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<正>John Sullivan has based the story of his picture book, Kitten and the Night Watchman, on real events from his life. This sweet narrative follows a kind night watchman who waves goodbye to his family as the sun sets and heads to a construction site to work alone under deep blue skies. But he has a friend at the work site—a small homeless kitten to whom he carefully tends~1.约翰·沙利文的图书《小猫和守夜人》中的故事,基于他生活中的真实事件。这个甜蜜的  相似文献   

<正>Once,a trooper lived in a country.He worked in the king’s army and was very famous for his bravery all over the kingdom.曾经,在一个国家,有一名骑兵,他在国王的军队里服役,因勇敢而闻名全国。The trooper had a beautiful horse,which was one of the best ones in the country.The trooper loved his horse a lot.那名骑兵有一匹漂亮的马,这匹马是全国最好的马之一。骑兵非常爱他的这匹马。  相似文献   

The colonization of Sicilian latifundium was an attempt of regeneration of the rural areas. It was carried out by Benito Mussolini, called II Duce, who governed Italy by a regime with an absolute and conservative approach for 20 years since 1922. According to this plan, there were some rural villages (with a school, a church, a police station and a doctor's surgery) and a number of rural homes, spread in the landscape, that formed one of the most important achievements of the agrarian reform in Italy. The author has been conducting scientific research on this topic for several years. He started with the archive "Ente per la Colonizzazione del Latifondo Siciliano" (now called Ente Sviluppo Agricolo) to review the original designs and contracts with companies, ledgers and other administrative documents. Lately, he has been reviewing the personal archives of designers involved in the building program, where he has found original drawings, letters, sketches, etc.. He has also conducted some architectonic and technical surveys of the sites. We have to consider that nowadays the mentioned rural villages are a strategic resource for the development of the neighboring areas, as it may become a network for the sustainable tourism and the promotion of the local agro food specialties. On this purpose, the local authority is going to promote some plans for the requalification of these sites. The particular achievement of this article is to show a number of possibilities for the reuse of these places.  相似文献   

<正>Once,there was an old tiger that could no longer hunt.One morning,he stood by a lake and held a gold bracelet~2 in one paw~3.He was shouting,"Ladies and Gentlemen!A gold bracelet for my kindness."曾经一只老虎,它老了,不能抓捕猎物了。一天早上,它站在湖边,一个爪子拿着一只金手镯,喊道:"女士们,先生们,为表善意,我献出一只金手镯。"A traveler,passing by,liked the gold bracelet.However,he was scared of the tiger.一个旅行者刚好经过,他很喜欢这个金手镯,但是他怕老虎。  相似文献   

Graves and Le CorbusierMichael Graves graviated towards Le Corbusier as a person. He probobly found greatsimilarities in Corbusier:the early-shown talent in painting, and a strong-willed motherwho shaped their future.Both had an elder brother who seemed to meet the expectations of the family better than each of them did at their early age. In Graves case, itwas his mother's request to choose a profession where he could use his talent in drawing. He was given two choices:engineer and architect. It was when his mother described "engineer" that he decided to be an architect(1).f  相似文献   

Life during the Middle Ages was hard. Peo-ple were always at war. Therefore, castles werebuilt to protect people from their enemies.The castle was the home of a lord and hisfamily. It was also the home of the soldiers.The soldiers were there to protect the castle, thelord, and his family. They also protected thevillage from attack. The castle was also theprison and the treasure house. It was even thecenter of local government.  相似文献   

<正>Jade Emperor’s birthday was coming.He wanted to measure time to know how old he was.玉皇大帝的生日到了,他想测量一下时间,以便知道自己有多少岁。All the animals arrived.The Emperor decided to have a competition to give a name to each year of the Chinese Zodiac1.所有的动物都到了,玉帝决定举行一个比赛,来决定每一年的生肖名称。The rat and the cat couldn’t swim very  相似文献   

<正>The author was surprised to be contacted by the Journal(Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,JRMGE)to write an Editorial for Volume 7,Issue 5,2015.The author is surprised because he is not a member of the journal Editorial Board nor has he ever reviewed a paper for this journal.He is also surprised because he is an ardent critic of various published works that would have discouraged anyone looking for commentary on published work.However,the author is pleased to be given that opportunity to pro-  相似文献   

The acronym WASP in the United States refers to a descendent of the Caucasian Protestant Christians from England who began immigrating to the Americas in the seventeenth century. This was one the first...  相似文献   

<正>As is known to us,every country has its symbols.Now,let’s see some symbols of India.众所周知,每个国家都有自己的象征。现在让我们来看一看印度的一些象征。1.National Animal:The national animal of India is the tiger.The tiger is called the king of the forest.In India,there are a lot of tigers.国兽:印度的国兽是老虎。老虎被称之为森林之王。在印度有很多老虎。  相似文献   

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