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<正>Jade Emperor’s birthday was coming.He wanted to measure time to know how old he was.玉皇大帝的生日到了,他想测量一下时间,以便知道自己有多少岁。All the animals arrived.The Emperor decided to have a competition to give a name to each year of the Chinese Zodiac1.所有的动物都到了,玉帝决定举行一个比赛,来决定每一年的生肖名称。The rat and the cat couldn’t swim very  相似文献   

<正>Once there was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of serenity.Many artists tried.The king looked at all the pictures.But there were only two he really liked,and he had to choose between them.从前有一个国王,他要悬赏一位能画出表现宁静这一主题的最好的画的画家。很多画家都一试身手,国王看了所有的画,但是只有两幅画他真的很喜欢,国王必须两者选其一。One picture was of a calm lake.The lake was a perfect mirror for serene towering mountains  相似文献   

<正>“每每踏上旅途,他便得以更客观地审视自己的生活。他总能在旅途中保持清醒,并做出平时无法做出的决断。”——保罗·鲍尔斯,《遮蔽的天空》"Whenever he was en route from one place to another,he was able to look at his life with a little more objectivity than usual.It was often on trips that he thought most clearly,and made the decisions that he could not reach when he was stationary."-Paul Bowles,The Sheltering Sky  相似文献   

<正>Once upon a time a man had heard that in a place far away,there was a holy~1 flame~2burning.So he left his home to find the holy flame and bring some back home.He thought,"When I have this light,then I will have happiness and all the people I love will have it too."曾经有一个男人听说在一个遥远的地方那儿有一束圣火在燃烧。于是,他离开家去寻找那束圣火并带一些回家。他心想:"当我拥有这束圣火时,我将拥有幸福,并且所有我爱的人都会拥有。"  相似文献   

<正>Once there lived a dog.He was very greedy.There were many times that he had to pay for his greed.Each time the dog promised himself,"I have learnt my lesson.Now I will never be greedy again."But he soon forgot his promises and was as greedy as ever.从前有一条狗,它非常贪婪。有很多次它都不得不为自己的贪婪付出代价。每次它都和自己保证道:"我已经吸取教训了。现在我永远不会再贪心了。"但它很快就忘记了自己的承诺,一如既往地贪婪。  相似文献   

<正>Bedtime Pray Julie was saying her bedtime prayers."Please God,"she said,"Make Naples the capital of Italy.Make Naples the capital of Italy."Her mother interrupted and said,"Julie,why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?"Julie replied,"Because that’s what I put in my geography exam."睡前祷告朱莉叶在做睡前祷告。"求求上帝,"她说,"让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。"她的妈妈打断她,说:"朱莉叶,你为什么求上帝让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都呢?"  相似文献   

<正>Once,in the long-ago days,tricky young Tyl decided that he needed some money.To get it,he had to find a job.But Tyl really didn't want to work.在很久以前,狡黠的小提尔觉得他需要钱。要挣钱,他就得找份活干。可是提尔就是不想干活。The young man told the town tailor:"I want to be your apprentice."这个年轻人就对镇上的裁缝说:"我想做您的学徒。"The tailor was a busy man.Business was  相似文献   

<正>The Teacher’s Notation During a Christmas exam,one of the questions was,"What causes a depression?"One of the students wrote,"God knows,I don’t know.Merry Christmas."The exam paper came back with teacher’s notation:"God gets 100,you get zero.Happy New Year."老师的批语在圣诞节考试期间,有一个问题是:"什么引起萧  相似文献   

<正>In the animal city of Zootopia,a fast-talking fox goes on the run when he’s framed1for a crime2he didn’t do.Zootopia’s top police officer,a rabbit runs after him.But when both become the targets of a conspiracy3,they have to team up.At last,they become best friends.在一个动物居住的大都会里,一只说话速度特别溜的狐狸被人栽赃嫁祸之后踏上了亡  相似文献   

<正>John Sullivan has based the story of his picture book, Kitten and the Night Watchman, on real events from his life. This sweet narrative follows a kind night watchman who waves goodbye to his family as the sun sets and heads to a construction site to work alone under deep blue skies. But he has a friend at the work site—a small homeless kitten to whom he carefully tends~1.约翰·沙利文的图书《小猫和守夜人》中的故事,基于他生活中的真实事件。这个甜蜜的  相似文献   

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