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The thermodynamic properties of MgCaSi and its mother phase Ca2Si are comparatively investigated from ab initio calculations and quasi-harmonic Debye-Grüneisen model. At 0 K, MgCaSi is more thermodynamically stable. Under high temperature, the advantage of higher thermodynamically stability of MgCaSi is reduced, originating from the less negative entropy contribution because the thermodynamic entropy of MgCaSi increases more slowly with temperature and the entropy values are slightly smaller. With increasing temperature, the anti-softening ability for MgCaSi is slightly smaller due to the slightly faster decrease trend of bulk modulus than that of Ca2Si, although the bulk modulus of MgCaSi is higher in the whole temperature range considered. The thermal expansion behaviors of both MgCaSi and Ca2Si exhibit similar increase trend, although thermal expansion coefficient of MgCaSi is slightly lower and the increases is slightly slower at lower temperature. The isochoric heat capacity and isobaric heat capacity of MgCaSi and Ca2Si rise nonlinearly with temperature, and both are close to the Dulong–Petit limit at high temperature due to the negligibly small electronic contribution. The Debye temperature of both phases decrease with increasing temperature, and the downtrend for MgCaSi is slightly faster. However, MgCaSi possess slightly higher Debye temperature, implying the stronger chemical bonds and higher thermal conductivity than the mother phase Ca2Si. The Grüneisen parameter of MgCaSi and Ca2Si increase slightly with temperature, the values of MgCaSi are slightly larger. The investigation of electronic structures shows that with substitution of partial Ca by Mg in Ca2Si, the stronger MgSi, MgCa and SiSi covalent bonds are formed, and plays a very significant role for the structural stability and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Deregulated melanogenesis is involved in melanomagenesis and melanoma progression and resistance to therapy. Vitamin D analogs have anti-melanoma activity. While the hypercalcaemic effect of the active form of Vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D3) limits its therapeutic use, novel Vitamin D analogs with a modified side chain demonstrate low calcaemic activity. We therefore examined the effect of secosteroidal analogs, both classic (1,25(OH)2D3 and 25(OH)D3), and novel relatively non-calcemic ones (20(OH)D3, calcipotriol, 21(OH)pD, pD and 20(OH)pL), on proliferation, colony formation in monolayer and soft-agar, and mRNA and protein expression by melanoma cells. Murine B16-F10 and hamster Bomirski Ab cell lines were shown to be effective models to study how melanogenesis affects anti-melanoma treatment. Novel Vitamin D analogs with a short side-chain and lumisterol-like 20(OH)pL efficiently inhibited rodent melanoma growth. Moderate pigmentation sensitized rodent melanoma cells towards Vitamin D analogs, and altered expression of key genes involved in Vitamin D signaling, which was opposite to the effect on heavily pigmented cells. Interestingly, melanogenesis inhibited ligand-induced Vitamin D receptor translocation and ligand-induced expression of VDR and CYP24A1 genes. These findings indicate that melanogenesis can affect the anti-melanoma activity of Vitamin D analogs in a complex manner.  相似文献   

A number of empirical and semiempirical expressions which relate the strength of brittle polycrystalline materials to the total porosity have been proposed by various investigators. The present study demonstrates from a purely theoretical point of view that not only the total porosity but the pore shape and orientation are important factors affecting the strength. A strength-porosity relation is derived that takes pore shape and orientation into account. Examples of how various types of pores should affect the strength are presented.  相似文献   

Malignant melanoma is still a serious medical problem. Relatively high mortality, a still-growing number of newly diagnosed cases, and insufficiently effective methods of therapy necessitate melanoma research. Tetracyclines are compounds with pleiotropic pharmacological properties. Previously published studies on melanotic melanoma cells ascertained that minocycline and doxycycline exerted an anti-melanoma effect. The purpose of the study was to assess the anti-melanoma potential and mechanisms of action of minocycline and doxycycline using A375 and C32 human amelanotic melanoma cell lines. The obtained results indicate that the tested drugs inhibited proliferation, decreased cell viability, and induced apoptosis in amelanotic melanoma cells. The treatment caused changes in the cell cycle profile and decreased the intracellular level of reduced thiols and mitochondrial membrane potential. The exposure of A375 and C32 cells to minocycline and doxycycline triggered the release of cytochrome c and activated initiator and effector caspases. The anti-melanoma effect of analyzed drugs appeared to be related to the up-regulation of ERK1/2 and MITF. Moreover, it was noticed that minocycline and doxycycline increased the level of LC3A/B, an autophagy marker, in A375 cells. In summary, the study showed the pleiotropic anti-cancer action of minocycline and doxycycline against amelanotic melanoma cells. Considering all results, it could be concluded that doxycycline was a more potent drug than minocycline.  相似文献   

设计了塑料挤出生产线集散控制系统,它是基于西门子S7-200系列可编程控制器PLC、计算机PC和 WinCC人机界面设计工具的基础上,实现塑料挤出生产线集中管理,分散控制及在线远程自动监控。设计的控制系统包括塑料挤出生产过程中的3个必要工序:各段温度控制、电机驱动控制和计量加料控制,根据对象特性提出不同的控制方案,控制其工艺参数,使塑料挤出生产线运行更加灵活、稳定、安全,用户管理更加简单方便,并进一步提高控制精度和生产效率。  相似文献   

介绍了车身焊缝形式及涂装密封工艺,概述了密封线所使用的涂胶工具及日常维护措施。  相似文献   

以国内某设计年产15万辆中档轿车涂装生产线空调配置及使用情况为例,浅谈空调选配过程中需考虑的问题,避免涂装生产线设计初期无必要的投资及长期生产运行过程中造成资源、能源的浪费。进而阐明合理选用设备有效利用率的重要性,要做到设计适用、功能不过剩,避免大马拉小车的现象。  相似文献   

A theory for the viscosity and structure of glass as a function of temperature and composition had been advanced, proposing that at a few critical temperatures silicate glasses undergo structural transformations. Between these transformation temperatures, the activation energy and lattice coefficient are constant. A series of special glasses were melted and viscosity was measured to test this theory. The results indicate that the viscosity-temperature behavior of glass does not conform to the previously proposed model. The activation energy appears to vary continuously over the entire temperature range studied. However, a critical temperature does exist at which the temperature coefficient of the activation energy changes. This discovery represents a more subtle change than that previously envisaged.  相似文献   

Soybeans are cultivated in the United States chiefly for cooking oil, while the residue after oil extraction (soybean meal) is mostly used in animal feed formulations. High protein content in the defatted soybean meals led to the extraction of pure protein and its application in food products. We selected 44 soybean lines to determine their moisture and protein contents, and their amino acid composition was investigated. Soybean lines with high protein content, one high yielding (R95‐1705), and two high oleic acid (N98‐4445A, S03‐543CR), were selected for protein isolate preparation, hydrolysis using alcalase and gastro‐intestinal (GI) resistance. Furthermore, the GI resistant hydrolysates were fractionated and tested for angiotensin‐I‐converting enzyme (ACE‐I) inhibition activity. The amino acid analysis showed high methionine in the high protein and fatty acid lines (R05‐4494 and R05‐5491), and high cysteine content in one of the high oleic acid soybean line CRR05‐188 in comparison to the check lines (UA‐4805 and 5601‐T). The protein isolate with the highest purity (90–93 %) was derived from the selected lines N98‐4445A and S03‐543CR, and hydrolyzed using alcalase enzyme. The protein hydrolysates (500 µg/mL) showed inhibition of the ACE‐I by 49 %. The results from this study will promote the use of high oleic acid soybeans as a source of protein and peptides with functional activities.  相似文献   

结合国内外泡沫玻璃发展历史,重点介绍了美国和中国泡沫玻璃发展概况,对于泡沫玻璃生产工艺贡献相对较大的美国康宁工艺和中国嘉兴工艺进行了工艺流程对比分析。按代别划分了中国泡沫玻璃生产线的发展历史,详述了每个代别的生产线特点,并且对不同代别泡沫玻璃生产线的生产规模、投资、单位生产成本进行对比。总之,泡沫玻璃行业的发展趋势必须建设高世代生产线,增加产能,提高品质,降低成本,增强竞争力。  相似文献   

The natural product syringolin A (SylA) is a potent proteasome inhibitor with promising anticancer activities. To further investigate its potential as a lead structure, selectivity profiling with cell lysates was performed. At therapeutic concentrations, a rhodamine‐tagged SylA derivative selectively bound to the 20 S proteasome active sites without detectable off‐target labelling. Additional profiling with lysates of wild‐type and bortezomib‐adapted leukaemic cell lines demonstrated the retention of this proteasome target and subsite selectivity as well as potency even in clinically relevant cell lines. Our studies, therefore, propose that further development of SylA might indeed result in an improved small molecule for the treatment of leukaemia.  相似文献   

调试是设计和设备安装工作的延续,完善的生产调试过程,将为汽车生产厂建厂后在较短时间内取得经济效益。汽车涂装生产线由于非标设备较多且复杂,工艺调试工作量大,及时和有效地分析解决此阶段出现的问题,无疑对汽车涂装项目的满负荷生产具有至关重要的意义。通过分析东安黑豹新厂区乘用车项目及其他总包涂装线工艺调试中的几个代表性问题,探讨涂装工艺调试中的原则和注意事项,为涂装生产线的总承包工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

结合一些聚氨酯工业设备制造企业的实际需求,围绕多生产线集中控制的先进思想,开发了一套基于西门子S7-400系列PLC的自动化集中控制系统方案。介绍了单生产线的控制原理和多生产线集中控制系统。实践表明,该系统性能优异、自动化程度高,节约了生产成本,提升了生产效率。  相似文献   

马汝成 《中国涂装》2008,(3):I0035-I0039
汽车车身涂装线在汽车制造业中是属于复杂性很高的生产线。涂装材料、涂装工艺、涂装设备、涂装厂房及公用动力设施、涂装管理等都是直接影响涂装线的投资与降低运行费用的因素,必须依靠高质量的工程设计和施工管理来保证涂装线投资的合理性与降低运行费用。由于车身涂装线工艺技术复杂,与其他生产线相比投资较大,  相似文献   

Strength as a function of indentation load has been measured to evaluate toughness versus crack size curves (i.e., R -curves) of ceramics. In the past, this evaluation is achieved by generating a family of global stress intensity versus crack size curves (i.e., K -curves) at each indentation load and its corresponding strength, and then fitting an envelope of tangency points to these curves. This envelope yields the R -curve. A methodology is proposed in the present study to define the point in the K -curve at which the R -curve intersects. This methodology complements the conventional "tangency condition" approach in determining the R -curve from the experimental strength-indentation load relation.  相似文献   

李建修 《广州化工》2011,39(14):91-92
苯部分加氢生产氯代环己烷,经济,安全,无环境污染,从理论上探讨了采用苯部分加氢制环己烯,再由环己烯与氯化氢加成生产氯代环己烷工艺的可行性及反应条件。同时考察了所得产品的分离方法,以及在分离过程中的影响因素:温度、压力、回流比、加热量等,发现采用变回流比时,操作所得产品最理想。  相似文献   

葛洲坝水泥厂三条生产线的设计,广泛汲取了最新设计和技术成果,在确保生产可靠的前提下,简化工艺流程,最大程度地降低工程造价,并取得了预想的效果。  相似文献   

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