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城市建筑景观是城市中重要的组成成分,是一个城市生命力的体现。本文从城市建筑景观的构成各部分分别入手探讨,建筑单体,建筑立面,建筑与基址的关系,标志性建筑,城市中的建筑和建筑的夜景。继而分析了城市的景观功能,以及国内外优秀的城市景观,最后论述了城市景观的重要性。  相似文献   

本文在介绍城市建筑空间概念的基础上,分析了城市建筑空间设计与建筑管理的关系,提出了城市建筑空间设计要点,阐述了提升城市建筑空间设计和管理水平基本途径,以供同行借鉴。  相似文献   

城市建筑空间设计与建筑管理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了城市建筑设计及空间环境设计的内涵及外延,强调了“以人为本”的设计理念。概括了城市建筑空间的概念及城市空间设计的要素,并对城市建筑空间设计与建筑管理的关系进行了探讨,提出了不断完善和提高城市建筑空间设计和建筑管理水平的措施和思路。  相似文献   

伟伟 《城市建筑》2014,(23):33-33
本文在介绍城市建筑空间概念的基础上,分析了城市建筑空间设计与建筑管理的关系,提出了城市建筑空间设计要点,阐述了提升城市建筑空间设计和管理水平基本途径,以供同行借鉴。  相似文献   

阐述了城市建筑设计及空间环境设计的内涵及外延,强调了“以人为本”的设计理念。概括了城市建筑空间的概念及城市空间设计的要素,并对城市建筑空间设计与建筑管理的关系进行了探讨,提出了不断完善和提高城市建筑空间设计和建筑管理水平的措施和思路。  相似文献   

徐勇 《城市建筑》2014,(15):34-34
城市建筑不仅代表着城市建设的发展水平,更是一个国家形象的体现。城市建筑规划是城市建筑的一个重要组成部分,是城市建筑工程开启前的必要准备。本文从城市建筑规划存在的问题和做好城市建筑规划的措施两个方面,对其进行了阐述。  相似文献   

混沌和分形理论揭示了建筑和城市演化的图景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建筑和城市的发展是继承的发展,遵循迭代机制,而迭代机制是混沌和分形理论的基础,混沌和分形理论是研究建筑和城市的重要工具。建筑和城市的演化具有初值敏感性、分岔、内在随机性、奇怪吸引子、自相似等特性。初值敏感性揭示出创新是建筑和城市发展的源泉;分岔揭示出建筑和城市的发展具有多种可能性;内在随机性揭示了建筑和城市应动态规划和动态设计,并建立有效的反馈机制;奇怪吸引子揭示了建筑和城市的发展遵循发散和收敛机制,收敛机制表现为选择,建立科学的选择机制是建筑和城市健康发展的关键;自相似性揭示了建筑和城市的发展不是组成元素简单放大的过程,而是层次不断增加的过程,而且部分和整体之间具有自相似的特性。混沌和分形揭示了建筑和城市演化的图景。  相似文献   

正建筑城市文化"建筑城市文化"涵盖了多重意义。"建筑"可以被理解为一个动词,建筑城市文化是一个直接的创造行为,这一过程会令城市面貌焕然一新。如果把"建筑城市文化"理解为三个单词的组合,那么"建筑"、"城市"和"文化"都是建筑规划的最基本要素,引起不断的调查和解读。OMA亚洲是个设计平台,旨在把"建筑城市文化"解读成一系列设计策略和知识,应用于亚洲及亚洲以外地区的城市建筑与规划。  相似文献   

浅谈城市公共空间与公共建筑的城市价值演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地域性是城市文化和价值的集中体现,城市文化特色来源于城市的历史底蕴、城市的地理环境与人文环境以及丰富多彩的市民生活形态,而城市公共空间则是城市体现城市文化的舞台,城市中的建筑塑造了城市公共空间,同时城市公共空间则成为了建筑表达地域性的土壤。关注城市公共空间的建筑反映了城市市民日常活动的特点,是当代建筑和城市形成地域特色的基础,良好的建筑与城市公共空间的关系不仅是满足多样化、地域性的城市生活的前提,同时也可以激发人们的激情和创造力,从而上演更加生动的城市生活场景,人们的生活特色造就了城市的文化、文化造就了地域性,建筑在其中起到了重要的催化作用。  相似文献   

建筑的演变与城市的发展密切相关,建筑与城市关系的论述在西方城市建筑理论中占有重要地位。通过对这些理论的梳理和分析,可以归为三种基本类型,即基于形体秩序的城市建筑理论,基于一般系统论的城市建筑理论,以及基于复杂系统论的城市建筑理论。这些理论的发展反映了人们对城市微观元素与城市系统关系的认知变化,为处理当今城市建筑锲入城市的策略与方法提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Medium Density Housing (MDH) is a relatively new form of housing in New Zealand where the standalone house on a separate lot has traditionally been revered. This paper reports on the findings of a research project on Ambrico Place, a major MDH initiative in Waitakere City, one of four cities in the Auckland metropolitan area. This case study explores the development of a site that has been significantly influenced by new urbanist principles. The paper provides an overview of the historical and political context influencing the take up of MDH in Auckland. It briefly reviews theory and principles arising from new urbanist movements then describes the Ambrico Place Research Project. Next, it explores three interrelated issues, relevant to new urbanism, that arose from the research; the quality of the built environment, community and social interaction, and transport patterns of MDH residents. Implications for planning are identified. Finally, three problems are noted: the uncritical and incoherent implementation of new urbanist principles; the contradiction between the drives for both diversity and homogeneity in the built environment; and the tensions arising from the application of an environmental effects-based approach to planning in an urban setting.  相似文献   

Traditional measures of housing affordability are expressed solely as a function of housing cost and income. This one-dimensional view of affordability ignores transportation costs, which represent a sizable proportion of household expenditure. Conventional measures are problematic due to the extent to which housing location influences transportation costs. Consequently, narrowly construed definitions of housing affordability are misleading indicators of housing stress. This study quantitatively examines intra-metropolitan combined housing and transport affordability in Auckland, New Zealand. The research utilises disaggregate zonal data to develop comprehensive indicators of commuting costs. These indicators are applied to give an integrated affordability index for each statistical area unit within Auckland City. The results suggest that once commuting costs are incorporated into measures, a very different pattern of affordability emerges.  相似文献   

Cities are largely designed for adults and cars, not children. Auckland City's new ‘children first’ approach signals a shift in policy focus to consider the needs of children. The authors' ‘Kids in the City’ research is helping inform this approach by providing policy-relevant information about children's use and experiences of nine Auckland neighbourhoods, suburban and inner-city, using trip diaries, child-led walk-along interviews and discussion groups. The children were neighbourhood key informants and co-producers of knowledge who reported on their environments, discussed what they liked and disliked, their safety concerns and their limited mobility, and made suggestions for more ‘child-friendly’ neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

Pedro  F  Marcelino  武秀伟 《景观设计》2008,(2):36-43
马努考(毛利族人对涉水鸟的称呼)市位于新西兰北岛上,奥克兰大区内,马努考市中心在29世纪70年代初期是一处新开发的区域。20世纪70年代初期是一处新开发的区域。20世纪80年代末,Botta Miskell公司曾经对马努考市中心的街区进行了翻修工作。  相似文献   

This article identifies issues around the Auckland Region's strategy for urban intensification and discusses the ensuing policy implications. Medium density housing forms an important element of the strategy for growth management. Implications for its success are primarily drawn from research into a major housing development in Waitakere City. It is argued that for ideological, political and technical reasons the strategy could be easily undermined. The article also suggests that something of a paradigm shift is underway in urban planning.  相似文献   

Housing research has mostly addressed notions of housing qualities either from a quantitative approach or through the provision and availability of housing. The literature has predominantly focused on physical structures, often neglecting residents’ experiences of the built environment. Including individuals’ perceptions of their dwelling environment can add insights valuable to planning and design efforts which are aimed at providing good ‘quality’ and need to be taken into account in concepts of housing quality. The present study considers the housing qualities of a suburban built environment as psychological and socio-cultural aspects that are experienced by residents. Owner-occupants’ perceptions of housing quality are illustrated through the use of ‘tag clouds’ that represent visual dwelling-quality profiles. They highlight which attributes of the occupants’ living environment are meaningful to them and how they achieve a greater sense of belonging in the dwelling as well as in the neighbourhood. This paper draws on results from in-depth interviews and brainstorming about housing qualities with 19 owner-occupants in the suburb of Farm Cove in Manukau City in the Auckland Region, New Zealand. Two predominant age groups were identified in this case study: the elderly long-term residents who moved to the area in the 1970s during the time of suburbanization; and families in their thirties and early forties who moved to the area in recent years. The paper reveals a shift in experienced housing qualities from tangible among the younger cohort towards more intangible qualities among the elderly. An assessment of the findings suggests a need for future planning which caters for more heterogeneous housing qualities.  相似文献   

This article identifies issues around the Auckland Region's strategy for urban intensification and discusses the ensuing policy implications. Medium density housing forms an important element of the strategy for growth management. Implications for its success are primarily drawn from research into a major housing development in Waitakere City. It is argued that for ideological, political and technical reasons the strategy could be easily undermined. The article also suggests that something of a paradigm shift is underway in urban planning.  相似文献   

The nature and politics of urban development in Auckland have undergone rapid transformation following amalgamation of eight separate authorities in 2010. Institutions governing metropolitan planning and infrastructure provision were rescaled to form the Auckland ‘Super City’ Council in 2010, with an ambitious vision to become the world's most liveable city and ongoing political contestation between the local and central government. Amalgamation of Auckland's governance was conceived and imposed by the central government as part of a broader economic strategy for “competitive cities”. However, Auckland Council's first strategic plan adopted a contrasting agenda, centred around the goal of “liveability”. Auckland's recent developments illustrate the challenges of a distinctly post-suburban polity. The majority of employment is located in suburban areas and the city has variegated and overlapping patterns in spatial form generated through inconsistent infrastructure interventions across local and national authorities. Conflicting urban policy agenda at national and local scales shows a tension between the pursuit of economic development and provision for collective needs. The politics of post-suburban development create specific challenges for Auckland's governance. Liveability and economic competitiveness are treated as complementary terms in political rhetoric, however trade-offs emerge at a smaller spatial scales. Public concern over housing affordability and risks to the financial stability of New Zealand's economy have led to central government intervention and renegotiation of authority between different tiers of government for land use and infrastructure provision. Auckland's position as New Zealand's largest city and economic centre frequently blurs the distinction between issues of local and national significance. Auckland's governance challenges are not unique, however the current tensions are exacerbated by its dominance in a small and geographically-isolated nation.  相似文献   

公众参与是现代城市公园规划建设的一项重要议题。新西兰植物园建设管理成果显著,产生了良好的社会价值,对城市公共生活和生态环境发挥了重要的作用,这得益于新西兰围绕“植物园之友”展开的全面、系统的公众参与机制。以新西兰奥克兰植物园为例,阐述其依据公众调查信息完善规划与建设的措施与做法,剖析“植物园之友”制度下植物园公众参与的管理体系、公众活动组织和运营养护的方法,总结公众参与下新西兰植物园的建设经验。针对中国植物园发展中面临的问题,从提高公众参与度、培育社区合作组织、构建公众参与体系三方面探讨了中国植物园如何建立广泛、有效的公共参与机制,实现植物园的多元化服务效益和文化潜能,推进我国公园城市的建设与发展。  相似文献   

This is a story of how economic reforms in New Zealand since the mid-1980s changed conditions for investment in the property sector and have periodically distorted Auckland's housing market. The contribution of immigration and funds that migrants have brought with them, and their strong preference for Auckland as a destination, also help to account for the growth of Auckland and activity levels in the housing market. The opening up of the New Zealand economy in the last two decades has exposed Auckland to growth pressures that are now evident in the city's labour and housing markets.  相似文献   

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