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This study aims to design an interval type‐2 (IT2) fuzzy static output feedback controller to stabilize the IT2 Takagi‐Sugeno (T‐S) fuzzy system. Conservative results may be obtained when a common quadratic Lyapunov function is utilized to investigate the stability of T‐S fuzzy systems. A fuzzy Lyapunov function is employed in this study to analyze the stability of the IT2 fuzzy closed‐loop system formed by the IT2 T‐S fuzzy model and the IT2 fuzzy static output feedback controller. Stability conditions in the form of linear matrix inequalities are derived. Several slack matrices are introduced to further reduce the conservativeness of stability analysis. The membership‐function shape‐dependent analysis approach is also employed to relax the stability results. The numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed conditions.  相似文献   

This paper studies robust stability of positive switched systems (PSSs) with polytopic uncertainties in both discrete-time and continuous-time contexts. By using multiple linear copositive Lyapunov functions, a sufficient condition for stability of PSSs with dwell time is addressed. Being different from time-invariant multiple linear copositive Lyapunov functions, the Lyapunov functions constructed in this paper are time-varying during the dwell time and time-invariant afterwards. Then, robust stability of PSSs with polytopic uncertainties is solved. All conditions are solvable via linear programming. Finally, illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the validity of the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the static output‐feedback stabilization problem for positive systems. We first point out that for a class of positive systems whose output matrix has a particular row echelon form, this problem can be completely solved via linear programming. By duality, the result is also valid when the column echelon form of the input matrix has a particular structure. Along this line, by augmenting the output matrix as well as the feedback gain matrix, an iterative convex optimization algorithm is developed for the more general case. Finally, we show that the proposed method has advantages over existing works via several numerical examples. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究了正线性系统的共同线性copositive Lyapunov函数。首先,基于几何性质给出了关于一对二阶正线性系统的定理的另一种证明。通过新的证明方法,把结果推广到有限个二阶正线性系统的情况.然后对三阶情况给出了一个结果。最后,对高阶的正线性系统给出了一些结果。  相似文献   

This paper studies the induced L2‐norm problem for switched linear parameter varying (LPV) systems using a blending method. For a switched LPV system where the parameters are grouped into slow‐varying and fast‐varying parameters, the blending method is used to construct blended Lyapunov functions based on the multiple Lyapunov functions conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The proposed method is applied to an F‐16 aircraft longitudinal model and the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

An approach to find a static output feedback gain that makes the feedback system positive and minimizes the L1 gain is proposed. The problem of finding a static output feedback gain has 3 aspects: stabilizing the system, making the system positive, and then minimizing the L1 gain. Each subproblem is described by bilinear matrix inequality with respect to the feedback gain and the Lyapunov matrix or vector. Linear matrix inequality (LMI) that is sufficient to satisfy bilinear matrix inequality is derived using a convex‐concave decomposition, and the feedback gain sequence is calculated by an iterative solution of LMI. The sequence of the upper bounds on the design parameter is guaranteed to be monotonically nonincreasing for each algorithm. Similarly, 2 other LMIs are derived for each subproblem using another convex‐concave decomposition and PK iteration. The effectiveness of these algorithms is illustrated via several numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of ?1-induced controller design for positive Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems is investigated with the use of linear Lyapunov function. A novel performance characterisation is first established to guarantee the asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system with ?1-induced performance. Moreover, sufficient conditions are presented to design the required fuzzy controllers and iterative convex optimisation approaches are developed to solve the conditions. Finally, two examples are presented to show the effectiveness of the derived theoretical results.  相似文献   

利用一个非负函数V (x), 推广了小时间状态模可观测和大时间状态模可观测的定义, 提出了小时间V (x)可观测和大时间V (x)可观测的概念. 利用V (x)可观测的概念, 讨论了子系统无源的切换系统不变集的有界输出反馈镇定及动态输出反馈镇定. 利用多Lyapunov函数证明了闭环系统渐近稳定. 仿真例子验证了文中结论正确性.  相似文献   

In this paper, the L1 filtering problem is studied for continuous‐time switched positive linear systems (SPLSs) with a small delay existing in the switching of the filter and the subsystem. Unlike the existing literature concerned with asynchronous problems of SPLSs, the synchronous and asynchronous filters will be designed separately, which implies less conservative results. By introducing a class of clock‐dependent Lyapunov function (CDLF), which jumps down when the modes of the filter or the subsystem change and may increase or decrease during the asynchronous interval, clock‐dependent sufficient conditions characterizing a nonweighted L1‐gain performance of the filter error systems are established. Then, based on the L1 analysis results, a pair of error‐bounding filters are designed to estimate the outputs of SPLSs. The filter gains can be obtained by solving a set of linear programming. Finally, two numerical examples are presented to show the effectiveness and advantages of the results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the positive filtering problem for positive continuous-time systems under the L1-induced performance. A pair of positive filters with error-bounding feature is proposed to estimate the output of positive systems. A novel characterisation is first obtained to ensure that the filtering error system is asymptotically stable with a prescribed L1-induced performance. Then, necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of required filters are presented, and the obtained results are expressed in terms of linear programming problems, which can be easily checked by standard software. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design procedures.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the robust output consensus problem of fractional‐order interval multi‐agent systems (FOIMASs) with fixed undirected topologies, where the fractional order, the system matrix, and the input matrix are perturbed simultaneously, and there exist linear coupling relationships among the fractional order and the perturbations of the system matrix and the input matrix. According to the information of the agents' neighbors, we design a distributed output feedback protocol. A sufficient condition guaranteeing the robust output consensus of FOIMASs is derived in terms of nonlinear matrix inequalities. By the matrix transformation and the singular value decomposition, the nonlinear matrix inequalities are transformed into linear matrix inequalities, and the output feedback gain matrix is obtained. A numerical simulation example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper the notions of non‐uniform in time robust global asymptotic output stability (RGAOS) and input‐to‐output stability (IOS) for discrete‐time systems are studied. Characterizations as well as links between these notions are provided. Particularly, it is shown that a discrete‐time system with continuous dynamics satisfies the non‐uniform in time IOS property if and only if the corresponding unforced system is non‐uniformly in time RGAOS. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the robust output feedback stabilization (ROFS) problem are also given. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the H output feedback control problem for a class of stochastic discrete‐time systems with randomly occurring convex‐bounded uncertainties and channel fadings is investigated. A sequence of mutually independent random variables with known probabilistic distributions are utilized to describe the randomness that convex‐bounded uncertainties appear in practical systems. The measurements with channel fadings are given by a stochastic Rice fading model which is regulated by a set of random variables with certain probability density functions. The purpose of this paper is to design an output feedback controller such that the closed‐loop control system is asymptotically stable with a prescribed H performance level. The less conservative results are obtained by employing the stochastic Lyapunov technique. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, globally asymptotical stabilization problem for a class of planar switched nonlinear systems with an output constraint via smooth output feedback is investigated. To prevent output constraint violation, a common tangent‐type barrier Lyapunov function (tan‐BLF) is developed. Adding a power integrator approach (APIA) is revamped to systematically design state‐feedback stabilizing control laws incorporating the common tan‐BLF. Then, based on the designed state‐feedback controllers and a constructed common nonlinear observer, smooth output‐feedback controllers, which can make the system output meet the predefined constraint during operation, are proposed to deal with the globally asymptotical stabilization problem of planar switched nonlinear systems under arbitrary switchings. A numerical example is employed to verify the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of designing the static output feedback controller for the positive linear continuous‐time systems. On the basis of a system augmentation approach, a novel characterization on the stable condition of the closed‐loop system is firstly established. Then, a necessary and sufficient condition is given to ensure the existence of the desired static output feedback controller, and an iterative linear matrix inequality algorithm is presented to compute the feedback gain matrix. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two kinds of dual approaches to stability and stabilisation of uncertain switched positive systems under arbitrary switching and average dwell-time switching, respectively. The uncertainties in systems refer to polytopic ones. A new parameter-dependent switched linear copositive Lyapunov function is first proposed for uncertain switched positive systems. By using the new Lyapunov function associated with arbitrary switching and average dwell-time switching, respectively, sufficient conditions for the stability of the systems are established. Two alternative stability criteria based on two kinds of dual approaches are addressed. It is shown that the alternative criteria hold for not only the primal switched positive system but also its dual system. Then, the stabilisation of primal and dual switched positive systems under arbitrary switching and average dwell-time switching is solved, respectively. All present conditions are solvable in terms of linear programming. By some comparisons with existing results, the less conservativeness of the obtained results is verified. Finally, a practical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

一类离散时间切换系统鲁棒控制器设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
考虑一类非线性离散时间切换系统的鲁棒二次镇定和渐近镇定问题.利用公共李亚普诺夫函数方法和多李亚普诺夫函数方法,分别设计了切换系统鲁棒状态反馈控制器和输出反馈控制器,保证了切换系统的二次稳定性和渐近稳定性.仿真结果验证了所提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

提出线性多变量系统控制Lyapunov函数(CLF)构造的一般方法. 先证明可以通过解一类Lyapunov方程, 得到线性系统二次型的CLF. 接着证明了对于线性系统, 这种方法可以提供所有二次型的CLF. 最后证明了若线性系统存在CLF, 那么必存在二次型的CLF. 由此完全解决了线性系统的CLF构造问题.  相似文献   

In this paper, constructive techniques are developed for a class of stochastic non‐linear systems with delays in input. Non‐linear terms considered in this paper are more general than those satisfying linear growth conditions. The purpose is to design an output feedback controller such that the resulting closed‐loop system is globally asymptotically stable in probability. The desired output feedback controller is explicitly constructed using the Lyapunov method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the existence problem of a common linear copositive Lyapunov function (CLCLF) for switched positive linear systems with stable and pairwise commutable subsystems. Three families of such systems composed of only continuous-time subsystems, only discrete-time subsystems and mixed continuous- and discrete-time subsystems are considered, respectively. It is demonstrated that a CLCLF can always be constructed for the underlying system whenever its subsystems are continuous-time, discrete-time or the mixed type. The case when the number of subsystems is two is first considered, then the obtained result is extended to the general case. Three numerical examples are given to verify the validity of the developed results.  相似文献   

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