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王澍荣获2012年度普利兹克建筑奖对中国建筑界来讲是一件非常重大的事件。作为和王澍近8年的同窗好友,对他表示祝贺!也为中国建筑界感到骄傲!普利兹克建筑奖评委会主席帕伦博勋爵解说王澍获奖的原因:"讨论过去和现在之间的适当关系是当今重要的问题,因为中国当今的城市化进程正在引发一场关于建筑应当基于传统还是只应面向未来的讨论。正如所有伟大的建筑一样,王澍的作品能够超越两者之间的矛盾,并演化成能够植根于历史并能面向未来、永不过时甚至具有世界性的建筑。"  相似文献   

<正>Hello,everybody!I interviewed Li Chen the other day.Beyond is his favorite band,because the band is energetic and has good singers.Among all the books he has read,Harry Potter is his favorite,because he thinks it’s an interesting book that tells people about magic power.As for  相似文献   

<正>One day Albert Einstein had to be in bed,because he was ill.His father went to town on business.In a shop window,he noticed a small compass.His father thought,"Ah,that might interest Albert,perhaps the little box with the‘magic’needle will catch his attention for a while."  相似文献   

Gordon Joseph Culham (1891–1979), a landscape architect and town planner, was instrumental in the professionalization of both his disciplines in Canada. He helped lead the disorganized practitioners of the 1930s into the modern age and enabled them to assume their professional role in the improvement of Canada's urban centres. The discovery of an archive of Culham's papers provides a previously unavailable insight into the conceptualization and creation of the professions of landscape architecture and town planning in Canada. Culham characterized this as leading a ‘useful life’. He prepared, practiced and enjoyed the power associated with the professions he helped found in leading this useful life. He was a Harvard graduate who worked with the greatest landscape architectural firm in America, the Olmsteds and with the premier British town planner, Thomas Adams. Culham returned to his homeland on the eve of the Depression with an unrivalled reputation. He brought with him a strong sense of professionalism and helped elevate a small, dispirited community of Canadian landscape architects and town planners into one united organization for almost two decades. Professional specialization was an inevitable outcome but Culham continued to bridge the divide between his chosen fields throughout his ‘useful life’.  相似文献   

One of the most ubiquitous forms of religious education in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was the magic lantern presentation. These shows were used by diverse religious communities throughout the USA and Europe, and on countless missionary campaigns around the world. Scholars have, by-and-large, mobilized the magic lantern and particularly its production of reality effects within the context of the visual culture of spectacle and the advent of cinema. This article argues that the religious magic lantern presentation forces a reconsideration of the medium’s place within modern visual culture and religious experience. Presentation strategies, including directly addressing the audience, participatory mechanisms, and manipulation of the presentation format and narrative, stimulated active contemplation and evangelizing zeal, and contributed to the magic lantern’s position as the pedagogical tool par excellence for modern religious communities well into the twentieth century.  相似文献   

A Good Boy     
<正>Zhao Ming is a little boy from a small town. At school, he studies very hard. He likes sports and he is very strong. At home, he often helps his parents with some housework. His parents love him very much.Last Sunday, his parents were out. He got up early. After breakfast, he did his homework  相似文献   

<正>国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)召开钱学森科学思想研讨会是对世界科学文化宝库作贡献。这次会议以园林和山水城市作为研讨钱学森科学思想的切入点和重点是符合学科发展的理论与实践战略方向的科学决策。它抓住了当今世界和未来发展的生态本质。未来的世纪  相似文献   

<正>I Am illiterate,too Once Albert Einstein,the world-famous scientist,was travelling by train.At dinnertime he went to the dining car.Menu in hand,he suddenly realized that he had left his glasses in his compartment.He shrugged.Unwilling to go back,he tried his best to identify the fine letters.However,his effort was in vain.He returned the menu to the  相似文献   

My Family     
<正>My name is Eric.I like instruments very much,and my favorite instrument is the violin.Playing the violin is so difficult that I have to practice it every day.Now I can play it very well.My brother Sam can’t play the violin but he can play the drums.He sometimes plays the drums till midnight.He thinks it’s interesting to play the drums.Sonia is my mother.She is a musician.She can play the piano and the guitar.And  相似文献   

1949年前后,中国大陆一批建筑学者迁移台湾,改变了台湾现代建筑发展进程,金长铭即是其中重要代表人物之一。1949-1959年间,他以台湾省立工学院建筑系为基地,创立"今日建筑研究会"与《今日建筑》杂志,宣扬现代建筑理论启蒙民智,取径中国哲学来阐述现代建筑理论,成为推动现代建筑在台湾发展的先行者。本文力图勾勒出在两岸对峙年代,一位心怀启蒙精神与中华乡愁的传统士人式建筑学者,充满人性光辉的探索之路。  相似文献   

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