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The ultimate goal of mass customization is to achieve economies of both scope and scale. This goal implies a conflict between customization and economy of scale (or mass production) in the traditional manufacturing paradigm. However, recent developments in computer and Internet communication technologies, concurrent engineering, and modular design methodology provide concepts, methods and technology infrastructure for realizing mass customization. One of the findings from numerous research efforts on mass customization is the use of e-commerce technologies to manage a product development chain that links customers, suppliers and manufacturers together to approach concurrently customized products in a short time and at the low cost level of mass production, i.e., mass customization. To ensure the success of mass customization in a product development chain, a rapid, automatic yet accurate cost estimate and control system is needed. This paper presents a cost index structure, which is a novel data structure, together with two novel cost estimate methods, viz. the generative cost estimate method and the variant cost estimate method, for the development of a semi or fully automatic computer-aided cost estimate and control system in mass customization. Finally, an industrial case is reported in the paper to illustrate the principles and feasibility of the proposed data structure, methods and system framework  相似文献   

Customization requires not only an implementation of proper manufacturing systems but also a proper strategy regarding when firms should offer customized products and what the nature of customization should be. This paper questions 1)whether customization is better than no customization, and, if so, 2) what kind of customization strategy firms should adopt under competition. We find that customization is not optimal when the cost of soliciting customer preference information is sufficiently high. When competing firms choose to customize, we show that firms target only certain customer segments with customized products. We also find that the optimal customization strategy may require firms to offer only a few discrete product varieties. Despite the concern that customization may initiate price wars because customization reduces product differentiation, we find that customization does not escalate the price competition, because aggressive price competition exacerbates cannibalization. Although customers within the product line of a firm are charged higher prices, we show that on average customers are better off when firms adopt customization. However, unless the customization is quite cheap, when firms choose to customize, we find that firms cannot generate more profits than when firms offer only a single product  相似文献   

Liu  Ruijun  Shi  Yuqian  Yi  Bu  Xu  Yang  Lu  Huimin  Wang  Xiangshang  Lu  Weihua  Ji  Changjiang 《Mobile Networks and Applications》2020,25(4):1484-1495
Mobile Networks and Applications - Universities may set similar courses due to disciplinary crossing. Facing the problem that undergraduates have numerous tasks and limited time, we designed a mass...  相似文献   

虚拟交通场景编辑平台开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟交通场景的构建是一项繁琐的工作。在此利用Creator创建基础道路交通场景,并利用Vega虚拟仿真平台,在Visual C^--集成环境下开发了虚拟交通场景编辑系统,用户能够根据自己的需要,自行创建虚拟交通道路、虚拟汽车、交通灯及树木等,利用键盘,可以控制一台虚拟汽车在虚拟交通场景中体验虚拟驾驶过程。  相似文献   

大规模定制是SaaS软件服务成功实施的关键。为满足租户对SaaS数据差异化的需求和不断变化的需求,本文提出SaaS软件服务基于大规模定制的数据层架构,分析和比较了3种数据架构设计方案。针对共享数据库、共享Schema架构提出了动态数据扩展模型,以满足租户的个性化需求。最后通过案例证明了此扩展模型的可行性。  相似文献   

吴清烈  郭昱 《电信科学》2013,29(12):9-15
大规模定制客户个性化服务需求往往具有非结构化特征,准确获取并分析真实客户需求是大规模定制成功实施的关键。首先讨论大规模定制客户非结构个性化需求的内涵和判定方法,针对非结构个性化需求特点构建大规模定制客户非结构个性化需求结构分析框架,然后设计三元组映射规则,对QFD进行扩展应用,实现非结构个性化客户需求向结构化产品需求的转换,最后举例说明结构化方法的具体应用。方法具有普遍适用性,对云计算等IT个性化服务定制具有指导意义。  相似文献   

大规模定制是SaaS软件服务成功实施的关键.在客户端层,为满足租户对系统界面的差异化需求且通过各种终端访问应用软件,本文提出了SaaS软件服务基于大规模定制的客户端层框架,用XML文档详细描述了客户对应用系统界面的需求,通过调用界面配置算法生成满足客户需要的数据,并将其与终端集成组件进行交互,最终生成客户需要的客户界面.最后通过案例证明了此框架的可行性.  相似文献   

大规模定制是SaaS软件服务成功实施的关键.为满足SaaS软件服务设计中客户差异化的需求和不断变化的需求,本文提出SaaS软件服务基于大规模定制的业务逻辑框架,把业务过程抽象为软件构件,存储在软件构件库中,通过建立面向客户需求的动态业务流程模型,用动态个性化定制算法找出所有的个性化定制点以及其之间的时序关系,生成配置文档,配置引擎实现算法在软件构件库中检索相应的业务构件集成组装或重组成客户所需要的应用系统.最后,通过案例证明了此框架的可行性.  相似文献   

This paper examines the management of product architecture modularity for mass customization. Product architecture modularity is concerned with system decomposition, the selection of components and how they are linked with each other without compromising system integrity. The goal of mass customization is to produce customized goods at low cost. It has enabled many companies to penetrate new markets and capture customers whose personal needs were not met by standard products and services. Mass customization is enabled through modular product architectures, from which a wide variety of products can be configured and assembled. In order to understand the implications of product architecture modularity for mass customization, the "modularization function" is explored by applying and simulating it to a hypothetical system. Based on this exercise and sources from the literature, a new model is introduced. Furthermore, theoretical and engineering management implications are also discussed  相似文献   

The key challenge of implementing mass customization manufacturing lies in the variety dilemma exhibited by frequent design changes and recurrent process variations. A holistic view of variety handling gives rise to the importance of variety coordination from design to production. This paper proposes a concept of process platform for coordinating product and process variety. Fundamental issues of process platforms are studied regarding generic product and process structures, generic planning, and generic variety representation. Variety handlers and associated states are introduced to model the meta-structure inherent in variety coordination. A set of modeling formalisms are developed to provide a powerful syntactic model to support rigorous analysis and manipulation of process platforms, while facilitating the application of semantics to support process platform enactment and detailed observations from a number of perspectives involving customers, design and production. Also reported is a case study of mass customization manufacturing of vibration motors for mobile phone products. The managerial implications of process platform planning are further discussed  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with optimizing the configuration of a set of platform products and the associated supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and multiple suppliers using a three-move dynamic game-theoretic approach. The variants in the product family share a common platform for developing/configuring variant modules which are substitutable in the sense that high-end module options can functionally replace low-end ones at higher prices. As the customer in the supply chain, the manufacturer takes its leading role by making the first move to give decisions on platform products development (PPD) and supplier selection. The concerned suppliers make the second move to optimize their decisions including price discounts and their ordering policies. The manufacturer finishes the game by taking the last move to make his ordering decisions. The ranges of the rational reactions for the players are derived from the analyses of their payoff models, and an enumerative algorithm is developed to find the subgame perfect equilibrium of the game through the technique of backward induction. The game model and the proposed solution procedure are illustrated through a series of simulation experiments and sensitivity analyses using a numerical example. The results have allowed us to draw some meaningful interpretations and useful managerial insights. The use of platform commonality and modularity has been found generally beneficial not only to the supply chain as a whole but also to individual players that are eventually configured into the game. Flexibility of the suppliers' capability is also found to affect the PPD decisions  相似文献   

该文着重研究了一种新的距离度量在以卷积码为分量码、MQAM调制的MLC/PDL系统中的应用。在Rayleigg衰落信道下通过计算机仿真,验证了此度量的有效性,并得到在此度量下设计多级码的准则。  相似文献   

随着电子工业的发展,电子元器件的集成度越来越高,体积越来越小,市场对PCB上BGA的要求也越来越高,为保证产品有较高的集程度,客户在设计BGA时往往会为了增加密度将pitch减小,从而在给线路制作增加难度的同时也改变了原有的结构。本文主要通过对0.5 mm间距BGA两阶HDI及0.4 mm间距BGA一阶HDI在设计、制作流程及制作能力上的不同进行分析后二阶HDI转为一阶HDI设计是可行的,但同时也会增加线路的制作难度,为降低制作难度,我们对涨缩、图形转移及阻焊对位精度进行了系统分析控制,目前此类设计的板已经实现批量生产。  相似文献   

简单介绍了光电器件几何参数,找到了一种测试工具—万能工具显微镜,探讨了用新工具测试几何参数的方法,有效解决了深度测量的难题。  相似文献   

刘静  马惠  胡旭 《现代雷达》2016,(1):73-75
为适应未来雷达天线阵面向轻量化、高效率方向发展的需求,研制了一种为T/R组件供电的高密度、高效率、三路输出的电源模块。文中提出一种结合变压器辅助绕组的供电方式,解决了模块内部的所有控制电路的供电问题;采用同步整流技术,有效提高转换效率;介绍了多路输出互锁保护的设计方法,有效提高模块的可靠性。最后给出了样机的实验数据和波形,验证了该设计方案的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

文章应用资源依赖理论对终端定制过程进行了分析,拥有资源的稀缺性和重要性决定了运营商在终端定制过程中的主导作用。基于相互依赖关系的终端定制受市场规模、市场价值、定制终端兼容性、技术规范复杂性程度和市场集中度等因素的影响,表现为品牌形象定制、业务应用定制和全面定制三种类型。最后预测了3G时代终端定制的发展趋势。  相似文献   

于炳琪  陈杰春 《电子器件》1999,22(4):317-322
从图像文件中获取图像灰信息是传统的图像处理与识别技术所采取的方法。本文提出了利用Delphi提供的Canvas对象获取图像灰度信息的方法,为了充分体现这种方法的优点,本文对如何用它识别质图扫描图像进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

本文介绍了如何利用。Net技术在Web平台上开发网络组件,结合实例说明了该技术的具体实现。利用该技术可以极大提高Interact中软件开发效率。  相似文献   

为了解决传统BSP开发难度大、研发周期长、通用性差、复用率低的弊端,在对BSP的功能结构、开发方法进行分析之后,设计了一种模块化、层次化的可复用BSP。结合软件工程与构件复用技术,提出了新的BSP开发方法。可在BSP项目开发过程中,减少重复劳动,提高开发效率,保证软件质量,增加技术积累。  相似文献   

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