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In 1991, we developed a new type of quasi-optical power combiner, called a compound quasi-optical power combiner, at Ka-band. In this paper, the circuit of such a compound quasi-optical power combiner is analysed. Its equivalent circuit model is proposed. The circuit equations, the balance condition, the injection locking and the stabilized condition of the compound quasi-optical power combiner are studed by the equivalent circuit model. As an example, a compound quasi-optical power combiner which consists of two single—cavity, two—device power combiners is analysed  相似文献   

Quasi-Optical solid-state power combiner using high Q open resonator as its resonating system has high stability of frequency and can combine powers from several devices easier than other combiners. In this paper, the technique of harmonic power extraction from quasi-optical open resonator is analyzed and discussed, finally the possibility of this technique is discussed as well.  相似文献   

GaAs Gunn diodes were fabricated for pulse source application at 8 mm wave band and operated with pulsewidths of 0.05 to 2.0 microseconds and duty cycles of 0.001 to 0.01. Peak pulse output power levels of 0.8–1.2W are achieved and the maximum available power is 1.6W with the highest efficiency of 6.5 percent. A simple and compact pulsed power combiner is also given in this paper.  相似文献   

李光 《电讯技术》2016,56(6):702-707
基于周期相位栅格的塔尔博特效应,提出了一种新型的毫米波频段18合1封闭腔全息准光高效功率合成网络。采用了相邻半周期相差仔的特殊周期相位栅格,置于垂直于栅格的零场区域的金属壁封闭了合成网络,解决了辐射损耗和电磁泄漏问题。基于光学标量衍射理论算法仿真的衍射图样与目标场对比得到的适应度函数,以基因算法优化得到相位栅格,并以变宽波导阵透镜物理实现。在37.5 GHz,功率合成网络实物测试的效率为81%,与电磁仿真的89%基本相符。准光功率合成网络可由一维扩展至二维,合成效率与阵元数、阵元间距无关,可实现毫米波及THz频段的大规模数量器件高效功率合成。  相似文献   

A uniform high-frequency solution is presented for the diffraction by a dielectric spherical mirror by a Gauss beam. Using the complex source-point theory, the radial field of quasi-optical power combiner is obtained. The E or H plane patterns of the combiner are calculated.  相似文献   

A global optimization method for discussing quasi-optical power combiner of solid-state millimeter-wave source is provided. The device we use operate at about 150 GHz and GaAs Gunn diodes are chosen here as active sources arranged in a planar matrix of N×N (N-3,5,..., 2k+1, where h is positive integer). The best array and the location of the active elements in the source-array plane which is the surface of one reflector we will discribe later can be given by global optimization, where the radio frequency power can reach sixfold to ninefold larger than the total sum of the individual diode power.  相似文献   

It is determined for the structure of the source-array located in inner surface of input quasi-optical resonator operating at frequency 100GHz using Type WT5731 GaAs Gunn diodes made in P.R. China (fundamental frequency 50 GHz). An adaptable phase coupling has been achieved and RF output power exceeded the sum of the individual diode outputs by from three to seven times.  相似文献   

This paper describes a global optimization design for quasi-optics power combiner of solid-state millimeter-wave sources. The operating frequency is about 100 GHz and the oscillating sources are GaAs Gunn diodes. The source-array plane is a matrix consisting of NxN (N=3,5, ..., 2k+1, where k is positive integer) diodes. The radio frequency power of the combiner is from threefold to sevenfold larger than the sum total of the single diodes power. The global optimums of the array and the location in the cuvity of the suorce-array plane will be given by a global optimizition method.  相似文献   

新型高功率固体激光阵列式片状放大器   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
4×2阵列式片状放大器系统是我国正在建造的大型激光驱动器装置的核心组成部分,将直接确定整个装置的能量转换效率和总体结构。放大器系统采用模块化方案设计可以有效提高装置的可维护性,减少运行维护时间,提高运行效率和装置的性价比。报道了一台通光口径为29cm×29cm的新型氙灯泵浦钕玻璃激光阵列式片状放大器模块的研制情况,介绍了放大器系统的结构组成,并给出了有关设计参数。  相似文献   

A proposed multistage microwave power combiner   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is proposed by which an arbitrary number of microwave powers can be combined to obtain a high power from solid-state devices. Oscillators are coupled in cascade by the use of directional couplers incurring no power loss in principle.  相似文献   

Two novel and compact Q.O.P. combiners of (S.S.S.) in M.M.W band is described. This paper explains with emphasis the principle and the fabrication of the combiner.  相似文献   

A simple and novel theoretical analysis for an exponential two-way power combiner/divider is developed. The proposed power combiner/divider's parameters, such as input impedance and reflection and transmission coefficients, are determined. The capacitance effect due to the finite thickness of the coupled-line conductor for both uniform and nonuniform transmission lines is found. The properties of the combiner/divider were tested experimentally, and experimental results are presented  相似文献   

A power combiner for three active two-terminal devices located under a common resonant cap is presented. An equivalent circuit with lumped elements describing the coupling between the devices is derived from a numerical finite-element simulation of the resonator. The applied monolithically integrated mounting technique for the active devices minimizes parasitic elements and gains high reproducibility and symmetry. Experimental results with GaAs IMPATT diodes on diamond heatsink of up to 500 mW at 91 GHz with a dc to RF conversion efficiency of 9.0% and excellent combining efficiency demonstrate the capability for power generation in the mm-wave region  相似文献   

In this paper, the new technique of harmonic power combination—millimeter -wave quasi-optical harmonic power combination is presented. In this technique, by compounding several closed resonators with a quasi-optical open resonator, the harmonic powers of active devices are combined, which takes effectively respective advantages of closed cavity power combination and open cavity power combination and improve the combination efficiency of multiple-device harmonic power combiner. The experimental results for W-band are given and shown this combination method is available.  相似文献   

This paper describes an algorithm which can determine a neighborhood of the global optimum of an objective function and an estimate of the global optimum. This method wasemployed to determine global optimum of the fundamental mode power, the fractional power of the fundamental mode and the combining efficiency. Given this information, a local optimization procedure can be employed to local the global optimum.  相似文献   

设计了一款新型微带TV合路器,信号带宽从5 MHz~2.2 GHz,满足了三网融合的室内分布系统对宽带合路器的需要.设计采用微带的形式,运用滤波器基本原理结合集总参数和分布参数原理,与传统而笨重的同轴腔体合路器相比,这种新型微带TV合路器不仅工作带宽更宽,同时具有体积小、重量轻、结构简单、成本低等优势,应用领域可推广到更多通信系统合路或者作为天线合路器等.  相似文献   

6mm efficient power-combining has been achieved by introducing Gunn diodes directly into quasi-optical resonant cavity. The structure, the principle and the experiments are reported.  相似文献   

Quasi-optical (QO) amplifiers have advanced to the point where they are competitive with other solid state and vacuum-based power amplifier technologies in the upper microwave and millimeter-wave bands. While still trailing in power-added efficiency, the QO amplifiers have advantages over traditional system architectures because of superior linearity, low noise, high spurious-free dynamic range, and added functionality (e.g., electronic beam steering). These advantages are stated in the present paper through a set of scaling laws that describe the behavior of fundamental amplifier properties versus the number n of elements in the QO array. It is known that the gain and power-added efficiency are scale independent, so that the output power scales as n 1. Here we find that the white noise figure is scale independent and the 3rd order intercept point increases as n3/2 . Hence, the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) should scale as n 1.. This makes QO amplifiers attractive as "robust" low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) in traditional superheterodyne receivers. An analysis is carried out to predict the improvement in total SFDR of a superheterodyne receiver having a QO LNA at the front end  相似文献   

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