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<正>Are you feeling down about your grades?It is easy to get the blues when you receive low scores on a big test or small quizzes,but you can’t let poor performance get you down.There is always time to make things better.你对自己的成绩感到沮丧吗?当你在大考或小测验中得低分时,很容易闷闷不乐,但不能因为糟糕的表现就变得沮丧。你还有时间把事情做得更好。And there are always reasons to improve.If you fail a few tests,you can do better next time.Just don’t get down on yourself!  相似文献   

<正>Do you seem to be late for school a lot? Do people tease~1 you about it? Do your grades suffer because of it? Do you annoy your teacher?你上学经常迟到吗?有人取笑你吗?你的成绩会因此受到影响吗?会使你的老师生气吗?Being on time is so important for academic success! Learn to improve your reputation~2  相似文献   

<正>Have you ever found yourself in this situation:When you hear a song you used to sing as a child,you can’t help looking back on your childhood.But it is not a distant childhood memory.The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago.你是否遇到过这样的情况:当你听到你小时候经常听的歌时,你就会情不自禁地回忆起你的童年。但这并不是遥远的童年记忆,而是你对这些歌词记忆犹新。  相似文献   

<正>Let ' s just put the fact right on the table:Writing worthwhile~1 content~2 is hard.让我们把事实摆在桌面上:写出有价值的内容是很难的。Capture~3 your ideas Very often,good ideas come to us in a flash of inspiration and then disappear quickly.So do yourself a favor and create a place where you'll keep all of your genius~4insights~5,and be able to find them again when you need them.When you get into the habit of catching and recording your ideas,including silly ones,you realize how many ideas your creative brain is sending you every day.And when you can easily find them again,your mind will never go blank when you try to think about what to work on next.  相似文献   

<正>When you are traveling by plane,there are some passengers you just don’t want to have next to you.当你乘飞机旅行的时候,有一些乘客是你不想坐在他们身边的。Small Children Perhaps you normally~2 like them,but when you are sitting next to them on a plane,it is a  相似文献   

<正>The more books you read,the better your life will be.If you don’t believe me,please consider these twelve compelling reasons to read more books.你读的书越多,你的生活就会越好。如果你不相信我的话,请考虑这十二个令人信服的理由多读书。1.You will optimize your brain power多读书会优化你的脑力This shouldn’t come as a shock,but studies suggest reading makes you smart.Unlike watching televi  相似文献   

<正>If you're someone who wants to be outstanding,you must have found by now that there will always be those who are jealous1 or hateful of your success.如果你是个渴望变得卓越出众的人,现在你应该已经发现周围总有些人嫉妒甚至憎恨你的成就了吧。It does't matter that you've worked long and hard to get where you are,nor that you've made great sacrifices2 in achieving your goals,The"haters"will always find a reason to criticize  相似文献   

Arata Isozaki sent me a letter, simply and politely worded, concerning my contribution to this catalogue. I noted in particular one sentence: "David Stewart [catalogue editor] would like you to write about how our paths might overlap in the next ten years." Being older than Isozaki, I am reluctant to anticipate what will happen ten years hence and will content myself with remarks about the next five years or so. I recall that in June 1970 we were both invited to speak at the Hiroshima Architects Association. Isozaki discussed a plan to depart from Modernism and  相似文献   

<正>摘自:www.wikihow.com编者注:在接打电话时,礼貌的问候会让整个通话变得更加通畅。1 If you’ve been answering the phone in a slapdash1manner, think about how you impact others hearing you. For starters, you don’t know who might be on the other end of the phone—it could be a future boss and your first impression has left the caller feeling less  相似文献   

<正>"Comparison is the death of joy."比较是快乐的终结者。"When you are content1to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete,everybody will respect you."—Mark Twain"当你愿意做真实的自己,不和他人比较或竞争时,人人都会敬重你。"——马克·吐温You compare cars,houses,shoes,money,social popularity and so on.And at the end of the day you pummel2your self-esteem to the ground and you create a lot of negative feelings with-  相似文献   

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