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This paper aims at figuring out some of the misperceptions of Chinese people about North American culture and giving a detailed analysis of the reasons of those misperceptions from cultural perspective. At the same time, recommendations for reducing the misperceptions in understanding different cultures are provided in the paper. Some related cultural models will be applied to analyze the deep reasons of the misperceptions.  相似文献   

<正>America美国An American woman living in Wisconsin volunteered to teach English to a Japanese woman who had moved into the same community."Before each lesson,and on every visit,"the American reported,"the Japanese lady brought me a gift—a book,some paper sculpture,flowers,or candy.It was embarrassing."一位居住在威斯康星州的美国女士自告奋  相似文献   

<正>一、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Do you have the ability to live cheaply?Now here’s a true story of an American girl,Sarah.1 Sarah left university,she began to live in New York City on her own.She found a job in a publishing house,but the salary was 2$30,000 a year.Her parents thought her life would  相似文献   

Prof. Chuangbing Zhou received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Hohai University in 1984 and 1987, respectively, and PhD degree from Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering (WHEE) in 1995. He was a teaching assistant from 1987-1988 and a lecturer from 1989-1991 at WHEE.He was promoted to associate professor in 1991 and full professor in 1996. At present, he is a full professor  相似文献   

The aim of the research in the paper was to study redlining practice within the greater Johannesburg area. The aim can be summarised by the following objectives: firstly, to investigate the evidence of redlining in the Greater Johannesburg area and to test its existence; secondly, to investigate the reasons why the areas were redlined; thirdly, to understand what the South Africa government and society did to combat the redlining practice. The research methodology was based on a questionnaire and interviews. A pool of respondents from the Greater Johannesburg suburbs that had interest or were affected by the practice of redlining was sought and interviewed. Analysis of the responses was made and conclusions were drawn from the responses. Secondary data was also sought from publications on the redlining practice to support the primary interviews data. From the interview responses and the secondary data, it was established that redlining existed in Greater Johannesburg and that the areas where redlining was practised could be marked on a map.  相似文献   

An emerging issue in Denmark is passive smoking in residential buildings where non-smokers are exposed to smoke from their neighbours. There are various ways that smoke is transferred from one flat to another. The air transfer rate between two flats in a multi-storey building depends on its construction, tightness and age. This paper presents results of a study on the transfer of ultrafine particles and tracer gas in an older multi-storey building in Copenhagen. The aim of the study was to quantify the transfer ofultrafine particles and gases from one flat to another fiat before and after sealing the floor. A new floor-sealing method was applied to seal the floor between the two flats. The sealing method was developed by a firm specialising in sealing. Indoor ultrafine particle concentrations and tracer gas were measured continuously in the two fiats during the measuring periods. In the unoccupied fiat, the gas source was N20 and the particle source was burning cigarettes. Reduction of the concentration of ultrafine particles and tracer gas by sealing the floor with polyethylene and joint filler made of bitumen was studied. It was evaluated how the sealing performed with regard to decreasing the amount of ultrafine particles and a tracer gas transferred between two fiats separated by a floor. When the floor between the flats was not sealed, the results showed that about 4% of the ultraflne particles and 14% of the tracer gas were transferred. After sealing, the amount transferred was reduced to 1.6% and 5%, respectively.  相似文献   

<正>In the tight confines~1 of a cement enclosure~2, a dolphin swam a repeated pattern of circles.It was twilight and she was alone in the tank.在水泥围成的狭小空间里,一只海豚游来游去,一圈一圈地重复着。天黑了,只有它一个人在水箱里。Earlier that day, she had performed her tricks for the people that flocked to see her, and  相似文献   

The bentonite barrier of underground repositories for high-level radioactive waste will be hydrated by the groundwater while it is subjected to high temperatures due to the radioactive decay of the wastes.These changes of temperature affect the hydraulic and mechanical responses of bentonite,which has important effects on design and performance of repositories.The temperature influence on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of bentonite was studied in this paper by experiments,which were carried out with the Spanish FEBEX bentonite compacted at dry densities expected in the repository (from 1.5 to 1.8 Mg/m 3 ).The dependence of the swelling strains of bentonite on the temperature has been measured from 30°C to 90°C.At high temperatures the swelling capacity of clay slightly decreases.Also,a clear decrease of swelling pressure as a function of temperature was observed for the same dry densities.Nevertheless,the deformation of bentonite is more dependent on the stress than the temperature.An increase in the permeability of water saturated bentonite with temperature has also been detected.The water retention curves of bentonite compacted at different dry densities were determined under isochoric conditions and in the range of temperatures from 20°C to 120°C.For a given density and water content,the suction decreases as the temperature increases at a rate,which is larger than the one predicted on the basis of water surface tension changing with temperature.Mechanisms related to the physico-chemical interactions that take place at microscopic level,in particular the transfer of interlayer water to the macropores triggered by temperature,seem to explain qualitatively the experimental observations.  相似文献   

The acronym WASP in the United States refers to a descendent of the Caucasian Protestant Christians from England who began immigrating to the Americas in the seventeenth century. This was one the first...  相似文献   

The increase on the competitiveness, the search on the customer satisfaction, the search by reducing waste in the civil construction were facts which helped entrepreneurs and companies to seek new ways of working, being lean construction one of the ways to get that. Studies report that the application of the lean tools in construction was carried out in an isolated way. This type of application was pointed as a major factor limiting the extent of achievement in implementing lean principles. The aim of this studies is to identify opportunities to implement the principles of lean production in the service department of a construction company in Goi~is, proposing routines that try to implement the continuous improvement of its processes, eliminating waste, reducing the lead time, allow it to perform the mapping processes, applying the just-in-time and among others, providing services that add value to the customer satisfaction. It was possible to establish the average time for each step, allowing to identify possible improvements in the department, from the perspective of lean principles. The research paper concludes by pointing out the activities for the Department of Post Construction work from building companies, from lean concepts.  相似文献   

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