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The number of installed vertical borehole heat exchangers is continuing to grow continuously which increases the risk of a local groundwater contamination with heat exchanger fluids due to a system leakage. This study evaluates the groundwater pollution potential of organic additives applied in heat exchanger fluids. In the first step of the project a data survey was carried out to collect detailed information about the identity, frequency of use and concentrations of the applied additives. In total, 35 different additives were disclosed by producers and/or distributors of heat exchanger fluids. The additives were classified as corrosion inhibitors, alkalis, dyes, solvents, scentsflavours, defoamers, and surfactants. The groundwater pollution potential of the additives was assessed based on their frequency of usage in the declared fluids and on their environmental fate (mobility, persistence and aquatic toxicity). Based on our analysis, the corrosion inhibitors benzotriazole, tolyltriazole, 2-ethylhexanoate, benzoate and sebacate exhibit a potentially exhibit a significant risk for groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

Bei den vor Inkrafttreten der wr BauO erlassenen Generalregulierungspl?nen handelt es sich in ihrer Gesamtheit um den ersten "Fl?chenwidmungsplan", bei den entsprechenden Generalbaulinienpl?nen um den ersten "Bebauungsplan". Die übergeleiteten Generalregulierungs- und Generalbaulinienpl?ne (hier: nach der wr BauO 1883) haben keine Bestandsgarantie, selbst wenn ihr Inhalt das Ergebnis oder die Folge von privatrechtlichen übereinkommen gewesen sein sollte.  相似文献   

Ein baupolizeilicher Beseitigungsauftrag muss von der Baubeh?rde ausreichend konkretisiert werden. Die Frage, ob ein baupolizeilicher Auftrag den Bestimmtheitsanforderungen entspricht, ist an Hand des Inhaltes des Spruches des Auftrages, gegebenenfalls unter Einbeziehung weiterer einen Bestandteil des Bescheides bildender Unterlagen (zB Pl?ne), zu l?sen, wobei zur Auslegung des Spruches im Zweifelsfall die Begründung des Bescheides heranzuziehen ist. Der Auftrag, "Gel?ndever?nderungen im Ausma? von ca. 750 m2" zu beseitigen, l?sst jede konkrete Beschreibung der vorgenommenen und zu beseitigenden Gel?ndever?nderungen vermissen.  相似文献   

Load bearing capacity of welds with defects. Only welds fabricated according to requirements in execution standards are within the scope of actual design codes. These execution standards do not tolerate imperfections like lack of fusion at the weld root even in case of predominantly static loading. In the recent years, steel products with increasing thicknesses are used for steel constructions. The volume of the weld and thus, the costs for welding increases with about the second power of the thickness. Therefore, partial penetration instead of complete penetration and joint preparations with small angles of bevel are applied, if design aspects allow this. As a consequence, lack of fusion at the weld root cannot always be avoided, especially if thick components are welded. There are no design rules for these welds with defects. Therefore, the effect of imperfections on the load bearing capacity of differently fabricated welds is investigated with tests, numerical and fracture-mechanical calculations.  相似文献   

The study presented deals with the occurence of pesticides and herbicides in space and time within a confined groundwater reservoir of 13 km 2 extension. This fractured aquifer Schöppinger Berg in the northwestern part of the Münsterland (Germany) consists of calcareous sandstones and calcareous marlstones of Campanian (upper cretaceous) age and can be described as a natural lysimeter. 3,5 Mill. m 3 water per year run off on an aquitard in overflow springs alone a margin at the basis of the Schöppinger Berg into the local receiving streams. During the one-year-period of investigation 54% of the spring water samples were contaminated exceeding the allowed EU standard of 100 ng/l per chemical substance; 26% of the samples were polluted in excess of the 500 ng/l standard for all detected herbicides. There is a significant analogy between the occurence of pesticides and the concentration of nitrates in springs and wells. The occurence of these chemicals depends mostly on the rate of the water flow from the springs. During the high flow observed in the winter period, an increase in the pesticide and nitrates contents in groundwater and spring water was documented. Apart from run off- and interflow-effects, the application of herbicides during autumn is already measurable in the water samples of the following winter period in spite of a more than 50 m distance from the groundwater level.  相似文献   

Load formulations in ultimate limit state design of timber structures. With the issue of DIN 1052 the new safety concept has become state of the art even in design of timber structures. Especially the ultimate limit state design indicates a rather different procedure compared with the rules used up to now. The following contribution provides a working aid in order to make the design procedure for usual loads more transparent and clear.  相似文献   

Es wird angenommen, dass sich noch ca 15.000 Fliegerbomben-Blindg?nger aus dem 2. Weltkrieg in ?sterreichischem Boden befinden. Von ihnen k?nnen nicht unerhebliche Gefahren für Menschen und Eigentum (zB von benachbarten Grund- und Hauseigentümern) ausgehen. Die vorliegende, in vier Teile gegliederte Gesamtarbeit versucht damit einhergehende Rechtsfragen aus raumordnungs- und baurechtlicher (Teil 1 – bbl 2007, 129), gewerberechtlicher (Teil 2 – bbl 2007, 138) sowie zivilrechtlicher Sicht (Teil 3) darzustellen. Abschlie?end soll der Frage nach der Kostentragung für Sondierung und Bergung von Fliegerbomben-Blindg?ngern nachgegangen werden (Teil 4 – bbl 6/2007). Im vorliegenden dritten Teil der Untersuchung soll er?rtert werden, welche Besitz- und Eigentumsverh?ltnisse an Fliegerbomben-Blindg?ngern bestehen, ob von diesen ausgehende Gefahren nachbarrechtliche Abwehransprüche begründen k?nnen und welche Rolle Kriegsrelikte im Leistungsst?rungsrecht beim Immobilienkauf spielen. Au?erdem wird geprüft, wen die Schadenstragung trifft, wenn Bombenblindg?nger detonieren und dadurch Personen- oder Sachsch?den verursacht werden.  相似文献   

For decades the open-pit mining lake Vollert-South in Saxony-Anhalt was filled with phenolic wastewater from lignite smouldery. In the groundwater downstream of the lake, used for drinking water, measurements indicated up to 1 mg/l phenol and 15 mg/l ammonium, which is far above drinking water limits. Nevertheless the monitored phenol plume effects only a small area. A three-dimensional groundwater flow model with mass transport was developed to determine the phenol input and to estimate natural attenuation due to sorption and microbial decay. Besides the dilution due to dispersion the microbiological decay plays the most decisive part. Sorption is only of minor importance. A prognosis until 2030 as a worst-case scenario shows no direct danger to the groundwater despite the huge potential of pollution by the lake Vollert-South. The phenol plume will not exceed a length of 250 m. There-fore an active remediation of the groundwater seems not to be necessary.  相似文献   

An overview of the current situation of pesticide occurrence in water is presented using data from the EU-contries Denmark, England, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Data were extracted from official reports. The data base is rather heterogenous, as the monitoring strategies vary in a wide range depending on the administrative responsibilities. In the publications, water pollution with pesticides is evaluated using the drinking water standard values for single substances (0,1 μg/l), a toxicological evaluation is missing. In surface waters, substances with regionally high sell numbers or high application amounts dominate. They belong to the chemical groups triacines, phenoxy carbolic acids and urea derivates. Talking about groundwater, the time scale has to be considered as well, as the geological system reacts as a buffer. Here, the triacines and their metabolits dominate having been applicated for tens of years in high amounts. Different measures to obtain a longterm water protection are discussed.  相似文献   

Auf g?rtnerisch auszugestaltenden Baufl?chen sind bauliche ?nderungen (iSd § 60 Abs 1 lit c wr BauO), nicht aber ein Neu-, Zu- oder Umbau (iSd § 60 Abs 1 lit a wr BauO) zul?ssig. Ein "Umbau" liegt (erst) vor, wenn ein Geb?ude nach Durchführung der Bauma?nahmen entweder in seinem ?u?eren Erscheinungsbild oder in seiner Nutzung als ein anderes anzusehen ist. ?nderungen in der Raumeinteilung (bzw die Zusammenlegung von Wohnungen), der Einbau einer Stiege, Umgestaltungen des Daches sowie die Schaffung einer (Au?en-) Terrasse im linken Seitentrakt eines Geb?udes stellen noch keinen "Umbau" dar.  相似文献   

Einem lange Zeit unver?ndert gebliebenem Gel?nde kommt die Qualit?t eines "gewachsenen" Gel?ndes zu.  相似文献   

Deep groundwater in fractured crystalline basement has been reported from deep mines and scientific wells. Highly saline brines have been described from several km depth in the continental basement worldwide. The origin of salinity is unknown and many different possibilities have been presented ( Emmermann et al. 1995, Pauwels et al. 1993, Edmunds &;: Savage 1991, Frape &;: Fritz 1987, Kozlovsky 1984, Banks et al. 1996, Stober 1986, 1995, Kanz 1987, Stober &; Bucher 1999). We compare the compositional evolution of deep waters in the Black Forest basements, SW-Germany, with those of other deep crystalline waters and use the halogen systematics (e. g. Cl/Br ratios) and other parameters of the waters to deduce the origin of their salinity. In teh Black Forest the composition of deep thermal waters results from chemical interaction of surface water with the rock matrix and from mixing of the reacted water with stagnant saline deep water of marine origin.  相似文献   

Meurer  Maike  Banning  Andre 《Grundwasser》2019,24(1):43-50
Grundwasser - Das Brackwasser auf Helgoland, welches durch das Prinzip der Umkehrosmose zu Trinkwasser aufbereitet wird, weist zum Teil relativ hohe Urankonzentrationen auf. Aus mehreren Studien...  相似文献   

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