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A numerical model for calculating the turbulent flow in tee-junction is given in thispaper.The calculations are performed using a finite-difference procedure,and turbulence is ac-counted for by using a two-equation k-ε model of turbulence.Results,consisting of mean veloci-ty profiles and pressure losses due to the junction,have been obtained,and show that the flowsituation in tee-junction is very complex.The computed results agree closely with the experimen-tal data and validate that the present model is reasonable and the numerical calculations are suc-cessful.  相似文献   

A finite volume method is employed to predict the turbulent flow in irregular domains, In handling the irregu-lar solution domain an algebraic nonorthogonal transformation along with the orthogonal body-surface coordinate ispresented, which avoids the task of numerically generating the grid and also extends the scope of solution domainas compared with that of [1], The modified κ-ε turbulence model is adopted to account for the Coriolis forcecaused by the system rotation. Three examples with or without rotation effects are presented.  相似文献   

A model that incorporates the important phenomena in the annular gas-water flow through the Venturi tube is presented. A series of experiments are carried out to measure the flow and heat transfer characteristics in cold and hot conditions. Comparison between numerical and experimental results shows good agreement.  相似文献   

Fully developed vertical turbulent channel flow with particle transport was investigated by use of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach coupled with dynamic the SubGrid Scale (SGS) model. It was assumed that the motion of each particle is followed in a Lagrangian frame of reference driven by the forces exerted by fluid motion and gravity under the condition of one-way coupling. The goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the I.ES technique for predicting particle transport in turbulent flow and the behavior of particle-laden turbulent channel flow for three kinds of particles at different Stokes numbers. To depict the behavior of particle-laden turbulent channel flow, statistical quantities including particle fluctuation and fluid-particle velocity correlation, and visualization of the particle number density field were analyzed.  相似文献   

Steady water surface profile of gradually varied flow can be calculated using ei-ther a steady flow approach or an unsteady flow approach. The steady flow approach requires it-erative procedures which may have convergence problems unless the step size 1x is less than amaximum value △x. The unsteady flow approach based on the explicit characteristic method hasa stability problem unless △x is less than △x. A series of numerical experiments were carried outand the results of two approaches are compared.  相似文献   

In this paper, the simulations of the three-di-mensional turbulent flows through hydraulic turbine compo-nents[1] were conducted based on the standard k-ε turbulentmodel with body-fitted coordinates and staggering grid sys-tem. The SIMPLEC algorithm was adopted in the numericalprocedure. A new method to treat the periodic boundary con-dition was used. The calculated results of the new methodwere compared with those of traditional ones. These resultsindicate that the new method can give much better results,and can be used in simulating flow through rotational impel-lers. The presented method can be combined with alternativeturbulent model or employed in large eddy simulation.  相似文献   

AMODELOFWATER,VAPORANDHEATFLOWINPOROUSMEDIA¥YangJin-zhong;CaIShu-ying(WuhanUniversityofHydraulicandElectricEngineering,Wuhan4...  相似文献   

l.INrnODUCT1oNFlowintherotatingductisakindofphenomenonofturbulentflow,whichisoftenfoundintheengineeringapplications,suchasinthecentrifugalcompressor,centrifugalpumpandturbomachinery.Theinvestigationontheductflowisveryimportantfortheen-gineeringpracticejustasthequalityofflowintheductmakesbiginfluenceontheperfor-manceandefficiencyofthemachine.Thestudyontheflowintherotatingductbeganin6os'.JohnsonL1jmeasuredthevelocityofthemainstreaminthetwodimensionalrotatingduct.Comparedwiththeflowinthestati…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONWallerosionoccursinwidely--usedparticletransportsystems,especiallyatbends,whichconstitutesachallengingengineersproblem.Itisthereforeusefultostudyindetailthegas--particleflowandthewallerosioncausedbytheparticlesfortakingeffectivemeasurestoprotectpipesystemsfromwearing.Theexistingresearchworkfocusedoncurvedpipeswithroundcross--section.Onlyafewauthors,forexample,Mason,etal[3),paidattentiontorectangularcross--section,90"bends.Theirpaperspresentedtheexperimentalresults.Thispaper…  相似文献   

NOMENCLATUREuvelocityinxdirectionx,ycoordinatesinphysicalregionvvelocityinydirection$,VcoordinatesincomputationalppressureregionKturbulentkineticenergyJJacobiandeterminantedissipationrateC#,C,,C,,ax,acmedelcoefficientspviscositys(x,y)sourceterminphysicalKturbulentviscosityregionAn=p KR(E,V).sourcetermforupdensityoffluidR($,V).sourcetermforvP=p AforuandvR(E,V).sourcetermforKP=p A/o.forKR(E,V)'sourcetermforer=p A/4fore1.INTRODUCT1oNWiththedevelopmentofhigh-presssurejettechnolo…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONTurbulent flows with heat transfer in rotatingframe exist in a variety of industrial , geophysicaland astrophysical applications . The rotation in-duces additional body forces ,i .e .,centrifugal andCoriolis forces , acting on the turbulent…  相似文献   

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of fully developed turbulent channel flow with heat transfer was performed to investigate the effects of the Reynolds number on the turbulence behavior. In the present study, the bottom wall of the channel was cooled and the top wall was heated. The Reynolds numbers, based on the central mean-velocity and the half-width of the channel, were chosen as 4000, 6000, 104 and 2×104, and the Prandtl number as 1.0. To validate our calculations, the present results were compared with available data obtained by Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), which proves to be in good agreement with each other. To reveal the effects of the Reynolds number, some typical quantities, including the velocity fluctuations, temperature fluctuation, heat fluxes and turbulent Prandtl number, were studied.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONFreesurface turbulent flow exists widely in engineering. Due to difficulties in measurement and simulation, very little has been understood about the structures and transport mechanism of turbulence near the freesurface. Komori and Ueda…  相似文献   

A new-type corrugation Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) was designed. Results from both numerical simulations and experiments showed that the flow resistance of the working fluid in this new corrugation PHE, compared with the traditional chevron-type one, was decreased by more than 50%, and corresponding heat transfer performance was decreased by about 25%. The flow field of the working fluid in the corrugation PHE was transformed and hence performance difference in both flow resistance and heat transfer was generated. Such a novel plate, consisting of longitudinal and transverse corrugations, can effectively avoid the problem of flow path blockage, which will help to extend the application of PHEs to the situation with unclean working fluids.  相似文献   

The flow and convected heat transfer of the Oldroyd-B fluids in a rotating curved pipe with circular cross-section were investigated by employing a perturbation method. A perturbation solution up to the second order was obtained for a small curvature ratio, κ. The variations of axial velocity distribution and secondary flow structure with F, Re and We were discussed in detail in order to investigate the combined effects of the three parameters on flow structure. The combined effects of the Coriolis force, inertia force and elastic force on the temperature distribution were also analyzed, which are greater than the adding independent effects of the three forces. The variations of the flow rate and Nusselt number with the rotation, inertia and elasticity were examined as well. The results show the characteristics of the heat and mass transfer of the Oldroyd-B fluids in a rotating curved pipe.  相似文献   

Simultaneous development of the laminar flow and heat transfer in helical square ducts was numerically studied. The governing equations were written in an orthogonal helical coordinate system and fully parabolized in the axial direction. Results were found out over a wide range of the governing parameters. Two axial velocity entries were taken into account. The development of secondary flow, axial velocity and temperature distribution for the large Dean number were examined in detail and the effects of different governing parameters on the friction factor and the Nusselt number were annlyzee. Many new and interesting conclusions were reached. The present results reveal the nature of fluid flow and heat transfer in the developing region of helical square ducts.  相似文献   

In this paper two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and energy equation governing incompressible laminar flow past a bundle of cylinders were numerically solved by using the finite element method.The velocity correction method was used for time advancement, and spatial discretization was carried out with the Galerkin weighted residual method.Viscous flows past the cylinder banks arranged in in-line cylinder bundles and staggered cylinder bundles, coupled with heat transfer, were investigated for pitch-diameter ratios of 1.5 and 2.0 and the Reynolds numbers from 50 to 500.Flow structures and heat transfer behavior were discussed.The results obtained agree well with available numerical data.  相似文献   

Pulsating turbulent open channel flow has been investigated by the u.se of I.arge Eddy Simulation (I.ES) technique coupled with dynamic Sub-Grid-Scale (SGS) model for turbulent SGS stress to closure the governing equations.Three-dimensional filtered Navier-Stokes equations are numerically solved by a fractional-- step method. The objective of this study is to deal with the behavior of the pulsating turbulent open channel flow and to examine the reliability of the I.ES approach for predicting the pulsating turbulent flow. In this study, the Reynolds number (Re,) is chosen as 180 based on the friction velocity and the channel depth, The frequency of the driving pressure gradient for the pulsating turbulent flow ranges low, medium and high value, Statistical turbulence quantities as well as the flow structures are analyzed.  相似文献   

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