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<正>以往,老师布置大家写天气寒冷的片段,不少同学笔杆都咬破了也写不出几个字来,而没咬笔杆的同学写的,不外乎"天气十分寒冷""非常寒冷""比往年都冷""冷得厉害""从来没有这么冷过""冷死我了""冷得人瑟瑟发抖""冷得牙齿‘咯咯’打战"……而写天气炎热的,也不外乎"天气十分炎热""非常炎热""比往年都热""热得厉害""从来没有这么热过""热死我了""热得人受不了"……  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions about the animal"monkey"in English.So today,let’s start with the word"monkey".英语中有很多表达是关于"猴子"这种动物的。今天我们就从"猴子"这个词说起吧。Monkeys are very similar to us in many ways—most have ten fingers and ten toes,and brains much like ours.We enjoy watching them because they often act like us.In fact,Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution(进化论)says  相似文献   

<正>虽然天气很热,但在体育老师斑马的带领下,森林学校的动物同学们在操场上不停地跑呀跳呀,兴高采烈地做着各种游戏。直到下课铃声打响后,同学们才恋恋不舍地停止游戏,回到了教室。"真热呀!真热呀!"小山羊拿起自己的课本,当扇子摇,可汗水还是不停地流。小山羊一转身,发现同桌小花狗身上一滴汗也没有。真奇怪!大热的天,刚上完体育课,大家都热得汗流浃背,  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions about the word "bag" or using the word "bag" in English.So today,let’s start with the word "bag".英语中有很多表达与"袋子"一词相关或者使用了"袋子"这个词。今天我们就从"袋子"这个词说起吧。The bag is one of the most simple and useful things in the world.It is a(容器)made of paper or cloth.It has given the world many strange expressions that are not very simple.Some of them are used in the United States today.  相似文献   

正建设工程合同定义条款中关于合同的定义表明合同文件的范围以及各文件的具体含义,这对履行合同、预防和解决纠纷有重要意义。下面来看关于合同定义的表达。例1—"Contract"means the Contract Agreement,the Letter of Acceptance,the Letter of Tender,these Conditions,the Specification,the Drawings,the Schedules,and the further documents(if any)which are listed in the Contract Agreement  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions using the word"bridge".So today,let’s talk about the stories of"bridge".英语中有很多表达中使用了"桥"一词,所以今天我们就来说说"桥"的故事吧。A bridge is a structure that provides passage over something—such as a river,train tracks,a highway or a deep,wide opening in the ground.The word"bridge"can also be  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions using the word"easy"in English.So today,let’s start with the word"easy".英语中有很多表达中使用了"easy"这个词。今天我们就从"easy"这个词说起吧。Everyone has its own way of saying things,its own special expressions.Some are easy to understand.The words create a picture in your mind.每个人都有自己特定的说话方式和特殊的表达方法。有些短语简单易懂,你能在脑海中浮现出它们的形象。  相似文献   

正合同是当事人共同自由意思的表达。FIDIC 1999版Contract for Construction中有"Parties and Persons"条款,中国《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》(GF—2017—0201)也列有"合同当事人及其他相关方"条款。下面讨论对"Parties当事人"的理解。例1—"Party" means the Employer or the Contractor, as the  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions about the animal"monkey"in English.So today,let's start with the word"monkey".英语中有很多表达是关于"猴子"这种动物的。今天我们就从"猴子"这个词说起吧。Monkeys are very similar to us in many ways-most have ten fingers and ten toes,and brains much like ours.We enjoy watching them because they often act like us.In fact,Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution(进化论)says that monkeys and humans share a common ancestor(祖先).猴子在许多方面与我们很相似,它们大多有十个手指和十个脚趾,还有着与我们类似的  相似文献   

<正>Today,let’s start with the word"cat".Cats are the most popular pets among Americans.So it is no surprising that there are many expressions about cats.今天我们就来说一说"猫"这个词。猫是最受美国人喜爱的宠物之一,所以有很多关于猫的表达一点儿也不奇怪。Some cats like to catch small birds,such as ca naries(金丝雀).If someone looks very proud or satisfied with himself,we say he"looks like the cat tha ate the canary".  相似文献   

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