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<正>1.The first Winter Olympic Games were held in 1924,in Chamonix,France.1924年,法国城市夏蒙尼举办了第一届冬奥会。2.250 athletes1coming from 16 nations competed2in the 16 events of the first Winter Olympics.16个国家的250名运动员参加了首届冬奥会16个项目的角逐。3.The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi  相似文献   

<正>北京、张家口获得2022年冬奥会主办权2015年7月31日,国际奥委会第128次全会在马来西亚吉隆坡举行。国际奥委会主席巴赫亲自宣布,经过奥委会委员们的无记名投票,中国北京和张家口击败竞争对手哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图,成功获得2022年冬奥会主办权。由此,北京将成为首个既主办过夏季奥运会又主办过冬季奥运  相似文献   

<正>It is one of the greatest honors that can be afforded to an athlete to be a flag bearer.Let’s review who had this honor in Rio Olympic Games.在奥运会开幕式上,为自己的国家高举国旗,并带领国家代表团隆重入场,这是体育界能给予一位运动员的最高荣誉。让我们来回顾一下,里约奥运会上各国代表团的旗手。中国:雷声——奥运会男子花剑冠军  相似文献   

侯建华 《石材》2021,(4):46-48
2022年北京冬季奥运会已经进入了1年倒计时,习近平主席最近也再次亲临冬奥会赛场进行视察、指导.北京冬奥会的脚步已经越来越近了.在这个关键时点,作为曾经的2008北京夏季奥运会的志愿者,见图1,笔者再一次回忆起北京夏季奥运会上的点点滴滴.而对于我们石材人,我再次回忆起曾经亮相北京的古代奥运会上的大理石、花岗石了.  相似文献   

Upon celebrating the 50~(th) anniversary of the Urban Planning Society of China,it is particularly important to learn from the foreign lessons,to summarize the historical experiences, to confront the current challenges and to look out into the future,so as to seriously examine what exactly are the notions to be cherished by China's urban planning profes-  相似文献   

黎方益  段捷 《建筑》2020,(3):20-22
入冬后,2022年北京冬季奥运会工程场馆建设如火如荼,北京赛区核心场馆—国家速滑馆工程现场呈现出一派繁忙的施工场景。从2008年北京夏季奥运会的"鸟巢"到冬季奥运会的"冰丝带",这些建筑无不令人称奇。这两座屹立于奥运核心区的建筑寓意"火""冰",给人们一种恢弘大气的吸引力。  相似文献   

<正>一、奥运经济是张家口的"借势"经济奥运来了,人们关注最多的始终是奥运会本身的盈亏问题,还有就是奥运会举办地的影响等问题。京张联合申办2022年冬奥会无疑给张家口这个欠发达地区迎来一个"借机起势"的发展良机。1984年美国洛杉矶奥运会给洛杉矶这座城市带来了显著的经济效益。美国研究学会在1984年9月调查了此次奥运会对南加利福尼亚地区的经济影响,发现奥运会对该地区的经济促进作用高达32.9  相似文献   

After a general analysis regarding the concept of coal "cleat system", its genetic origin and practical applications to coalbed methane (CBM) commercial production and to C02 geological sequestration projects, the authors have developed a method to answer, quickly and accurately in accordance with the industrial practice and needs, the following yet unanswered questions: (1) how to define the spatial orientation of the different classes of cleats presented in a coal seam and (2) how to determine the frequency of their connectivites. The new available and presented techniques to answer these questions have a strong computer based tool (geographic information system, GIS), able to build a complete georeferentiated database, which will allow to three-dimensionally locate the laboratory samples in the coalfield. It will also allow to better understand the coal cleat system and consequently to recognize the best pathways to gas flow through the coal seam. Such knowledge is considered crucial for understanding what is likely to be the most efficient opening of cleat network, then allowing the injection with the right spatial orientation, of pressurized fluids in order to directly drain the maximum amount of gas flow to a CBM exploitation well. The method is also applicable to the CO2 geological sequestration technologies and operations corresponding to the injection of CO2 sequestered from industrial plants in coal seams of abandoned coal mines or deep coal seams.  相似文献   

Time and cost are two of the most important factors to consider in each construction project. In order to maximize performance, both the client and the contractor will work to optimize both the duration of the project and its cost. We show a model of linear entire mixed programming to solve the considered problem. The aim is to minimize the project total time, by means of the assignment of equipments of work to the different production lines of the activities to realizing. The fundamental beginning is to support the same production (rate of production in meters/day of the activity in view of the equipment of work) for tbe different equipments to achieve the maximum efficiency in each period of time. With the limited availability of resources, the work must be continuous and the period of time between operations and final must be kept. However, this paper also presents the bibliographical study on methodologies of the optimization of construction processes in response to the two objectives: time and cost. This will consider the use of recta-heuristic techniques, such as population based algorithms.  相似文献   

奥运对中国经济的影响力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥运产生的直接经济效益 根据北京奥运会组委会的财政预算,主办2008年北京奥运会将会有16.25亿美元的预算收入,支出为16.09亿美元,收支相抵后可盈利1600万美元(约1.2亿元人民币).这是奥运会带来的直接经济效益.2008年北京奥运会收入主要包括以下部分.  相似文献   

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