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以霞多丽自根苗和嫁接苗(砧木5BB)为试材,研究不同浓度氯化镉(CdCl2O2H2O)处理下,镉在霞多丽植株不同器官中的积累及其对氮吸收的影响。结果表明:①随着镉处理浓度的增加,霞多丽植株中根、茎、叶的镉含量呈显著上升趋势,并在120mg/L时达到高峰,而新梢的镉含量在60mg/L时达到高峰。②根、茎、新梢、叶片中镉含量依次呈极显著性下降。在30mg/L和60mg/L镉处理时,自根苗叶片中镉浓度分别为其根的7.5%和5.3%;嫁接苗植株根系镉浓度分别是自根苗的1.9倍和1.3倍,而运输到叶片中的镉浓度仅为自根苗的66.7%和20%。③自根苗的根和叶片中氮含量随着镉浓度的增加而下降,而茎和新梢中有所提高。④与自根苗相比,嫁接苗在低镉浓度时根和叶片中氮含量提高;而高镉浓度时,叶片中氮含量显著下降,茎和新梢中没有明显变化。  相似文献   

为了研究不同氮源对葡萄矿质元素吸收利用的影响,以沙培霞多丽幼苗为试材,设置了硝态氮和铵态氮5种处理比例(100:0,70:30,50:50,30:70,0:100).结果表明,不同硝铵比对不同元素根系吸收和地上部利用的影响不同,较高比例的铵态氮有利于根系中P、K,Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn等元素的吸收,却抑制了地上部K、Ca、Mg、Fe的积累和利用;硝铵比30:70有利于地上部P元素的积累,而70:30有利于K的积累;叶片中的Ca在全硝时含量最高,但Mg则在含有硝态氮的所有处理中变化不大;对于叶片中的微量元素,Mn、Zn含量在混合氮源(70:30,50:50,30:70)条件下均保持较高水平;而叶片中的Fe以硝态氮较高比例时含量较高;Cu的含量无论根系还是叶片受硝铵比的影响较小.综合认为,单纯的硝态氮或铵态氮不利于葡萄矿质元素的吸收和运输利用.  相似文献   

为了研究不同氮源对葡萄矿质元素吸收利用的影响,以沙培霞多丽幼苗为试材,设置了硝态氮和铵态氮5种处理比例(100:0,70:30,50:50,30:70,0:100)。结果表明,不同硝铵比对不同元素根系吸收和地上部利用的影响不同,较高比例的铵态氮有利于根系中P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn等元素的吸收,却抑制了地上部K、Ca、Mg、Fe的积累和利用;硝铵比30:70有利于地上部PL素的积累,而70:30有利于K的积累;叶片中的Ca在全硝时含量最高,但Mg则在含有硝态氮的所有处理中变化不大;对于叶片中的微量元素,Mn、Zn含量在混合氮源(70:30,50:50,30:70)条件下均保持较高水平;而叶片中的Fe以硝态氮较高比例时含量较高;Cu的含量无论根系还是叶片受硝铵比的影响较小。综合认为,单纯的硝态氮或铵态氮不利于葡萄矿质元素的吸收和运输利用。  相似文献   

不同负载量对霞多丽葡萄生长发育及酿酒品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索不同负载量对葡萄及葡萄酒品质的影响,对8年生霞多丽进行了不同负载量试验。结果表明,合理降低负载量能提高葡萄品质,增加果实含糖量,葡萄酒感官品质也显著改善;以留穗数为10穗/株(产量700.3kg/667m2)和15穗/株(产量1028.9kg/667m2)处理较优,负载量过大表现较差。综合分析,霞多丽葡萄的适宜负载量为700~1000kg/667m2。  相似文献   

以霞多丽葡萄、苦水玫瑰花为原料,通过混合发酵制得霞多丽玫瑰酒。采用顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱质谱联用技术(HS-SPME/GC-MS)比较分析霞多丽葡萄、苦水玫瑰花、霞多丽玫瑰酒的香气组分构成。霞多丽葡萄中初步分离定性36种化合物,醇类物质居多;苦水玫瑰花中初步分离定性59种化合物,萜烯类物质居多;霞多丽玫瑰酒中初步分离定性56种化合物,醇类和酯类物质种类较多。霞多丽葡萄、苦水玫瑰花和霞多丽玫瑰酒共有香气组分10种;霞多丽玫瑰酒与苦水玫瑰花共有7种香气组分,多为萜烯类及其相应酯类,以苦水玫瑰花特征香气物质为主;霞多丽玫瑰酒与葡萄共有香气组分12种。苦水玫瑰花的添加有助于提高酒的花香品质。   相似文献   

在意大利特伦蒂诺(Trentino)地区两个石灰质土壤葡萄园的霞多丽葡萄上,于成熟期用等离子体质谱仪分析了13种土壤稀有元素(89Y,139La,140Ce,141Pr,146Nd,147Sm,151Eu,157Gd,163Dy,165Ho,167Er,169Tm和171Yb)在果皮、果肉和种子中的含量,两个葡萄园中稀有元素在果粒中的总含量分别为2.1μg/kg和2.7μg/kg鲜重,其中La、Ce和Nd占80%,尽管两个葡萄园中果粒的稀有元素含量明显不同,  相似文献   

通过对霞多丽5种砧穗组合植株施用15N标记的硝酸钙和硫酸铵,研究其对硝态氮和铵态氮的吸收、分配和利用特性.结果表明,所有砧穗组合植株对铵态氮的吸收均显著大于硝态氮.不同砧穗组合对氮形态的敏感性存在差异,SO4组合根系供铵处理的Ndff是供硝处理的3.22倍,而3309C和101-14M组合的两种处理差异仅为1.74倍和2.07倍.供氮形态也影响了不同砧木器官对氮的竞争吸收能力,供硝有利于其地上部新生器官的吸收.不同砧穗组合对两种形态氮的吸收利用也有明显不同,以101-14M和3309C组合对两种形态氮的利用率均较高,而SO4组合则更喜好铵态氮,对硝态氮的利用率为最低.两氮形态处理不同砧穗组合各器官的15N分配率均有着相同的趋势,大体为叶>根>当年生枝>砧木茎>品种茎,多数组合叶的15N分配率达到50%以上.  相似文献   

酿酒葡萄果实品质是酿造葡萄酒风格与典型性的关键因素,以霞多丽4个营养系为试验材料,对4个营养系的果实不同时期不同部位酚类含量和成熟期香气物质进行分析比较。结果表明,在果实完全成熟时,霞多丽277可溶性固形物、皮肉比显著高于其他3个营养系;霞多丽76固酸比、果形指数显著高于其他3个营养系。在盛花后40 d至果实成熟期,霞多丽96果皮中黄烷醇含量、总类黄酮含量均显著高于其他3个营养系;在果实成熟期,霞多丽96果皮和果肉中单宁含量显著高于其他3个营养系,霞多丽277的果肉中总类黄酮含量、黄烷醇含量显著高于其他3个营养系。霞多丽葡萄4个营养系在果实成熟期共检测出96种挥发性香气物质,霞多丽76果实中酯类香气种类最为丰富;霞多丽76果实中花香、水果香的香气活力值显著高于其他3个营养系。在黄土高原栽培条件下,霞多丽96和霞多丽277可作为高酚类霞多丽营养系,霞多丽76可作为高香气霞多丽营养系。  相似文献   

‘霞多丽’葡萄果粒大小对果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酿酒葡萄果实品质和葡萄酒质量与果粒大小密切相关。本实验以云南香格里拉、宁夏玉泉营、山东烟台和新疆五家渠4 个产区的酿酒葡萄‘霞多丽’(Vitis vinifera L. cv. Chardonnay)为试材,按粒径分为大果粒(粒径大于14 mm)、中果粒(粒径14~12 mm)和小果粒(粒径小于12 mm)3 个等级,分别测定各粒径范围果实分布比例、果皮鲜质量、果实鲜质量以及果实可滴定酸、还原糖质量浓度和总酚含量等主要品质指标,并对果实品质进行主成分分析。结果表明:‘霞多丽’在4 个产区中果实多为中、小果粒,单果粒种子数及单粒种子质量均随粒径的增大而增加;可滴定酸质量浓度均在大果粒中较高;总酚和单宁含量除新疆五家渠葡萄表现为大果粒较高外,其他3 个产区均为小果粒较高;黄酮醇类总量在宁夏玉泉营葡萄中表现为小果粒较高,其他产区则为中果粒较高;黄烷醇类总量在云南香格里拉和新疆五家渠葡萄中表现为小果粒较高,宁夏玉泉营葡萄为中果粒较高,山东烟台葡萄则为大果粒较高。结论:主成分分析得出宁夏玉泉营的小果粒‘霞多丽’葡萄综合品质得分最高,新疆五家渠的大果粒‘霞多丽’葡萄综合品质得分最低;除山东烟台产区表现为大果粒‘霞多丽’葡萄得分较高外,其他3 个产区的‘霞多丽’葡萄综合品质得分都表现为小果粒>中果粒>大果粒。  相似文献   

【目的】为明确最有利于烤烟和白肋烟氮素利用的氮素形态配比。【方法】采用盆栽的方法,以烤烟品种中烟100和白肋烟品种TN90为材料,设置5个硝态铵态氮比例(T1:NO3-:NH4+=100:0;T2:NO3-:NH4+=75:25;T3:NO3-:NH4+=50:50;T4:NO3-:NH4+=25:75;T5:NO3-:NH4+=0:100),测定各处理的生物量、色素含量、硝酸还原酶(nitrate reductase,NR)和谷氨酰胺合成酶(glutamine synthetase,GS)活性、NH4+-N含...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Agaricus blazei Murrill has become a popular food source of high nutritional and medicinal value in many Asian countries. However, there are growing health concerns on cadmium (Cd) accumulation by A. blazei. Experiments were conducted to investigate Cd accumulation patterns in A. blazei and to identify key factors contributing to Cd accumulation. RESULTS: Cd concentrations in the substrates and subsequent fruit bodies declined rapidly after the first, second and third harvest wave. A quick rinse of the fruit bodies in water reduced the Cd concentration by 27–54% depending on the strain. The Cd concentration in the fruit bodies decreased as the fruit body yield m?2 or fruit body number m?2 increased, while it increased as the substrate Cd content or fruit body size increased. Cd accumulation was positively associated with phosphorus (P) uptake. CONCLUSION: The results suggests that, in the A. blazei‐growing region studied, Cd and P concentrations in the substrates and casing soil should be reduced in order to effectively minimise Cd accumulation in the fruit bodies. It is also necessary to improve fruit body yield by increasing the number of medium‐sized fruit bodies. Overgrowth of individual fruit bodies stimulates Cd accumulation in A. blazei. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Cadmium accumulation in Scenedesmus vacuolatus under freshwater conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cd accumulation in cultures of Scenedesmus vacuolatus, a freshwater alga, was investigated in water samples from freshwater systems (two hard- and one softwater system) and compared to accumulation from synthetic culture medium. The Cd accumulation in S. vacuolatus was compared to total, labile, and free Cd measured by various analytical methods. In the hardwater samples, Cd accumulation was similar to accumulation from the culture medium and approximately followed the free ion activity model. In the softwater system, Cd accumulation increased with increasing free and total Cd concentrations, but was lower than expected from the free Cd2+ concentrations compared to the other freshwaters and culture media. Cd accumulation in the various freshwaters was not simply related to labile and free Cd concentrations measured by several methods. From experiments using fulvic acid as a ligand in the culture medium, no influence on Cd accumulation other than by modifying the Cd speciation was detected. Modeling of the Cd uptake revealed that besides cation and proton competition, other factors such as dissolved organic carbon composition and the presence of colloids might reduce Cd accumulation in softwater systems.  相似文献   

生物炭与化肥氮配施对土壤氮素及烤烟利用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  目的  为探讨施用生物炭对土壤氮素及烤烟对氮素利用的影响。  方法  2015-2016年在河南省方城县金叶园大田条件下,设置了添加生物炭后不同氮水平,研究对土壤硝态氮、铵态氮、碱解氮以及烤烟对氮素吸收积累的影响。  结果  在烟株生育期内,添加生物炭后显著提高了土壤硝态氮含量。2015年硝态氮含量最高达到铵态氮含量的15.72倍,2016年为34.56倍;2016年提高无机氮含量达6.70%~52.47%;添加生物炭对土壤碱解氮含量在烤烟生长前期有一定的提高作用,而在烟株打顶后有效降低了其含量,有利于顺应土壤供氮与烤烟需要适时落黄成熟规律。施加生物炭后,烤烟氮素积累速率前期较高,后期下降。连续施用2年后,氮素利用率可高达49.14%和47.62%。  结论  生物炭与氮肥配施,提高了土壤氮素含量,增施生物炭减少15%化肥氮仍能提高烤烟氮素利用,且连续施用对氮素固持和提高烤烟利用率效果明显。   相似文献   

Monitoring of nutrient status of crops is essential for better management of crop production. Nitrogen is one of the most important elements in fertilizer for the growth and yield of vegetable crops. In this study, nitrogen content of cabbage seedlings was evaluated using hyper-spectral images. Cabbage seedlings, cultured at five nitrogen fertilization levels, were planted in the 128-cell plug trays and grown in a phytotron at National Taiwan University. The images, ranged from 410 to 1,090 nm, of cabbage seedlings were analyzed by a hyper-spectral imaging system consisting of CCD cameras with liquid crystal tunable filters (LCTF), which was developed in this study. The digital images of seedling canopies were processed including image segmentation, gray level calibration and absorbance conversion. Models including modified partial least square regression (MPLSR), step-wise multi-linear regression (SMLR) and artificial neural network with cross-learning strategy (ANN-CL) were developed for the determination of the nitrogen content in cabbage seedlings. The three significant wavelengths derived from SMLR model are 470, 710, and 1,080; and the best result is obtained by ANN-CL model, in which rc = 0.89, SEC = 6.41 mg/g, rv = 0.87, and SEV = 6.96 mg/g. The ANN-CL model is more suitable for the remote sensing in precision agriculture applications because not only its model accuracy but also only 3 wavelengths are needed. This paper has been presented in the conference on “Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods II”, this conference is part of the SPIE Optics East event which was held 9–12 September 2007 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, Massachusetts USA.  相似文献   

研究了海滨中度盐土条件下海滨锦葵的干物质积累、养分吸收与产量的关系。结果表明,海滨锦葵各生育期的干物质积累量大小依次为灌浆期〉成熟期〉开花期〉现蕾期〉苗期。氮磷钾的吸收量在整个生育期遵循"慢-快-慢"的规律,吸收速率呈现先升后降的趋势,最高峰出现在灌浆期。整个生育期海滨锦葵对氮、磷的吸收量是果〉叶〉茎,对钾的吸收量是果〉茎〉叶。在海滨盐土中等盐分土壤(0.4%~0.5%)上种植海滨锦葵,每生产100kg籽粒需氮8.5kg、磷1.0kg、钾5.3kg,氮磷钾吸肥比例为1∶0.1∶0.6。  相似文献   

Losses of nitrogen (N) when cultivating plants may cause a number of adverse environmental effects. N losses from conifer nurseries, for instance, may have a considerable impact on the local environment, and studies indicate that the bulk of added N is not recovered in the cultivated plants. This study was conducted to obtain insight into the causes of the low recovery and to test an alternative N fertilizer. Hence, growth of the economically important Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris (L).) seedlings and the recovery of different forms of added nitrogen (N) were investigated in a greenhouse experiment. Containerized seedlings were grown in peat for one summer, with two different N fertilizers, one organic (arginine) and one inorganic (a commercial fertilizer (CF) containing a mixture of ammonium and nitrate) each at an N concentration of 3 mM. At the end of the growth period, some seedlings were labeled with solutions containing either U-[13C6], [15N4]-arginine, (15NH4)2SO4, or K15NO3 supplied to the growth substrate. Labeled seedlings were harvested 1 h, 5 days, and 19 days after tracer addition, and the recovery of each added nitrogen source in both the seedlings and the growth substrate was measured. The retention of the three N forms during discharge of solutions from the growth substrate, peat, was tested in a separate experiment. Arginine-fed seedlings grew better and had higher needle N concentrations than the CF-fed seedlings. Isotopic data showed that the arginine treatment gave significantly higher N recoveries (80%) compared to the CF treatment (50%). The low recovery of N in the CF treatment was largely due to very low recovery (30%) of NO3- -N. The retention of the different N forms during discharge of solutions from the growth substrate was highest for arginine, somewhat lower for NH44+, and very low for NO3-. The high rate of seedling growth and the small nitrogen losses observed when using arginine suggest that this amino acid may be an efficient and environmentally favorable N source for cultivating conifer seedlings.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对油菜幼苗离子吸收和分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以宝杂油1号和本课题组选育品系南盐油11号为材料,比较了100和200mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫10d对两个甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)品种(系)幼苗生长及其离子吸收和分配的效应。结果表明,盐胁迫明显抑制油菜幼苗的生长,其中南盐油11号的耐盐性明显高于宝杂油1号。盐胁迫导致植株盐分(Na+、Cl-)含量上升,地上部Na+、Cl-积累明显高于根系;植株体内K+、Ca2+含量明显降低。盐胁迫下,维持体内较高的K+/Na+、Ca2+/Na+比率,维持较高的SK,Na、SCa,Na(离子吸收和运输的K+、Ca2+、Na+选择性比率)是南盐油11号耐盐性高于宝杂油1号的重要原因。  相似文献   

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