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介绍了一种污泥干燥焚烧处置系统,分析了影响干燥焚烧系统能耗的因素。分析结果表明,污泥干燥机入口温度越高、污泥初始含水率越低、污泥干燥后含水率越高,污泥干燥焚烧系统能耗就越少,装机容量就越小,设备的外形尺寸就越小,干燥焚烧系统的一次性投资就越低。  相似文献   

本文基于傅里叶导热定律和Richards含水率方程,并在方程中添加水分蒸发率源项,提出了一种适用于间接干燥条件的污泥干燥传热传质模型。通过与水平加热表面污泥干燥实验进行对比,发现新模型能正确反映含水率随时间变化的趋势,与实验值吻合度良好。采用验证后的模型分析了不同壁面温度条件下污泥平均温度、含水率及蒸发速率的变化特性。本文模型研究为开发适用于工程的干燥机优化设计方法提供了参考。  相似文献   

研究以06Cr19Ni10(304)钢板和喷涂有特氟龙(PTFE)的Q235钢板为加热面,控制温度在100℃、120℃、140℃不同加热温度下的间接加热,分析试验过程中污泥的干燥曲线、干燥速率曲线以及含水率-黏壁强度曲线。试验表明:以为304不锈钢板为加热表面,在100℃,120℃,140℃温度下,污泥的干燥速率曲线、含水率-黏壁强度曲线都呈现出先升高后降低的相似趋势;在140℃以喷涂有PTFE的Q235钢板为污泥间接加热面时,干燥速率曲线的变化趋势与以304不锈钢板为加热面时类似,但黏壁量为0 g/m~2;在含水率为60 %时,以304不锈钢板为加热面时,污泥黏壁强度达到最大,分别为140 g/m2、215 g/m~2、160 g/m~2,而喷涂有PTFE的Q235钢加热板为加热面的黏壁量为0 g/m~2,说明温度和含水率是影响污泥间接加热干燥黏壁量的主要因素,PTFE在污泥间接加热干燥中具有良好的防黏性。  相似文献   

田青  李胜  刘涛  孟辉 《山东化工》2009,38(10):9-11
干燥技术处理含油污泥.已经成为国内外石油化工行业的研究热点。先简要介绍了含油污泥的来源,又着重介绍了干燥技术的主要工艺流程,指出利用干燥技术对含油污泥实现无害化和资源化,具有可资源化利用、不产生二次污染等优点,是国内外含油污泥处理处置的发展趋势。  相似文献   

热干燥技术是污泥处理并资源化利用的有效方法,本文介绍了常见污泥的干燥特性及几种主要的干燥方法,包括热泵热风干燥、过热蒸汽干燥、太阳能干燥和微波干燥等方法,并对这几种技术的研究现状和发展趋势进行分析,为污泥热干燥技术的进步提供理论支撑,推动我国环保事业快速发展。  相似文献   

简述了一种新型的城市污泥清洁化处理技术,该技术采用干化污泥等固体废弃物掺杂煤粉进行发电,产生的蒸汽通过圆盘干燥机对污泥进行间接干燥。文章研究了干燥的主要操作参数(进料湿含量、产品湿含量和蒸汽压力)分别对蒸发水量、蒸汽耗量和有效干燥面积的影响。结果表明,利用自身热值污泥干化过程中无需额外添加燃料。城市污泥进料湿含量增加,水分蒸发量、蒸汽耗量和有效干燥面积线性增大。产品湿含量增加,水分蒸发量、蒸汽耗量和有效干燥面积逐渐减少,且前者影响明显大于后者。实验表明,选择合适的蒸汽压力可以获得更大的经济效益。  相似文献   

分析了城市污水处理污泥干燥的重要性,介绍了国内外污泥干燥装置的基本类型、干燥污泥的应用以及搅拌流化干燥机干燥污泥的特点。  相似文献   

采用旋转导热干燥机对污泥进行干燥实验研究,得到了污泥干燥特性。干燥速率随着轴转速的提高而增大,根据干燥速率,将旋转导热污泥干燥分为三个区域:糊状区、粘滞区和块状区,粘滞区泥的含水率约为55%。随着干燥的进行,粘滞区泥表面分别出现裂纹、龟裂、收缩现象,处于粘滞区的污泥干燥速率较低。结果表明:旋转导热干燥机,适当调整圆盘间距、叶轮上刮板的疏密程度以及刮刀的布置有利于"粘滞区"的突破,用于污泥干燥完全可行。  相似文献   

本文详细阐述了污泥颗粒在转筒干燥机内传热传质模型的建立过程,通过模拟得到了污泥颗粒表面温度、含湿量以及空气温度沿转筒轴向的分布结果,并将模拟结果与实际情况进行对比。结果表明,该模型与实际情况相符。  相似文献   

主要对污泥的干燥性质、污泥在干燥过程中所发生的胶粘性的变化作了机理性的研究,在此基础了提出了一些对污泥干燥过程中胶粘性的特点,并对如何解决和避免胶粘性提出了建议;针对污泥这种含水量大、粘性大的特殊物料的干燥,选用普通回转圆筒进行干燥,对干燥后物料、干燥过程粘性的变化等作了分析,并在此基础上了对设备进行了改造,使之能够解决和避免在回转圆筒干燥机中干燥污泥产生的胶粘性问题,主要的改造是在回转圆筒的进料端加上了自清理装置,以及横贯圆筒中心的打散装置,以此产生了新的回转圆筒设备——带自清理的打散回转圆筒干燥机,并且作了工业模拟试验。  相似文献   

由于日益规模化污水处理厂的污泥产量大、含水率高,体积巨大,带来环境、经济、技术等方面难题,污泥干化减量是污泥有效处置的关键环节。详细介绍了污泥电干化、热水干化等干化技术原理、工艺流程、优缺点和适用条件,给出了厂矿企业在污泥干化方案选择的适用条件,以期为技术方案选择、新设备、新工艺开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Drying of two kinds of wastewater sludge was studied. The first part was an experimental work done in a discontinuous cross-flow convective dryer using 1 kg of wet material extruded in 12-mm-diameter cylinders. The results show the influence of drying air temperature for both sludges. The second part consisted of developing a drying model in order to identify the internal diffusion coefficient and the convective mass transfer coefficient from the experimental data. A comparison between fitted drying curves, well represented by Newton's model, and the analytical solutions of the equation of diffusion, applied to a finite cylinder, was made. Variations in the physical parameters, such as the mass, density, and volume of the dried product, were calculated. This allowed us to confirm that shrinkage, which is an important parameter during wastewater sludge drying, must be taken into account. The results showed that both the internal diffusion coefficient and convective mass transfer coefficient were affected by the air temperature and the origin of the sludge. The values of the diffusion coefficient changed from 42.35 × 10?9 m2 · s?1 at 160°C to 32.49 × 10?9 m2 · s?1 at 122°C for sludge A and from 33.40 × 10?9 m2 · s?1 at 140°C to 28.45 × 10?9 m2 · s?1 at 120°C for sludge B. The convective mass transfer coefficient changed from 4.52 × 10?7 m · s?1 at 158°C to 3.33 × 10?7 m · s?1 at 122°C for sludge A and from 3.44 × 10?7 m · s?1 at 140°C to 2.84 × 10?7 m2 · s?1 at 120°C for sludge B. The temperature dependency of the two coefficients was expressed using an Arrhenius-type equation and related parameters were deduced. Finally, the study showed that neglecting shrinkage phenomena resulted in an overestimation that can attain and exceed 30% for the two coefficients.  相似文献   

This article deals with the drying of the waste by-product of an activated sludge manure treatment plant. The studies concern the low temperature drying of planar plates 3 cm thick. The upper face of the sludge is subjected to a tangential air flow controlled for speed, temperature, and humidity. The lower face can be subjected to contact heating. The maximum temperature for air and the bottom of the product is 60 °C. After characterizing the main thermophysical and hygric properties of the product, the laboratory set-up specifically designed for this study is described. Experiments are performed to determine temperature, mass loss, and deformation evolutions for different boundary conditions. These experimental data are used to build a numerical one-dimensional heat and mass transfer model to predict temperature and moisture content fields. Sludge is assimilated with a hygroscopic porous medium, and shrinkage is not taken into account. To validate this model, several comparisons between simulated and measured data are made for different drying methods (hot or fresh air convective drying, contact drying, and combined drying) and various drying conditions.  相似文献   

A control volume-based technique implemented in FLUENT (ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, PA) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package was applied along with the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) to simulate the flow pattern and heat and mass transfer processes for sludge material in a large-scale cyclone dryer. The drying characteristics of sludge at the dryer inlet were obtained from a previous study on the drying of sludge in a large-scale pneumatic dryer. User-defined subroutines were added to extend FLUENT's capability to account for mixture properties and to simulate the constant and falling rate drying periods. The convective heat and mass transfer coefficients were modeled using published correlations for Nusselt and Sherwood numbers. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the effect of gas-phase velocity and temperature on the final product outcome. Numerical predictions for the multiphase flow hydrodynamics showed a highly diluted region in the dryer core and a higher concentration of particles close to the wall region, an indication of nonuniform distribution of particles at a cross-sectional area. The numerical predictions for the hydrodynamic profiles qualitatively depicted the flow behavior natural to these designs. The work demonstrated the successful application of CFD in the design stage of a combined pneumatic-cyclone dryer model.  相似文献   

吴晓波  解舒涵 《当代化工》2017,(11):2369-2371
某炼化污水场产生的污泥仅进行了离心脱水处理,污泥量大,外委处置费用高,因此需进行污泥减量化处理。经过实地调查、现场试验、理论研究并结合以往的工程案例,设计了新型的污泥干燥-焚烧一体化处理工艺,针对此处理技术的工程设计进行了介绍。  相似文献   

石灰调质污泥恒温干燥特性及动力学模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对添加石灰的市政污泥进行恒温干燥实验,研究在不同的石灰添加量和不同的温度条件下污泥干燥特性、有效水分扩散系数和干燥活化能。结果表明:高温干燥时,石灰添加量的增加对平均干燥速率以及有效扩散系数的提高影响显著,低温干燥时影响不显著;石灰的添加可以降低干燥活化能;基于Modified Page模型建立的通用干燥模型能准确地描述石灰调质污泥的干燥特性;模型方程预测值和实验值吻合,均方根误差为0.32%。  相似文献   

The effects of drying parameters on heat transfer during drying of fermented ground cassava in a rotary dryer were studied. The fermented ground cassava was dried in a bench-scale rotary dryer at different inlet air temperatures, inlet air velocities, relative humidities, feed rates, drum drive speeds, and feed drive speeds. It is shown that inlet air temperature, inlet air velocity, and feed rate have significant effects on the specific heat transfer coefficient and heat load in the material. Models that predict the specific heat transfer coefficient as a function of inlet air temperature and inlet air velocity and the heat load as a function of inlet air temperature, inlet air velocity, and feed rate are also presented. Predictions of the models are compared with experimental data and good agreement is obtained.  相似文献   

污泥热泵干燥速率及能耗的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用小型热泵干燥试验台,对污泥干燥过程含水率、空气参数(温度、相对湿度)及热泵参数(制冷工质参数、排水量、能耗等)的变化进行了试验测试,并着重对干燥速率、能量回收率及影响因素进行了分析。试验显示,依靠外热源预热后,污泥干燥过程仅依靠热泵回收的排气余热供热,干燥箱内平均温度可达63℃,最高迭71℃。干燥箱内温度的高低取决于受制冷工况影响的热泵供风温度。污泥干燥速率随空气温度升高和相对湿度的降低而增大,湿基含水率从42.6%到18.74%的平均干燥速率为0.123%/(m·min)。热泵干燥回收排气余热的节能效果显著,并随热泵排水量的增加而增大。平均能量回收率为39.1%,最大值为48.9%和最小值为23.6%,分别发生在热泵排水量最大和最小的阶段。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional mathematical model was developed to predict temperature and moisture content profiles in red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and white oak (Quercus alba) during microwave drying. The model was solved using the finite element analysis with MATLAB software. The predictions for temperature and moisture content agreed favorably well with the experimental data. The diffusion coefficients of the red maple and the white oak in microwave drying conditions were calculated and analyzed. Equations of the diffusion coefficient in longitudinal and transverse directions based on input microwave power level are presented in this article. In microwave drying of hardwood, the red maple was heated more efficiently than the white oak because of higher absorbing efficiency of the microwave power.  相似文献   

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