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新型油溶暂堵型无固相修井液的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
位于塔里木盆地北部的雅克拉-大涝坝凝析气田经过多年的开采,其储层条件发生了很大的变化。由于原修井液体系固相含量较高,致使气井相继出现污染,储层也受到不同程度的损害。针对该气田储层特点,从增黏剂、降滤失剂、抑制剂和对储层孔喉具有暂堵作用的特殊粒子等入手,以生物聚合物、羟乙基聚合物纤维素类为主处理剂,并辅以降滤失剂、油溶性暂堵剂等开展了一系列实验研究,研制出保护储层的新型油溶暂堵型无固相修井液体系。现场试验表明,新型修井液体系性能优良,流变性易于调整和控制,抗高温能力强,API滤失量小于等于8 mL且HTHP滤失量很低,岩心渗透率恢复值超过80%, 具有明显的储层保护效果。  相似文献   

在修井过程中,低压低渗裂缝较发育储层易发生修井液漏失,造成水敏、液锁等损害。为使该损害降至最低,采用动态挂片失重法、页岩抑制防膨法及表/界面张力和流变参数测定方法,优选出了适合储层特点的缓蚀剂、黏土防膨剂、表面活性助排剂及增黏降滤失剂等修井液组分,得到最佳修井液XJPS配方:模拟地层水+1%GH1+0.3%HTB+2%DG-FPJ+0.3%XC+2%JMPS-1+1%PRDS+2%NaCOOH+0.3%NaOH。室内实验结果表明,该修井液具有流变参数适宜、低滤失(〈8 mL)、渗透率保留率高(〉85%)、返排效果好等特点,可以实现修井液在无固相、不形成致密泥饼下的低滤失性能。矿场应用效果表明,与原用修井液相比,试验井应用XJPS修井液作业后,日产气量、日产油量降幅和含水量增幅均较小,明显减轻了因修井液漏失储层造成的液锁损害和产能损失,提高了储层保护效果和修井效率。图2表7参8  相似文献   

为减少清水、地层水、水基泡沫等常规水基修井液对吐哈盆地胜北油气田喀拉扎组油气藏储层的伤害,研制了一种无固相低密度油基泡沫修井液,考察了该修井液的性能并在喀拉扎组5口井进行了现场应用。结果表明,由30%地层水+70%原油+0.25%油基泡沫转化剂+0.20%油基泡沫稳泡剂+0.45%油基发泡剂组成的无固相低密度油基泡沫修井液密度在0.34~0.90 g/cm~3之间可调、泡沫强度高、泡沫稳定时间大于24 h、防漏封堵能力良好、污染岩心后的渗透率恢复率大于94%、抗温达120℃、抗压达10~11 MPa。根据油基泡沫流体特点,配套了修井工艺技术措施,该技术现场应用有效率为100%,平均每口井恢复期缩短3 d,对产层污染伤害较小,漏失量较少,修井液性能稳定,现场施工方便,成本较油基修井液低,可有效解决水敏和水锁严重的低压油气藏修井作业。  相似文献   

新型抗高温无固相完井液实验研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在优选抗温性能好的增黏剂、降滤失剂等的基础上,以有机盐作为加重剂,以磺化降滤失剂、黄原胶、聚阴离子纤维素、两性离子聚合物等油田常见的聚合物为主处理剂,并加有成膜剂、超细碳酸钙、高温保护剂、缓蚀剂和杀菌剂,形成了一套新型的抗高温无固相完井液.该体系具有良好的流变性能、悬砂携岩能力、抑制性和油气层保护效果,抗温达150℃,腐蚀性低,密度在1.0~1.5 g/cm3范围内可调,维护方便,适用于压井、修井等完井作业,也可以满足钻井要求.  相似文献   

针对雅克拉-大涝坝低渗透凝析气田储层特点,研制出了一种新型无固相修井液。性能评价实验结果表明,所研制的修井液流变性易于调整和控制、抗高温能力强、滤失量低,岩心渗透率恢复值可达到85%以上。新型无固相修井液在雅克拉-大涝坝凝析气田修井作业中取得了成功应用;对于低渗透气田,该修井液是一种较为理想的低伤害修井液。  相似文献   

为了实现修井液在无固相、不形成致密泥饼前提下的低滤失性能,有效预防或减轻修井液对低孔、低渗、喉道细小及裂缝较发育储层造成的液锁损害,达到修井后流体产出能力的最大化.研制出了XJPS无固相、多功能弱凝胶修井液体系。该体系具有流变参数适宜、低滤失(〈8mL)、渗透率恢复值高(〉85%)、返排效果好等特点,Q3气井应用后产气、产油量降低幅度和含水量上升幅度均较小,明显减轻了因修井液漏失到储层造成的液锁损害和产能损失,提高了储层保护效果和修井效率。  相似文献   

川西低固相钻井完井液泥饼清除技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对川西地区钻井完井液在井壁上形成的泥饼完井后影响固井质量和造成油气通道堵塞的问题,进行了室内泥饼清除实验。通过实验得知,生物酶破胶剂和氧化破胶剂NaClO无法降解目前配方中的聚合物,但是能降解纤维素类钻井液,因此选用增黏剂HV-CMC和降滤失剂LV-PAC、SL-PAC来提高生物酶和氧化破胶剂NaClO对泥饼的清除作用。根据黏度降低率和渗透率恢复率结果,可推荐固井冲洗液中加入氧化破胶剂NaClO或生物酶来提高冲洗液的清洗效果,而对川西地区致密性砂岩储层的泥饼推荐复配使用氧化破胶剂和酸液进行清除。  相似文献   

保护油层的低粘土相钻井完井液   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内膨胀试验、酸化试验和渗透率恢复试验优选处理剂,研制出了对油层损害小的低粘土相钻井完井液配方。现场试验表明,该完井液对泥岩地层抑制性强,稳定井壁效果好,井径扩大率平均只有4.5%,对油层基本无损害。钻井液性能稳定,维护方便,使用周期长,携砂及悬浮能力强。  相似文献   

针对漂珠、空心玻璃微珠等减轻剂价格昂贵、使用量大、其浆体与钻井液相容性较差等问题,借鉴钻井液转化为水泥浆(MTC)技术,直接以矿渣作为胶凝材料替代油井水泥配制固井液,并研究了配套的激活剂和缓凝剂。通过大量的室内实验,初步筛选出一种碱金属氢氧化物JHQ和一种碱金属硅酸盐JGY作为激活剂,并最终确定他们的掺量分别为3%和2%,此时固化体3 d的抗压强度可达到12.5 MPa ;体系采用的缓凝剂HNJ主要靠分子中α和β位羟基羧酸基团能与Ca2+有很强的螯合作用,形成高度稳定的五元环或六元环,部分吸附于矿渣颗粒上,阻止水化产物性能,以达到延长工作液稠化时间的目的,浆体稠化时间与缓凝剂HNJ掺量几乎呈线性增长趋势;体系选用具有提高浆体稳定性和控制失水能力的膨润土类悬浮剂GYW-201,并配合使用悬浮稳定作用强的高聚物悬浮剂GYW-301。结果表明,矿渣固井液适用温度为50~90℃,密度在1.30~1.50 g/cm3范围可调,具有成本低、失水量低、沉降稳定性良好、与钻井液相容性好、稠化时间线性可调、低温下强度发展迅速等优点。该体系已应用于江苏油田现场作业,固井质量良好。因此该矿渣固井液可替代低密度水泥浆,用于低压易漏井、长封固段、欠平衡井等固井施工,降低固井成本。   相似文献   

抗H2S应力腐蚀开裂08Cr2AlMo热交换器专用钢管   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
08Cr2AlMo钢具有高的抗硫化氢应力腐蚀开裂的能力,同时还具有比碳钢高的抗循环水、软化水及盐酸水溶液的能力。由于合理的化学成分和优良工装及精炼工艺条件使08Cr2AlIMo钢的纯净度大大提高(夹杂物<1.5级),具有与常用管板相匹配的硬度,并配有专用的焊接材料,具有良好的可焊性和制造性能,可广泛用于制造石化系统热交换器管束。  相似文献   

LinuxPC服务器的磁带I/O能力较差,数据传输也受到网络带宽的限制,在大规模地震数据处理中存在严重的瓶颈。本文通过对PC机群的体系结构的分析,结合OMEGA应用软件用于常规处理的实际需求,从配置外置盘阵、磁带机,连接自动带库,合并多块磁盘成一个大卷,增加网络接口以提高传输带宽等多方面介绍了PC机群整体性能的技术改进过程,以满足常规地震数据处理的需要。  相似文献   

本文综述了超微粒子的合成方法和应用。着重叙述了超微粒子在催化、生物、医学、记录材料、传感材料等方面的应用。  相似文献   

High speed data processing for online food quality inspection using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is challenging as over hundred spectral images have to be analyzed simultaneously. In this study, a real-time pixel based early apple bruise detection system based on HSI in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) range has been developed. This systems consists of a novel, homogeneous SWIR illumination unit and a line scan camera. The system performance was tested on Jonagold apples bruised less than two hours before scanning. Partial least squares-discriminant analysis was used to discriminate bruised pixel spectra from sound pixel spectra. As the glossiness of many fruit and vegetables limits the accuracy in the detection of defects, several reflectance calibrations and pre-processing techniques were compared for glare correction and maximizing the signal to noise ratio. With the best combination of first derivative and mean centering, followed by image post-processing, this system was able to detect fresh bruises in thirty apples with 98% accuracy at the pixel level with a processing time per apple below 200 ms.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of water-soluble vitamins in several energy and sport drinks by micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) has been developed in this work. The separation of vitamins was studied in terms of background electrolyte composition (borate content, pH, surfactant type and content) and in other MEKC parameters. A study of the possible compounds found in the vitamin-enriched drinks that could interfere in vitamin determination was also performed, and a modified procedure with enhanced resolution was developed. The proposed method was successfully applied to the analysis of water-soluble vitamins in a variety of energy and sport drinks and also in fruit nectars. The method implies minimal sample preparation and reagent consumption, being environmentally sustainable. Thus, the proposed methodology could be useful for quality control purposes in the soft drink industry.  相似文献   

探讨应用臭氧(O_3),C波紫外线光辐射和超生波同时来处理饮用水,使其三种因素在水中发生协同作用从而提高净水效果,该方法可完成饮用水水质的深度净化。  相似文献   

研究了不同原料的选取,升温速度的控制以及太西煤的催化氧化改性等因素对于炭化物结构的影响。活化后得到的活性炭的碘值、四氯化碳值均增大,吸附性增强。  相似文献   

The study presents a sensitive and reliable confirmatory method for the extraction, identification, quantification of five fluoroquinolones (FQ) namely enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, difloxacin, sarafloxacin and flumequine, in plasma, liver, kidney, muscle, skin + fat, lung and intestinal content from turkeys.For the extraction and matrix clean-up of FQ residues from all biological matrices, the Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged Safe (QuEChERS) methodology was adopted; only for plasma samples acetonitrile was used.The analyses were performed by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection (LC–MS). LC separation was performed on a C18 Kinetex column (100 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 μm, Phenomenex, CA, USA) with gradient elution using ammonium acetate solution (10 mM, pH 2.5) and methanol containing 0.1% formic acid. Mass spectrometric identification was done using an LTQ XL ion trap (Thermo Fisher Scientific, CA, USA), with a heated electrospray ionization probe, in positive ion mode.The method was validated according to the European Legislation (decision 2002/657/EC) and EMA guideline (EMA/CVMP/VICH/463202/2009); selectivity, linearity response, trueness (in terms of recovery), precision (within-day repeatability and within-laboratory reproducibility), limit of detection, limit of quantification, decision limits, detection capability, absolute recovery and robustness were evaluated using turkey blank matrices. All data were within the required limits established for confirmatory methods except for flumequine which presented a recovery value slightly higher than 110% in muscle and intestinal content. For all FQs, all the extraction rates were greater than 70% and limits of quantification ranged from 1.2 μg kg−1 to 118.8 μg kg−1.This fast and robust method was suitable for the identification and quantification of FQ residues in tissues, plasma and intestinal content as confirmed by data obtained from incurred samples of turkeys treated at farm for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) mostly produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, is an extremely toxic and carcinogenic metabolite. Currants are used in the Mediterranean diet as a food with antioxidant properties. Four strains of Aspergillus section Nigri have been isolated from currants originated from Crete and Corinth. In this study AFB1 production by A. parasiticus and the four strains of Aspergillus section Nigri in Cretan and Corinthian currants (Vitis vinifera L.) is investigated. AFB1 determination was performed by HPLC–FID. Results revealed that the four strains Aspergillus section Nigri, as well as the aflatoxigenic strain A. parasiticus produced AFB1 (0.0052–1.31 μg AFB1 15 g−1, corresponding to 0.0003–0.087 μg AFB1 g−1) in both type of currants (Cretan and Corinthian) on the 12th day of observation. Moreover, AFB1 production, by A. parasiticus in the synthetic Yeast Extract Sucrose (YES) medium was also studied. The ability of AFB1 production has been affected by the special characteristics of each isolate and the currants substrate.  相似文献   

Consumption of pine nuts from the species of Pinus armandii has been reported to cause dysgeusia, commonly known as pine mouth, or pine nut syndrome (PNS). However, the number of reports on pine nut consumptions of the different species and PNS is limited. This leaves open the possibility that other pine species than P. armandii could be involved in PNS as well. This study investigated 18 samples involved in PNS and received at the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration in 2011 through 2012. Samples were subjected to gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acids. The content of 11 individual fatty acids was used together with the diagnostic index and the sum of Δ5-fatty acids as diagnostic parameters. Diagnostic parameters from samples were then compared to reference material and literature data to determine the species. In a limited number of samples, the diagnostic parameters matched neither our reference materials nor literature data. However, the morphology, the fatty acid analysis, and externally obtained DNA sequencing data suggest a P. armandii subspecies or a variety. With these possible P. armandii subspecies, P. armandii was identified in all analyzed samples. The application of principal component analysis (PCA) to the data set showed a satisfactory separation of the majority of the 13 pine species included in the study.  相似文献   

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