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C O M PAN Y H ISTO R Y service would suffice. And thus,he ensem bled a team of Karnak Corporation is a m anufacturer of high quality highly com petent,custom er friendly individuals to tend to thecold -applied, coatings and cem ents for the roofing and ne…  相似文献   

Urban transportation is a major element of sustainable urban development and a key factor affecting the health of urban residents. It influences public health through noise, air pollution, social isolation, inactive modes of transportation, and sedentary behaviors. This paper reviews literature related to urban transportation and health from two perspectives: travel behavior and environmental impact. It focuses on passenger transportation and freight transportation to analyze their respective ne...  相似文献   

Tourism has become the world's fastest growing sector due to acceleration of technology and information flow in the globalized world of today, development of the modem mass transport system and increase in people's disposable income. Upon tourism's being considered as a serious development strategy in the developments of the countries, all the countries of the world have begun to accelerate their investments in this area through utilizing the natural and cultural assets of their countries (heritage) with a view to provide revenue to their economy as well as creation of jobs. This situation, which has emerged as a result of the globalization of supply and demand in tourism, has created certain problems in terms of environmental balance and the living conditions of local people as a result of poor management of the utilization of natural and cultural resources. The objective of this paper is to examine the concepts and principles germane to sustainable tourism which has significant contribution to the development of the countries, made at the macro level both in the world and in Turkey. The aim of this paper, at the micro level, is to create awareness incident to the tourism resources of the Van Region and the Old Van province and ensure the utilization of these resources through protection thereof. At the end of the study, the importance of the protection of heritage resources as well as fair use thereof in terms of increasing the competitiveness of Turkey on a global scale in tourism is addressed in the light of the overall evaluations.  相似文献   

In the United States, university buildings use 17% of total non-residential building energy per year. According to the NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), the average lifecycle of a building in a university is 42 years with an EUI (energy use intensity) of 23 kWh/m^2/y. Current building and energy codes limit the EUI to 16 kWh/m^2/y for new school buildings; this benchmark can vary depending on climate, occupancy, and other contextual factors. Although the LEED (leadership in energy and environmental design) system provides a set of guidelines to rate sustainable buildings, studies have shown that 28%-35% of the educational LEED-rated buildings use more energy than their conventional counterparts. This paper examines the issues specific to a LEED-rated design addition to an existing university building. The forum, a lecture hall expansion of to an existing building at the University of Kansas, has been proposed as environmentally friendly and energy-efficient building addition. Comfort and health aspects have been considered in the design in order to obtain LEED platinum certificate. The forum's energy performance strategies include a double-skin facade to reduce energy consumption and PV (photovoltaic) panels to generate onsite energy. This study considers various scenarios to meet NZEB (net-zero energy building) criteria and maximize energy savings. The feasibility of NZE criteria is evaluated for: (a) seasonal comparison; (b) facility occupancy; (c) PV panels' addition in relation to double skin facade. The results of NZEB approach are compared to LEED platinum requirements, based on Rol (return on investment) and PV panel's efficiency for this specific educational building.  相似文献   

The modem tramway has resurfaced as the cure to today's urban transport problems such as pollution, road congestion and uneven access to transit. However, trams at intersections often experience frequent and extended delays due to vehicles crossing the tram tracks. There is an increased potential for conflict between trams and vehicles at these locations and crashes are common. The question of the effects of human factors on trams crossroads safety has been little dealt with in literature. The general aim of this article is to further knowledge about the influence of tramway and surrounding environment on car's driver behavior at intersections. Understanding these influences, involve conducting a systematic review of the cognitive tasks related to driving and identifying the hazards that can arise at each task, and what factors can make these more or less likely to arise, considering the environmental design at intersections and behavioral factors. To achieve that, the HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study) approach is conducted for this study. Concerning data collection, the methodology includes site visits to record user behavior and questionnaires to determine the opinion, concerns and knowledge of car drivers in interaction with the tram environment.  相似文献   

博士学位论文摘要 The rheo logical behavio r of rock salt is impo rtant fo r many engineering app licat ions1Th isdissertat ion repo rt s on experiment s and model analyses of rock salt1 A n in- dep th study is p resented of thet ime - dependent p ropert ies of rock salt1 It consist s of two part s1 The f irst part is the experimentalinvest igat ion, w h ich is aimed at imp roving the understanding of the rheo logical behavio r of rock salt1U niaxialand t rtaxial creep and relaxat ion experiment s have been perfo rmed to further th is goal1 The second part is theanalysis of const itut ive models of the mechanical behavio r of rock salt and the evaluat ion of their p redict ivecapability1 The object ive of th is research is to upgrade the understanding of the t ime- dependent p ropert ies ofrock salt and to develop a mo re reasonable damage const itut ive theo ry to describe the comp lete mechanicalresponse of rock salt1In the f irst part , besides convent ional creep and relaxat ion test s , stepw ise , loadins and reloading , andalternat ing relaxat ion and creep test s are described1 Tw elve test s have been perfo rmed, rangig in durat ionf rom a few hours to 4 month s1 The axial st ress ranges f rom 13 to 43M Pa1 Conf ining p ressure ranges f rom 0to 111 2M Pa1The conf inins p ressure effect , the st ress level , and the load path effect on the creep and st ressrelaxat ion of rock salt are analyzed th rough the experimental invest igat ion1 The p re - creep effect on st ressrelaxat ion is obtained1 The experimental invest igat ions reveal that the conf ining p ressure effect on the creep issignif icant only in the low - p ressure range (0~ 3M Pa) 1 Steady state st rain rate is independent of the loadpath1 The p re- creep st rain and the conf ining p ressure affect the st ress relaxat ion signif icant ly1 The existenceof a t ransient st rain lim it and of a low er creep lim it is conf irmed by the experimental result s p resented in th isdissertat ion1The second part of th is study review s const itut ive theo ry equat ions current ly used in rock salt mechanicsresearch and suggest s a new const itut ive equat ion in o rder to rep resent the test ing data obtained1 A nendoch ronic model is developed in o rder to model the temperature effect s on the material response1 A newdamage const itut ive equat ion is p ropo sed in o rder to rep resent the ent ire creep behavio r1 A comparison oftheo ret icaliy calculated result sw ith experimental result s is given1Based on thermodynam ic theo ry and damagemechanics , an evo lut ion equat ion of creep damage of rock salt is p ropo sed1A new creep const itut ive equat ionis derived f rom th is evo lut ion equat ion1 The new model p redict s the damage behavio r induced by the creepusins only a few material parameters , w h ich have obvious physical meaning1  相似文献   

The first International Seminar on Women‘s Safety was held in Montreal, Canada in May 2002. Its purpose was to bring together women‘s groups, community organizations, city governments, and national and international agencies to work on increasing women‘s safety in cities and communities and on integrating a gender perspective into local and national crime prevention policies. This article briefly introduces some innovative approaches to women‘s safety discussed at the conference.  相似文献   

Control System of No-load Test Bench for Hydraulic Torque Converters
How to control a bench system for testing bare torque converters. In order to avoid quality problems during application of.working machines torque converter the inspector has to carry out complete, precise and strict tests and inspection on the product's function before ex- works delivery. At present, therefore, domestic manufacturers and research institutions populously utilize load/no-load test stand as a means to examine the torque converter while simulating the work machine's road way travel and work conditions under load, which is used to check the product ahead of ex-works delivery and/or of production so as to upgrade the product's quality. The text also introduces composition and function of such a test stand, PLC program and interface of the software. Practical application has shown that the control system is good at real time characters, high of reliability, and convenient of utilization.  相似文献   

When a relatively new building is not being fully utilized, there must have existed, at one time, a change in its initial conditions. The aim of this research is to study the changes in the initial conditions which cause buildings to be underutilized and analyze whether the demolition was justified. Causes can be found in problems due to the building's management, as the owners make the main decisions concerning the buildings. Additionally problems are due to the location where the building is constructed because site conditions changes a lot in one generation. The use of the building can also be a cause of abandonment as the original use can end before the lifespan of the building. Architectural style can be dated as fashions and styles change rapidly. Finally, causes can be in the physical condition of the buildings: structure, construction, installations and adherence to current regulations. In this article, the authors provide guidelines demonstrating how buildings of a past generation which were initially considered obsolete, can be properly reused.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a basis foroutlining China's Policy for Real Estate and Real EstateIndustry in 90s.It starts with a review of China's policyframework in this regard,and proceeds from the stand-point of the long-term macro-development of China's na-tional economy with reference to international experience.Ef-forts were made to transcend departmental and localgovernmental self-interest and conflict,and to avoidshortsighted pursuit for quick benefits and successes.  相似文献   

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