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<正>【重点词组或短语】two photos of my family我的两张全家福the photo of your family你的全家福very much非常my cousin我的堂(表)兄弟姐妹my parents’names我父母的名字in the first photo在第一幅照片里in the second photo在第二幅照片里【重难点句子】1. This/That is my friend.这(那)是我的朋友。2. These/Those are my brothers.这些(那些)是我的兄弟们。3. Those are my two brothers.那些是我的俩兄弟。  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】thanks for...为……而感谢my family photo我的全家福the photo of your family你的全家福very much非常my cousin我的堂(表)兄弟姐妹my parents’names我父母的名字in the first photo在第一幅照片里in the second photo在第二幅照片里【重难点句子】1.This/That is my friend.这(那)是我的朋友。2.These/Those are my brothers.这些(那些)是我的兄弟们。3.Those are my two brothers.那些是我的俩兄弟。  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】on the sofa在沙发上in your backpack在你的双肩背包里my computer game我的电脑游戏under the bed在床下on the dresser在梳妆台上take...to...把……带去……on the bed在床上in the drawer在抽屉里her math book她的数学书【重难点句子】1.—Where’s my backpack?——我的双肩背包在哪里?—It’s on the desk.——它在桌子上。2.—Are your books under the chair?——你的书在椅子下面吗?—No,they aren’t.——不,它们不在椅子下面。  相似文献   

My Family     
<正>【栏目要求】1.将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩;2.在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;3.根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由;4.给学生习作点评<优点与不足>;5.请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。来稿请寄:430079华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语》杂志社初中部收My name is Shi Ruqin.I am from a worker’s family.There are six peoples①in my family.They are my grandfather,my grandmother,my father,my mother,my sister and I.Every member in my family works hard.My grandfather and grandmother are farmers.  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】first name=given name(名字)last name=family name(姓氏)a big family一个大家庭telephone number电话号码an ID card一张身份证your name你的名字his name他的名字her name她的名字【重难点句子】1.—What’s your name?——你叫什么名字?—My name’s Jenny./I am Jenny.——我的名字叫Jenny。/我是Jenny。  相似文献   

<正>【名词短语】1.first name名字2.last/family name姓氏3.telephone number电话号码4.school ID card学生证5.computer game电脑游戏6.family photo家庭照片7.alarm clock闹钟8.tennis racket网球拍9.sports club运动俱乐部10.speech contest演说比赛11.birthday party生日聚会12.school day学校上课日13.art festival艺术节14.music festival音乐节15.English party英语晚会16.action movie动作片  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】first name=given name(名字)last name=family name(姓氏)a big family一个大家庭telephone number电话号码an ID card一张身份证your name你的名字his name他的名字her name她的名字【重难点句子】1.—What’s your name?——你叫什么名字?—My name’s Jenny./I am Jenny.——我的名字叫Jenny。/我是Jenny。2.—What’s her telephone number?——她的电话号码是多少?—It is...——她的电话号码是……  相似文献   

<正>【案例背景】那天早晨,我与往常一样早早来到教室,等待孩子们一个个来到讲台旁上交家庭作业,一切都是那么平常。过了一会儿,侯馨雨(化名)迅速把作业本交了上来,上交的却是一篇英语日记。【案例过程】正当我想拿起红笔进行批改时,映入我眼帘的却是满纸的英文。这篇日记的题目是:My mother is awful.正文内容是这样写的:My mother is awful,because she lost my rabbit,the rabbit was very lovely.I love it.The rabbit had two long end two eyes,It’s so beavitful Rabbit ate apples...But I can’t belive it!My rabbit lost,I asked my mother,Can’t you lost my rabbit?She ashed,yes,I can,what?I fell awful I wanted to cry,who can tall me,where’s my rabbit.Oh,my god.  相似文献   

<正>My day in the sun had arrived—my magnum~1 opus~2 would be revealed. I had just delivered a memorized speech that I had prepared for weeks, and I was about to learn how the panel~3judged my performance. A hush fell across the room. The drum rolled in my mind, anyway.我在阳光下的日子已经到来——我的杰作即将揭晓。我刚刚做了一场准备了好几个星期的演讲,马上就想知道评审小组是如何评价我的表现的。房间里一片寂静。无论如何,鼓声已经在我头脑中敲响了。  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1.half the class一半的同学2.too…to…太……而不能3.order food订购食物4.in the end最后5.make mistakes犯错误6.give sb.some advice给某人提一些建议7.have a problem with…有问题,有困难8.make money赚钱9.travel around the world环游世界10.make careless mistakes犯粗心的错误11.share my problems分享我的问题12.keep…to oneself保守秘密  相似文献   

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