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The dynamics of tensegrity systems have their simplest mathematical form when the realisation is non-minimal. In this article, the simplicity of this structure is exploited to design controls. A Lyapunov-based approach creates a non-linear feedback control law exploring the tools of linear algebra due to the linearity of the model on a new set of transformed control variables. Explicit solutions are given for different choices of norm minimisation of the instantaneous control. The theory is illustrated through numerical simulations of simple tensegrity structures. 相似文献
We propose an ??∞ controller design method which achieves a closed‐loop transfer function equal or otherwise sensibly close to a desired transfer function, viz. a model reference design. The proposed controller design method inherits the model reference feature of the internal model control design method and incorporates the weighting scheme of the ??∞ loop‐shaping. It utilizes Youla–Kucera parameterization in a two‐degree‐of‐freedom scheme to achieve robust model reference and high performance design while ensuring a sensible robust stability margin, and can be readily applied to the generic class of LTI systems (SISO, MIMO, stable, unstable). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
具有有界扰动的有约束线性系统是一类常见的不确定系统. 针对此类系统, 本文借鉴扰动不变集方法, 通过离线设计两个椭圆不变集以降低以往设计的保守性, 进而提出一种有界扰动系统的高效鲁棒预测控制器(SD–ERPC)的设计方法. 该方法能够较好地处理扰动对系统的影响, 在减小控制器在线计算量的同时, 扩大原ERPC设计的初始可行域, 且具有较好的控制性能. 文中给出了SD–ERPC控制器可行性和鲁棒稳定性的理论证明,并通过仿真算例验证了该控制器的有效性. 相似文献
广义预测控制的鲁棒化改进 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
利用内模控制结构分析了广义预测控制在未建模动态鲁棒性方面的缺陷,提出采用失配滤波器以增强系统的鲁棒性。针对广义预测控制的特点,提出了次优失配滤波器的简单设计方法。 相似文献
Agustina D' Jorge Alejandro Anderson Alejandro H. González Antonio Ferramosca 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
This note presents a robust economic model predictive control controller suitable for changing economic criterion. The proposal ensures feasibility under any change of the economic criterion, thanks to the use of artificial variables and a relaxed terminal constraint, and robustness in presence of additive bounded disturbances. The resulting robust formulation considers a nominal prediction model and restricted constraints (in order to account for the effect of additive disturbances). The controlled system under the proposed controller is shown to be input‐to‐state stable in the sense that it is asymptotically steered to an invariant region around the best admissible steady state. An illustrative example shows the benefits and the properties of the proposed controller. 相似文献
The classical Routh's algorithm has the drawback that it involves divisions. Hence if one starts for example with integer or polynomial entries one ends up with rational numbers or rational functions respectively. Using Hurwitz determinants instead one can avoid this drawback in principle. However an efficient way to compute these determinants without introducing fractions has been missing. An algorithm to compute these determinants in a fraction free manner is presented. It is shown that this algorithm is optimal with respect to the growth of the entries. 相似文献
A new hierarchical switching control system of multiple models based on robust control theory is designed for some plant with large uncertainties. The model set and controller set are designed by robust control theory and the characteristics of robust control system are taken into account. A new kind of switching index function by estimating uncertainty is designed. Furthermore,stability of the closed system is analyzed by the small gain theorem in the sense of exponentially weighted L2 norm. And simulation is done on a plant with both parameter uncertainty and unmodeled dynamics. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this new hierarchical switching control system can control the plant with large uncertainties effectively and has good performance of tracking and stability. 相似文献
传统鲁棒自适应控制由于考虑了实际系统存在的不确定性,在一定程度上扩大了常规自适应控制的应用范围,但是传统鲁棒自适应控制大多只是从系统全局稳定性的角度出发来设计控制器而忽略系统动态和稳态性能,导致其无法在工况多变的实际被控系统中取得令人满意的效果。针对传统鲁棒自适应控制的不足,本文对由ARMA模型描述并包含未建模动态的系统设计了多模型鲁棒自适应控制器。首先采用正则化技术将系统未建模动态转化为系统有界扰动,并在系统降阶模型的基础上根据系统工况的变化设计了多个固定控制器和2个鲁棒自适应控制器,并根据性能指标函数选择最佳控制器作为当前系统控制器以提高系统性能。仿真实验说明当系统存在未建模动态以及系统工况发生变化时,本文设计的控制器能获得较好的控制效果。 相似文献
A solution to the infinite-horizon min–max model predictive control (MPC) problem of constrained polytopic systems has recently been defined in terms of a sequence of free control moves over a fixed horizon and a state feedback law in the terminal region using a time-varying terminal cost. The advantage of this formulation is the enlargement of the admissible set of initial states without sacrificing local optimality, but this comes at the expense of higher computational complexity. This article, by means of a counterexample, shows that the robust feasibility and stability properties of such algorithms are not, in general, guaranteed when more than one control move is adopted. For this reason, this work presents a novel formulation of min–max MPC based on the concept of within-horizon feedback and robust contractive set theory that ensures robust stability for any choice of the control horizon. A parameter-dependent feedback extension is also proposed and analysed. The effectiveness of the algorithms is demonstrated with two numerical examples. 相似文献
This article deals with the model predictive control (MPC) of linear, time‐invariant discrete‐time polytopic (LTIDP) systems. The 2‐fold aim is to simplify the treatment of complex issues like stability and feasibility analysis of MPC in the presence of parametric uncertainty as well as to reduce the complexity of the relative optimization procedure. The new approach is based on a two degrees of freedom (2DOF) control scheme, where the output r(k) of the feedforward input estimator (IE) is used as input forcing the closed‐loop system ∑f. ∑f is the feedback connection of an LTIDP plant ∑p with an LTI feedback controller ∑g. Both cases of plants with measurable and unmeasurable state are considered. The task of ∑g is to guarantee the quadratic stability of ∑f, as well as the fulfillment of hard constraints on some physical variables for any input r(k) satisfying an “a priori” determined admissibility condition. The input r(k) is computed by the feedforward IE through the on‐line minimization of a worst‐case finite‐horizon quadratic cost functional and is applied to ∑f according to the usual receding horizon strategy. The on‐line constrained optimization problem is here simplified, reducing the number of the involved constraints and decision variables. This is obtained modeling r(k) as a B‐spline function, which is known to admit a parsimonious parametric representation. This allows us to reformulate the minimization of the worst‐case cost functional as a box‐constrained robust least squares estimation problem, which can be efficiently solved using second‐order cone programming. 相似文献
Jorge Sofrony;Matthew C. Turner;Christopher M. Richards; 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
Actuator constraints, particularly saturation limits, are an intrinsic and long-standing problem in the implementation of most control systems. Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) is no exception and it may suffer considerably when actuator saturation is encountered. With this in mind, this paper proposes an anti-windup strategy for model reference adaptive control schemes subject to actuator saturation. A prominent feature of the proposed compensator is that it has the same architecture as well-known nonadaptive schemes, namely model recovery anti-windup, which rely on the assumption that the system model is known accurately. Since, in the adaptive case, the model is largely unknown, the proposed approach uses an “estimate” of the system matrices for the anti-windup formulation and modifies the adaptation laws that update the controller gains; if the (unknown) ideal control gains are reached, the model recovery anti-windup formulation is recovered. The main results provide conditions under which, if the ideal control signal eventually lies within the control constraints, then the system states will converge to those of the reference model, that is, the tracking error will converge to zero asymptotically. The article deals with open-loop stable linear systems and highlights the main challenges involved in the design of anti-windup compensators for model-reference adaptive control systems, demonstrating its success via a flight control application. 相似文献
In the Lyapunov approach employed in this paper, known in the literature as Lyapunov control, or min-max control, robust, global uniform asymptotic stability is achieved by a discontinuous control law which ensures that the Lyapunov derivative is negative despite bounded uncertainty. For that, it is assumed that the uncertainties satisfy certain matching conditions, and that a Lyapunov function for the nominal plant is available. To obtain lower control magnitudes, this paper develops control laws which counter the uncertainties on a component-wise basis, rather than the usual normic one. Both the basic discontinuous control law, which is proved to provide robust global uniform asymptotic stability, and a continuous app roximation, which is proved to ensure global uniform ultimate boundedness, are derived. Application to model following is given. We adapt recent results on robust quadratic stabilization of nominally linear time-invariant plants subjected to nonlinear, bo unded and unmatched uncertain perturbations, to extend our results to this important class of systems; this is illustrated by two examples. 相似文献
Jianchen Hu 《International journal of systems science》2019,50(4):739-748
This paper proposes a dynamic output feedback robust model predictive control for system with polytopic model uncertainty. Earlier researches on this topic utilise iterative methods to solve the non-convex optimisation problem which are computationally demanding. In order to reduce the computational burden, we explore a new approach in this paper, where, by utilising some proper matrix transformations, a computationally more efficient but conservative convex optimisation problem is formulated which can be solved in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Furthermore, we try to reduce the conservativeness by introducing a nonsingular matrix as a degree of freedom. The recursive feasibility and the convergence of the augmented state to the equilibrium point are guaranteed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by two numerical examples. 相似文献