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The goal of this study is to determine specific guidelines for Iraqi architects to contribute to the design and composition of energy-efficient housing units within the limits of a normal budget, locally available materials and technologies. These units can provide comfort despite the current energy situation in Iraq. The study is based on a computer simulation for a reference building in Baghdad, which has been selected according to the urban conditions, building legislations, housing market and statistics. The final results displayed the main recommendations and the possibility to achieve up to 50% energy reduction with a pay-back period not exceeding two years in some cases. There are some measures that have big energy saving potential. Yet, some of the measures may require big investment or have some bad environmental impacts. Some other good measures are already being implemented.  相似文献   

<正>One day,a couple decide to go to the zoo to spend their weekend.有一天,一对夫妇决定去动物园度过他们的周末。They drive and drive but lose their way on a vast grassland.Suddenly,a baby giraffe passes by.他们不停地开着车,但在一片广阔的大草原上迷失了方向。突然,有一只小长颈鹿经过。  相似文献   

Urbanization, rural-to-urban migration, industrialization and modernization have resulted in the erosion of traditional family, community and kin networks in different regions of the world. Contemporary societies in the East, West, North and South are undergoing a breakdown of social cohesion. Especially in urban environments,care-giving for children, the frail and the elderly is in awkward situation. As a grassroots response to these global issues, Mother Centres have been built up in 16 countries in the world to support families, especially poor families, of many ethnic backgrounds, in providing a wide range of close to home services as well as helping the parents to develop survival skills.  相似文献   

<正>追剧是条漫长的路。有些剧,一连载就是十几季。苦苦追了十年,不知道何时是个尽头。有些剧,入坑没多久就完结了。这下是不用苦等了,因为再也等不到了啊!今天,我要推荐给大家的就属于后者。入坑前请做好心理准备。It is really a long way to wait for a TV series.Some TV series have more than ten seasons.You have watched for a decade,and  相似文献   

In recent years, many governments have become interested in leasing programmes. The essence of leasing is to combine the advantages of renting and owning. Instead of tenants ‘losing‘all of their rent to the landlord, part of their monthly payment goes toward the eventual purchase of the house. This arrangement satisfies the need for some families to rent at the beginning of their lives, but who want one day to become homeowners. It is particularly suitable for families with a regular income who lack the savings to put down a deposit on a house.Leasing programmes have been taken up in several Latin American countries, notably in Brazil, Chile and Colombia. The case study looks briefly at all three but concentrates on the most recent initiative, that of Colombia.  相似文献   

The award of the Pritzker Prize for architecture to Glenn Murcutt recently may have come as a surprise to some architects internationally, but it was a decision received with some sense of inevitability in Australia. Australians constantly monitor their status worldwide, and have been conscious for some time that Murcutt has replaced Harry Seidler as our most visible architect internationally.  相似文献   

<正>Anyone who knows dogs probably knows the answer to this question.懂狗的人大概知道这个问题的答案。Some humans may think that dogs are reliant~2 on us, but in truth, it may be the humans who are reliant on dogs. Of course, it’s actually a two-way street—like a good kind of co-dependent relationship. But one thing is certain:Dogs do a lot for us and should be rewarded~3 with our respect.  相似文献   

<正>Poland波兰For Poles,Christmas Eve is a night of magic when animals are said to talk and people have thepower to predict the future.It’s a time for families to gather and reconcile any differences,and toremem对b于er波lov兰ed人o来ne说s w,h平o安ha夜ve是go充ne满b魔efo力re的th一em夜.。据说动物在这一夜可以与人说话,而人有预测未来的能力。家人们会在平安夜团聚一堂,调和矛盾,并怀念过世的亲人。  相似文献   

Most aspects of construction projects mainly fall under contractual regime. However, when things go wrong such as when the project is abandoned for various reasons, they may create two different scenarios: a contract that is breached and a fixed structure that is left on the land which may constitute an incomplete benefit that is acquired by one of the parties. The transfer of such benefit is initially made with a legal ground, but that ground has since ceased to exist. If some aspect of that benefit cannot be recovered under a contract, enrichment rules may be competent to solve the problem. How to measure the different aspects of that enrichment is however a problem that may have different interpretations according to different conceptions of the foundations of enrichment liability in a particular legal system. This article explores the measures of enrichment in such cases of failed bilateral contracts scenarios working from South African perspective. It argues that in cases of failed bilateral contracts generating an enrichment situation, sanctioning a dual measure of enrichment in a legal system may be an appropriate avenue.  相似文献   

正1. Authors should not violate the copyright of others when contributing to the journal their articles, including the texts, the diagrams, the pictures, and so on. 2. Some of the articles published in this journal are selected from those published in Chinese and have been agreed by the published journals and authors for translation and republishing in this journal.  相似文献   

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