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We, the people of planet Earth are heading for extinction. What is more, we deny reality by denying facts. First, we just need to see them and admit their existence. Without doing that, our species cannot survive. This paper presents an artistic vision of Human-Free Earth presented at the exhibition on Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland. The artists, all of them without exception, are showing us how our home will look like very soon. In isolation from the scientific studies presented also at this paper, the works of the artists will seem to be abstract and detached visions of a few people. Yet those visions overlap with current knowledge and so are even more terrifying. Furthermore, a simple analysis was done to prove why people ignore clear signs of environmental changes. Overall, existing papers and reports indicate that restoring nature to the state it was before the industrial revolution is impossible, and without the planetary political will, humankind will share the fate of the species it has already destroyed.  相似文献   

Is minimising the negative effects of human activity on people and the planet enough, or can we aim even higher? Guest-Editor Terri Peters introduces the concept of superarchitecture: architecture that is not merely sustainable, but offers positive benefits for both human wellbeing and the environment. As demonstrated by the three international case studies she presents, it is applicable not only to healthcare architecture, but also to the spaces in which we live and work, and the wider urban realm. At its heart is a deep connection with nature.  相似文献   

自然对人而是多面的,同时人对自然会产生多重认识。基于主客体的复杂联系,人与自然呈现种真实的"多态"关系。当代景观设计实践背后存在着多元自然观的影响。设计师应从"知与行"的角度重新认识自然并反思自己的设计哲学,从而探索基于真实的自然功能、结构和过程的空间形式与表达,维护动态、健康的自然,创造多态而体的设计。  相似文献   

<正>Some people believe that humans could live on the moon in the future.That is because our planet,the earth,is too crowded and polluted.The moon is another ideal place for humans to live in.Scientists will develop plants that can grow on the moon and can produce food,oxygen and water.The gravity on the moon is only oneeighth of that on the earth,so people should wear  相似文献   

李季  李嘉华 《华中建筑》2007,25(1):141-142
良好的空间物理环境是塑造全面人性化空间环境的前提条件.一个空间环境首先得具备舒适的热、声、光环境,满足了人们最基本的生理需求,这个空间环境才能留得住人,才具有人气,从而才能体现人性化.但是我们在创造空间环境的时候往往忽视了物理环境对人性化空间塑造的重要作用.该文通过分析物理环境对人的影响,指出物理环境优化设计对人性化空间环境塑造的重要意义.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effectiveness of protected areas, we developed a general framework to integrate necessary steps into an operational system. In this case study, we applied the framework to the Wolong Biosphere Reserve in Sichuan Province (southwestern China), the largest reserve of Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). We collected data through questionnaire surveys and employed fuzzy modeling to analyze and integrate the data collected. The results revealed that Wolong Biosphere Reserve was moderately effective in nature conservation, especially in the protection of Giant Pandas. But the overall effectiveness of Wolong Biosphere Reserve was not as high as expected because its functions in environmental education, social development and economic development were only marginally effective. Both the overall effectiveness of Wolong Biosphere Reserve and the effectiveness of nature conservation need to be improved.First, efforts should be directed towards improving nature conservation and more specifically on improving the protection of forest ecosystems. To achieve this objective, local farmers in Wolong Biosphere Reserve should become the main group improving nature conservation. In addition, more effective measures should be developed to raise the living standards and the socio-economic status of the local farmers in an environmentally compatible way.Second, environmental education for local people and outsiders should be increased.Furthermore, we need to strengthen basic research and build cooperation among the reserve administration bureau, researchers and other organizations at the local, national and international levels.Finally, we need to improve the living conditions of the local population through education, family planning and healthcare.  相似文献   

桥墩等建筑周围回填区域需使用小型压实机械。因回填区域和其它构造物接壤,容易产生段差和沉降现象,压实作业时需非常注意。无沉降的构筑物和允许一定程度沉降的土方接壤部位,容易产生段差,因此此区域的回填材料需比其它区域材料高一等级,同时有必要采取更加慎重的对策。  相似文献   

景观作为一个整体代表了地球表面的一部分,包括导致其典型形态的所有影响因子和相互关联性。换句话说,景观可以被视为一个生态系统。自然景观被人类干预(通常是农民和农业)到一定程度,即成为文化景观,生态系统演变为农业生态系统,人在这个生态系统中是主要的生态因子。我们今天所看到的文化景观,尤其在中国,是9 000年甚至更长的历史长河中,在自然和人类相互的影响之下逐步地改变、影响或适应特定的生态因子后形成的。由此产生的文化景观反映出人与自然在悠久历史中的相互关系。由于农业必须有定居点的存在,因此典型的文化景观包括土地利用系统以及村庄和建筑。更重要的是,一种长期稳定的文化景观是可持续土地利用的结果,代表了一种内在的审美价值。经由人类活动导致的自然景观向文化景观的转变不应被看作是对自然或自然景观的破坏,而应被理解为对景观的(重新)塑造。取决于是否适合农业发展,文化景观在21世纪面临的发展趋势包括集约化或彻底遗弃。风景园林的任务即在这两种极端情形之间找到平衡点,提出发展理念,同时考虑文化景观的历史的和美学的价值。  相似文献   

周韵 《城市建筑》2013,(14):257-257,259
环境恶化问题给人类乃至地球带来了重重危机,设计师在对美与形式的陶醉中越来越关注人与自然的关系。本文以规划实例为例,探讨如何在尊重基地原生状态下,结合地域及企业文化,以尊重自然、融合共生的态度进行设计实践。  相似文献   

陈洁萍 《新建筑》2007,(4):80-85
回顾第九届戚尼斯建筑双年展,其中蕴含的地形学议题值得探讨。通过分析归纳参展作品的多种设计策略,可以揭示目前地形学议题对建筑设计的影响。进一步试图说明地形学议题中蕴含的现象学与后结构主义思想是推动其发展的两个重要因素,并且这一议题关注人地关系,在建筑与城市领域具有积极的意义和作用。  相似文献   

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