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中国水力资源非常丰富,技术可开发量约为全球43%.中国水力开发100年历程大致可划分为艰难起步阶段(1904~1949年)、自主创业阶段(1950~1979年)、发力赶超阶段(1980~1999年)和突破发展阶段(2000~2018年)等四个阶段.特别是改革开放40多年以来,中国水电建设得到巨大发展,多项技术超越和领先...  相似文献   

After the implementation of the Reform and Opening-up Policy for a period of 40 years, the exploitation of China’s hydropower resources developed significantly. Through vast amounts of scientific and technological research and construction practices, China has accumulated abundant engineering experience with respect to the construction technologies required for 300-meter-high concrete arch dams, 200-meter-high roller-compacted concrete gravity dams, 200-meter-high concrete face rockfill dams, and 250-meter-high earth core rockfill dams, large-flow discharge and energy dissipation, huge underground cavern group constructions, complicated foundation treatments for high earth and rockfill dams and high and steep slope reinforcements. These series of technologies have now reached an international leading level. In the near future, these technical improvements will likely have broader application prospects and make greater contributions toward hydropower development both in China and across the world.  相似文献   

提出加快水电建设应以流域综合规划为依据,全面贯彻水资源综合利用的原则,合理有序地发展水电建设;从勘测、规划、设计、建设管理各阶段处理好水电建设与水库淹没及生态环境保护的关系;同时要尽快修订长江流域综合规划,完善相关经济政策,制定有关法规,支撑水电建设的健康发展。  相似文献   

21世纪中国水电发展的设想   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在分析我国水电开发现状的基础上,提出了21世纪我国水电发展应分两步走的设想,并全面阐述了实现这一设想应采取的六条相关对策。  相似文献   

回顾我国2006年的水电发展态势,可以概括为水电建设全面提速,水电建设的春天已经到来。在中央关于“在保护生态的基础上有序发展水电”方针的指引下,由于我国经济持续高速增长对电力的旺盛需求,为减轻对煤炭的压力,减轻污染,减少温室气体的排放,增加清洁能源的需求促进了水电发展。同时,由于电力体制改革,通过市场竞争配置资源,由于水电的长期效益好,各大发电集团和水电公司、民营企业均加大水电开发力度,促进了水电发展。水电建设全面提速,各项指标达到世界领先水平。在大中型水电发展的同时,新农村建设促进了小水电发展,小水电占水电装机的1/3。水电建设全面提速促进机电设备国产化率提高;水电技术走向世界初具规模,水电科技达到世界先进水平。  相似文献   

21世纪中国水电发展战略探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何璟 《水电能源科学》2002,20(2):1-6,16
对我国水电资源及水电开发现状做了深入分析,对全面贯彻国家电力建设方针提出了三点建议:重点发展电网,协调发展电源;调整电源结构,优先发展水电;调整水电结构。就21世纪加快我国水电发展提出了四条措施:加强前期工作;完善水电的滚动开发机制;降低成本,提高效益;争取国家的政策支持。  相似文献   

华中电网水电可持续发展问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在简要介绍了华中地区水能资源概况以及水电开发现状的基础上,结合华中地区水能资源特点,提出了华中电网水电可持续发展战略,并针对水电开发和抽水蓄能电站的建设现状,探讨了加快水电发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

杨丽  曾少军 《中国能源》2011,33(6):9-13,39
我国水能资源丰富,开发潜力巨大。目前我国水电总装机容量居世界第一,但整体开发程度低,地区差异大,存在移民安置、生态环境等问题。大力开发水电,有助于降低化石能源消费,也是实现绿色发展的重要途径。加大我国水电开发的路径选择涉及:推进水电电价市场化改革,统一调度大电网;做好战略规划,重视环境保护;坚持可持续发展,做好移民安置工作;鼓励社会组织积极参与,培育支持水电领域行业协会发展;完善移民和可再生能源领域法律法规建设,加强执法等。  相似文献   

西部地区水电资源开发利用的利益分配机制研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
贾若祥 《中国能源》2007,29(6):5-11
水电资源作为清洁和可再生能源,是我国今后开发的重点。西部地区是我国水电资源十分丰富的地区,而且分布相对集中,建库筑坝条件较好,适宜开发。在西部地区水电资源开发过程中,也暴露出了一系列的问题,比如生态环境破坏、大量移民、规划不完善等,致使水电资源所在地不能充分分享水电资源开发的成果。建立合理的水电资源开发利用的利益分配机制,使水电资源开发能够充分惠及水电资源所在地,不仅对于推进西部地区水电资源的顺利开发,而且对于落实科学发展观和构建和谐社会都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

关于我国发展生态水电的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析美国20多年来在水电领域开展环境研究的进展和成果,结合我国目前水电环境研究与管理的现状,找出与世界的差距,探讨了我国水电环境保护的研究方向和管理对策。  相似文献   

Recently, no-load losses P and noise n of transformer cores have been reduced by replacing the former single-step-lap (SSL) joints by multistep-lap (MSL) joints. On the other hand, the application of MSL in model cores was found not only to decrease P and n, but in some cases they increase. The aim of this paper is the investigation of the difference between SSL and MSL with respect to local magnetic conditions at joint regions and their relevance for global conditions in the core. The results show that the joint is the key region of the transformer core, affecting its dynamical behavior in a distinct way. To minimize the iron losses and the noise of the core, the step lap number N should be chosen carefully to avoid the appearance of "virtual temporary air gaps".  相似文献   

关于发展水电的政策研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
论述了影响我国水电开发的一些经济政策,并且有针对性地提出了六条建议:减轻电力项目税赋;建立合理的上网电价形成机制;建立合理的水电投资分摊机制;明确输电工程投资回收渠道;出台水电站调节效益分配办法;建立水电投资基金。  相似文献   

2020年,中国宣布力争2030年前实现碳排放达峰、努力争取2060年前实现碳中和的愿景,为绿色、清洁、可再生能源的规模化开发提供了战略平台.中国西南地区不仅水资源丰富,风光资源同样富集,开发潜力巨大.但是,由于西南地区生态环境脆弱、自然环境恶劣、地质条件复杂、征地移民困难、基础设施短缺、建设材料匮乏等因素,开发建设面...  相似文献   

我国水能资源丰富,水能资源是重要的可再生能源,它的开发利用在经济社会发展中起着重要作用。概述了我国水电发展过程和现状,指出我国水电建设的经济环境、社会环境、工程环境已发生了很大变化,水电建设者面I临新环境下的巨大挑战。提出充分认清当前面临的的环境变化和历史使命,正确理清工作思路和方向,牢固树立绿色能源理念和服务社会意识,主动把握好工作目标、节奏、质量、效益的相互关系,才能促使水电事业健康有序高效发展。  相似文献   

资源是区域可持续发展的重要因素,在可持续发展思想体系中,资源的循环、再生具有特殊意义、因此,对水能资源的开发利用在区域可持发展吕的作用进行讨论,就三峡工程对湖北经济持续发展作了分析,提出应优先发展水电以改善我国能源消费结构,带动地区经济发展,建立良好的生态环境。  相似文献   

端润生 《水电能源科学》2006,24(4):64-67,85
论述了我国水电机组的技术改造和扩机增容的必要性、有利条件、途径和措施,扼要阐述了作为水电科技创新与体制创新标志的机组在线状态监测系统的发展、开发应用、技术方案及关键技术。  相似文献   

Hydropower in China at present and its further development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At present, China's economic development faces energy challenge, and the appropriate solution of energy bottleneck is the key to healthy, rapid and sustainable development. China's gross amount of hydraulic resource ranks first in the world; however, because of low level of development, hydraulic resource has a broad development prospect. Now, China's hydropower development is in its peak period. By the end of 2004, the gross installed hydropower capacity of China broke through 100 million kW. From there, it has remained in the top slot worldwide. The vigorous development of hydropower is necessary because of the energy shortage and environmental pollution in China in order to attain sustainable development of China's economy. Abundant hydraulic resource, huge market demands, the strategy of western development and the favorable environment of economic development provide hydropower construction with unprecedented advantages and opportunities. Chins hydropower development aims at an installed hydropower capacity of up to 194 million kW by 2010, accounting for 23.1% of the gross installed power capacity and 35% of hydropower resource. Finally, we present the general condition of Three Gorges project as well as the new mode of hydropower development of Three Gorges Project Corporation, i.e., cascade development.  相似文献   

论我国水利水电战略性工程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从全局出发,对黄河、长江两大流域的开发和治理提出了战略性工程命题,认为这些战略性工程对我国水利水电规划及经济可持续发展具有重要意义,应列入计划,重点支持,适时建设。  相似文献   

Yiping Fang  Wei Deng 《Energy》2011,36(10):5944-5953
Cascade hydropower exploitation (CHE) has become an inevitable trend of global hydropower development in the future, and also China’s basic policy on hydropower exploitation. Most of works so far focus on the accumulated effects caused by CHE, but the systematic assessment of the security scale of CHE as well as section management according to different rivers and different sections of one same river is seriously lacking. This article selectively analyses the process, section management linkage, section control scale of CHE based on existing literatures review and cases experiment in Southwestern China. Remarked conclusions include: (1) The river health is the central issue for sustainable exploitation of the river and integrated management of the river basin, instream flow requirements in different sections of the river should be met first; it is the key scientific basis for CHE to determine the maximum scale and reference standard of hydropower exploitation in each river section according to the minimum ecological flow. (2) Three management issues of CHE should be emphasized: to integrate special cascade hydropower planning with river section planning, under integrated planning of river basin; to regulate the existing management system for CHE; to balance stakeholder’s interest and benefit in exploitation decision-making. (3) The security scale of CHE on different rivers and different sections of one same river should be measured by three reference scales, i.e., the critical scale of CHE based on the minimum ecological flow, the critical scale of CHE based on per unit river fall and per unit flow, and by combinations of the three reference scales.  相似文献   

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