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Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization is employed for direct air analysis, without ion source modification, by using the sheath gas as the sample transport agent. A simple modification of the sheath gas inlet line allows introduction of gaseous samples into a commercial atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source. Optimization and testing of this novel air sampling method are described and detection of semivolatile compounds is shown. The analytical performance of the technique is established with methyl salicylate, including a limit of quantification of 100 pptr, a limit of detection of 50 pptr, a linear response from 100 pptr to 20 ppb, and rise and fall times of 12 and 20 s, respectively. Using reagent ion monitoring, it is shown that the protonated methanol dimer is the principal CI reagent ion leading to protonated dimethyl methylphosphonate, while the monomer is mainly responsible for protonating methyl salicylate. Since the formation of the CI reagent (methanol clusters) can be controlled by simple variation of experimental parameters, the selectivity of the method can be easily adjusted to suit the targeted analyte. Performance is found to be independent of the choice of air or nitrogen as the sheath gas (and thus as the sample matrix) and this, together with the sensitivity and speed of the technique, make it promising for field studies.  相似文献   

A novel microchip heated nebulizer for atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry is presented. Anisotropic wet etching is used to fabricate the flow channels, inlet, and nozzle on a silicon wafer. An integrated heater of aluminum is sputtered on a glass wafer. The two wafers are jointed by anodic bonding, creating a two-dimensional version of an APCI source with a sample channel in the middle and gas channels symmetrically on both sides. The ionization is initiated with an external corona-discharge needle positioned 2 mm in front of the microchip heated nebulizer. The microchip APCI source provides flow rates down to 50 nL/min, stable long-term analysis with chip lifetime of weeks, good quantitative repeatability (RSD < 10%) and linearity (r(2) > 0.995) with linear dynamic rage of at least 4 orders of magnitude, and cost-efficient manufacturing. The limit of detection (LOD) for acridine measured with microchip APCI at flow rate of 6.2 muL/min was 5 nM, corresponding to a mass flow of 0.52 fmol/s. The LOD with commercial macro-APCI at a flow rate of 1 mL/min for acridine was the same, 5 nM, corresponding to a significantly worse mass flow sensitivity (83 fmol/s) than measured with microchip APCI. The advantages of microchip APCI makes it a very attractive new microfluidic detector.  相似文献   

A rectilinear ion trap (RIT) mass analyzer was incorporated into a mass spectrometer fitted with an electrospray ionization source and an atmospheric pressure interface. The RIT mass spectrometer, which was assembled in two different configurations, was used for the study of biological compounds, for which performance data are given. A variety of techniques, including the use of a balanced rf, elevated background gas pressure, automatic gain control, and resonance ejection waveforms with dynamically adjusted amplitude, were applied to enhance performance. The capabilities of the instrument were characterized using proteins, peptides, and pharmaceutical drugs. Unit resolution and an accuracy of better than m/z 0.2 was achieved for mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios up to 2000 Th at a scan rate of approximately 3000 amu/(charge.s) while reduced scan rates gave greater resolution and peak widths of less than m/z 0.5 over the same range. The mass discrimination in trapping externally generated ions was characterized over the range m/z 190-2000 and an optimized low mass cutoff value of m/z 120-140 was found to give equal trapping efficiencies over the entire range. The radial detection efficiency was measured as a function of m/z ratio and found to rise from 35% at low m/z values to more than 90% for ions of m/z 1800. The way in which the ion trapping capacity depends on the dc trapping potential was investigated by measuring the mass shift due to space charge effects, and it was shown that low trapping potentials minimize space charge effects by increasing the useful volume of the device. The collision-induced dissociation (CID) capabilities of the RIT instrument were evaluated by measuring isolation efficiency as a function of mass resolution as well as measuring peptide CID efficiencies. Overall CID efficiencies of more than 60% were easily reached, while isolation of an ion with unit resolution at m/z 524 was achieved with high rejection (>95%) of the adjacent ions. The overall analytical capabilities of the ESI-RIT instrument were demonstrated with the analysis of a mixture of pharmaceutical compounds using multiple-stage mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The analytical performance of an atmospheric pressure sampling, multiple-channel, high-throughput mass spectrometer was investigated using samples of a variety of types. The instrument, based on an array of cylindrical ion traps, was built with four independent channels and here is operated using two fully multiplexed channels (sources, ion optics, ion traps, detectors) capable of analyzing different samples simultaneously. Both channels of the instrument were incorporated within the same vacuum system and operated using a common set of control electronics. A multichannel electrospray ionization source was assembled and used to introduce samples including solutions of organic compounds, peptides, and proteins simultaneously into the instrument in a high-throughput fashion. Cross-talk between the channels of the instrument occurred in the detection system and could be minimized to 1-2% using shielding between detector channels. In this initial implementation of the instrumentation, an upper mass/charge limit of approximately 1300 Th was observed (+13 charge state of myoglobin) and unit mass/charge resolution was achieved to approximately 800 Th. The rather limited dynamic range (2-3 orders of magnitude for low-concentration analytes) is due to cross-talk contributions from more concentrated species introduced into a different channel. Analysis of mixtures of alkylamines and peptides is demonstrated, but analysis of mixtures with a wide spread in mass/charge ratios was not possible due to mass discrimination in the ion optics. Further refinement of the vacuum system and ion optics will allow the addition of more channels of parallel mass analysis and facilitate applications in fields such as proteomics and metabolomics.  相似文献   

The atmospheric pressure chemical ionization of triacetone triperoxide (TATP) with subsequent separation and detection by ion mobility spectrometry has been studied. Positive ionization with hydronium reactant ions produced only fragments of the TATP molecule, with m/z 91 ion being the most predominant species. Ionization with ammonium reactant ions produced a molecular adduct at m/z 240. The reduced mobility value of this ion was constant at 1.36 cm(2)V(-1)s(-1) across the temperature range from 60 to 140 °C. The stability of this ion was temperature dependent and did not exist at temperatures above 140 °C, where only fragment ions were observed. The introduction of ammonia vapors with TATP resulted in the formation of m/z 58 ion. As the concentration of ammonia increased, this smaller ion appeared to dominate the spectra and the TATP-ammonium adduct decreased in intensity. The ion at m/z 58 has been noted by several research groups upon using ammonia reagents in chemical ionization, but the identity was unknown. Evidence presented here supports the formation of protonated 2-propanimine. A proposed mechanism involves the addition of ammonia to the TATP-ammonium adduct followed by an elimination reaction. A similar mechanism involving the chemical ionization of acetone with excess ammonia also showed the formation of m/z 58 ion. TATP vapors from a solid sample were detected with a hand-held ion mobility spectrometer operated at room temperature. The TATP-ammonium molecular adduct was observed in the presence of ammonia and TATP vapors with this spectrometer.  相似文献   

A method to investigate the chemical composition of organic aerosols formed from biogenic hydrocarbon oxidation using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (APCI/MS) is described. The method involves the direct introduction of aerosol particles into the ion source of the mass spectrometer. Using this technique, reaction monitoring experiments of alpha-pinene ozonolysis show the formation of hetero- and homomolecular cluster anions (dimers) of the primary oxidation products (multifunctional carboxylic acids). Since the formation of dimers plays a profound role in new particle formation processes by homogeneous nucleation in the atmosphere and, at the same time, is an intrinsic feature of APCI, it is essential to differentiate between both processes when on-line APCI/MS is applied. In this paper, we compare the results from the investigations of organic aerosols and artificially generated dimer cluster ions of the same compounds using identical ionization conditions. The clusters and their formation processes are characterized by varying the analyte concentration, investigating the thermal stability of dimers, and studying collisional activation properties of both ion species. The investigations show a significant difference in ion stability: dimer anions measured on-line have an estimated stability that is 20 kJ mol(-1) higher than that of the corresponding artificially generated cluster ions. Hence, the technique provides the possibility to accurately characterize dimers as ionized reaction products from biogenic hydrocarbon oxidation and allows an insight into the process of new-particle formation by homogeneous nucleation.  相似文献   

A quantitative method was developed for analysis of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in urine using atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization ion trap mass spectrometry (AP MALDI-ITMS). Following solid-phase extraction of LSD from urine samples, extracts were analyzed by AP MALDI-ITMS. The identity of LSD was confirmed by fragmentation of the [M + H](+) ion using tandem mass spectrometry. The quantification of LSD was achieved using stable-isotope-labeled LSD (LSD-d(3)) as the internal standard. The [M + H](+) ion fragmented to produce a dominant fragment ion, which was used for a selected reaction monitoring (SRM) method for quantitative analysis of LSD. SRM was compared with selected ion monitoring and produced a wider linear range and lower limit of quantification. For SRM analysis of samples of LSD spiked in urine, the calibration curve was linear in the range of 1-100 ng/mL with a coefficient of determination, r(2), of 0.9917. This assay was used to determine LSD in urine samples and the AP MALDI-MS results were comparable to the HPLC/ ESI-MS results.  相似文献   

A 2.94-microm Er:YAG laser for IR atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization on an ion trap mass spectrometer is used for the analysis of sialylated oligosaccharides. This approach provided the opportunity to utilize liquid matrixes and is effective in determining structural features--sequence, branching, and linkage--of intact, fully sialylated molecular species.  相似文献   

Cai SS  Syage JA 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(4):1191-1199
In this work, we compare the quantitative accuracy and sensitivity of analyzing lipids by atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), and electrospray ionization (ESI) LC/MS. The target analytes include free fatty acids and their esters, monoglyceride, diglyceride, and triglyceride. The results demonstrate the benefits of using LC/APPI-MS for lipid analysis. Analyses were performed on a Waters ZQ LC/MS. Normal-phase solvent systems were used due to low solubility of these compounds in aqueous reversed-phase solvent systems. By comparison, APPI offers lower detection limits, generally highest signal intensities, and the highest S/N ratio. APPI is 2-4 times more sensitive than APCI and much more sensitive than ESI without mobile-phase modifiers. APPI and APCI offer comparable linear range (i.e., 4-5 decades). ESI sensitivity is dramatically enhanced by use of mobile phase modifiers (i.e., ammonium formate or sodium acetate); however, these ESI adduct signals are less stable and either are nonlinear or have dramatically reduced linear ranges. Analysis of fish oils by APPI shows significantly enhanced target analyte intensities in comparison with APCI and ESI.  相似文献   

A novel chemical ionization source for organic mass spectrometry is introduced. This new source uses a glow discharge in the flowing afterglow mode for the generation of excited species and ions. The direct-current gas discharge is operated in helium at atmospheric pressure; typical operating voltages and currents are around 500 V and 25 mA, respectively. The species generated by this atmospheric pressure glow discharge are mixed with ambient air to generate reagent ions (mostly ionized water clusters and NO+), which are then used for the ionization of gaseous organic compounds. A wide variety of substances, both polar and nonpolar, can be ionized. The resulting mass spectra generally show the parent molecular ion (M+ or MH+) with little or no fragmentation. Proton transfer from ionized water clusters has been identified as the main ionization pathway. However, the presence of radical molecular ions (M+) for some compounds indicates that other ionization mechanisms are also involved. The analytical capabilities of this source were evaluated with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, and preliminary characterization shows very good stability, linearity, and sensitivity. Limits of detection in the single to tens of femtomole range are reported for selected compounds.  相似文献   

Infrared atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization on an ion trap mass spectrometer is used to analyze frozen samples generated using a Peltier-cooled sample stage. This allows for the analysis of samples in water without the addition of matrix, in near-native conditions, and with minimal loss of water due to evaporation. Analysis of frozen samples is extended to study peptides, carbohydrates, and glycolipids.  相似文献   

The coupling of a rotation planar preparative thin-layer chromatography system on-line with mass spectrometry is demonstrated using a simple plumbing scheme and a self-aspirating heated nebulizer probe of a corona discharge atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source. The self-aspiration of the heated nebulizer delivers approximately 20 microL/min of the 3.0 mL/min eluate stream to the mass spectrometer, eliminating the need for an external pump in the system. The viability of the coupling is demonstrated with a three-dye mixture composed of fat red 7B, solvent green 3, and solvent blue 35 separated and eluted from a silica gel-coated rotor using toluene. The real-time characterization of the dyes eluting from the rotor is illustrated in positive ion full-scan mode. Other self-aspirating ion source systems including atmospheric pressure photoionization, electrospray ionization, and inductively coupled plasma ionization, for example, might be configured and used in a similar manner coupled to the chromatograph to expand the types of analytes that could be ionized, detected, and characterized effectively.  相似文献   

For the first time, the use of a traditional ionization source for ion mobility spectrometry (radioactive nickel ((63)Ni) beta emission ionization) and three alternative ionization sources (electrospray ionization (ESI), secondary electrospray ionization (SESI), and electrical discharge (corona) ionization (CI)) were employed with an atmospheric pressure ion mobility orthogonal reflector time-of-flight mass spectrometer (IM(tof)MS) to detect chemical warfare agent (CWA) simulants from both aqueous- and gas-phase samples. For liquid-phase samples, ESI was used as the sample introduction and ionization method. For the secondary ionization (SESI, CI, and traditional (63)Ni ionization) of vapor-phase samples, two modes of sample volatilization (heated capillary and thermal desorption chamber) were investigated. Simulant reference materials, which closely mimic the characteristic chemical structures of CWA as defined and described by Schedule 1, 2, or 3 of the Chemical Warfare Convention treaty verification, were used in this study. A mixture of four G/V-type nerve simulants (dimethyl methylphosphonate, pinacolyl methylphosphonate, diethyl phosphoramidate, and 2-(butylamino)ethanethiol) and one S-type vesicant simulant (2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide) were found in each case (sample ionization and introduction methods) to be clearly resolved using the IM(tof)MS method. In many cases, reduced mobility constants (K(o)) were determined for the first time. Ion mobility drift times, flight times, relative signal intensities, and fragmentation product signatures for each of the CWA simulants are reported for each of the methods investigated.  相似文献   

The alternate operation of nanoelectrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, using a common atmosphere/vacuum interface and ion path, has been implemented to facilitate ion/ion reaction experiments in a linear ion trap-based tandem mass spectrometer. The ion sources are operated in opposite polarity modes whereby one of the ion sources is used to form analyte ions while the other is used to form reagent ions of opposite polarity. This combination of ion sources is well-suited to implementation of experiments involving multiply charged ions in reaction with singly charged ions of opposite polarity. Three analytically useful ion/ion reaction types are illustrated: the partial deprotonation of a multiply protonated protein, the partial protonation of a multiply deprotonated oligonucleotide, and electron transfer to a multiply protonated peptide. The approach described herein is attractive in that it enables both single proton-transfer and single electron-transfer ion/ion reaction experiments to be implemented without requiring major modifications to the tandem mass spectrometer hardware. Furthermore, a wide range of reactant ions can be formed with these ionization methods and the pulsed nature of operation appears to lead to no significant compromise in the performance of either ion source.  相似文献   

Kohler M  Heeb NV 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(13):3115-3121
A sensitive, specific, and rapid analytical method based on liquid-liquid extraction and liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry has been developed for trace analysis of nitrated phenolic compounds in rain samples. Selective detection in the low nanogram-per-milliliter range was achieved on the basis of selected ion monitoring of the respective phenolate anions [M - H]-. The presence of alkylated (C1-C3) and nonalkylated nitrophenols (C0) was confirmed by their characteristic neutral loss of nitrogen dioxide upon collision-induced dissociation in tandem mass spectrometry mode. In individual rain samples, 27 C0-C3-nitrophenol isomers as well as 16 C0-C3-dinitrophenol isomers were detected. Total levels of nitro- and dinitrophenol isomers were estimated on the basis of 2-nitrophenol and 2,6-dinitrophenol. Concentrations between 0.66 and 2.0, 12-29, 12-36, and 5.5-12 microg/L were obtained for the C0-, C1-, C2-, and C3-nitrophenols, respectively. Lower levels of 0.19-1.4, 0.39-2.1, 0.053-0.55, and 0.081-0.10 microg/L were estimated for the corresponding C0-, C1-, C2-, and C3-dinitrophenols. The highest number of individual isomers was found in winter rain samples, and distinctive isomeric patterns were observed for individual samples. Mono- and dialkylated nitrophenols and non- and monoalkylated dinitrophenols represent the major part of nitro- and dinitrophenol species. Comparing the pattern of Co-, C1-, and C2-nitrophenols in rain with the corresponding Co-, C1-, and C2-benzene pattern in ambient air suggests that atmospheric oxidation and nitration processes of alkylbenzenes are favored, as compared to those of benzene.  相似文献   

Ding WH  Tsai PC 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(8):1792-1797
This work describes a modified method to analyze alkyltrimethylammonium chlorides (ATMACs) in river water samples. The proposed method involves adding solid potassium iodide to water sample (pH adjusted to 10.0) as a counterion to enhance the extraction of ATMAC residues by dichloromethane liquid-liquid extraction. The iodide-ATMA+ ion pairs were demethylated to their corresponding nonionic alkyldimethylamines (ADMAs) by thermal decomposition in a GC injection port. The corresponding ADMAs were then identified and quantitated by gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in electron impact and low-pressure positive ion chemical ionization (PICI) modes. A relatively high abundance of ADMAs was detected at a demethylation temperature above 300 degrees C in the injection port. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method is precise and sensitive in ATMACs analysis and allows quantitation at < or = 0.01 microg/L in 500 mL of the water samples. The enhanced selectivity of quasi-molecular ion chromatograms of C12-C18-ADMA, obtained using methanol PICI-MS, enables ATMAC residues to be identified at trace levels in environmental samples. Recovery of the ATMACs in various spiked water samples ranged from 70 to 94% while RSD ranged from 3 to 12%. The concentrations of total measured ATMAC residues in river water samples ranged from nondetectable to 1.24 microg/L.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) comprises a heterogeneous family of organic compounds that includes both well-known biomolecules such as urea or amino acids and more complex, less characterized compounds such as humic and fulvic acids. Typically, DON represents only a small fraction of the total dissolved organic carbon pool and therefore presents inherent problems for chemical analysis and characterization. Here, we demonstrate that DON may be selectively ionized by atmospheric pressure photionization (APPI) and characterized at the molecular level by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Unlike electrospray ionization (ESI), APPI ionizes polar and nonpolar compounds, and ionization efficiency is not determined by polarity. APPI is tolerant to salts, due to the thermal treatment inherent to nebulization, and thus avoids salt-adduct formation that can complicate ESI mass spectra. Here, for dissolved organic matter from various aquatic environments, we selectively ionize DON species that are not efficiently ionized by other ionization techniques and demonstrate significant signal-to-noise increase for nitrogen species by use of APPI relative to ESI.  相似文献   

Although qualitative and/or semiquantitative real-time monitoring of chemical reactions have been reported with a few mass spectrometric approaches, to our knowledge, no quantitative mass spectrometric approach has been reported so far to have a calibration valid up to molar concentrations as required by process control. This is mostly due to the absence of a practical solution that could well address the sample overloading issue. In this study, a novel autosampling flow injection analysis coupled with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (FIA/APCI-MS) system, consisting of a 1 μL automatic internal sample injector, a postinjection splitter with 1:10 splitting ratio, and a detached APCI source connected to the mass spectrometer using a 4.5 in. long, 0.042 in. inner diameter (ID) stainless-steel capillary, was thus introduced. Using this system together with an optional FIA solvent modifier, e.g., 0.05% (v/v) isopropylamine, a linear quantitative calibration up to molar concentration has been achieved with 3.4-7.2% relative standard deviations (RSDs) for 4 replicates. As a result, quantitative real-time monitoring of a model reaction was successfully performed at the 1.63 M level. It is expected that this novel autosampling FIA/APCI-MS system can be used in quantitative real-time monitoring of a wide range of reactions under diverse reaction conditions.  相似文献   

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