameters led to the fabrication of supports from kaolin milled for 30 min and 5% starch at sintering temperature of 1100 °C and sintering time of 1 h. In the second step, the potassium phosphate was added as a binder in the kaolin- 5% starch mixture. In this case, we noted the improvement of the permeability without reduction of the mechanical strength and porosity. Also, the separation performances and the fouling of membranes elaborated with different potassium phosphates were evaluated using Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) solution.  相似文献   

系统研究了气态膜法脱氨操作过程中无机盐种类和浓度对氨传质性能的影响,并初步探讨了温度对盐效应的影响。实验结果表明,盐效应和盐溶液的黏度变化均影响氨的传质。盐对氨的盐析效果越强,氨的膜相传质系数kM越大,而盐溶液的黏度越大,氨的液相传质系数kL越小,总传质系数K的变化是kM和kL变化的综合结果。在几种常见的无机盐中,氯化钠、硫酸钠、硫酸铵对氨具有不同程度的盐析效应,可促进氨在体系中的传质;而氯化铵和氯化钙对氨具有盐溶效应,其中氯化钙的盐溶效应最为明显。温度对盐效应和体系的传质性能有显著影响,硫酸铵和氯化钙的盐效应均随着温度的升高而减弱。  相似文献   

针对物理和化学除藻技术存在的不足,介绍了近年来微生物在除藻方面的应用成果及现状.微生物除藻技术分为病毒除藻、原生动物除藻和细菌除藻3大方面,主要从微生物的类型、控藻机制及存在问题进行了详细阐述.微生物控藻技术被认为是一种生态修复技术,对国内外微生物在除藻方面的应用研究进行了概括总结,并对其应用前景进行了评价和展望,为实...  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2020,46(1):629-640
Cordierite based membranes were elaborated from a naturally Moroccan clay (Ghassoul) and algae as porosity agent (10 wt%). Specimens devoid of algae were also manufactured and used as reference samples (B1 & B2). To obtain the stoichiometry of cordierite, alumina and silica gel were added to the employed clay. After calcination at 600 °C, the mixture was heat treated according to two different thermal cycles. The first one consisted of a single thermal treatment at 1250 °C after the addition of the algae (BAL1). As for the second, two heat treatments were carried out at 1250 °C separated by the addition of the algae BAL2. Several techniques were used to characterize the cordierite membrane performances such as X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, scanning electron microscope, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and microscope impedance spectroscopy. Porosity and filtration suitability were assessed and correlated to the morphology. It has been proved that stevensite, dolomite and quartz were involved in the neoformation process and melt respectively. SEM examinations showed different features that exhibited different sized pores alongside with some melted zones. Algae addition contributed to the formation of pores in algae containing samples compared to the reference specimens. At room temperature, filtration tests were performed using textile effluent in order to reduce the turbidity, BOD and the chemical oxygen demand. The results showed that their percentages decreased by more than 60% after filtration. In addition, dielectric measurements revealed that the sintering process was effective beyond 1000 °C and it was accompanied with a low activation energy. Manufactured ceramic membranes are expected to have challenge application in the treatment of wastewater.  相似文献   

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